Brooklet Dreams Series

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Brooklet Dreams Series Page 37

by C. A. Harms

  “Five years is not so much.” I quickly looked back to the guys and noticed they were all watching me. Mike stared at me with an eyebrow arched as if he were waiting for me to challenge Rhett’s comment.

  “What?” Clearing my throat and ignoring the strange aching in my chest, I repeated Mike’s earlier move. Lifting my beer, I took a long pull, trying to ease the uncomfortable feeling I now had as they all watched me closely.

  “Chloe’s not a kid,” Rhett added, looking back toward the table that I knew she stood by. Only I didn’t follow his gaze. I had already been caught once, it seemed. “So she’s twenty-two and you’re twenty-seven, but that doesn’t make her a kid.”

  “And you’re telling me this why?” Where in the hell was all of this coming from? Had I missed something?

  I’d been careful not to show my interest in Chloe, or so I thought.

  “Because she told the girls about that night with you at the bar.” Rhett crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the side of the barn, a defensive tactic the men in this family used in reference to the ladies always. They were protective. “AJ said that Chloe was mortified and—”

  “Wait.” I shook my head, wondering what he was talking about. “You mean the night she was out with friends and I found her wasted?”

  “The night you called her a kid and tucked her into a cab before sending her off.” Mike chuckled. “Yeah, I’ve heard about that night more than I’d care to.”

  “That’s not how I remember it.” They all grew silent, watching me carefully. “She was flirty, yeah, but taking advantage of her in that state would have landed my ass six feet under. If her daddy didn’t kill me, then you all would have.” They each nodded in agreement. “So, yes, I did call her a cab, and yes, I did make sure she was safely tucked inside with the female driver.” I emphasized the female part. If it had been a male, then I surely would have been riding along. “But I never called her a kid.”

  “Not the way she remembers it.” Again, Mike chuckled because he was eating up my discomfort. If anyone knew me well enough to know that I wasn’t a bad guy, it was Mike. The rest of the men in this family were all still trying to figure me out. I hadn’t gotten the seal of approval quite yet. “In fact, you may as well have told her that she was the last girl you would ever be interested in because she was and still is pretty embarrassed by that night and, well, you in general.”

  “Never looking him in the eyes again.” Rhett chuckled. “At least, that’s what AJ said Chloe decided.”

  “Him being me, I guess?” Why did that thought make my stomach flip with discomfort? They each nodded, watching me close as I once again looked toward Chloe. I caught the end of some guy leading her toward the dance floor, just before circling his arms around her. She laughed at something he said, and the way she threw her head back happily again made my chest feel hollow. Only this time it was because I didn’t like the idea of any man making her laugh like that unless it was me.

  “Looks like you don’t have to worry about breaking her heart slowly.” Mike gripped my shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. “From the looks of it, Ripp Daly is taking her off your hands.”

  What kind of fucking name is Ripp?

  I tried to hold it together, tried to ignore the bubbling irritation in my chest, but it was too overpowering to control. “Fuck that.” The words left my lips before I got the chance to stop them, and I handed him my beer. I closed the distance between us fast, and all I heard behind me were the sounds of the guys chuckling knowingly. I guessed they’d accomplished getting the rise out of me they were aiming for.

  Chloe glanced in my direction just as I stepped up behind the guy I now knew as Ripp. Which is exactly what I may do to his arm if it wanders any further south on Chloe’s waist. Rip his head off.

  I noticed the way her throat bobbed when she swallowed hard as her shoulders visibly tensed and her eyes locked on my own. I didn’t like seeing this reaction to me. I wanted her comfortable with me; I wanted a peace. I would never willingly hurt this woman.

  “Mind if I cut in?”

  The guy looked back over his shoulder and arched a brow. He made no move to step aside, which only managed to infuriate me more. Doing my best to rein in my irritation, I flashed a smile at Chloe and immediately watched as she averted her gaze. The way she avoided me made me want nothing more than to drag her off somewhere secluded and force her to stop shying away from me.

