Choosing the Hart: A Love Triangle

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Choosing the Hart: A Love Triangle Page 16

by René, Dani

  “Fine. Bash, what is it that you want to say?” I stared into those hazel eyes, challenging him.

  “The photo you saw; it was a promo shot. I wasn’t with her for any reason you were thinking. I like you, Emily. My brother does this all the time. Everything I ever wanted he has taken away from me. Just give us a chance?” His voice was so low it was almost a whisper. I shook my head slowly; it didn’t matter what he said.

  “Bash, I am with Triston. You do realize that, don’t you?”

  He nodded slowly. “I see.”

  The door flew open, and Jessie bundled in with her laptop, “Sorry I’m late. I got caught in another meeting. Mr. Hart, I hope you are well?” She set her laptop down and shook Bash’s hand.

  “Please, call me Bash.” He held on to her hand for a moment longer than he should have. I knew what he was doing — making a play at Jessie, trying to make me jealous. “Miss de Ware, so nice to see you again.” He flashed her his sexiest smile, and I noticed Jessie blush.

  She was falling for his charm. “And you too, Bash. I hope we can please you with our ideas for the events.” Jessie sat down next to me, and I took my cue to continue. I gave him the rundown of the rest of our plans, explaining the marketing and sales. As I spoke, I felt his intense gaze watching my every move. He did affect me, there was no doubt about that. I needed to get this wrapped up as soon as possible.

  An hour later, I stood up. Just then, the door opened, and Triston walked in. The brothers’ eyes met, and there was an undeniable chill in the air. He turned and looked at me. “I need you.”

  I smiled. “We were just finishing up here anyway. Jessie will show you out, Mr. Hart. Have a good afternoon.” Bash stood up. Walking over to me, he grabbed my hand and shook it. “Thank you, Miss Reid. You were enthralling as always.” His voice was low on the last two words, but I knew Triston heard him. I nodded. He let go of my hand, and I turned and walked out.

  “What the fuck was that?” Triston was fuming as we walked down the hallway.

  “Nothing! He was trying to annoy you, and it clearly worked!” I stared at Triston, his expression was deadly. He stalked down the hallway with me. “Triston!” I pulled his arm, turning him to look at me. We stopped, and when his eyes fell on mine, they softened. “Please? Just accept that I am working with him? I told him we are together, so he knows. He won’t do anything to jeopardize our contract. His company needs us.”

  He nodded, grabbing my face in his hands and kissing me lightly. “Ahem . . .” We pulled away to be met with the hazel gaze that seemed to be haunting me now. “Mr. Hart.” I nodded and walked away in the direction of my desk, leaving the brothers alone together. I wasn't going to be a referee.

  * * *

  As I walked up to my desk, I took a deep breath. That was one of the most intense presentations I ever had to give. Those two were going to be a handful to work with, especially now that we were handling Bash’s events. I plugged in my MacBook and opened my email. I was sure I had hundreds to catch up on. Triston walked back in. He had taken his tie and jacket off; his shirt buttons were halfway undone. “Miss Reid, my office, please?” He disappeared through his door, and I followed, closing it behind me. I turned around, and Triston grabbed me, pinning me against the closed door. “You drive me insane!” His mouth crashed into mine, pressing his solid body flush against mine, our tongues fighting for dominance. He tasted like strawberries, sweet. He pulled away moments later leaving us both breathless and panting. “Triston, what the hell was that for?”

  “You, working with my brother. I don’t like it.” He walked back to his desk, and I noticed his hand on the front of his trousers. He rearranged himself, and it made me giggle. “It’s not funny, Emily.” He turned his steely gaze on me.

  “I know, I know. I wasn’t laughing at . . . I was laughing at your . . . Uhm . . . predicament?” I gestured toward the rigid erection in the front of his trousers. He gave me a devilish smirk.

