Nothing but The Sheets

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Nothing but The Sheets Page 6

by Stacy McWilliams

  “Sit down, son.”

  His voice was kind and I was instantly on edge, I’d never heard his tone so soft. He was always harsh around Marty and me and I’d barely spoken to him. I stood for a moment dithering, then the smell of the pizza reached my nose and I slowly lowered myself onto the seat. I was about to pick up my slice when he spoke again, and I dropped my hand onto the table.

  “You don’t have to hide the fact that you play guitar, son.”

  He told me and I glanced up at him, because that was exactly what I had to do. I had to hide it, because my mom threatened to burn my guitar if she ever saw it again.

  “Yeah, I do,” I muttered in a sad voice as I picked up a warm slice of pizza and took a bite.

  “I know what your mom said, but you don’t have to hide it from me. She just wants you to do well in school and get an education, before you try to take over the music world.”

  He spoke earnestly and I chewed on the pizza, but it was like cardboard and I struggled to swallow it. He continued to speak, oblivious to the fact that my mom had told me, in no uncertain terms that I was under no circumstances to become a washed-out musician like my dad’s brother, Brody.

  Brody was my dad’s little brother and he was such a talented guitarist and singer, until one accident cost him his talent. He’d began to self-medicate and eventually became addicted to prescription pills, then heroin. He died of an overdose a few years ago and mom blamed it all on the fact that he was a musician.

  “You can play in the basement, but don’t sneak out, okay. There is a caveat to it though…” he leaned closer and caught my eye, holding my curious gaze as he stared at me. “You have to tell me what is going on with Marty at school. Keep an eye on your stepbrother and you can play all the music you want, without your mom finding out. Does that sound agreeable to you?”

  Fuck, I thought to myself, what did I care about Marty? I wasn’t a snitch, but I wanted to play my guitar, so I nodded slowly. Don grinned at me and then glanced at my guitar case, which was lying beside me on the island.

  “Can you play something for me?” he asked in an uncertain voice.

  I wanted to say no, but then if I did, he might tell my mom. Fuck, what did it matter if I played for him? I might as well, I thought, so I shrugged and finished my slice of pizza, before getting up and washing my hands under the faucet. I tugged open the case and gingerly lifted out my guitar, before lifting the plectrum and placed my fingers on the chords. I began to strum a melody we’d been working on before I left, and I couldn’t help singing along to the tune.

  One day at a time.

  That’s all it takes.

  Just one day at time.

  And the bow will break.

  The world is dark.

  The days are cold.

  And nights are filled with pain.

  Because one day at a time.

  You slip further and further away.

  Your laugh is like a memory.

  Your smile brings tears.

  And pain sits like a knife in my heart.

  I can’t lose you.

  I don’t know who I am without you.

  Pain is all I know.

  Heartbreak that doesn’t go.

  How you can leave me behind.

  Do I ever cross your mind?

  Or are you happy to move on.

  How do I weather this dark storm?

  I can’t cope with all this pain.

  I need some help to be the same.

  Everyone is moving on.

  And my heart is breaking all alone.

  Every day it gets a little harder.

  Every night I toss and turn.

  But still you leave me, moving on.

  I can’t lose you.

  I don’t know who I am without you.

  Pain is all I know.

  Heartbreak that doesn’t go.

  How you can leave me behind.

  Do I ever cross your mind?

  Or are you happy to move on?

  I want to turn back the hands of time.

  I want to make the sun re-shine.

  But I know I can’t and it’s killing me.

  How can I get free of this?

  This pain, this ache inside my chest.

  No matter what, I do my best.

  But I’ll always have the piece you gave.

  And I’ll carry it with me to my grave.

  I can’t lose you.

  I don’t know who I am without you.

  Pain is all I know.

  Heartbreak that doesn’t go.

  How you can leave me behind.

  Do I ever cross your mind?

  Or are you happy to move on?

  Are you happy to move on?

