Brooklet Dreams Series

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Brooklet Dreams Series Page 49

by C. A. Harms

  AJ, she sat wide-eyed with her arm stretched out toward the blond guy I’d just practically sprinted away from. At this angle, it appeared as though she was holding him off from coming any closer. If Rhett were here, oh my, that poor man.

  Looking down at my phone, I swiped my finger across the screen, and instantly I was met with a selfie I took of Landon and me as we lay in the hammock outside the cabin. I wished to be back there with him. I missed him; I missed the quietness and the serenity we’d shared over that weekend.

  Tracing my finger over the screen, I closed my eyes and imagined actually being able to feel the strong jawline there, the stubble along his chin after skipping a shave for an extended time.

  I opened my eyes again and had to shake my head to clear the haze. I truly was drunk and knew that tomorrow I would hate myself for having so many shots tonight.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Chloe: I rather watch you dance

  Chloe: in see thri underwar

  Chloe: You hotter

  None of the messages that Chloe was sending to me were complete sentences, but they still managed to make a point. One I wasn’t liking at all.

  Chloe: It tuched myarm

  That was the one that had me up off the bar stool and seeking out a quiet place where I would be able to hear when she picked up her phone. But with each ring that passed, I gripped the phone even tighter. When the call went to her voicemail, I was already on my way back to the guys. Then my phone rang, and I paused, feeling a sense of relief that she was okay.

  She was calling after all, so it meant she was good.

  Only that relief was short-lived when I answered the call.

  “Hi.” It was only a whisper, but it was obvious that she was feeling the drinks she and the girls had shared already. “You called me.” It was a sigh.

  “Where are you?” Again I backed up into a quiet corner so that I could hear her over the band playing in the bar. “Chloe?” My pulse was racing as I envisioned all of the worst possibilities. Caring for someone, wanting to protect them from any harm, sucked when they were away from you without any idea of how to reach them.

  “Kitten.” Damn it, I needed her to focus. “Baby, are you there?”

  “I love it when you call me that.” Again she sighed, and my body sagged back against the wall when she finally responded. “Kitten, it’s a cute little furry creature, but when it comes from your lips, it sounds like so much more. And baby, that’s a new one. I like it, too.” There was a pause, and I gripped the back of my neck, doing my best to control my racing heart. “I like you.”

  “I like you, too.” I took in a deep breath. “Tell me where you are, Chloe?”

  “In a closet,” she whispered, and again my mind thought of her hiding out from something or someone. “I’d rather you be here dancing for me.” Seeing movement ahead, I looked up to see Rhett moving across the bar in my direction, a look of concern on his face.

  “Baby, tell me where you are.”

  “I didn’t touch them.” I hung my head, knowing that getting angry wouldn’t help matters. I continued to breathe through my irritation.

  “That’s good. I don’t want you to touch them.” Who in the fuck was them?

  “And I didn’t let them touch me, either. None of us are. Well, Grace is.”

  “What are they doing to Grace?”

  “Who’s doing something to Grace?” I looked up to find Rhett wearing a murderous glare, and he fisted his hands. I held up my hand, practically begging him to wait this out, as I continued to drag out info from my girl.

  “Kitten.” I thought I heard her sigh when I said the word but ignored it. “Why are you in a closet?”

  “Because I don’t want them to find me. I just want you, your voice.” She grew silent, and I plugged my ear, wanting to ensure she was still there. Hearing her ragged breath in my ear, though it was distant, gave me the reassurance that she had not ended the call. “They have on see-through underwear. I think you’d look good in them, but it’s just gross on them. Plus,” my anger levels had spiked, “you smell so much better than they do.”

  “Baby, will you please tell me where you are? I want to come and get you.”

  “The girls would be mad. They said it was a guys-free night. Which is confusing because there are guys here anyway.”

  Looking up, I saw I was now joined by Mike and Terrance, all three of them watching me and waiting, looks of concern and pure hatred covering each of their expressions.