  “Oh, that . . . predicament, as you put it, is all on you, Miss Reid.” He crooked his finger, calling me to him. I walked over to his desk. His bulge was so straining in his pants. I was aching to feel him inside me. He pulled me closer, grabbing my hand and placing it on his rock-hard bulge. I gasped at the feel of him. “This is what you do to me. Even when I am angry, all I can think of is you. Laying you across my desk and—”

  There was a knock at the door, interrupting the moment. He released my hand and winked, sitting behind his desk. “Come in!” I stifled the giggle that was threatening to escape. “Mr. Hart, my apology for the interruption, but it’s urgent. I have James here for you. He says you called him.” It was Amelia, one of the receptionists.

  Triston nodded. “Send him through.” He turned to me. “Angel, I want to handle this alone. I will call you when I’m done.” Leaning down, I gave him a soft, lingering kiss.

  As I was leaving the office, I saw James. He was a tall, bulky man. He looked like a bodyguard, dressed in a black suit and white shirt with an emerald green tie. Maybe he was ex-military. He certainly had the gait. I sat down at my desk and tried to concentrate on work.

  I looked through Triston’s office window. It already seemed heated, and James had just arrived. I wondered what’s happened and if he had found Blake. I opened my mail and noticed I had an email from Bash.

  From: Sebastian Hart

  To: Emily Reid

  Date: June 15 - 2:05

  Subject: Pre-Event Meeting Dinner

  Dear Miss Reid,

  To thank you for the successful business meeting today, I would like to invite you and Miss De Ware to dinner to celebrate our new client relationship. I have made reservations at The House on East 17th tomorrow at 7 p.m. I do hope you can make it.

  Let me know if you would like me to have a car pick you up.

  Sebastian Hart

  CEO - Tribal Fuel

  I stared at the screen, speechless. Triston was going to flip out over this. I knew there was no way he would let me go. Although, I wouldn’t be alone. Jessie would be there. Of course, I had to go. It was a client inviting me to dinner.

  From: Emily Reid

  To: Sebastian Hart

  Date: June 15 - 14:30

  Subject: Re: Pre-Event Meeting Dinner

  Dear Mr. Hart,

  I can join you tomorrow. Thank you for the invite. The car would be appreciated.

  Emily Reid

  PA to CEO Triston Hart - Je Te Veux Events

  Chapter Eleven

  “No fucking way! There is no way I am going to let you go to that restaurant and have dinner with my brother! Do you understand me? I do not care if he has invited Jessie as well!”

  I stared at him pacing. I expected this exact reaction. I couldn’t refuse the invite; I didn’t tell him I had already accepted. It was a brand-new client, one of Jessie’s first as the Sales and Accounts Manager. It would not look good on the company. Of course, Triston knew this. “Look, Triston, I know you’re angry. I know you don’t trust him, but you have to trust me. You do trust me, don’t you?” I pleaded with him to see sense.

  He stopped. He looked at me intently with concern. I didn’t just see anger in his eyes, but I saw fear as well. He was scared his brother would try and talk me into giving him a second chance, and he wouldn’t be there to stop it. He needed to trust me. He couldn’t keep me away from every male client we had.

  “Angel, I trust you. It’s my brother I don’t trust. I just—”

  “So then, relax. You can have some time on your own to relax, read a book . . .” I trailed off at his amused expression.

  “Do you really think I’m going to be relaxed? Knowing you’re sitting at a romantic restaurant with my brother?” He leaned down and kissed me.

  I pulled away. “And Jessie!” He ignored my protest and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling his beautiful body against mine. It had been a long day, and being at home with Triston was perfect.

  The doorbell interrupted the kiss. �
�Must be dinner. I’ll get it.” Triston walked to the front door. I decided to get the plates ready and open the bottle of Merlot on the counter, pouring two glasses. He stepped back in, but by the look on Triston’s face, it was definitely not the take-out we had ordered.

  He put the box on the counter. “It’s got a card, for you.” He stood back, waiting for my reaction. “If this is from my brother!” Frowning, I slid off the bow and untied the card while pulling out the small note from the envelope. My heart raced reading the words scribed on the inside.

  *You will regret running from me. I will make sure of it*

  “It’s not Bash.” I looked at Triston. I didn’t know what to say. Grabbing the card, he read it.

  “What the fuck?” He looked back at me. “This is the end. I am going to fucking kill him!!” He stalked to the living room and grabbed his phone from the sofa. I knew who he was calling.