  “Kitten?” I didn’t know what possessed me to use the endearment, but when I did, she quickly looked up. I half expected her to blush, maybe give me that sweet, shy smile I’d seen so many times before, but instead all I got was a narrowed gaze. Her eyes zoned in on me, her mouth pressed in a tight line.

  “I think Ripp and I are just fine.” When she grabbed on to the guy a little tighter and held him in place, I honestly wanted nothing more than to toss his ass. If that wasn’t bad enough, when the dick looked back at me and offered an arrogant grin, I wanted to wipe the cocky gleam from his face. The douche knew I’d just been dismissed, and honestly, what the fuck was I supposed to do with that? I couldn’t stand here in the center of the dance floor and make a scene, demanding she stop hiding from me and allow me to explain. My actions would only gain the attention of all the men that I knew would be first to lay me out if I’d thought twice about hurting this beautiful girl in any form. Or I could accept that she’d chosen this asshole over me…for now, anyway.

  It stung, it burned like a bitch, but I stepped back and swallowed my pride. Now wasn’t the time. But there would come a time when she would have to face me, and it would be then that she and I would hash out this misconstrued story she had playing out in her head.

  Chapter Three


  “A friend of yours?” Ripp asked, and it didn’t take a genius to see how pleased he was that I’d chosen to stay dancing with him. What he didn’t know was every single fiber of my body would so much rather be in Landon’s arms than his. The problem was a girl’s heart could only take so much confusion and rejection.

  I couldn’t get that dismissal out of my head, the way he hurried me along at the bar, tucking me into a cab and basically out of his way. Out of the way so that he could then go back inside and find a better source of entertainment. A woman and not a kid, the idea of that being the way he envisioned me still burned my ass. I’d show him kid.

  “He’s more of a friend to Mike.” I avoided Ripp’s stare. “I barely know the guy.”

  They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but a woman who was suffering from rejection and humiliation, well, that was a dangerous combination. We could be vindictive, and yes, even overdramatic, but how was I supposed to look at him and not remember that night? I propositioned him, and yes, most of the night was a blur, but I will never forget what I felt when he led me out the door and I saw that cab waiting.

  I spent the next ten minutes dancing with Ripp and doing my very best to ignore the curious stares of every man in my family. The guys were relentless when it came to the women. Most of them weren’t even blood related, but you’d never know that. My father sat at a round table with my uncles, never once taking his eyes off me even though he carried on a full conversation with the men before him.

  Most men in this town were terrified of my father. Why, I didn’t know. Okay fine, I did know. He was huge, broad, and a little intimidating. But to me, he was the kindest man I had ever met. I was sure that may be different if you crossed him, but I’d never know that because he’d never shown me that fierce side.

  I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn’t noticed how Ripp was lowering his hand ever so slowly over the course of our dance. I noticed actually a moment too late when he cupped my ass, and I yelped in surprise.

  Even over the music, I heard the sounds of the chair screeching against the floor. All at once, there was a raging bull moving toward us in the form of my father, and my earlier thoughts of never seeing that fierceness in him were no longer

  His face was reddened, his nostrils flaring as his lip curled in a not-so-appealing snarl.

  I knew if I didn’t intervene, Ripp would be R.I.P. instead.

  Spinning out of the guy’s hold, I positioned myself between my father and him and extended out my arm toward my dad. “Daddy.” He paused, still not taking his eyes off the foolish man behind me. “I can handle it. I don’t need you running to my rescue.”

  “Someone needs to teach that boy some manners.” I almost laughed at him when he fisted his hands. Almost.

  “How about you let me handle my own battles?” For only a split second, he looked at me before slowly taking in the guy behind me once more. “Really, there is no need to cause a scene at Maddison and Mike’s wedding.”

  “I could very well take him outside and no one would ever know what happened. Well, no one but him and me, that is.”

