Catastrophic Attraction (The Deviant Future Book 4)

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Catastrophic Attraction (The Deviant Future Book 4) Page 12

by Eve Langlais

  “Me or someone else.” Roark lifted one shoulder. “Might as well be me.”

  “Whatever happened to the spy with the hot fingers?”

  “What do you think happened?” Roark retorted. “I tracked her down and made sure she wouldn’t be starting any more fires.”

  “Did you find out who sent her?”

  At the query, Roark made a face. “Your guess is as good as mine. I assume you’re here because you have news?”

  “Can’t a brother pop in to say hello?”

  “You hate being away from your ship.”

  “True. Especially given I don’t dare dock her anywhere near Port City right now. Things have been slightly chaotic.”

  “In what sense?” Roark asked. His own spy network had been quiet of late.

  “I think it’s about to go into full revolt.”

  “Against the king?”

  “Yes, but not by the citizens. I think it’s the Enclave that’s going to overthrow him.”

  A frown creased Roark’s brow. “That would be a shame. He wasn’t a bad leader.”

  “If the current Duke of Coral gets the title, Port City could become a tricky place to deal with.”

  Which wouldn’t bode well for the Marshlands. They’d finally established trade channels. “You think they’ll have a problem with Eden?”

  “They already do. Seems there’s a few lords in Port City upset you stopped the tunnel shipments of fluff.”

  “You mean the confiscation of the toxic dust.” A drug produced in Emerald and sold in enough quantity that the kingdom traded it for everything they needed.

  “It would appear they aren’t happy you’ve been seizing it and arresting those smuggling it.”

  “Then they should have paid the price.” He tucked his hands behind his back. “So rather than pay a small toll, they’d prefer to rid themselves of me?” The logic escaped him.

  “It’s possible. I’ve yet to actually find a direct link to the attacks.”

  “Does Princess Shereen know what’s happening in Eden and in her own city?”

  “The princess has her own issues.” Darius set his jaw. “I doubt she’ll survive the king’s demise.”

  “Pity. She’s a nice girl. Guess once the chaos settles, I’ll have to pay a visit to Sapphire and endure a few meetings to soothe some tempers. Perhaps once they’ve changed kings they’ll be less interested in attacks.”

  “And if they’re not?”

  “Then I’ll ferret out the culprit.”

  Darius shook his head. “You can’t mindread them all. There’s too many involved.”

  “Then what do you recommend?”

  “Do nothing. The drug trade will dry up on its own because the rumors coming out of Emerald are that the queen neglected to tell anyone where she got the dust from.”

  That brought a frown. “How is that possible? Surely she had people working to harvest it?”

  “I’m sure she did, but no one can find them. She hid them well. Too well. The Emerald Enclave is losing its mind.”

  “Good. Perhaps its citizens will finally overthrow them and rule themselves.”

  Darius snorted. “Never mind the lives that will be lost during the violence.”

  “Freedom has a price.” He’d paid it. And continued to pay it. Even when he’d hurt for it, it was worth every bloody drop and tear.

  “I hear someone went after Charlie.” Darius glowered. He was fond of his niece and often brought her back strange toys from the islands.

  “We’ve had two attempts, which is why she now has full-time protection.”

  “Good. If things get bad, you know you can always give her to me. I’ll take her sailing for a bit until things die down.”

  “Sailing on an ocean with giant sea monsters is just as likely to kill her.” Roark grimaced. “I don’t know how you stand it.” He preferred solid land under his feet.

  “I don’t know how you live in this cesspool. Muddy waters all around and nasty things living in them.” Darius shuddered. “I’ll take my big ocean beauties any day.”

  “Your beauties keep trying to sink your ship.”

  “They play rough.” Darius’s grin was a charming smile that more than one woman had fallen for.

  “How long you staying in the city for?”

  “As long as it takes to cajole Riella into making me a sonar to find ruins.”

  “What happened to studying the old maps?”