  “James, I need you at my apartment. Now! It’s urgent.” I watched Triston as I pulled the lid from the box. I gasped. There were a dozen dead red roses tied with a black ribbon. The room spun around me, and I felt faint. Triston hung up and rushed to me, grabbing me around the waist. “Triston, this is . . .” I didn’t know what to say. It felt like I had been punched, winded, completely and utterly destroyed.

  He held me in his strong arms. Kissing the top of my head, he mumbled into my hair, “I will never let anything happen to you, do you understand me?” I tried to nod, to acknowledge him, but he was holding me too tight. I didn’t complain. I felt safe in his arms.

  * * *

  I sat in on the briefing that Triston gave James. I listened as the two men spoke, but I didn’t provide any input. Everything seemed far away. James was going to trace the flowers back to the florist and find out where Blake was. He obviously had a plan in mind, and I knew he was resourceful. My mind was working overtime. I was right about my earlier assumption; James was ex-military. I lifted my feet onto the sofa and wrapped my arms around my legs.

  When James left, Triston refilled our wine and opened the balcony doors. “Angel?” I looked up and rose from the sofa. Stepping onto the balcony, the fresh air enveloped me. The view from the penthouse was spectacular. He handed me my glass of wine. “I wanted to tell you that you have nothing to worry about. We will find him, and I will personally put a stop to him.” Triston’s eyes held the promise, and I knew he would keep it. He looked out over the city, and I could tell his mind was busy. He never stopped thinking. I wondered if he ever felt exhausted from constantly thinking.

  “I know, Triston, I know. I trust you.” I sipped my wine. “Do you ever just stop?” I asked, giving him a small smile. “Look at me.” He turned at my request, and those steel-blue eyes burned a hole inside me. Straight to my heart, reaching into my soul, making me whole again — that’s what he always did. “Remember what you said to me in your office earlier? What I do to you?” He nodded, a frown on his face. “Well, you do the same to me. Except, I keep waiting for you to disappear. I mean . . .” My words trailed off. I wasn’t sure how to say what I wanted to say without saying too much. My heart was racing. “I just, you know . . .”

  He turned, his body flush with mine. “No, I don’t know. Why would you think I would disappear?”

  I took a gulp of wine, hoping for some liquid courage. I felt his eyes on me, and I knew I needed to say something. “Everything I have ever had in my life that’s made me happy. Everything I ever cared about has disappeared. So, naturally . . .”

  “Emily, I am not leaving you.” He put his glass down, and his hand lifted my chin. My eyes met his. “You need to understand that I haven’t felt like this about somebody in a very long time. When I care about someone, they are everything to me! Okay?” I nodded, and suddenly his lips were on mine. I didn’t have time to reply. I felt the electric spark that was so evident between us as it shot through my body, making me moan into his mouth. His lips curved into a smile, and I knew it was one of his sexy devilish grins.

  He pulled away, his eyes dark with desire, igniting the fire inside me. “Now, can I take you to bed and fuck you into next week?” I couldn’t find the words to answer him. All I could do was nod. He scooped me up and carried me into his exquisite bedroom.

  * * *

  “Angel?” I opened my eyes. Triston was standing next to the bed in his briefs with a mug of coffee. A girl could get used to that view every morning. I smiled up at him.

  “Can I request this treatment every morning?”

  “Of course you can, but I don’t come cheap, you know!” He set my coffee down as he leaned over me, his lips brushing mine. Teasing, leaving me wanting more, as he did every time.

  “I’m sure I can afford it.” I winked. Taking a sip of coffee, I notice his gaze is on my mouth. Grabbing the waistband of his briefs, I pulled him toward me. “Does the coffee delivery come with breakfast, Mr. Hart?” I asked, giving him my most innocent face. Placing the mug on the nightstand, I kneeled on the bed in front of him, and his smile appeared.

