Save Me

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Save Me Page 18

by Brisa Starr

  I grab her face in my hands and bring my lips down onto hers. I have to kiss her, to connect with her, to share her life force. I’m desperate to show her this wasn’t just lust… it was a soul-wrenching connection. Her soft mouth returns the tenderness, and my heart melts with hers.

  I don’t want to be even a centimeter away from her, but I slide my dick out of her. I take the condom off and tie the end, before disposing of it.

  I pull my boxers and pants up, and as I’m buttoning the fly, I look at her. She’s sitting, unmoving and unblinking, in the same position I left her. She’s dazed. Thoroughly fucked and wholly satisfied, like a cat who polished off a bowl of heavy whipping cream.

  I cup her face and touch my lips to hers, staying there a moment longer, and basking in our honeyed afterglow.

  This woman, this wonder, this bond. I’m going to steal her heart and cherish it. Keep it forever. I want her to be mine and only mine.

  She whispers, “Friends don’t fuck.”



  “I know,” he says and winks.

  What the heck does that mean? I’m confused.

  The high from my climax dissipates, and it hits me what we just did. Thoughts crash through my mind. I couldn’t resist him. When he had his body behind me, I knew how badly he wanted me. Me! It ignited such a burning desire in my core, I launched my brain out the window like a rocket headed for space.

  It felt so good. So right.

  But now I’m at a loss for what to say. Or what to think, or do. Panic wants to grip my mind and paralyze it.

  Thankfully, I don’t have to think about anything because Luke holds his hand out and I take it. He pulls me off the desk and I stand up. My knees wobble. He releases my hand and bends down to pick up my thong from the floor. He holds it up to his face and takes a deep breath. My eyes widen, and my face heats like lava. Good god, this man is as hot as a habanero!

  He kneels and holds the legs of the thong open for me to step into it. He slowly stands as he pulls it up my thighs, and once it’s in place, he kisses my nose and steps back. I swallow, wanting to say something, but the words floating around my head don’t make coherent sentences. It’s like my heart is running interference so my mind doesn’t say something I’ll regret.

  “Let’s go eat, angel,” he says with a gentle smile, and he takes my hand, like everything is normal.

  Good. More directions for me I can follow. I’m so mute, he probably thinks he fucked my brains out. But what do I say? We just blasted things into the stratosphere without even talking about it. I didn’t expect this.

  I’d secretly thought about it, of course — maybe even hoped for it — but I didn’t expect it.

  I grab my purse on the way out of my office. We walk through the clinic in silence, and once we’re outside, I turn around to lock the door behind us. I see the sun setting, and it’s a balmy, warm summer evening. The air is sensuous, and I stop briefly to soak in it.

  “Where do you want to eat?” I ask, finally finding my voice.

  He grabs my hand again. “I thought we’d try that new Japanese place,” he says, smirking at me, knowing full well I’m feeling all things crazy right now. About what just happened, and our lack of discussion about it. I think he’s enjoying it, too. Like he knows the outcome of this game, and he’s withholding information for fun.

  It’s as if he’s already figured everything out, and he wants to drop clues, dangling them like chocolate kisses for me, and enjoying my discomfort that comes from having no idea what’s going on. I should just come out and ask him what he’s thinking, but just when I get my nerve, a crowd of people comes out of a restaurant and steals the moment.

  I retreat to silence. I’m a smart woman; I can figure this out. Point one, I think to myself, there are a hundred reasons not to have a sexual relationship. Not with him. But my heart begs me to ignore them. All of them. Point two... well, there is no point two.

  My mind drifts back to the office behind us. The way he looked at me in there. The way his face sought mine with every thrust of his cock into me. I lick my dry lips and purse them for a steamy exhale. I’ve never been fucked like that. It was animalistic with its obsessive need for relief, yet I also felt a deep connection. In my soul.

  We make our way along the sidewalk and come to the crosswalk. It’s red for us, and he turns to face me. “Are you nervous? Because you seem nervous. If anything, I would’ve thought you’d be nervous before. Not after,” he chuckles, a deep, throaty groan, and then he leans down to kiss my cheek. My knees threaten to give out.

  I smile and stare down at our hands. I love the way we hold hands, our fingers interlocked. Yeah, we are so far past the just-friends thing. The realization slaps me in the face, and my heart cheers on its megaphone for finally catching on to what it’s known, deep down, for a long time.

  We are more than just friends. It’s official. I think he’s happy about it, if his body language says anything.

  OK, I nod to myself. I accept this. Now the question is... what do I think about it?

  “You’re right. I am nervous...” I was about to say more, but the crosswalk turns green, and we cross the street. Once we’re on the other side, it’s a block until we reach the restaurant, and with so many distractions, it doesn’t seem like the right time to talk about something so intimate. I want to see his face and look into his eyes when we discuss it.

  He holds the door open for me, and I step inside the restaurant. It’s inviting and dark, with black furniture and blue lights glowing around the perimeter. There’s an intriguing song playing over the speakers, a fusion of seductive, sexy jazz with Zen spa music. This restaurant is currently the hot spot in town, and it takes us a few minutes standing in line to see the hostess.