  “Chloe?” I was met with nothing but a distant sound of music playing. “Chloe, are you there?” Again there’s nothing.

  “What the hell is going on?” Mike squared his shoulders, and I knew that look. He was ready to kill someone, and frankly so was I.

  “Do you know exactly where the girls went tonight?”

  “Statesboro.” Mike held his own phone tightly in his hand as he looked down at the screen, his fingers moving over the lit device. “Rented a room for the five of them.”


  “Because this is Chloe,” I hold up my phone, “and all I got was there are guys there wearing see-through underwear and she is hiding in a fucking closet.”

  I felt adrenaline course through me as I said the words out loud.

  “We need to find out what hotel, and we need to find out right fucking now.” My control was slipping and fast.

  “Hilton Suites,” Mike barked before turning around and moving fast toward the exit of Lucky’s.

  None of us questioned how he knew that; we all just jumped into action and rushed out of the bar after him. Loading up into my truck and his, we trailed behind one another. The radio was silent, and I placed the phone in the center console, hitting speaker in case Chloe managed to become alert enough once again to talk to me. Terrance sat at my side, the two of us staring at the taillights of Mike’s truck as he sped through the backroads toward US 80.

  “He has an app on his phone that locates Maddison’s phone,” Terrance finally said at my side. “We’ve always given him shit about it, but right now I’m glad the fucker is a paranoid stalker.”

  I didn’t respond; I couldn’t. My chest felt so tight, and my hands shook as I gripped the wheel tighter. All I wanted to do was get to Chloe and ensure she was okay. Then I wanted to knock the hell out of the fucker that had my beautiful girl hiding in a fucking closet.

  A twenty-minute trip was made in twelve minutes as we both skidded to a stop in the parking lot of Hilton Suites. Jogging after Mike and Rhett, I realized I didn’t even take the time to grab my phone.

  The young girl behind the desk looked terrified as the four of us stormed across the lobby and towered over her. “Can I help you?” The nervousness in her voice caused it to vibrate with fear.

  “Our girlfriends are here, and it was supposed to be a bachelorette party, but they called and decided that they wanted us to drive over and join them. They’re a little tipsy.” I shrugged, flashing her a smile I wasn’t feeling but hoped it was effective. “We may need a couple more rooms, but for now we were hoping that you could give us a key card to the one they already have.”

  “I’m sorry, sir.” She looked back over her shoulder toward a short man tucked in an office that was watching something on a screen in front of him. Most likely porn, he looked like that kind of guy.

  “We won’t tell,” I assured her, and I could visibly see her throat bob as she swallowed hard.

  “What’s the name?”

  I looked at the guys, because I had no idea who it was that actually planned this genius getaway. Mike and Rhett shared a look, one that clarified who was the mastermind behind this entire thing.

  “Raven Duncan.” The one girl in the mix who had a massive wild streak and no bearing on the safety of five women alone in a city for a girls’ night, apparently.

  “There is an opening in suite 412B.” I looked at the girl, wondering what in the fuck she was talking about. “I could rent it for the night.�
� Again she glanced back over her shoulder at the man who had yet to emerge from his office. “The rate is one hundred and seventy-nine a night, and we accept all major credit cards.”

  “But I—” Suddenly a card was thrust forward, and I expected it to be Rhett or Mike, but when I looked back, I saw that it’s Terrance with his arm extended.

  “Here.” He handed it to the girl, and I noticed the way his jaw was twitching with irritation. “Put the room on this.”

  With a nod, the young girl accepts his card and begins putting the information into the computer. “I do apologize upfront for the suite next to yours. It seems that the group has set out to enjoy the evening.” Then it all fell into place. Without making it too obvious, she was allowing us the information we were requesting. “If they get too loud, please let us know and we will ask them to keep it down.”

