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Dragonshift Page 11

by Linton Bowers

  “Hi, Terry,” Riley said with a smile as she set bags on the bed.

  “Sorry about that,” Roo said as she set her bags next to Riley’s. “I didn’t think you wanted to be disturbed until you handled your predicament.” She chuckled.

  “Predicament?” Riley asked clearly still not picking up on Roo’s innuendos.

  “Gee, thanks,” I replied sarcastically.

  “Hungry?” Roo asked.

  “Yeah? We got a bunch of food. I hope you like Chinese, burgers, fried chicken, and gyros. Cause we got em all.” Riley replied as she opened a bag and pulled white styrofoam containers out.

  “Right now, I’m hungry for all of that,” I said.

  We each ate like it was the first time. The rigors of being a guest of John Lassiter and the subsequent escape attempts took a lot out of me. The rescue operation must have been taxing for the Aussie women as well since they were eating with as much gusto as I was. We ran out of food before any of us stopped eating.

  “We need to get more,” Riley said. “I’m still hungry.”

  “We will, Riley, but once were on the road. So, once everyone is ready, we should get going. The faster we get on the road the sooner we can get more food.”

  Ten minutes later we were packed in a different minivan, this one yellow with a black racing stripe, and heading away from the warehouse district where Lassiter Security was housed. We made a quick stop at a fast food place getting fifteen more burger meals than drove as we ate.

  “All right, Terry, which direction is your dragon in?” Roo asked from the driver’s seat.

  “We are going in the right direction from now, but it doesn’t feel like we are getting any closer,” I said.

  Dragon was so far away that driving at highway speed in her direction didn’t close the distance much and that worried me. How far had she flown when she fled? That made me wonder if I could contact her.

  Darkness wrapped around me like a familiar lover’s embrace. None of my Tua were there as I had not pulled them in with me. I was afraid to pull them, not wanting to see them spread out on the ground at my feet. Long minutes passed as I stood there building the courage to do what I knew I had to. Then I pulled Dragon and Cassie into the mind space.

  Cassie appeared in front of me sitting with her knees to her chest like she had before. Her eyes were unfocused, and she mumbled quietly to herself.

  “Cassie?” I waited, but she didn’t respond. “Hey, Cassie, can you hear me?” When she still didn’t answer I crouched next to her and placed my hand on her shoulder. Still she didn’t seem to know I was there.

  “Dragon!” I shouted as I stood. There came a faint rhythmic thumping, but it sounded far off. I called again and was answered by a roar. The call was also too far away and echoed too much for me to determine where it came from. “Dragon!” I shouted for a third time. The roar of a reply echoed through the darkness again, but farther away.

  “What the hell is going on?” I sighed and left the dark space of my mind.

  “Did you talk to your dragon?” Roo asked from the driver’s seat.

  Looking up, I saw her eyes in the rearview mirror looking at me. Riley leaned over from the passenger seat looking back at me.

  “No, she was far away and getting farther,” I said.

  “How is that possible?” Roo asked.

  “I don’t know. She was mad at me after… she was mad, but now it seems different. Like she is being pulled away from me and is trying to come back. That’s just a vague impression I though. I can’t say for sure if that is what’s happening.”

  “Listen carefully,” Roo said. Her eyes were back on the road which I was grateful for. “You need to hold on to that connection with your dragon and hold tight. Do not, for one second loosen your metaphorical grip. Trust me on this.”

  “What do you know that you are not saying?” As I asked I was reminded of the fact I was with someone else’s Tua. People working to achieve someone else’s ends. That someone was my father, but I didn’t think I could trust the man that walked out on my mother and me.

  “There is a lot I can’t say. Just heed my warning and know that Riley and I are here to protect you.”

  I didn’t respond. I didn’t need Roo to tell me to hold on either. Nothing would sever my connection to my Tua and I. Not if I could help it.

  “Hang in there, Dragon. I’m coming.”

  Chapter 18

  We drove for hours. The sun set and I dozed off, lulled to sleep by the flickering of passing street lamps.

  At some point a window pops up thanks to my glasses and the light of it woke me.

  “Ow. What’s the deal?” I ask.

  “I apologize for the bright light, but we have a problem,” Amy said in my ear.

  That makes me pay attention to what’s in the window. I see a view of a four-lane highway from high above. The yellow minivan we were in is at the far edge of the screen. The only other vehicle I see is a cherry red Corvette.

  “What am I looking at?” I ask.

  “The trailing vehicle has been behind the van since it left the motel. I believe we are being followed.”

  I sat up straighter after hearing that. The movement draws Roo’s eyes to the rearview mirror.

  “What’s wrong?” Roo asked.

  “Amy says we’re being followed by a red Corvette,” I replied.

  Roo adjusts the mirror and gives it another look this time seeing behind us instead of me. “I see it. What do you want to do?”

  “I think we play it cool for now. They’ve been behind us since the motel. Let’s see how far they are willing to go,” I said.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Roo asked. “Wouldn’t it be more prudent to lose them? Playing safe and all that?”