  When it’s our turn, Luke asks for a table.

  “Do you have a reservation?” asks the hostess.

  “No,” he answers with his sexy smile. “Is there any chance you can hook us up?”

  She flushes and stammers, holding his gaze just a moment too long, “Let me check.”

  So, it’s not just me. Ha.

  While she’s checking her iPad for a table, Luke reaches over to me and gently tucks a tendril of my hair behind my ear. He takes my hand and brings it up to his lips. He kisses my knuckles, and he watches me melt like chocolate under a tropical sun. His eyes glitter with playful mischief.

  I can’t help but return the feeling to him. And this is it. This moment — by the hostess stand — in this crowded Japanese restaurant. I’m tired of letting my insecurities rule my life. I’m through with letting uncertainty and doubt drive my decisions. My life.

  The future Luke and I hold is unclear, but I can’t deny my feelings for him. I refuse to ignore them anymore. I throw caution to the wind, and I jump into this, headfirst, whatever this is, or wherever it’s going. I know he leaves in a month, but until then, I’ll have him. For one glorious month, he’s all mine.

  The air between us changes as he watches me. His energy has broken through my fortress, my shield, and he has come crashing in, victorious. And, he knows it. He looks me up and down and sends a triumphant smile my way. Knowing we’re on a new trajectory, when his eyes find mine again, he says, “Hi.”

  “Hi,” I whisper back and avert my eyes. “I think we…”

  The hostess interrupts to tell us our table is ready. Luke doesn’t care. He pulls me into his arms and plants a big kiss on my lips. My world whirls for a moment, and then he releases me. He turns to the hostess, whose eyes are wide in surprise, but with a smile of appreciation, and she guides us to our table, a secluded spot tucked away in a corner of the restaurant.

  She hands us our menus, and two seconds later, someone appears to fill our glasses with water. I glance at my menu, and while I’m deciding what to eat, Luke’s foot is sliding sexily up my calf.

  I smile, still looking at my menu, and my insides swim with raw yearning. I’m trying to study the options for dinner, but all I can think ab
out is having him again. I take a breath, and I shift my weight to settle comfortably in my chair.

  I like this plan. The “Us” plan.

  “Do you know you want?” he asks.

  “I do,” I reply, lowering my menu, and I raise an eyebrow at him, the meaning obvious, I hope. I think I pulled it off, but my heartbeat trembles at my own attempt at flirting.

  I’m sort of new at this.

  He cracks his neck and pushes his shoulders back, surprised by my double meaning. He’s pleased, and he smiles.

  A server comes over and takes our order. When he leaves, Luke leans forward, elbows on the table, and looks into my eyes. “So, what were you about to say at the hostess stand?” he probes.

  Here it goes. Time to show our cards. “I like what we did in the clinic.” I can feel the heat rising from my chest to my face after the words leave my mouth.

  “I could’ve told you that,” he says and shrugs.

  My eyes look left and right of me, like I’m going to tell him a secret. I look him in the eyes and whisper, “I’d like more of it.”

  He reaches across the table and grabs my hands in his, his thumb caressing mine. He draws a deep breath, and with seriousness and truth glowing in his eyes, he says, “Ash, like I said earlier, it wasn’t just my hormones talking, it was my heart, too. I don’t know how to express the feelings I have for you, but I’m not going to ignore them anymore. Life is too short. I don’t know what’s gonna happen, but I know what I want right now. And that’s you.”

  Did he really just say that?

  Holy shit!

  It wasn’t just physical. I mean, I knew that already… there was so much passion and connection. But he’s talking like wants me… as his…

  My yellow butterflies bang around in my torso like they won the lotto. A dream come true. This is the guy I’ve crushed on my entire life. And here he is, telling me he wants to be with me. I know it could be short-lived, but dammit, I’m willing to do that. Who said it… Shakespeare? Tennyson? — It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

  I’m down with that.

  We enjoy a superb dinner, and all of our usual topics seem to go a level deeper with our new trust, and our wider highway for communication. Our minds — and bodies — have taken the next step. We are much closer now. From one little fuck. And it shows in every word and subtle glance between us. There’s a look in our eyes. We have a secret… we’ve had each other.

  We leave the restaurant and walk to his car, hand-in-hand, and I’m floating in a pool of pink bonbons. My smile is unrestrained, and my steps are weightless. He drives me home and parks his car in his parents’ driveway. We get out and he walks me across the street to my front door.

  “So, about that sleepover?” He grins, and I laugh, but his words start a pulse throbbing between my legs.

  “Tomorrow?” I suggest, and I get wet thinking about it, him, and his enormous cock.

  He pulls me to him and whispers in my ear, “I’ll miss you tonight, but I’ll be thinking about you, and what I’m going to do to you tomorrow night.”

  I feel the air sucked out of my lungs as his words weaken my knees, and I’m powerless, ready to do anything he wants. He pulls his face back so I can see his blazing green eyes, and he pins me with a wolfish grin. “Get some rest tonight. You’ll need it.”

