Frost Fire

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Frost Fire Page 12

by Michelle Howard

  “Faris!” the female commanded as she came toward him.

  Did she know who he was? He was a king! None dared command him. Faris turned to give her his full attention. He’d show her. As she struggled to draw her last breath, she’d see who was in charge and he’d gladly watch death take her.

  Faris searched for the thread leading to her mind and came up empty. He huffed and tried again, but the intimate space he’d once shared with the female was no longer there.

  Had he ripped her from the mantle in his effort to free his mind from her potential control? He studied her as she braced her weight and readied herself for battle. Those who’d fallen when he succumbed to the madness now saw the light. More followed suit. They shifted into large Silver beasts and formed a line behind him, prepared to support his supreme reign.

  First, he needed to eliminate the one who stood before him in defiance. Faris tried again and again without success to reach her through the mantle only to grow angry when he failed with each attempt. He wanted to order her death. Speak the words to kill her, but she’d found a way to betray him. Again

  Anger seethed. She’d tricked him. Forced him to dissolve his love for her in order to escape his retaliation through the mantle. Thoughts raced. He had to find another way to crush her.

  She smiled a weary smile. “Can’t feel me? Same. I can’t feel the rich connection to the mantle, the love and energy of our people. You’ve already killed me, Faris, but I can’t let you hurt others.”

  “You can’t stop me.” His voice vibrated and echoed around them, the vocal chords in this form lending a garbled edge to his words.

  Faris wrestled more power through the mantle from the darker shadow within. More. Always more.

  Screams followed, those standing beside the female flinched. But not her. This warrior who wanted to stop him from being great. Another female ran over and handed the red-headed one a sword. As if such a weapon would stop him.

  “That is all you have?” he asked, allowing his amusement to bleed through.

  Instead of defeat, determination stamped across her face. She held her sword out and adjusted her body into a fighting stance. The males around her followed suit. One, two, three and more.

  Faris didn’t care about them. They weren’t a threat.

  Threat? Was she a threat?

  He snorted bolts of ice and backed up a step as confusion muddled his thoughts. Why was she not enraged? Without the connection to the mantle, she was doomed to death. Where was her pain? Her acknowledgment of his triumph?

  “Faris, you can still stop this. Please. For me.” Hurt flashed across her features before she masked it with a firm press of her lips.

  Faris’ mind flared. Hurt. He hadn’t intended to hurt her.

  Had he?

  No. He didn’t want to hurt R—r...he couldn’t remember her name. All he knew was that he didn’t want the strange female dead, never that. Faris backed another step and lashed his tail out at the small group from his sect who thought to close in from the left side of him. The males leaped out of the way, but he’d caught one and the male flew across the clearing and slammed into the ground.

  The red-haired female stepped closer, the tip of her sword angled toward the ground as she extended her free hand. “Trust me, Faris. We can help you.”

  Confusion. Thousands of voices begged for guidance. The mantle was a wave crashing against his skull. Why was everything so confusing? She stepped closer until the scent of her filled his nostrils. Familiar. Safe? Faris lowered his neck, his large head bumping against her hand.

  Agony lanced across his right back leg, the burning sensation spreading to his tail. Faris whirled on a scream of rage. Jagged wounds seeped blood from his hindquarters. He stumbled back, crashing about.


  She’d tricked him. Armed males surrounded Faris and attacked again. Slices burned across his underbelly from their swords. Jabs to his torso as he arched up, raising his clawed forearms in defense. Blood seeped from the wounds they’d inflicted.


  “No!” he snarled, lashing in her direction. She fell back but recovered her balance.

  No more.

  Faris arched his neck and trumpeted his rage. Nothing they said mattered. Nothing she said mattered. Their words were like pellets hitting his frozen heart. Darkness blanketed his mind, thick and cloying. He had no emotions, no cares. It was better than the panic he’d felt when he thought of the female. Faris frowned, trying once more to recall her name.

  ‘We need no name,’ the dark voice whispered.

  Faris shook his head. It ached, throbbed. He should do...something. When the madness got bad he was supposed to go somewhere. Somewhere to protect himself and the others. Concern tightened his chest.