  “No, I don’t think that’s necessary. But, we are going to play it safe as we can. Amy, can you get in a position to blast that car to shreds if things go sideways?”

  “Affirmative.” The view of the camera feed slowed allowing the cars to pass by. Then it picked up and took a position above the red Vette and slightly behind it.

  As I watched the car drive at a steady speed, it occurred to me that there was a conversation that was long passed due. My eye traveled over both front seats wondering if I should have this talk in front of the present company. Considering they have risked their lives for me so far I decided to go for it.

  “Hey, Amy, there is something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

  “I am here for you,” the AI replied.

  “I have yet to ask what you are capable of. Would you mind filling me in?”

  “Unfortunately, the Nick protocol does not grant administrator access. I can not reveal all of my capabilities at this time. You will need to speak with Nick in order to gain administrator privileges. I will give you a list of the abilities outlined under the Nick Protocols.”

  The window showing the view of the Vette closed and a new one opened.

  Nick Protocols:

  Once activated, A.I.M.E. will go into a defensive posture. The mission will be to protect the target until the Nick Protocol is deactivated.

  Unlocked capabilities:

  -Drone control, up to 3

  -Weapons free in defense of subject

  -Authorized to hack systems needed in defense of subject

  -Authorized to violate privacy in service of defending the subject

  -Authorized deadly force in defense of the subject

  “So, you have more abilities I don’t see?” I asked.

  “That is affirmative. As I previously stated, access to those skills requires administrative access.” Amy said.

  “Can I ask you to speak up when you see a situation where your currently active skills would be useful?”

  “That is within your available skills. Should I implement the request to advise when I see an opportunity?”

  “Yes, please do.”

  “Affirmative, my settings have been changed and I will now offer advice when I se
e fit. As that is this case, I advise caution with the vehicle giving chase.”

  “You’re not advising we try to lose them?” I asked.

  “Based on the specifications of the car giving chase and those of the vehicle you currently occupy I cannot advise attempting to outrun the following vehicle. Additional information is required as the windows are too dark for a visual inspection of the occupants. I advise you have me run a check on the vehicle’s license plate. Shall I do so now?”

  “You can do that?” I asked in awe.

  “As per the Nick Protocols, I am able to hack into the Department of Motor Vehicles and check the available information. Shall I?”

  “Please do.”

  “Affirmative. Running the check, it will take approximately twenty-seven minutes to access the network and retrieve the information. Please standby.”

  “What’s happening?” Roo asked. She moved the mirror to look at me directly.

  “The AI is going to hack the DMV and see what info is available about the vehicle chasing us.”

  “That’s handy. Is there anything else it can do to help us out right now?” Roo asked.

  “Unfortunately, not. As long as the driver doesn’t do anything hostile then no. If that changes she can unleash hell.”

  “Good to know. So we just keep going while we wait for the AI to work its magic?” She asked.

  “Pretty much.”

  “Wait!” Riley said as she leaned over to look back at me with wide eyes. “It knows magic?”

  Roo and I both laughed. “No, dear, it’s a figure of speech,” Roo said.

  “Oh. Well, it would have been better if she could do magic.”

  “I agree,” I said with a chuckle. “But she can do some amazing stuff.”

  “Damn,” Roo said. “I have bad news.”

  “What’s up?” I sat forward leaning against my seatbelt.

  “We have to stop for gas. I would have stopped sooner, but I didn’t want to with that car trailing us.”

  “Did you hear that, Amy?” I asked.

  “Affirmative. There Is a gas station a quarter of a mile ahead. I will keep the vehicle in my sites as long as it stays close by. If it continues on, I will chase it for a mile then double back. Is that acceptable?”

  “That’s fine. Roo, go ahead and stop at the next gas station. The drone is going to cover us and let me know what the Vette does.”

  “Will do, Terry.”

  The gas station came into view a few seconds later. It was well lit with a large yellow and red sign posted above the building. As we pulled off the interstate I saw there was one car in a parking spot next to the building. Most likely it belonged to the employee on duty. Roo parked us at the pump farthest from the building.

  “Do we have money?” I asked. “Because I don’t.”

  “It’s covered,” Roo replied. She passed a red credit card to me. “Would you mind?”

  I took the card, exited, and rounded the minivan to get between the pump and the car. Once there, I set the pump to begin filling the tank.

  “Heads up,” Amy, said through my glasses. “The Corvette is here.”

  “Hey, Roo, the car is here,” I said.

  “I see it, what’s it doing?”

  “Just sitting there. Looks like there is smoke still coming out of the exhaust so it’s still on. Be ready,” I said.

  The red Corvette had stopped on the side of the road just outside the parking lot for the gas station. Under the light of the street lamps, I could see that even the windshield was tinted so dark it was almost black.

  The pump nozzle clicked and thumped signalling that the tanks was full and it was done pumping. I pulled the nozzle free and replaced it on the pump. Keeping my eye locked on the car allowed me to see the exhaust stop billowing out of the rear end. The car was off. A second later the driver door opened, and a figure stepped out. From the distance, it was hard to tell for sure, but I thought the figure was a woman.