  I lick my lips and swallow. He brings his mouth down on mine. It cools my skin, despite the hot temperature floating around us, and his masculine scent circles me like a shark. His lips linger and we breathe each other.

  How did we get here?

  My heart thunders and my pussy trembles, deep with need for his touch, his fingers, his tongue. I don’t know how I’ll get through the night.

  As if reading my mind, he says, “And don’t touch yourself tonight. Save it all for me. All of you... for me.”

  He pulls away and makes sure I can stand on my own. I turn to the door, and he leaves, walking across the grass toward his house.

  I fumble with the lock but finally manage to get myself inside in one piece. I close the door and collapse up against it, hugging my purse to my chest. Whoa.

  My dad comes into the living room from the kitchen with a magazine. “Hey, kiddo. How was your date?” He snickers and winks at me, but one look at my face and he sits down on the couch. “That good, huh?”

  My dad has always been there for me. I don’t tell him every detail about my personal life, but he knows most of it. He was there to help me put my life back together after Lance. When I need a shoulder to cry on, it’s his.

  “It was... great,” I say, patting my heart with my hand and fluttering my eyes to the ceiling. He snorts at my exaggerated expression.

  “Hm, well it seems like you’ve gotten past the issue of him living in California then. Good, I’m glad to hear that.”

  I walk toward the couch. “Well, I don’t know about that, but I gave my heart carte blanche to override my brain, at least temporarily. Should it scare me, Dad?”

  “The thing is, Ash. You might be scared, and that’s OK. You do it anyway.” He takes a breath and narrows his bright, blue eyes on me, holding my full attention. “When you’re scared, and you do something anyway, you know what that is? It’s called being brave. It’s having courage. Heart. And that makes me proud of you.” He pats my leg and adds, “It’ll be worth it, Ash. Seems like you two like each other, have something special. It’ll all work out, no matter the outcome.”

  My dad’s words settle around my heart, and I affirm my choices. “Yeah.” I nod, thoughtful.

  I turn toward him, “So, tell me how it’s been at Sally’s.”

  “It’s great. I help with the dishes in the back, which earns me treats,” he says and grins ear to ear.

  “Dad!” I admonish.

  “I know, I know. Don’t worry. Not too much sugar.”

  I smile in relief.

  “It’s good, though. I see the guys, I get some steps in, which I know makes you happy because I’m not sitting all day. I get out and about.” He smiles at me and stands up. He stretches and yawns, adding, “It was a superb idea, and I’m glad you got me doing it.”

  “You seem to be doing great these days, Dad. I’m excited to take you to your next neurologist visit and see if all this stuff we’re doing has helped. It sure seems like it has.”

  “I’m sure it has, kiddo. I’m off to bed now. Love you.” He bends over to kiss me on the top of my head.

  “Night, Dad.”

  Exhausted from my long day at work, the erotic sex in my office, and the emotional rollercoaster from my feelings tonight with Luke, I fall into bed spent, happy, and a tiny bit worried. But I’ve jumped. I’m there, and courage bounds through me.

  My phone buzzes. My heart flutters. It’s a text from Luke.

  Luke: I wish you were here with me.

  I give my heart a moment to settle before responding. Cuz, oh-my-god, this is really happening.

  Me: Me too.

  Luke: I’ll have you tomorrow night though.

  Me: Should I bring anything for the sleepover?

  Luke: A nightgown you don’t mind being ripped off you.

  I gulp a breath. I wasn’t expecting that answer.

  Me: I’ll see what I can find.

  Luke: I love the taste of your pussy.

  Holy hell, this boy talks dirty. My blood rushes to every extremity before beating its way between my legs.

  Hm. I wonder if he’d like me to talk that way back to him. My heart pitter-patters at the thought as nerves tingle in me. Here goes...

  Me: I want to suck your cock and taste your cum.

  No response.


  Did I say something wrong?

  A few seconds pass, and I see the three bubbles showing me he’s texting a response.

  Luke: I plan on filling more than one part of you with my cum. I’m going to fuck your mouth and pussy senseless until you beg. I want to hear you moaning my name on your lips.r />
  My eyes roll back in my head. Good god, I’m heating up like a brick pizza oven. I kick off the covers and hear a MEEOOOWWW!

  “Whoops… sorry, Honey.” My kicking disturbed her snooze.

  Me: If you don’t stop, I’ll have to take matters into my own hands. Right now. Me, myself, and I.

  Luke: You’d better not. Save it for ME!

  A smile forms on my lips. Ha. I riled him up. Fair is fair.

  Me: I better go to bed. Run tomorrow?

  Luke: Shit, I can’t. I have a call with someone LyfeSense wants me to talk to on the East Coast. I’ll have to wait to see you later. How about lunch?

  Me: I’m going to the library on my lunch break. Want to join me?

  Luke: I’ll take what I can get. See you at the library. What time?

  Me: 1pm.

  Luke: Goodnight, angel.

  Me: Night.

  I turn my phone over and set it on my nightstand.


  He called me that a couple times tonight. It was sweet and intimate. Warmth blooms in my chest, and I close my eyes. I take a relaxed breath, then fall asleep, with sexy dreams about Luke getting me off in the reference section of the library.




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