  “I’m fairly certain I’ve found the city they used to call the Apple. But before I go diving, I’d like to be sure. There’s some mean critters in that area.”

  The idea of finding a new place intrigued, but not enough for Roark to ever set foot on a boat. “If you want Riella, then be prepared to be nice to Titan.”

  “And if I’m just myself?”

  Roark groaned. “Then I guess I can look forward to Titan scowling and stomping the entire time you’re here.” The man was utterly devoted to Riella. It wouldn’t be long before they declared themselves in front of people, he’d wager. He wondered if that matchmaker would claim they weren’t perfect for each other.

  Why did he care?

  “If the man is intimidated, it’s his own fault. I was genetically blessed with a massive dick. You should feel sorry for me. It’s not easy being the object of lust.” Darius spoke matter-of-factly. Smug bastard.

  Roark shook his head. “One of these days, you’re going to meet a woman who isn’t impressed by your charm. And she’s the one you’ll want above all else.”

  “Full-time relationships are for the land-locked. I’m a sailor, which means no home for me, brother. Just a cabin and my bed.”

  “Speaking of bed, I should find mine.” Roark rubbed a hand over his face. Being a king came with more duties than he liked. Meaning he needed to find capable people to help him. No point in having power if he never got to enjoy himself.

  Before heading to his bed, he went up the extra flight of stairs and nodded to the pair of guards that saluted him. They stood aside as he went to his daughter’s door. He almost wanted to chastise them. They didn’t even test to see who he was. What if someone with the ability to wear faces demanded admittance?

  But no one knew that was even possible. Not people that lived at any rate, and he’d yet to hear of anyone else who could do what he did.

  His abilities could be why so many wanted him dead. Roark didn’t just have the psionic power that the Enclave craved; he had several types of it. Uncommon in a world where the deviant genes that resulted in magic weren’t always triggered. A power like his was prized when it came to breeding, which might explain the newest missive he’d received today. An elaborate invitation from the Ruby Kingdom, asking what it would cost for him to donate some sperm.

  He’d laughed. Rather hard, then sobered. Because the request, while brazen, showed that some had caught on to the fact he wasn’t merely that upstart king in the Marshes but a force to be reckoned with. He also wondered what kind of file the Earl of Ova had on him. Did it contain a list of possible perfect matches?

  He didn’t care, because he wasn’t looking. He didn’t want or need a queen. He already had an heir. His sweet Charlie, born of— He wouldn’t think of her mother. Just like he wasn’t about to give away his seed either intentionally or through fornication.

  Entering his daughter’s room, at first he didn’t see or even sense Casey’s presence. It was the fact she hid too well that led him to see the one spot in the room that seemed a little too anxious to appear empty. Once he realized it, he perceived her outline against the wall by the curtains. They were open, but the room was protected by the new bars now bolted into place. If his orders had been obeyed, they were hooked to an alarm as well. Nothing would be entering that way anytime soon. Just like the vent Charlie had last escaped through now had its own series of alarm triggers should anyone try to use them.

  He moved to the bed and sat on the edge. Charlie liked to sprawl, and she hung over the middle of it, mouth open
, snoring slightly. His mind, while still weak and recovering, gently touched hers and saw the shield over it. A light one. He’d have to work with her on making it stronger. And finding out how she’d hidden herself the other night when she’d gone missing.

  Could it be her powers awakened? Cloaking would be useful. He raised his gaze to Casey who stared from the shadow.

  She frowned before saying, “How do you always see me?”

  “Barely, if it’s any consolation.” He spoke softly as he brushed Charlie’s cheek. Her lips twitched in a half-smile. He rose and beckoned. “A word if you would. I just got some news.”

  Casey moved into the middle of the room and paused. She bit her lip and stared at Charlie. “It’s night. I should stay.”

  “We’ll put the guards in here to watch for a moment. With them and the new alarms, we’ll have plenty of warning.”

  It took only a moment for them to switch places with the guards in the hall so their conversation wouldn’t disturb his daughter’s sleep.