  I bit my lip to hide the smile that tugged at my lips. I could almost imagine the terrified look on Ripp’s face as he remained hidden behind me.

  “Dad.” I tried my best to use my warning tone just as my mother stepped up to my father’s side. “I think Dad could use a distraction, Mom.” I watched as he visibly softened when my mother placed her hand on his arm. Slowly and with resistance on his part, she tugged him away, leaving me standing alone with the guy who should be thanking me for saving him from Benjamin Rigdon.

  “Thanks for that.” I tensed when Ripp placed his hand against my lower back. Spinning around to face him, I slapped my hand against his chest and gave him a little push.

  “First of all, you are a fool if you think that I’m okay with you groping me the way that you did.” He doesn’t even seem to be fazed by my words. “That will be the first and very last time you ever grab my ass.”

  When he grinned as if I were only playing hard to get, I fisted my own hands, doing my very best to remain in control. Why in the hell did everyone treat me like I was some fragile, gullible, and impressionable girl?

  “Smile like that one second longer and not only will I kick you in your tiny nuts, but after you drop to your knees in agony, I will invite my father back to finish the job off.” Satisfaction filled me when his smile faded. “I would suggest that you turn around and walk away while you still can.”

  “You sure are adorable when you get all worked up, Chloe.” Was this guy serious? “Thanks for the dance.” He stepped back, wagging his brows. “And the handful of one of the sweetest asses I’ve ever felt.”

  My mouth gaped open, making this arrogant prick only chuckle triumphantly. I tried to rein in my shock at his words, but it came a moment too late.

  Ripp walked away feeling accomplished, and I was left with yet another blow to my pride, and worse yet, I noticed that Landon was there to witness it all. His face stoic, void of any real reaction, only staring at me, before looking at Ripp strut across the dance floor toward the bar.

  Chapter Four


  My body was humming with pent-up energy. Fuck that, it was bouncing with unbelievable anger. The very second I watched that fuck grab Chloe’s ass, I was moving forward, only to stop quickly when I found Ben charging with purpose toward his daughter. The man looked murderous, and he had his eyes locked on the asshole who’d just grabbed his daughter.

  I wanted to be the one to put him in his place, but watching Ben do it, well, that could be interesting, too.

  I watched, eager for the showdown, only to be let down instead. Chloe calmed her father, and her mom helped too as she dragged him away. There was no bloodshed, no dragging that little fuck outside to teach him a lesson, one he was in desperate need of. You did not grab a woman, most definitely not Chloe.

  I observed as he walked away with a little too much arrogance, and my blood continued to boil in my veins. He moved toward the end of the drive where things grew dark, and I tried to rein in my irritation, but the bitch was seeing red.

  I vaguely heard the sounds of Mike calling out for me as I hurried in the same direction Ripp had gone.

  A flash of lights shone to my left, and I knew it was him. Hurrying my steps, I rounded a truck just as he was opening the door to his little pussy car.

  “You think it’s okay to grab Chloe like that?” I saw his body jerk in surprise as he turned around quickly.

  “She didn’t seem to mind.” He must have thought I was a fool. “In fact, she ran her father off before flashing me that sweet smile of hers. An inviting smile, no less.”

  I heard movement behind me, but I didn’t look around to see who it was. I didn’t give a fuck actually because this ass had another thing coming if he actually thought he could leave before I taught him how to respect a lady.

  “What I think actually took place is she ran her father off because your sorry ass isn’t worth her father’s time. Because I think we both know had Ben gotten his hands on you, the entire fucking reception would have heard you squealing like a little pig.”

  I saw him look over my shoulder, and the confidence he was carrying slowly faded. It would seem the cavalry had arrived. But I didn’t need whomever was standing behind me; I had this.

  Stepping in closer, I placed my chest only inches from his. I had him in height and in build, so beating the arrogance completely out of him didn’t seem fair. But I honestly looked forward to giving this peewee a scare.