  “Miss Reid, I can definitely give you breakfast.” I licked my lips as I slowly slid his tight briefs over the growing bulge. I leaned forward, taking him in my mouth. I loved the taste of him. “Oh god, Emily.” His head fell back, and he moaned. He grabbed my hair, holding me in place as I sucked him into my mouth. He hardened as I flicked my tongue over him. “Emily!” His body was rigid. I took him as deep as I could, feeling his length at the back of my throat.

  “Fuck.” His voice was so deep and scratchy. I enjoyed the power I had over him, moving my mouth up and down his hard length, tasting every inch of him. His abs and hips flexed as I watched him tremble. My hands held onto his hips, feeling him tense under my fingertips. “Jesus, Emily, I am . . .” I sucked harder, taking him even deeper in my throat. I knew he was close. I felt the spasm of his release filling my mouth as his groan vibrated through his chest. “Shit!”

  His moan was husky as he filled my mouth. I moved off him slowly. Licking my way to the tip, flicking my tongue, causing a shiver over his body. I sat back, completely satisfied that I had just made him feel the way he usually did me.

  He opened his eyes. “Emily, I . . .” Shaking his head, he gave me a warm smile. “You are something else, Miss Reid.” He grabbed my face in his hands, kissing me. He stood up again, pulling his briefs back up.

  “I do enjoy breakfast at this establishment. Very satisfying,” I said, giggling at his expression. I laid back and watched amusement dance across his face.

  “Emily, I have never had a better breakfast in my life!” he said seriously.

  * * *

  I slipped on my knee-length black dress since I was going to dinner after work, and I figured something more professional would be best. “You look too sexy; you can’t wear that to dinner.” Triston walked back into the bedroom.

  I turned and looked at him incredulously. “Seriously? I am dressed like a nun!” I turned around and looked at my reflection. Yes, I was dressed like a nun. “Help me with my zipper?” I asked, my back toward him.

  “A sexy nun!” he said, standing behind me, pulling the zipper up my back. I started giggling at him. His face was that of a petulant little boy.

  “Babe, you need to relax. You’re the only one who finds nuns sexy.” I looked at him, trying to stifle the laugh threatening to escape.

  “Miss Reid, must I remind you that I can bend you over right now and spank you for your rudeness?” Giving him a quick kiss, I tried to hide the tremble that shook my body at his threat. I grabbed my phone and bag. “Later, sexy, let’s get to work. Just because you're the boss doesn’t mean you can be late.” I walked out of the bedroom before he could change his mind and we ended up spending the day in bed. As much I would enjoy that, there was a lot of work to get through.

  The elevator descended to the garage, and the doors slid open. Triston walked toward the black SUV and unlocked it. “I need to take the SUV today, angel.” We had taken the silver V8 Vantage the day before, one of my favorite
cars. I slid into the passenger seat of the large black BMW. Triston closed the door and made his way to the driver side.

  The engine purred to life, and we headed into rush hour traffic. “So why do you need the SUV today?” I asked as I turned the music on. Scrolling through the playlists, I found one I liked and settled back in the seat. I loved watching him drive. The way he commanded the steering wheel, the way his hand flexed on the gear stick.

  “I am meeting James today, and we need the space.”

  “Do I want to ask why?” He shook his head and turned to me, winking.

  “You don’t need to know anything about it.” I nodded. I didn’t want to know what they were up to.

  * * *

  I spent the morning setting up meetings with various clients, venues, and suppliers. At midday, my phone rang. I looked up, but Triston was busy on a call. I wondered who it could be.

  “Good afternoon, Je Te Veux Events. Emily Reid speaking, how may I help you?” I toyed with the pen in my mouth.

  “Emily, hello. It’s Bash. I’m so happy you’re coming this evening. I wanted to find out if you would like the car to pick you up from the office or your apartment?” I didn't want to mention that I was staying with his brother. He sounded different. I wasn't sure what it was. Maybe he was looking forward to dinner.

  “Sebastian, the office would be great, thank you. My boyfriend is in meetings, so he will have the car.” My use of the word boyfriend would show him that I was serious about my relationship with Triston. Or so I hoped.

  “Perfect. I look forward to seeing you again,” he answered without hesitation. I suppose he was expecting it.

  He hung up before I could reply. “Emily!” Triston called from his office.


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