State of Play: Book Two; The Candidate

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State of Play: Book Two; The Candidate Page 17

by Lee Taylor

  Stunned at the way that her body was reacting to his erotic intimidations, Gia blew out a hard sigh. Burying her face against his chest, she shivered, marveling at what the fragrance of his expensive cologne and heady male scent did to her wayward body. When she slipped the top buttons on his shirt open and grasped the wiry hair decorating his muscular chest, she was gratified to hear his responding groan.

  “Damn, Gia, do you know how much I want to carry you into the bedroom and have my wanton way with your gorgeous body?”

  Her voice was soft, tremulous, thick with desire. “What . . . what’s stopping you, Logan?”

  To her surprise, he shook his head and rose to his feet. Standing her in front of him, he pinned her with a serious gaze. “Honey, there’s not a lot of things that could keep me from attacking you at this moment. However, if I give in to the passion I’m feeling, it’s unlikely we’d get as far as the kitchen table before I accosted you. The bedroom is miles too far away. But . . . ”

  “But what, Logan? What did I do now that’s doing the impossible—keeping you from attacking me? It must have been bad given that I’m as needy as I’ve ever been.”

  Holding her against him, he met her questioning gaze. “No, sweetheart. It’s just that I had my workmen redo the second bedroom. I want to show it to you. I decided that you need to have a space of your own.”

  Startled, Gia frowned up at him. She wasn’t surprised at the rancor tingeing her voice. “Or do you mean now that you’ve insisted that I move in with you, you want to have a place where you can stash me when you need your privacy?”

  Logan shook his head and forced himself not to smile at her testy response. It was a good reminder of how tenuous their seeming truce was. He acknowledged that it would take precious little for Gia to drag her self-protective cloak over her and do her best to shut him out. Seeing the concern undergirding her troubled scowl, he blew out a sigh. “No, baby, that’s not why I had my workmen convert my second bedroom into a Gia space. If you’ll climb down off your high horse and allow me to show you my renovation, I think you will be pleased. At least I hope you will. But enough mystery. Do you want to walk or shall I carry you? Preferably by tossing you over my shoulder?”

  Gia forced herself to back off. She hated that she was so prickly. Obviously, Logan had done something he hoped would please her. The least she could do was look at it before she assumed that he was creating a place where he could sequester her. She reminded herself that as far as she knew, like her, Logan had never lived with anyone before. He likely knew if he needed space, she would too. She shrugged and glanced at him over her shoulder as she strode through the kitchen. “Thanks, but I’m perfectly capable of walking by myself. I presume you are talking about the room next to your office?”

  His smile now firmly in place, he nodded as he caught up with her. “Ah yes, my tetchy lover. That is precisely the room I’m talking about.” At the end of the hallway, he stopped in front of the last room. Bowing to her, he swept his arm toward the doorway in a gallant gesture and said with a grin, “Your woman-cave awaits you, my prickly princess.”

  When she walked into the room, Gia sucked in a disbelieving breath. She’d only peeked into the room when she had first stayed with him. She remembered being surprised that a second bedroom was as large as his master. Obviously, it needed to be given the renovations Logan had clearly made for her. Like all of the rooms in the extraordinary rooftop condominium, one wall was glass from floor to ceiling. In the center of the wall of windows, a sliding glass door opened to a private patio. Like the one off the kitchen, it had a fireplace, comfortable lounging furniture, and an under-counter refrigerator. Stunned at the beautiful patio, Gia forced herself to acknowledge the rest of the room. It was an artfully arranged expanse that spoke to all of her needs. One corner housed a desk and chair and various cabinets. She gasped when Logan picked up a remote and one of the cabinets opened, revealing a large TV.

  He chuckled. “I’m confident that you will want to see all the replays of your media appearances. By the way, it doubles as a monitor so that you can follow polls, update schedules, et cetera.”

