The Billionaire's Secret (The Tycoons, #4)

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The Billionaire's Secret (The Tycoons, #4) Page 6

by Higgins, Marie

  Brooke continued. “My baby had blonde hair like me. She was the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen.”

  He couldn’t stop the tears from gathering in his eyes this time, and he tightened his hold even more. Brooke had gone through so much. “Oh, my poor angel. How did you do it?” His voice broke. “How did you survive?”

  “I... don’t... know,” she sobbed. “Have I survived at all?”

  He gently rocked her while his hands helped to comfort, caressing up and down her arms and back, trying his best to ease her pain, and his own.

  “After I lost the baby,” she continued, “everybody thought I forcefully brought on an early delivery. They actually thought I killed my own baby just because Chuck had gotten himself engaged to another woman.” She looked up into his eyes. “How could they think I would still have feelings for a man who beat me?”

  Her wet eyes tugged at his heartstrings. His throat tightened, and he shook his head. His fingers threaded through her hair.

  “There’s no way you could have loved him,” he told her.

  “But why... why wouldn’t my friends believe me? Even my relatives doubted my story.”

  His hands stopped in mid stroke. Anger sliced through him like a hot knife. “Even Robin?”

  Brooke let out a bitter laugh. “Especially Robin. She spread false rumors to the other relatives. Why would they doubt her? She’s so perfect,” she ended, her voice laced with sarcasm.

  Hatred for Robin burned to his very core, and he didn’t care if he never saw that wretched woman again. How could she do that to her own cousin?

  He took Brooke’s face tenderly in his hands and wiped the tears with his thumbs. “I promise you right now that Robin will never hurt you again. I’ll see to that personally.”

  Tears streamed faster down her face. “How can you stop her?”

  “I can do something, believe me. Remember, we know each other well.” He paused and searched her eyes for a brief second. “Do you believe me?”

  It took her a few moments, but she nodded. “Even though I only met you yesterday, I feel as if you’re the only person I can trust.”

  Justin smiled, kissed her forehead again, and gathered her in his arms. She rested her head on his chest and as he stroked her arms, her body relaxed. “What can I do to help? Let me know. I’ll do anything.”

  “Just hold me.”

  He leaned back against the sofa, continuing to rock her and stroke her arms and back. Justin pressed his lips to the top of her head and gathered her tight. Relaxing against the couch, he stroked her hair and back. She snuggled closer to his chest and laid her hand on his thigh.

  It thrilled him to know she trusted him enough to confess her past. They’d gotten closer, and he liked that. He just hoped that she would not push him away. He wanted to get to know her... and yes, even start a relationship with her. He liked the way his heart was light when he was with her. He enjoyed the relaxed feeling and he wanted to experience life to the fullest.

  Of course, the only place he could feel that way was up here in this snowy mountain retreat. Until he knew what was happening with Robin’s father, Justin didn’t dare go anywhere else. Here in the cabin, Justin and Brooke were safe... for now.

  AS BROOKE AWOKE FROM a deep sleep, awareness surrounded her. Strong arms wrapped tightly around her while she was curled next to a nice warm man with her head resting against his solid chest. The steady heartbeat beneath her ear soothed her, and her first reaction was to pull away. But remembrance quickly returned, and she sighed heavily, smiling.

  When she recalled Justin’s reaction to hearing about her past, her heart began to finally mend. He hadn’t judged her. Instead, he shared her pain. Without question, he’d believed every word she said.

  Relief and gratitude welled in her chest, and an exciting thrill shot through her. Was it love or merely thankfulness she felt? Either way, Justin was so very different from Chuck, and she loved the differences.

  She never thought she’d feel this peaceful again. Justin wasn’t like other men. He was one in a million... maybe even a billion.

  Easing away from his chest, she lifted her head. He smiled, and his bright brown eyes twinkled. Puffy bags surrounded his eyes as if sleep had taken over him, too.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  “Yes. I slept very peacefully. How about you? Did you fall asleep?”

  He chuckled. “Yes. I can’t believe I did, but I felt drained after what we’d shared, and the few winks of rest I received were plenty. I’ve been running ragged since my father died, and it was nice to sleep without stressing over the major decisions in my life. Now I feel revitalized.”

  “Me, too.” She smiled. “Thanks for giving me a shoulder to cry on. I feel so much better now that I’ve told you my story. Do you know, you’re the first person who hasn’t blamed me? You’re the first person to believe in me and actually feel my pain. Thank you, again.”

  “Did you see a counselor or take the matter to the police?”

  “Yes, but nobody believed me. Chuck is from a prominent family, so naturally, they’d believe his political father over me. It’s been a long time since anyone has given me the chance to explain, and then believed me.”

  She leaned up and briefly kissed him on the lips. When she tried to move away, he tightened his hold.

  “You know,” he said, his voice lower than before, “I think I like having you right here next to me. It’s nice.”

  Her smile widened. “Really? You think so too? I thought I was the only one who thought it felt good.”

  “There are lots of things you do that feel good to me,” he whispered.