  I opened my eyes to find Don sitting staring at me open mouthed and I leaned back watching him, apprehensively.

  “Wow, that was beautiful, sad and poignant. You have an incredible talent.”

  His eyes watered and he stood up, to walk from the room. As he passed me, he reached out and clapped his hand on my shoulder.

  “Your dad would be so proud of you and I know I don’t know what you’re going through, son, but I’m always around if you want to talk.”

  He gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze and left the room quietly. Once he was gone, I placed my guitar back into my case and managed to eat the rest of my pizza slices. I downed the soda and climbed back up to bed, hiding my guitar in the closet and checking my cell to see if anyone from home had messaged me. Unsurprisingly, none of my bandmates had messaged, but Ollie had sent her nightly check in and let me know that our dad was resting comfortably now.

  I had one other message from Carlie, a girl I’d been seeing before last semester ended. I hadn’t seen her all summer and had completely forgotten to message her to tell her I was leaving town. Oops, I quickly replied to her, telling her that I wouldn’t be back in Georgia for a while and she cussed me out. I laughed as I read her replies and tossed my cell onto the nightstand, before I crawled into bed. I pulled the pillow over my eyes, but I couldn’t get comfortable. I tried to switch my mind off, but I couldn’t get the fact that Don wanted me to spy on Marty, out of my head.

  He was using me to keep tabs on his son, which was sick and twisted, but part of me couldn’t help thinking that Marty had brought it on himself, when he’d threatened to snitch on me. I tossed and turned for hours and eventually drifted off to a fitful sleep, waking up after a few hours drenched in sweat. I got up at five am when I couldn’t sleep and decided to go out for a run. I needed to stay in shape for football anyway.

  My body was aching with tiredness and I’d only managed around four hours sleep that night. I left the house with my earbuds plugged in and my favorite band blaring in my ears. I turned away from the house and sprinted into the woods, running along a well-worn track. After five miles, my cell pinged, and I turned back heading back towards the house.

  My eyes stayed on the path ahead and I was singing along softly to the music I was listening to, not really paying attention to where I was running, when I ran full force into someone. My head snapped up as I staggered to the side and saw Cara bounce backwards, landing on her butt. I bounced off a tree trunk but managed at least to stay on my feet, as I stared at her on the ground. She was even more delectable than I remembered. I moved towards her and pulled my earbuds from my ears as she did the same.

  “Hey, I’m so sorry,” we both said at the same time.

  I was standing over her and reached down, gently pulling her to her feet.

  “You okay?” I asked and she smirked at me.

  “Sure am. You okay?”

  My eyes roamed her body and I couldn’t help my mouth watering as I took in her sports bra and running pants. Her stomach was bare, and she was toned, firm and tanned.

  “Hey, my eyes are up here, Blake.” Her low throaty voice made my hairs stand on end, hearing her say my name did funny things to my insides.

  “Sorry,” I grinned at her as I met her eyes and she
glared daggers at me. My hand was still holding hers, and for a beat we just stared at each other when I heard a voice from the other side of the trees.

  “Cara, I’m gonna win. Pancakes for me.”

  She tugged her arm from my grasp and gave me a brief smile, before she waved once and then took off running back towards her house. I followed slowly after her, watching her ass wiggle as she ran. Man, I thought, she’s amazing. I wished I could tap that, but Marty could still tell my mom about my singing and then I’d be in for it. I’d have to try and steer clear of Caralynn Daniels. Even if it killed me. No matter how much I wanted her, how much I needed the distraction, she was off limits and damn if that didn’t make me want her even more.

  Chapter Seven

  Class Or Torture


  I made it home ten seconds after Josh and he was stood doubled over on the porch. We’d ran the circuit twice, because Josh needed to be in shape for football and I had to be in shape for track, but bumping, quite literally, into Blake was not what I’d expected at half past six in the morning. His tee was sticking to his body and his well-defined abs were all on show. He hadn’t seen me, and I hadn’t seen him, as I ran thinking only about beating Josh. We played this game every other day and the loser always had to make the winners favorite breakfast. Josh made amazing blueberry muffins and I made the best pancakes in the house.