  Shaking her head in wonder, Gia looked at the area next to the office arrangement. It was an open space lined with various fitness devices including a yoga mat, a TRX, and the like. The beauty of it was that it didn’t seek to replace a gym or her ten-mile runs. Rather, it was a place where she could stretch, relax, and shake off the tension of her overwhelming life. The bed tucked into one corner was the most unexpected in that it wasn’t really a bed. It was an L-shaped lounge, large and comfortable but lined with bolsters, not pillows. She realized it was not intended to replace the bed in Logan’s room. As if seeing the understanding in her eyes, he said, “Yes, that lounge is for ‘resting,’ even occasional naps. As for where you will sleep, that’s next door. With me.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Logan. It’s wonderful. I’ve never had a desk in my house. But then, I’ve never wanted to stay there longer than I had to. Certainly not to work.”

  “Just know, Gia, I don’t want you to think you need to work here. But given how crazy the headquarters is likely to be, having a quiet place to go over your schedule, write your speeches and the like will be beneficial.” Before she could respond, Logan reached for her hand. Pulling her toward what she presumed was the bathroom, he said with a mischievous wink, “I had them redo the bathroom. Surprisingly, I had them make it smaller. I took out the shower and tub. I like you with me in my shower. I left you with a commode and a pretty spectacular vanity and dressing table.” At her questioning frown, he pushed toward the door. “In truth, I had to make room for this.”

  The room looked like a closet, if one agreed that a closet could be the size of a normal-sized bedroom. When Logan switched on the light, Gia stepped back in surprise. Mirrors covered one full wall. Positioned around the spacious room were drawers and organizers like the ones she’d seen in his closet. Lining the walls were shoe racks, jewelry drawers, areas for floor-length dresses and street clothes with specialty hangers for pants, skirts, blouses, and sweaters. It took her a full minute to acknowledge what made the startling room as remarkable as it was. All of the drawers and hangers were filled with clothes. What looked like no fewer than a dozen pair of shoes, from five-inch hooker heels to running shoes and an array of boots. Struggling to breathe, she turned to Logan and said in a strangled voice, “You . . . you can’t dress me, Logan. It’s not right, it’s not acceptable.”

  “Says who?”

  “I . . . I do . . . ”

  “Hmm. Let’s try this, Gia. To put it crassly, as you well know, an important component of any candidacy is packaging the candidate. We need to create ‘Gia’ in every aspect. Your platform, of course. But your wit, your personality, and, yes, your beauty, are all important elements. Clothes are also a critical part of the package. You know that as well as anyone does.”

  “But . . . I thought you liked the way I dressed. You . . . you said you did.”

  “So I did and I do. I just don’t want to limit your choices by price.” Reaching for her hand, he tugged her next to him. His gaze was serious, intent. “Tell me, Gia, do you like the clothes I’ve given you?”

  “You know I do.”


  “Because . . . they seemed like . . . me.”

  “That’s exactly right. And here’s the reason they do. I scoured the fashion industry and identified three upscale designers who are worthy of you. Worthy of your style, your verve, and your originality. Best of all, the designers are virtually unknown in the fashion world, which makes this a mutually rewarding relationship. They will dress you the way you deserve to be dressed, and you will make them famous.” He continued to hold her questioning gaze, then allowed his lips to quirk in a smile. Pinching her cheek, he murmured, “C’mon, Gia, what’s not to like?”

  Chapter 24

  Logan pulled up to the valet stand at the Commonwealth Club. He wasn’t surprised when no fewer than
three eager valets rushed to meet his FF. His snazzy automobile was well known at the upscale gentlemen’s club. As was his generosity. Logan smiled when two of the valets headed for the passenger side of the Ferrari. Obviously, as much as the attendants were interested in his generous tips, today they were more attracted by his passenger. Logan wasn’t surprised. He acknowledged that when it came down to it, money was money. But Gia? That was another story.

  Seeing the two young valets, one opening the passenger door with a flourish and the other extending a hand to help her out of the car, Logan grinned at the guy who’d opened his door. “I see you drew the short straw, Sampson.”

  The smiling valet raised his hands in ersatz defeat. “Good afternoon, Mr. Fowler. Welcome to the Commonwealth Club. And yes, as much as we look forward to your arrival, your lovely companion is close to royalty here.” Glancing at his cohorts, each reaching for one of Gia’s arms, he intoned in a careful voice, “While you are new to our community, sir, I’m confident you know that Gia Tremaine comes as close to a Hollywood star as our humble burg has.” The older man shook his head in wonder. “Although, as any of us veterans can tell you, the only person who came close to creating as much of a stir as that little girl was her pappy.”

