Mind Power- America Awakens

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Mind Power- America Awakens Page 34

by Diane Matousek Schnabel

  The proud papa greeted him with a handshake-hug and a cellphone picture of Isabella Sierra.

  Bradley smiled at the angelic newborn, awed by her impossibly tiny fingers and delicate face.

  Will my baby resemble Abby as much as Isabella resembles Franny?

  I’ll never know, he thought, feeling as if his heart was being pureed.

  “She’s beautiful,” Bradley croaked. “Congratulations, sir.”

  Redirecting them back to business, Admiral Rone said, “Have you gotten anything useful out of Gorka Schwartz yet?”

  “Fragmented information is dribbling in.” Bradley roused the laptop and plugged in an HDMI cable that projected the screen’s contents onto a large monitor. “Python’s program is randomly stimulating his brain, scanning for key concepts. Once the computer finds a memory of interest, it analyses everything connected to it, essentially producing a weblike map ...”

  Bradley’s mind flashed back to his captivity at CIA headquarters. Was this the software upgrade his interrogators had alluded to?

  Thank God the Marines raided—

  “Master Sergeant?” Rone prompted.

  “Sorry, sir. So far, we have images interspersed with snippets of conversation and fragments from reports and presentations. This was the first hit.”

  A snapshot appeared, Senator Conn, Carter Sidney, and Aaron Burr posing along with world leaders at some sort of forum.

  “Looks like Davos or Bilderberg,” Ryan said. “Why would that be linked to White Rabbit?”

  The Admiral mumbled, “Because they’re all puppets serving the same master.”

  “Associated memories include a Global Health Organization report entitled, ‘The Next Pandemic,’ ” Bradley added, “and an e-mail from Aldrich Ames regarding delivery vehicles.”

  A new picture popped up, a glimpse from the window of an airplane. A narrow, whitish road snaked through lush mountains, creating a vague impression of a stick-figure rabbit, and it dead-ended into a tunnel with bomb-blast doors reminiscent of NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain.

  “That must be White Rabbit!” Ryan exclaimed, but his enthusiasm rapidly waned, realizing they had no idea where it was located.

  Bradley read aloud the accompanying connections. “Four-point-nine billion dollars of taxpayer money was diverted from NASA to SpaceTrex ... Gadolinium was acquired through Carter Sidney’s uranium deal with Russia, prompting the Sidney Foundation to receive $140 million in kickbacks from Russian oligarchs.”

  Ryan harrumphed. “And she has the audacity to accuse me and Kyle of colluding with Russia?”

  “Classic projection,” Rone said. “Sidney accuses her political opponents of the crimes she, herself, has committed. And even if her smear campaign fails to remove you from office, it inoculates her against future allegations by creating the appearance of political retaliation.”

  “What’s gadolinium?” Ryan asked.

  “A rare earth metal,” the Admiral responded without hesitation. “It’s used in electronic components and medical MRIs. Russia is the number two producer globally.”

  “Maybe The Consortium needs gadolinium for Project Man-Droid,” Ryan suggested. “Maybe that’s why they’re not content to run out the clock.” Brow scrunched in thought, he turned toward Rone. “Do they need the presidency to acquire the metal?”

  The Admiral’s head shook dubiously. Frustration gleamed in his eyes. “I doubt it, Mr. President. Carter Sidney has already demonstrated the ability to circumvent the Commander in Chief in this regard.”

  Is the link between gadolinium and Man-Droid real? Bradley wondered. Or happenstance?

  It niggled at his mind; a connection that was hovering just beyond reach.

  “Could this metal somehow account for the difference in eavesdropping range?” Ryan asked. “That’s a huge jump from the owl’s ten yards to Phaedra’s low-earth orbit.”

  Bradley began pacing as if motion might hone his concentration. “Brain waves aren’t anywhere near that strong. Ergo, they must have some way of amplifying the signal. Cellular towers, maybe?”

  “That would be a colossal Achilles’ heel,” Rone said, his arms folding across his chest. “It wouldn’t take much to destroy thirty towers in ten districts.”

  A series of rapid-fire images materialized on the monitor: a state-of-the-art laboratory; men in white coats, some looking miserable; others, terrified; and a shipping container packed with pallets.

  “There’s text attached to the new pictures,” Bradley said. “Prominent engineers and scientists were abducted and forced to work under duress ... Twenty members of a U.S. semiconductor company disappeared along with Malaysia Flight MH370 ... The first shipment of Alameda fever vaccines passed through the Port of Oakland, one month behind schedule.”

  “So, kidnapped scientists designed the biological weapon, and The Consortium inserted it into the vaccines?” Ryan asked.

  Surprise traversed the length of Bradley’s spine like an electrical charge. “Gorka mentioned the vaccines when I was interrogating him. He said that they framed President Quenten with the Ultimate Protocol meteors because he refused to make them mandatory.”

  “That’s got to be it!” Ryan said excitedly. “There was something besides smallpox capsules inside those inoculations; something that would boost the signal for the mind-control satellites. That’s why they can’t run out the clock ... because District Six residents and the military are still immune!”

  “And all the people living outside the districts,” Bradley said. “Does this mean we don’t have to stop Project Man-Droid from launching?”