  “Faris,” the female voice called.

  Why wouldn’t she stop saying his name? The scuff of boots drew near. He was hurt. Awareness seared his senses. They hunted him. Wanted to destroy him.

  ‘Not if we destroy them first.’

  Yes. He had to destroy them. That was his purpose. But first he needed to gain a semblance of control. Faris flapped his wings and took to the sky on a loud caw.


  Rena cursed as Faris leaped into the air and flew away. Several Silvers followed suit, taking a V formation as they blindly went with their king.

  “We missed him.”

  Turning at the statement, Rena came face to face with King Varyk. King Rylin was at his side.

  “Faris wasn’t himself. The madness has a complete hold of him.” Pressing a hand to her aching chest, Rena managed to force the words through numb lips.

  King Rylin frowned as he drew near. He reached over to touch her, but stopped before making contact. “He severed you from the mantle.”

  Even Varyk, the sarcastic Green King, flinched. “How are you standing?”

  It wasn’t easy. Rena lowered the sword in her hand and took a deep breath to ease the stabbing pain in her middle from being disconnected from the core of who she was. “We can’t worry about me. We have to save Faris.”

  Rylin exchanged a look with Varyk then faced Rena. “How many are with him?”

  How many had succumbed to the darkness when Faris lost control was what he really asked. “At least a dozen.”

  And there would be more. Rena noted the strained faces and Simeon trying to maintain the calm with his wisdom. When he caught her staring, he strode toward Rena and the kings. His eyes lit with unspeakable sadness.

  “Rena, are you well?”

  She waved away his concern. Why weren’t they paying attention? “We have to go after Faris.”

  “What do you need?”

  Rena breathed a sigh of relief. “I need you to shift and take me to where Faris is.”


  It was King Rylin who interrupted. “Let us go after him, Rena. You’re already injured.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t understand. Faris is inside. I know if I can get through to him, he’ll be able to fight back.”

  All three looked at her in doubt. Thankfully it was Simeon who acquiesced first. “Our king wanted you as his lira. He’d want me to do what you ask.”

  He moved a few paces back and shifted. It wasn’t as fast or as smooth as Faris, but he stood before her as sleek and muscular as any other Dracol, his silver scales glinting in the moonlight.

  Rena raised a brow at King Varyk. He shrugged. “I’ll port us if you’re fine with that.”

  “Thank you.” Her heart sped up then slowed down. Tired. Without the mantle she was tired. Rena remained standing by will power alone.

  “Did you form the mate bond yet?” King Varyk asked.

  Rena shook her head. Faris had wanted to wait and now she regretted that she had no way of reaching him.

  “Then you better pray to the Goddess because the notes Kon discovered said there’s no way to bring back one who’s fallen into the madness.”

  As if proving his point, the man
tle heaved but disconnected as she was, Rena only distantly sensed the havoc Faris was causing. Weakness drained and Rena wobbled. King Varyk caught her by the waist. “Come. We must go before it’s too late.”

  After Rena had her balance, he shifted next, his Black raptor form taking up far more space than Simeon.

  Chapter 18

  Varyk held Rena in his arms and teleported them to an open meadow on Mt. Pinu. The irony was not lost on her. This was where Faris had come to vent his rage when Rena took a lover.

  King Rylin landed with Simeon not far behind. Both men shifted, feet crunching the layers of snow on the ground. King Rylin clothed himself in a black knee length loincloth with a flick of his wrist. He grimaced at Simeon’s nude body. “I can’t manifest clothing for those not of my sect.”

  “It’s not important. I sense King Faris near.” Simeon turned in a circle, searching for Faris and the others.

  “We have to find him. Soon.” Rena’s words came in short pants as she struggled for every breath.

  She’d never known anyone to survive the loss of being torn from the mantle. Would Faris be able to undo what he’d done? Would he be in time?

  “It will be a fight,” Varyk said, eyeing the skies. “He will not give up easily.”