  “So I understand, Sampson.”

  Before Logan could continue, the trusty valet added in a low voice, not hiding his sly amusement, “Seeing the occupants in the other cars that we’ve been parking today, it looks like you gentlemen are going to have an interesting meeting.”

  Logan winked at him. “Yes, I’m confident, if anything, interesting is a tame understatement.”

  “Ah yes, sir. But then, even with all the bigwigs in attendance today, Gia Tremaine is in a class by herself.”

  Pressing a large bill in the veteran attendant’s hand, Logan nodded in agreement as he rounded the car and came up beside Gia. Reaching for her arm, he said over his shoulder, “Another understatement, Sampson. At the very least, expect fireworks.”

  Gia edged closer to him as he guided her through the entrance to the impressive club. Confirming he understood her hesitancy, he tightened his grip on her arm and murmured with a sexy smile, “Tits up, princess.” At her slight frown, he held her back and forced her to look up at him. “I know what you’re thinking, sweetheart.”

  “What am I thinking? That the last time we were here, I behaved like a brat?”

  “Ah yes, so you did. As I remember, you sailed out of here on a river of aggrieved and, may I add, unwarranted fury. And while you royally pissed me off, I choose to remember what happened after I caught up with you.” He added with a raised brow, “I believe that I made it clear to you what happens to naughty girls who throw temper tantrums in public.” At her snort, he laughed. “That’s better, princess. Get your dander up. As I told Sampson, given the makeup of the crowd here today, fireworks are the least we can expect.” He pulled her close to him and murmured, “Remember, Gia, you are here because you are running for the Congress of the United States of America. This is your opportunity to throw down your marker with some very well-placed financiers.”

  “Geez, Logan, make me even more nervous, why don’t you?” She hesitated and then said softly, “Are you sure this was wise?” At his raised eyebrow, she quickly added, “Not that I came here. Of course I should. It’s just that maybe I should have come with Ben. Or at least maybe . . . ”

  “Maybe not with me? Hey, sweetheart, why shouldn’t you come with me? After all, if I’m not mistaken, I am your sugar daddy and you are my whore . . . ”

  When Gia jumped back in shock, her eyes wide in disbelief, Logan grinned at her. “C’mon, Gia. Where’s your fighting spirit? Besides, given how often I’m likely to have to spank you . . . maybe sugar daddy ain’t far from the truth.”

  Struggling with the mix of anger and embarrassment tearing at her shaky composure, Gia allowed herself to see what Logan was doing. He was purposefully reminding her of how she felt when Savannah uttered those ugly words, loud enough for everyone to hear. But by throwing it in her face, he was giving her the opportunity to respond differently. She hesitated, then seeing the humor gleaming in his dancing eyes, she blew out a hard sigh. Allowing herself to smile, she countered, “Hmm. Perhaps you’re right. I’ve gotta admit I’m beginning to think I have more than a little whore-ishness in me. At least, given the things I’m planning to do to wipe that cocky grin off your face.” She added in an undertone, “However, just so you know, your ‘daddy’ days are over, at least when it comes to spanking me.”

  Logan laughed aloud. “Ah, sweetheart, if you only knew what your rosy-red ass does to me. The chances that I’d ever stop spanking you or that you would ever stop needing it are nil, sweet cheeks.” Gratified by her flushed smile, Logan led her toward the entrance, then pulled her up next to him and kissed her cheek. “Like I said, princess, tits up.”

  “Well, well, Logan. And you too, Gia. Welcome to the meat market, as this unholy interaction of wealthy men and eager supplicants seeking their money has come to be known.”

  Paul Davis’s eyes flashed as he pointedly glanced at Logan’s arm around Gia’s shoulder. “Well, that sure as hell didn’t last long, buddy.”

  Pretending not to understand what Paul was referring to, Logan quirked a brow. “What might that be, Paul? And yes, good day to you as well.”

  Looking Gia up and down, not hiding his amusement, Paul was vociferous. “Holy Christ, man, the chances of keeping your distance from this beautiful woman were as likely as Mount Vesuvius deciding in mid-eruption to change course and go back to sleep.” He guffawed. “Elliott and I were taking bets as to how long your ‘professional’ relationship would last. Glad to say that I won. Although I admit I thought you might at least make it a day or two.”