  “I take it you’ve had no issues since we last talked.”

  She shook her head. “No, but I did get to meet Xarek. Handsome boy. Shame about his hair.”

  He frowned. “What about his hair?”

  “Nothing. You should ask Charlie tomorrow.” She changed the subject. “I heard you met with a pirate.”

  “Your sources are fast.”

  “Don’t you mean your daughter is talkative? She had plenty to say about her favorite uncle. You never mentioned a brother.”

  “When did I have time? We’ve known each other only a few days,” he reminded. Yet it felt longer. Comfortable even. He was at ease in Casey’s presence like he was with few people.

  “What did your brother say?”

  “That it’s possible that Sapphire is the one coming after me. I might have put a dent in their drug trade.”

  “What drug trade? Rumors are the dust stopped flowing when the queen died.”

  “The rumors are accurate.”

  “Meaning the attempts should stop.”

  He rolled his shoulders. “Maybe.”

  She eyed him. “You want to find out if it’s true.”

  “At this point, the dried-up shipments have nothing to do with me. Killing me won’t restart the drug trade. It makes no sense.” And he wouldn’t get answers sticking to his castle.

  A furry body wound around his legs and then stood by Charlie’s door. Waiting. Just like he kept waiting for something to happen. What if he charged after it instead?

  “I should go to Sapphire and find out what’s going on,” he stated softly.

  “’I’?” she questioned. “You can’t go anywhere.”

  “Why not? Removing me from Eden eliminates some of the threat. Maybe any bomb carriers will follow me to the port city.”

  “And blow it up instead?”

  “Better than Eden,” he said with a shrug.

  “What about the princess? There’s a bounty on Charlie’s head. We can’t leave her.”

  “What’s this we?”

  She scowled at him. “You don’t seriously think I would let you go alone?”

  The very idea seemed ridiculous. He’d never needed protection before. Then again, his enemies never used to be so desperate. “If you leave, then who guards Charlie?”

  “Anita and Titan.”

  He shook his head. “Are two people, and Titan is already busy. But I know someone who owes me a favor.”

  She immediately guessed. “You’re going to put a pirate in charge of her protection.”

  “That pirate is her uncle and has been sailing the deadly oceans for years. If he can’t protect her, then no one can.”

  “When should we leave?”

  “Soon. With two attempts recently foiled, it probably won’t be long until the next. Are you sure you want to go? We’ll have to travel incognito, which means no luxury transport. Probably an old and noisy terrain vehicle.”

  “I’m going to pretend you did not just accuse me of being soft.”

  He half tensed expecting her to hit him to prove a point. “Just making sure. After all, you’ve been living in luxury now for a few days. Could be you don’t want to return to another kind of life.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “That’s exactly why we need to go. So I don’t get sloppy.”

  “There’s nothing soft about you.” He said it and couldn’t help but look at her lips.

  Her sweet, soft lips.

  He knew it was foolish, perhaps even a bit crazy, to kiss her. She might gut him for the temerity of it, but he couldn’t help himself. He dipped his head and pressed his mouth to hers.

  She froze. A wild animal ready to fight, never flee. For a moment he feared he’d killed himself.

  Then she was kissing him back, her body wound around his, her lips just as fiercely hungry as his own.

  Who knew where the embrace might have gone if they’d not been interrupted with a snarled, “Get your hands off my sister.”

  Chapter 11

  To his credit, Roark didn’t squeak and run away at the sound of Cam slapping a fist into a palm. Most people took one look at her glowering brother and bolted, except for Casey of course. She’d been known to hurt him if he tried his intimidation tactics.

  The king didn’t react in fear, nor did he recoil. He did keep his hands on her back and somehow tucked her into his side. As if she needed tucking. She did, however, need to be held back from her meddling brother.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were cleaning out some ruins,” Casey grumbled.

  “I came as soon as we were done.” His tone implied it was just in time.