  Tingles danced over her skin. She knew what he meant. She, too, noticed the remarkable way she fit into his arms, and especially the way their mouths fused together in passion. “Justin? I want to thank you for not taking advantage of me. Most guys would have tried, I’m sure.”

  He nodded, his smile disappearing. “I’m not like most guys. And it’s like I told you earlier – I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I made you hate me.”

  She lowered her gaze to the front of his shirt, her hand touching his chest. “Why do you feel that way when we’ve only just met?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know.” He stroked her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “It’s like I’ve known you forever. Like were kindred souls or something.”

  Her cheeks flamed, but she kept her eyes on his warm stare. “Funny, because I feel the same way.”

  His gaze flew to her lips and her heart quickened. She prayed he wouldn’t resist the urge to kiss her. Desire roared to life inside of her, and she wanted him like never before. His chest lifted and fell in quick rhythm, and hers was a perfect match. She knew he wouldn’t make the first move. It had to be her choice.

  Swallowing hard, she forced the lump of unknown fear down her throat. She’d been hurt terribly before, but Justin didn’t seem like that kind of man. Chuck had always been rough and disrespectful. She’d seen the signs before they had even dated. Yet now, something deep within her told her she had nothing to worry about with Justin.

  Leaning forward, she made the first move. Luckily, he brought his mouth down and touched her lips. She let out a sigh, but before she could wind her arms around his neck, he pulled away and stood.

  “Well, we better get busy if we don’t want to pass the rest of the day in leisure.”

  Her heart sank. Hadn’t he wanted her just then? Yet his eyes were dark the way he stared at her now. She recognized the look. He desired her just as she wanted him.

  She licked her suddenly dry lips. “What have you got planned?”

  He smiled. “How about going outside and having a snowman building contest?”

  She laughed. “Are you kidding? What am I supposed to wear?”

  His gaze slid over her body. “For starters, we’ll find some pants for you.”

  “But your friend’s pants don’t fit me.”

  “Then we’ll locat
e a belt to hold them up.”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bedroom. As they rummaged through Brad’s closet, she realized Justin was purposely trying to keep them from getting personal. She was very vulnerable, and she realized he wasn’t going to take advantage of her helplessness. Her heart softened. What an incredible man.

  She laughed with Justin as they picked out clothes for her to wear. The pants didn’t fit, of course, but he found a belt and wrapped it twice around her waist. Brad’s boots were overly large, but with three pairs of tube socks on her feet, she was able to at least walk in them.

  Justin bundled her in Brad’s coat, gloves and a scarf, then dressed himself in outdoor clothes. When she stepped outside, there was a noticeable difference between last night’s weather and today’s. The bitter wind was gone, and the afternoon sun softened the chill.

  She played in the snow with Justin and even found her heels buried by the Jeep. She had never laughed so hard in her life, and Justin also seemed to enjoy himself. Brooke’s heart fluttered to think he liked her company, too.

  Frantically, she worked on forming the snowballs to build their sculptures, but when a smaller snowball smacked her in the back, she realized Justin wasn’t serious in making anything. She wouldn’t let him distract her from her goal.

  When she finally settled the snowman’s body into place, Justin grabbed her from behind and pulled her to the ground. In teasing fun, he rolled them in the snow, making sure to push her face into the white powder. She laughed and playfully slugged his arm before falling on her back.

  He loomed over her, his eyes sparkling with mirth. “Now what-cha gonna do, little lady?”

  Because of his position as he knelt over her and the weight of her outer clothing, she didn’t have the strength to do one of her moves on him. He must have realized that, which explained his wide grin.

  “You just wait,” she teasingly warned.

  He leaned down and kissed her lips then traced his tongue over the outside of her mouth, licking away the snow. His lips moved over her face and removed the excess liquid, and suddenly the mood changed. Tingles ignited inside her, warming her more than she had expected.

  His lips brushed by hers again and she captured his mouth, giving him the kiss she’d been thinking about all afternoon. A low moan tore from his throat before he gathered her in his arms and lay on top of her. Although they were closer, she still cursed the separation made by their bulky coats.

  Before anything could come of the passionate kiss, he stopped the kiss and lifted himself off of her.

  “Are you trying to keep me from building my snowman?” he asked, a glint of humor in his brown gaze.

  “I’m only following your lead.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted. “And what lead is that?”

  “Distraction from the game.”

  He laughed, stood, and pulled her up. “Okay, no more distractions. We’ll get back to our snowman competition.”

  He left her side to start his snowman, and she wished that he’d changed the rules a bit. Kissing him was nice, but after she thought about it a little more, she realized he was taking things slow for a reason. She liked that.

  Her heart softened, and love began to blossom in her chest. Could she fall in love with a man she’d known less than twenty-four hours?

  As he awkwardly packed the snow into large balls, she hashed over her emotions. She’d been attracted to Justin as soon as she’d met him. Even through all the pain and humiliation Chuck had put her through, she still longed to find a man who could love her and overlook all her past mistakes. Justin was different. Her subconscious had already sensed his gentle sweetness.

  She finished the snowball head and placed it on top. As she patted it together, she glanced at Justin. His snowman was only halfway done and looked more like a clump than anything. She quickly held in the bubble of laughter that wanted to spring from her throat. Obviously, building snowmen was a talent he didn’t possess.