  Logan laughed and wrapped his arm around Gia, allowing a possessive hand to rest on her hip. “Your forest fire analogy is apt, Paul. I decided the only way that I was going to protect Gia from all of you drooling men slobbering over her was to make my claim obvious.”

  Elliott Lockhart joined them, then leaned over and bussed Gia’s cheek. “Good afternoon, Gia. As always, you look ravishing. Even more than usual, if I may be so bold.” Glancing at Logan, he shook his head in amusement. “As for you, my friend, regarding how long it would take you to declare your intentions to this gorgeous woman, to my surprise, Paul was right. However, in my defense, remember I knew you in your hound-dog days. Frankly, the idea of Logan Fowler as a one-woman man was an oxymoron at best.” Gazing at Gia, he shook his head in admiration. “But that was then; this is now. Even the randiest hound dog would eschew legions of women if he could capture the uncapturable Gia.”

  “I trust I’m not interrupting a reunion of sorts. While well aware of your entrepreneurial and Lothario accomplishments, Mr. Fowler, I admit I only learned yesterday that you are a war hero. According to Elliott, you not only saved his life on a number of occasions, but numerous others as well.”

  Logan met Stewart Reed’s layered gaze with a surprised frown at his ill-disguised jibes. Quickly recovering his dismissive aplomb, he shot Reed a narrowed glance and chose to respond to the reference to his military service. “Greetings, Stewart. I trust you know that army buddies tend to exaggerate the longer they are away from the glory days. That said, it was my honor to serve with Elliott on some challenging missions.” He added curtly, “And please, the name is Logan.” Turning to Gia, he pulled her closer to him and nodded to the slender, impeccably dressed man who’d approached them. “I don’t know if you’ve met Stewart Reed, Gia. In addition to being the progeny of the founding fathers of this fair city, he is the primary funder of the Underwood campaign.” Logan added with a grin, “But then, we won’t hold that against him. Everyone makes errors of judgment, and who knows, by the end of the campaign, Mr. Reed may have reason to rethink his errant ways. While it’s said that a leopard never changes its spots, wise men have been known to do exactly that.”

  Reed smiled, although his rigid jaw and th
e fact that his smile didn’t reach his eyes confirmed that Logan’s easy insults had gotten to him. Turning to Gia, he said with an unctuous smile, “Yes, Ms. Tremaine and I have had the pleasure of meeting. And I concede. I’ve supported Mr. Underwood’s campaigns in the past and am honored to do so in this campaign.” He shook his head as if in wonder. “Although, I am the first to admit that Gus may be facing his most significant challenge to date.” Reaching for Gia’s hand, he bowed over it, then said ironically, “I’m confident, my dear, you are aware that you have caused more than a few waves in what was supposed to be a relatively uneventful campaign.”

  Gia returned his practiced smile with one of her own. “For better or worse, Mr. Reed, waves, even storms, seem to follow me wherever I go. Although some people say that I’m a magnet for tempests, indeed, that I provoke them.”

  Reed’s eyes narrowed, but he managed to keep his smile in place. Responding softly, he intoned, “I’m not surprised that as provocative as you are that you cause more than a few ripples wherever you go. But please, my dear, my name is Stewart.”

  Gia tossed her head as she pointedly removed her hand from his unwelcome grip. “And my name, Stewart, is Gia.”

  Flushing at her clear putdown, Reed made an obvious effort to gather himself, then turned to Logan, who wasn’t hiding his amusement at Gia’s comeback to the officious man. Narrowing his gaze, he said carefully, “I hope I didn’t embarrass you, Logan, with my reference to your heroism. It’s not every day that an entrepreneurial genius was at one time a decorated Delta Force special operative. I’m curious. How much of a role did your clandestine military experiences play in creating your quite remarkable company?” Building on his implication that Logan’s Delta Force experience may have played an unsavory role in his success, Stewart doubled down. “You have to admit, Logan, in reality there are few legitimate ‘overnight wonders.’ But you seem to be exactly that. Both in the ‘overnight’ component and the fact that many call you a superstar. Please be so kind as to tell the rest of us stragglers your secret. Not only to the great wealth you’ve attained it but how you rapidly achieved it.”


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