  I nodded and waited for her to hand us the key cards. “I just need you to sign here, Mr. Walters.” Terrance hurried to scribble on the line before taking the cards and handing one back to Mike. I didn’t think I had ever seen him move so fast. With Rhett following close behind, we hurried toward the elevator. Tapping the button, I looked between the numbers at the top and the stairway to my right.

  Fuck this. “I’ll see you up there.” I didn’t wait for them to respond. I was used to taking the stairs; it was part of my training at the station. Taking them two at a time, I reached the fourth floor and jogged in a hurry toward the suite next to the one we just rented.

  Pounding on the door, I looked toward the elevator and found it was just now reaching the main lobby.

  When the door opened and I was met with Maddison’s wide-eyed look, I knew what must have been rushing through her mind. I saw the two guys over her shoulder. I fought the urge to break their necks myself.

  “Two seconds, and I do mean two. That’s how long those two fuckers have to exit this room and run before Rhett and Mike exit that elevator and they find themselves flying to their deaths from a four-story balcony.”

  “Move.” I’d never seen Mad move so quickly. “If you two value your lives, I would run, and I mean fast.”

  The guys shared a look and then grabbed their pants and whatever else they could before they rushed from the room. I stood in the doorway feeling my hands shake and my legs tremble. I wanted to break them, I wanted to make them piss their pants, but the truth was they were invited here. Looking around the room, I saw Maddison, Raven, and AJ. Then I found Grace sitting on the coffee table with a look of anger. “One God damned night, it’s all I asked for.”

  Ignoring her rambling, I searched out the bedroom of the suite and took one step when I heard Mike’s booming voice behind me. “What the fuck, Mad? I know you have more sense than this shit.”

  “Strippers.” Rhett laughed but not because he found the humor in the situation. “Fucking strippers?”

  I chose to allow them to have it out with the ladies as I carefully entered the room and sought out the closet. Sure enough, peeking out between the two bifold doors that were slightly ajar, I saw two bare feet with bright red toenails.

  Lowering myself to my knees just outside the doors, I pushed them open farther and found Chloe passed out with her head tilted toward the side. A string of drool ran from the corner of her mouth, and a pillow was secured before her, gripped in her fisted hands. Her phone lay on the floor beside her, and the soft sounds of her snores filled the quiet space.

  “Kitten.” Sliding in closer, I ran my finger along her cheek and saw the way even in her sleep-filled state she responded to my touch. “Chloe, I’m here.”

  “Mm.” She smacked her lips together, and even through the irritation I felt, I couldn’t stop the smile that tugged. She was passed out drunk, her hair sticking out in every direction, drool and dark circles under her eyes, yet beautiful.

  “I like this dream.” She peeked at me and sighed. “But you’re always there, in my dreams. Always kissing me and touching me. I like my dreams.”

  I chuckled, moving forward to kiss the corner of her mouth. “Not a dream, baby, I’m here.”

  Slowly, and it seemed with tremendous effort, Chloe opened her eyes and tried to focus. Little by little she grew more alert, and the second she focused enough to see me clearly, I saw a panic wash over her. “Oh shit.” She swallowed hard, and that’s when I heard Rhett’s voice echo through the suite.

  “You’re nineteen, and you…” Something slammed loudly. “A fucking night out with the girls. Not a night in with two half-naked men that at any second could have overpowered every last one of you. How fucking dumb can you be?”

  “They’re gonna kill me,” Chloe mumbled. “I wasn’t supposed to call.”

  “But I’m glad you did.” It didn’t seem to make the situation any better. “He’s right, Chloe. Those guys, none of you knew them. They could have been some really bad guys.”

  “Raven knew them.” As if that were enough of a character reference. “She goes to the club they work at.”

  I waited for it all to fall into place in her mind.