  Justin’s attention left his creation and rested on hers. His mouth drooped into a frown. “Are you trying to make me look bad?”

  She laughed. “Yup.”

  He straightened, crossing his arms over his chest. “Does this mean the game is over?”

  She nodded. “I won.”

  His boyish scowl quickly turned into a grin before he rushed to her and gathered her in his arms. “Good. Now can we go inside and hold each other by the fire?”

  She laughed heartily. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Picking her up in his arms, he gallantly carried her into the cabin. As she stared into his charming eyes, her heart warmed on its own without any help from a fire. She’d never experienced feelings this deep for any man, and surprisingly, it didn’t scare her.


  JUSTIN HOPED HE’D PROVEN his theory about good guys. Not once did Brooke seem uncomfortable around him, and he was willing to bet her feelings for him were also getting stronger. Although he hadn’t known her for a full day, he’d never forget Brooke or this weekend.

  She tempted him on many occasions, and he could tell she wanted to kiss him, but he held himself strong and tried to make their time together productive. They played every board game Brad had in the cabin, and when they ran out of games, they made up some of their own.

  She didn’t ask him about his life, for which he was relieved. Brooke wouldn’t take the news about his engagement to Robin very well, so he avoided the subject. Thankfully, she didn’t ask what his last name was, either. He was certain Tiffany had mentioned it.

  For dinner, he scrounged through the cupboards and found cans of chicken soup. It had been years since he’d been a regular man who ate out of cans of food. Once his father died and Justin took over the company and increased the profits, Justin didn’t have to worry about grocery shopping or cooking. He found it rather nice to eat like a normal person. Perhaps he should do this more often.

  As he prepared the meal, Brooke left to change. He knew the only clothes she had to change into were men’s, so he didn’t panic. Seduction was not on the menu tonight. Although with her, it didn’t matter what she wore. He found her beautiful.

  The soup didn’t take long to heat, and he took it off the stove and dished it into two bowls then set them on the prepared table. Just as he retrieved the milk from the fridge, the click from the bedroom door echoed down the hall along with the soft pitter-patter of her feet.

  When she entered the kitchen, his attention moved to her. He froze – except for the rhythm of his heart which pounded into overtime. Although she wore another one of Brad’s flannel shirts, this one was much shorter than the previous one. The bottom of the shirt barely covered her shapely thighs, and nothing covered her legs. His mouth turned dry.

  He tried swallowing the knot of desire that quickly lodged in his throat, but couldn’t. Heat inflamed his soul to the core, and he didn’t think anything could extinguish it now.

  She walked up to his side and stopped. Her smile made his heart jump quicker.

  “Dinner smells good,” she spoke, her voice seductively low.

  He cleared his throat before speaking. “It’s canned chicken soup. I hope you like it.”

  Her smile widened. “It’s certainly soup weather. After playing in the snow all afternoon, soup will hit the spot.” Her tender fingers touched his hand. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “No,” he replied with a crack in his throat. He shook away the wicked thoughts trying to enter his mind. “The only help you can be right now is to eat this with me.” He pulled out the chair for her and she sat.

  On legs that felt like noodles themselves, he sank into the chair next to her. Without another word, he picked up his spoon and dove into his soup, not tasting a thing as it eased down his throat. Desire made it difficult to taste anything or enjoy the rustic living like he’d thought about not too long ago.

  His gaze held hers for most of the meal. She had the most beautiful green eyes, and the most h
eart-warming smile. He was in big trouble!

  Pulling his attention from her, he focused on his almost empty bowl of soup. If he could keep his mind off kissing her, he’d be able to control his urges. But when she shifted in her chair and her bare leg brushed against his, he lifted his gaze and fastened it on hers. Innocent green eyes locked with his. They appeared so innocent, and he wondered if she knew what kind of thoughts filled his head.

  He swallowed hard. “I think I’m done. How about you?” He glanced at her half-empty bowl.

  “I don’t think I can eat another bite.”

  He pushed away from the table and picked up the bowls. Turning away from the table, he spoke over his shoulder as he carried the dishes to the sink. “Why don’t you go into the front room and see what we can do for the remainder of the evening.”

  Without answering, she left the table and entered the other room. As he stood by the sink, he breathed slowly, trying to keep his mind focused on the right things.

  Assuming he had power over his wayward mind, he wandered into the front room. Brooke sat on the sofa closest to the fireplace. The afghan covered the lower half of her body. She turned, looked at him and smiled.

  “Did you think of something we could do?” he asked.

  She nodded and motioned with her hand for him to sit by her. With every step closer, his heart hammered faster. By the time he was next to her, he thought he would have a heart attack from the sheer torture it took to keep himself restrained.

  “I thought we could... talk,” she began.

  Inwardly, he groaned. She didn’t want to talk. By the way her passionate green eyes sparked with heat, and her full, pouty lips beckoned him to kiss them, he knew a conversation was not high on her list of things to do.

  He took a deep breath. “What would you like to talk about?”

  “I’ve realized I don’t know that much about you besides the fact that you went to school with Robin and her fiancé, Monroe.”


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