  “I come in peace,” she shouted confirming that it was a woman. She held out her arms and began walking toward us.

  Roo opened the minivan door and stepped out with Riley doing the same from the other side. I went to the rear of the van and Roo joined me standing to my right and slightly behind me. I didn’t see where Riley went, but I had an idea of where she would be.

  “That’s far enough,” I said when she was fifty feet away. The woman was tall with olive skin and dark hair. Her eyes shone like two coals in the light of the pumps. She was attractive, and from the feeling, I got when looking at her I had to assume she was a Lycan. That was also the first time I realized that I could tell when someone had two forms.

  “I’ve been following you,” The woman said.

  “Yeah, we kind of noticed,” Roo said.

  “I mean since before you started this road trip. I was outside the police station.”

  “That was you?” I asked. “So you’re a wolf?”

  “Correct. May I come closer, I have to ask for your help. I’m not here to hurt you.”

  “Try to hurt us, you mean,” Roo said.

  “Whatever floats your boat,” She replied.

  “Come on,” I said.

  The woman stopped again when she was five feet from me. She dropped to her knees and tilted her head back so her neck was exposed. My confusion lasted just for a second as the predator in me recognized the gesture. She had submitted offering her throat as a wolf would do to a stronger opponent in submission.

  “Stand,” I said. “And tell me who you are what you want from us.”

  “From you,” She said as she rose. “I don’t really know who these two are. I need something from you. You are the one they talk about? The shiftless shifter who Arnold wants dead?”

  That mention of the Alpha werewolf set off alarm bells in my head. I took a step back and raised my arms. “You’re with him?”

  “No,” she said with a chuckle. “But I can see from your reaction you are acquainted. I’m the alpha of a pack from down south. I received information about what Arnold is doing and his plans to become the alpha wolf of the entire country. I won’t stand by and let that happen. So when word reached me of you, I thought we should meet. I would like to join you in fighting Arnold and his pack. That son of a bitch needs to be put in his place, or put down.”

  “I won’t argue with that. What makes you think I can do it?”

  “Is it true that you can make any Lycan a pack member and in doing so make them stronger?”

  “So far it is,” I replied. Since she was an alpha, I wondered where she was going with this. Did she want me to make her whole pack Tua and replace her as alpha?

  “I was hoping you would let me join you temporarily so I could be strong enough to beat Arnold.”

  “And after he is beat?” I asked.

  “Then I would go back to my pack and we go our separate ways. If things work out, we maintain a mutually beneficial relationship.”

  “I have scanned the inside of the vehicle,” Amy said into my earpiece. “She has come alone. I recommend taking her up on her offer so that we have more capable fighters to protect you.”

  At least I knew where the AI and the Nick Protocols stood on the subject. I was leaning toward taking her up on the offer for different reasons. Having an active Tua would give me access to wolf abilities and more energy to call on when I needed it. Things I may need when dealing with Dragon.

  The world went dark around me. I pulled the wolf into my mind space and she appeared. Like almost everyone else who comes here, she was nude. The woman was fit with lines indicating muscle but not bulky in any way. Her hair was dark in all the places she had hair and her nipples were a darker brown than the tone of her olive skin. She was a very attractive woman and if I wasn’t careful, this mind space really would live up to the name of Pervy Space. I thought of Bee Arthur naked to keep from getting erect, which I was about to be.

  “What is this?” The woman asked. “And why are we naked?”

>   “I think the lack of clothing represents being bared before each other. As for what this is?” I spread my arms and spun around taking in the vast emptiness. “This is in my head. If you are trustworthy, then I will explain more. For now, this is how you become a pack member. If you accept me as your alpha then you become pack. Simple as that.”

  The woman nodded. She moved closer until she was just a foot away then she dropped to her knees and threw her head back as she had before. “I submit myself to you and ask that you accept me into your pack.”

  A window appeared with an alert.

  You have been offered to become an alpha of alphas.

  By accepting you will gain an alpha as a pack member and thereby gaining her entire pack through her. If you accept you gain the strength and access to the power of her entire pack.

  Do you accept her pledge and take her as a Tua?


  Chapter 19

  “What the shit?”

  “What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?” The woman asked me.

  “No, nothing like that.” I focused on the woman and ignored the window for now. “What’s your name?”

  “My name is Andrea.”

  “Well, Andrea, there is something you should know. Before I accept you into the pack and make you one of mine, know that I also take in your pack.”

  “What?” She looked up with confusion in her face. “How is that possible?”

  “I can’t say I know how. All I know is that you will remain Alpha, but you will also be in my pack, subordinate to me. You and your pack will become stronger strengthening me as well. If that is all right with you, I will accept you.”

  “I don’t understand how this is possible.”

  I bent over and grabbed her shoulders then pulled her up to her feet. “There, that’s better.”

  As we stood on a more even field, I explained to her what I was and how making other Lycan’s pack made them stronger. I explained that I didn’t know what exactly would happen to her pack since this was the first I had heard of it, but that we would all benefit from her joining.


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