  “Which isn’t exactly helping this at all.” Raven was a rare breed. To each their own, but the girl enjoyed sex clubs and the backrooms of strip clubs. She was a wild child, and her being the one to gather tonight’s entertainment didn’t change the fact that this was a very bad idea.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Things had been a little weird since our epic fail of a bachelorette party. Word got around fast in our family, and though we were all technically adults, it didn’t stop our fathers from voicing their opinions.

  I spent an hour on the phone with my father hearing about how I was smarter than that. When I heard a few things booming through the other end of the line, I was thankful that there was a few miles in between us. The man was on a warpath.

  And from what I heard from AJ, so was Reed. Grace was suffering, too, and I felt horrible for it. It was a war zone at the Jacksons’ home. So much so that Grace was now sleeping beside AJ and Rhett was on the couch. All because I opened my mouth and caved.

  I was a terrible drunk, and I vowed at that moment never to drink again.

  It had been two days since I’d talked to Landon. I knew he was mad, but he did his best to hide it.

  I knew if Maddison wasn’t pregnant and Mike wasn’t so terrified of causing her any amount of stress, she too would be living in hell. The idea that he too was sleeping on the couch made it evident that he was fighting his own rage.

  It was all my fault. Raven was the only one in the group that came out smiling, and it was all her idea. In fact, she planned the entire weekend.

  My doorbell buzzer sounded, and I didn’t move from my space on the couch. I half expected it to be my father on the other side of the door coming over to go at me with another round of how irresponsible can you be.

  Tucking myself farther beneath my soft blue blanket, I curled it around and closed my eyes. Again the buzzer sounded.

  “Chloe, I know you’re home.” Landon’s deep, manly voice filtered in through the wooden door. “Let me in.”

  I wasn’t sure I was ready for another round of disappointed lecturing.

  “Do you really plan on ignoring me and pretending that you aren’t home?” Sounds good to me. “I can wait all day out here if that’s what it takes.” I heard the sound of something sliding against my door and waited for him to say more, only he didn’t. Instead, a light thud, following by a continuous tapping sound, was what I heard.

  Pushing back the blanket, I set my bottle of water onto the table and stood, tugging up my tall fluffy socks to cover my cold feet. It could be the middle of the summer, hot as Hades out, and my feet would still feel cold.

  Moving slowly toward the door, I peeked through the peephole and saw nothing. But the continued tapping noise assured me he was still there.

  With a deep breath in, I twisted the lock and pulled open the door, only to have Landon fall backward into my apartment. He had sat down, his back rest
ing against the frame.

  He lay half in and half out of my apartment, looking up at me from below. “Hi.” A smile crept over his lips.

  “Are you just gonna lay there?”

  I didn’t wait for his answer but instead found my way back to the couch and tucked myself back under the warm, fuzzy blanket.

  “You’re mad at me?” I didn’t look in his direction, but I didn’t have to in order to know he was up and moving. “As if I’m the one that went another town over, rented a hotel room, and then allowed some strippers with see-through panties to rub up on me.”

  “I didn’t allow them to.” I twisted my body toward his just as he sat at my side. “If you think back, you’d remember that I am the one that snuck off like a coward, hid in a closet, and called you. Then in come the raging bull to end the night. Oh, and let’s not leave out the fact that everyone is now mad at me and not talking to me.”

  “I’m talking to you.”

  “Yeah, after two days of ignoring me,” I wave my hand at him, “here you are ready to talk.”

  “Would you have rather I rush in here like a raging bull and say what was really running around in my mind?” Narrowing my eyes at him, I looked away and heard him chuckle. “I figured between the girls and your father, I’d allow myself a day or two to tame my irritation before coming to see you.”

  “Well, thank you for that. How thoughtful of you.” Rolling my eyes, I stared at the television instead. Silence settled in between us. Everything was a mess. The wedding was in four days, and everyone was still upset, either with me or someone else. No one was talking, everything felt uneasy and tense, and I wished more than anything I could go back to that night and not drink so much. Instead of calling Landon, I would have made the guys leave and found another way for us to have our girls’ night.


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