  Rena looked up to see what held his attention and gasped. Faris and the twelve Silver Dracol swayed by the evil he emitted hovered in the sky above. As she pondered how they’d convince Faris to speak with them, he suddenly separated from the others and zoomed down. He approached so fast, Rena tensed to keep from moving back.

  Instead of crashing as she expected, he landed with a frightening grace. The impact was still enough the ground shook and split. A large sheet of ice formed in the large hole he created. He snorted and tossed his head up and down before shifting. His gaze went from Rylin to Varyk then to Rylin again. The pitch black of his pupils startled Rena with their drastic change.

  “You are in my territory, Black,” Faris spoke to Rylin in a resonating tone.

  Rylin inclined his head, adjusting his stance as if to face off against him. “Considering the circumstances it was needed.”

  Faris sneered. He looked at Varyk and tossed back his braided hair. “You as well, Green.”

  Varyk smirked and folded his arms over his chest. Green mist seeped from his left nostril. “It’s no secret I believe strongly in territory lines.”

  “Yet here you are,” Faris sneered.

  The tone he used had Rena shivering. Rylin lifted his hands in a conciliatory gesture. “The madness has a hold of you, Faris. We’re here at your behest.”

  Instead of answering, Faris focused on Rena. The stare pierced her with burning intensity and Rena had no doubt he was attempting to manipulate her through the mantle. When she showed no visible reaction, he stepped around the two kings, but they moved with him, keeping Rena behind a wall of protection.

  Anger lashed over Faris’ face and a long spear made of ice formed in his right fist. He angled his head at her. “Tell them to let me through, female.”

  Rena let her own smile free. It hurt, but she masked the pain. “They aren’t moving, Faris.”

  She had the feeling they wouldn’t even if she asked. Rylin shook his head. “You’re not thinking clearly. Rena is under our protection.”

  Faris stepped to the side again, and the other kings shifted with him. Varyk chuckled. “You aren’t getting to her. Isn’t it bad enough you’ve cut her connection? She will die, Silver King. The female you professed to love will fall because you didn’t fight for her as she is fighting for you.”

  Faris snarled and spun on his heel, no concern for his bare state. His butt cheeks flexed as he marched off. The row of silver scales down his back pulsed, a sliver of light reflected like a beacon with every step. Rena let out a shaky breath.

  What should they do next? How would they get through to him? She desperately searched her mind for a means of holding him here when Faris turned and hurled the ice spear he held in their direction. She screamed and dove to the side. Varyk ported a few feet away and Rylin launched a ball of fire which connected with the spear.

  It shattered in a cascade of snow dust. Faris tossed volley after volley and King Rylin deflected or destroyed each one with a glowing ball of fire.

  Pushing up from the cold ground, Rena got back to her feet. Rylin was to her left and Varyk to her right. Ahead of them, Faris stood clenching his fists.

  “Faris!” Rylin snapped. Both his hands were ringed with flames of burning orange. He’d called for the power of the Black. Fire. “Cease and let us help you.”

  The curl of Faris’ lip gave his answer. He formed a sword of ice in one hand and an axe in the other. Above, the flying Dracol screeched and cawed. Rena feared they’d dive bomb any moment. They merely waited for their king’s command.

  “Faris.” She raised her sword despite the growing weakness in her limbs. “I won’t let your end be one of death and rage. Reach deep for your inner Dracol, the goodness inside and allow me to send you to the Goddess as you were meant to be.”

  The taunting smile he aimed her way hurt. It held not an ounce of care or concern. “Have you given up, female? Where is your binding love?”

  She paused. “Do you want my love, Faris? Is that what this is about?”

  He hesitated and Varyk eased closer. Rylin mimicked his steps from the opposite side. Rena kept Faris engaged. She hated that it had come to this but she knew he’d hate it more if he hurt anyone.

  “What does love matter?” He came a bit closer to Rena, not noticing how it put him in reach of Rylin and Varyk. “Did love stop you from fucking others?”

  Rena stilled, but Faris continued, lids lowered to half-mast. “Where was your love when I needed it?”

  Unsure how to answer, Rena lowered her weapon. Was it Faris asking or a trick by the madness that held him its grip? Her silence seemed to enrage him further. Cracks formed in the packed snow by his bare feet. He leaned forward and roared, “Where were you, female!”