  “I’m afraid not.” Once again, the Admiral became the hope-shattering voice of reason. “Those previously inoculated are hostages. The Consortium can stop their hearts at the stroke of a keyboard. Or they could use them as pawns to incite a civil war, essentially making them become ungovernable. Imagine tens of thousands of people rioting and conducting mass shootings—all simultaneously.” The Admiral’s eyes briefly closed, as if trying to dispel a horrible thought. “The U.S. military would have to declare war on Americans. No matter what, the outcome is the same. Those inoculated will lose their lives.”

  “If it’s boosting a signal, why can’t we just jam it?” Bradley asked.

  “A—we don’t know what frequency it’s using,” Rone replied. “And B—the cell towers, satellites, or aircraft conducting the jamming operations would become our Achilles’ heel. We’d have to maintain it continuously; and all the enemy would need is a ten-second window to wreak havoc ... But jamming could potentially buy us some time.”

  Python’s de facto Gaggle search of Gorka’s brain yielded a second image of the secret weapons facility, this one from ground level, and characters were visible on the bomb-blast doors.

  “That can’t be right,” Bradley stammered, wrestling with the mouse to enlarge the right side of the photograph. “The word Mawang ... it means Lucifer.”

  Ryan muttered, “How many languages did Volkov program into your mind?”

  Rone edged toward the monitor for a closer look. “Is that Mandarin?”

  A secondary shock wave zinged through Bradley, setting off tremors of worry and dread. “No, it’s Korean.”

  “Is that disinformation?” Ryan asked.

  Rone’s dark eyebrows pulled into an affronted frown, and his mouth thinned. “Can you think of a better place to hide a clandestine weapons facility? Better than within an ‘enemy’ country governed by a dictator? A country with closed borders where most of the population is living without electricity, Internet, and international news?”

  Then a troubling question formed in Bradley’s mind.

  How the hell am I going to sneak into North Korea?

  The End of Book Four.

  Book Five: The POWER of WE the PEOPLE

  Miscellaneous Tidbits

  Operation Mockingbird, Northwoods, and Mongoose are all real; and Senate hearings on MKUltra were held in 1977.

  From 2006 to 2015, Smartmati
c supplied 57,000 voting machines in 16 states. (Arizona, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin) Following a report published in The Daily Caller, Smartmatic declared that it “will not be deploying its technology in any U.S. county for the upcoming 2016 U.S. Presidential elections.” Smartmatic’s chairman is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, who has also served as vice-chairman of George Soros’ Investment Funds and Open Society Institute.

  Fraction Magic is a real threat to election integrity. For more information, view the video on YouTube: Fraction Magic – Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration.

  The media’s election night meltdown is a compilation of direct quotes attributable to Mika Brzezinski, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, and Brian Williams.

  On December 21, 2017, President Trump signed Executive Order 13818 declaring a national emergency due to the threat of human rights abuses (trafficking) and corruption around the world. The bill gave him the authority to block the assets of offenders, prompting a deluge of coincidental CEO resignations.

  Five Eyes (FVEY) is a real intelligence alliance between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Nine Eyes expands to include Denmark, France, Norway, and the Netherlands; and Fourteen Eyes encompasses Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Sweden.

  The Smith-Mundt Act is real and it was “modernized” in 2012 under Barack Obama’s tenure.

  Twenty members of a U.S. semiconductor company really did disappear along with Malaysia Flight MH370.

  The pedophile symbols depicted are real, as per a leaked FBI document.


  (A triangular “little boy lover” ring was openly worn by a member of the United States Congress during Rod Rosenstein’s public testimony.)

  All of the artwork described is owned by the Podesta brothers and has been featured in magazine articles. (John Podesta was the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.)

  Electrocauterization was allegedly used by the cult NXIVM to brand women with the initials of its founder, “Vanguard,” Keith Raniere.

  Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s opinions concerning the age of sexual consent appear on page 102 of Sex Bias in the U.S. Code under the subheading “recommendations.” 18 U.S.C. §2032 – Eliminate the phrase “carnal knowledge of any female, not his wife who has not attained the age of sixteen years” and substitute a Federal, sex-neutral definition of the offense patterned after S. 1400 §1633: A person is guilty of an offense if HE engages in a sexual act with another person, not his spouse, and (1) compels the other person to participate: (A) by force or (B) by threatening or placing the other person in fear that any person will imminently be subjected to death, serious bodily injury, or kidnapping; (2) has substantially impaired the other person’s power to appraise or control the conduct by administering or employing a drug or intoxicant without the knowledge or against the will of such other person, or by other means; OR (3) THE OTHER PERSON IS, IN FACT, LESS THAN 12 YEARS OLD. In a footnote, the Ginsburg document criticized S. 1400 §1633 for use of the word he to represent both men and women, yet made no objection to the lowering of the age of consent to 12.

  Table of Contents

  Authors’ Note


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Tidbit # 1: The Odessa Massacre

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Tidbit # 2: Black Magic, Pills, & Babies

  Chapter 12

  Tidbit # 3: Victory Day in Mariupol

  Chapter 13

  Tidbit # 4: The Siege of Slavyansk

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Miscellaneous Tidbits




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