  Her brother looked mean and imposing, his hair cut short on the sides, but high on top. For twins who supposedly emerged from the same womb—a high-placed breeding one—they looked very little alike. Dark hair and eyes, tan skin, but in every other respect they differed. Especially when it came to personal space.

  “You didn’t need to come. I’m doing just fine. You might as well head back to Haven. I’m sure Axel could use you.”

  “Axel will understand my reasons for sticking by your side.”

  Roark hadn’t said anything yet. She should have known it would be something provocative once he did.

  “Do you always treat your sister as if she’s incompetent and incapable of handling tasks?”

  Cam’s jaw dropped. “I said no such thing.”

  “Really? Because you implied it when you ignored her request to remove yourself and insisted she needed you to stay.”

  “Because we’re a team.” The expected reply almost made her snap.

  “By her choice or yours?” Roark drawled.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It’s not uncommon for male family members, or men in general, to be under the false impression that the fairer sex is incapable of providing assistance or even caring for themselves.”

  “I wasn’t implying that at all. Casey is the toughest girl I know.”

  “I’m tougher than most boys you know,” she muttered.

  “Then why does she require your aid?” queried Roark.

  “Because she’s my sister.”

  “And?” Roark arched a brow. It was quite sexy and arrogant all at once. “I’ve seen your sister in action. Fought her, too. Enough to know she doesn’t need you looming over her. Unless your overprotectiveness stems from another reason? Say like jealousy. Which, in that case, perhaps you’d like to speak to the medical doctors who will explain why that kind of indulgence is dangerous if you plan to breed.”

  The expression on Cam’s face. She almost wished she had one of the rare cameras to take a picture.

  “I would never touch her like that. Gross. Fuck. What kind of sick asshole are you?” Cam bristled, but Roark shut him down.

  “Actually, the phrase you’re looking for is ‘your highness.’” His voice took on that cold tone that always made her shiver.

  It left her brother unimpressed. Cam
’s lip curled. “I should have known you were the wannabe king.”

  “I don’t want to be anything. I am.” Spoken firmly and without hesitation. “Your insolence is getting tiresome. Perhaps you require a demonstration of why I’m the one ruling these lands.”

  “Gonna order your soldiers to arrest me?” Cam’s lip curled. “Go ahead. Show her what kind of prick you really are.”

  “I don’t need others to fight my battles.” Roark’s tone turned low and deadly.

  Enough that she suddenly feared for her brother. He didn’t have the same mental protections she did. She’d joked more than once that she got the brainpower and he got the muscle.

  She stepped in front of Roark. “Cam isn’t used to royalty, Your Highness,” she said with a mocking lilt.

  He gazed down at her. “Now is when you choose to address me properly?”

  She shrugged. “Enjoy it while you can. It might never happen again.”

  The mood lightened, and he barked a chuckle “You should tell your brother to be careful how he runs his mouth.”

  “But then that might mean you’d next try to curb mine,” she pointed out.

  “We can’t have that, now can we?” Roark declared, his eyes sparking with humor.

  “You can’t afford to not hear my excellent advice.”

  “Even as it comes with insults?”

  “Would you prefer I blew dust up your ass and told you how wonderful you are all the time?”

  He snorted. “You’d never manage to do it with a straight face.”


  It became obvious Cam didn’t like their intimate exchange. He shifted behind her and grumbled, “I’ll also speak whatever way I like. Don’t care what you are. You’re not the king of me.”

  The wince at his childish words made her realize she’d more or less said the same thing. Had she sounded just as sulky?

  She turned and eyed her brother. “Roark isn’t your enemy.”

  “So it’s Roark now?”

  “Stop being like this.”

  “Like what?” Cam snapped. “Like a brother?”

  “Yeah, as a matter of fact. We are not going to have another Jorak situation.” The guy Cam had terrorized for the crime of staring overly long at Casey. After Cam got ahold of him, Jorak couldn’t run away fast enough when he saw her. As for Casey, she’d taken her irritation at losing a boy she’d been interested in out on her brother, slamming into him with her fists and throwing him into the ground over and over.


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