  Before Rena could form an answer, three of the Dracol dropped from above and charged. Rena raised her weapon again. The Dracol, friends though she couldn’t place them, attacked with intent to kill. Rylin launched fire balls at the silver scaled chest of the one heading his way. Varyk held out his hand and a long sword ported into his grip.

  Too bad Rena didn’t have a chance to be impressed as the third Dracol screeched and snapped his sharp teeth in her direction. She readied her sword and launched into battle. Each swing blasted up her arms but she gritted her teeth and held on, dancing back and around the Dracol who sought to tear her apart.

  Large claws swiped at her face. Rena spun to her left, boots skidding on the ground. Strands of red littered the snow in vivid streaks. No time to mourn the damage and how close he’d come to taking her head from her shoulders, Rena ducked and lunged. Her sword pierced scales and muscle.

  The Dracol roared and shot a stream of ice in her direction. Rena rolled, tightening her hold on her sword and trembling as her body fought to hang on. When she got back on to her feet, She surged to the side and swiped with her weapon. The cut slashed at the joint of his hind leg and he went down on a furious screech. Remorse tapped at her conscious but she hadn’t killed him. Right now she couldn’t think of them as friends when the lives of the entire sect was on the line.

  Varyk ported directly behind Faris and looped an arm about Faris’ neck. The muscles in Faris’ chest and arms bulged as he reared back, struggling. Varyk held firm and raised his other arm, green mist swirling about his fingers.

  Poison. The Green controlled a deadly poison. She didn’t want him to kill Faris. Rena charged forward. “King Varyk, no!”

  Rylin shoved an arm out to stop Rena from getting close but the palm of his hand hit Rena’s chest with blunt force. Her feet slipped on the patch of ice created by Faris and she lost her balance. The world tipped and she fell. Her head hit the ground, the sword she held sliding from her grasp. Every bone jolted with
the contact.

  “Female!” Faris’ roar was followed by a thunderous boom from the skies.

  Rylin rushed to her side and kneeled in the snow beside her. “Rena, are you hurt?”

  All over. She ached all over. Dizzy and nauseas, Rena blinked her eyes open. Varyk and Faris faced off with one another. Faris swung the axe at Varyk then countered with the sword in his other hand. Varyk dodged, stumbling back, not striking out to defend himself. At least he was no longer waving poison in Faris’ face.

  “Rena, what’s wrong?” Rylin lifted her head and placed it in his lap.

  A giant weight pressed upon Rena’s chest. She gasped as her heart stuttered. “Can’t...mantle.”

  Rylin stroked her hair back. “The separation?”

  She nodded. Her link was her survival. Without it, a Dracol couldn’t sustain life. Rena massaged at the driving ache in her chest. “Save him, Rylin. Please.”

  She didn’t want all of the Silver to be destroyed. Faris would never recover from that.

  “Female!” Faris roared again as he tried to reach her.

  Varyk lunged and hooked an arm about Faris’ waist, taking him down to the ground. Snow exploded around them. Faris dropped his weapons to pummel Varyk with his fists. The Green King rolled and kicked out. Faris fell back then leaped to his feet. Instead of going for Varyk, he dodged toward Rylin.

  And Rena.

  His expression as he got a clear view of her was one of devastation. Rylin slammed his free palm to the ground and a line of fire rose to separate them from Faris’ approach.

  “Stay back, Faris,” Rylin commanded. “Haven’t you done enough? Look at her! Your lira dies before you.”

  “Lira?” He choked out in that awful voice.

  Confusion crinkled his brows then to Rena’s surprise, Faris dropped to his knees, arms loose at his side.

  Pain slashed at her mid-section, a tearing sensation Rena couldn’t identify. Arching on a cry, she reached out weakly with one arm for Faris. Without her connection to the mantle, she was fading fast. She had to try one last time to bring him back. “Amans. Don’t turn me away. Trust in what we were. Let me return to the Goddess with your love in my heart. Not this dark force which lies between us.”


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