  “So again I ask you, do you think it’s okay to grab Chloe like that?” I waited, taking pride in the way he swallowed nervously. “She deserves respect, and it would seem you’ve disrespected her. That doesn’t sit well with me.”

  “Who are you, anyway? From what I saw, she has no interest in you.”

  I fisted my hands at my sides and waited a few seconds before responding. This man sure was pushing buttons he should steer clear from. “I don’t owe you any explanations as to who I am. But let me just give you a little advice. Stay away from Chloe. She may not know it yet, but I plan on being the guy that ensures douchebags like you never get the chance to get close. It may not be my job yet to protect her from arrogant pricks or any harm, but it’s a title I will hold soon. I suggest you take that into consideration before you come near her again.”

  “I think she can be the judge—” I didn’t let him finish his sentence before I gripped the collar of his shirt. With a hard push, I heard the unforgiving metal of his car as his body slammed backward against it.

  “I’ll be her judge.” I stared at him, my face only inches from his. “Stay the fuck away.”

  After a few seconds, he nodded, and with great reluctance, I released my hold and watched as he sagged back against his vehicle.

  I stood guard as he climbed into his car and started it with shaky hands. Then I remained in place, my arms crossed over my chest, my legs wide as he drove off. It wasn’t until I saw his taillights fading in the darkness that I turned around. I expected to find Mike, Rhett, or even Terrance standing behind me. What I never once expected to find was Ben. He held my gaze, mimicking my stance, and the empowered feeling I felt from teaching that ass a valuable lesson began to quickly fade.

  That was until Ben’s lips turned up in a pleased smile. “You defending my girl.” I wasn’t sure if he was asking or if that was a statement. “Gotta say, boy, I wasn’t sure what kind of man you were, but now…” He paused again, and I felt my stomach tense with unsettledness. “I think I like ya.”

  Surprisingly, he slapped me on the shoulders and walked away chuckling, shaking his head.

  “Seal of approval, man.” I heard Rhett’s chuckle as he stepped up to my side. Where in the hell had he come from? “That was good shit. First I got to see Ripp almost shit himself, and then you.” His laughter deepened. “I actually thought you were gonna swallow your damn tongue when you turned around and saw Uncle Ben staring at you from behind.”

  “I thought I’d find you or Mike.” My heart still raced. “That man is hard to read.”

  “Well, in case you haven’t figured it out yet…” Rhett tossed his ar
m over my shoulder and began pulling me along back to the reception. “You’ve been accepted into the crowd. I guarantee you that Ben is back at the table with the rest of the older generation, and he is sharing what just took place.”

  Moments later, we were back at the bar and I was getting one chin lift after another from all the men. Gavin, he was an easy one. He’d already known me to be a stand-up guy, but the rest, they had to be shown. Reed nodded as he met my stare. Colt and Ben both dipped their chins, offering a little nod of approval. It was the first time since seeing Chloe walk toward the dance floor with that dumbass that I felt settled.

  “So now, what’s your plan?” I already knew what Mike was referring to. “Because the way I see it, that woman is doing anything and everything she can to stay as far away from you as possible.”

  “I think we both know that will only last so long.” One day she’d let her guard down. “I’ll let her stew, let her think what she wants.” I sought out the sweet little kitten, finding her standing with Maddison. “But in the end, she will hear what I have to say.”

  “Hope you’re ready for a battle.” Shaking his head, he loosened his tie. “Where you see one, you’ll find them all. The women in this family stand tall when it comes to protecting each other.”

  “Then I need to show them that the last person Chloe needs protection from is me.”

  Chapter Five


  “Don’t be scared.” I slid in closer to the small boy in the chair and felt my stomach drop when he shied away, sliding as close to the opposite edge of the chair as possible. “Look.” I held up the suction tool and scaling tool. “Feel this.” I placed the suction to his finger and applied just a small amount of pressure on the button. He jerked back, but instead of fear in his eyes, he giggled. “This is what I use to suck out the spit that accumulates in your mouth.” I wrinkled my nose, and he smiled wide.


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