  “I won, I won, I won.” Josh danced around the porch once he’d gotten his breath back and I glared at him. He was a sore loser and so competitive, that sometimes I just let him win, but I usually outran him.

  “Okay, no need to be smarmy about it.”

  I was sore. My ass hurt and all I wanted to do was go back into the woods and jump Blake’s bones, which wasn’t at all like me. We walked together into the kitchen as my mom was leaving for work and there on the counter, was a stack of her delicious homemade bagels.

  Josh stared at them for a beat and then turned to me.

  “Rain check, Cara.” He muttered before he dived over to the table and grabbed three, still warm bagels.

  “That’s me going now,” Mom told us from the doorway. She wore dark blue trousers and a white blouse, with her hair piled on top of her head in a fancy clip.

  “There’s cash on the counter and soda’s in the fridge. Don’t stay up too late tonight.”

  She stared between us as I helped myself to a bagel and smothered it in cream cheese. I lifted it to my mouth as she spoke again.

  “Love you both. See you in the morning.”

  “Mmmmph.” I muttered, unable to speak around the mouthful of bagel I was eating.

  She grinned at us, nodded, and left the kitchen. For a few minutes Josh and I ate in silence, then Josh broke it.

  “Hey, so what’s going on with you and Blakey boy next door?”

  He smirked at me as I stared at him open mouthed.

  “Nnnn- nothing.” I answered in a shuddering voice and he laughed, reaching around me for the cream cheese, as he snagged another bagel from the plate.

  “Oh, come on Cara. I saw you both. You could have cut the tension with a knife.”

  I shrugged and took a small bite of the bagel on my plate, wishing I was a better liar.

  “Nothing’s going on,” I answered earnestly, and he stared at me in disbelief for a moment.

  “Fine. Have it your way, but just so you know, that if something is going on, I’ll have to kick his ass for messing with my sister.”

  I began to laugh at him, and Josh spun and glared at me. The sunlight lit his red, blondish hair and he looked real menacing for a moment.

  “Yes, El Capitan, sir.” I told him, chortling as I imagined Josh in a mafia suit, having people beat up for having relations with his sister.

  “I’m serious.” He hissed and I stepped towards him, loving my brother all the more for being so protective and such a stand-up guy.

  “I know you are, but since there is nothing going on, then you need to chill, okay. I promise I will tell you if that changes.”

  He nodded once, I gave him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek as I moved towards the staircase. I climbed the stairs thinking about Blake, but he’d said the kiss meant nothing and that he wanted to get it out of his system. I clearly meant nothing to him. I put the matter out of my mind and went for a quick shower, scrubbing off the sweat from my run.

  My hair was still plaited up from the night before, so I took it down, sprayed some product on it and ran my fingers through the waves, separating them. I dressed in tight, grey jeans with a black blouse and a tank underneath and my black Mary-Janes.

  Just as it was time to leave for school, I remembered I had track practice later that day and I snatched up my gym bag from where I’d hung it, ready to go in the closet. My running sneakers were downstairs, and I shoved them into the bag when I went down, before hurrying towards Josh as he waited impatiently in the car.

  “Damn,” I muttered as I climbed into the car and Josh glared impatiently at me.

  “I forgot my wallet.”

  “Too late. Come on, we gotta leave right now or we’ll be late. I’ll give you some cash, okay?”

  I shrugged and pulled on my dark grey cardigan; glad I’d picked it up as I was leaving my room. I could cope without my wallet, Josh would give me cash for food, so it was all good. We made it to school and managed to park, just as the first bell rang, Josh and I sprinted into the building, making it to the homeroom just as the late bell rang. Mr. Dennis, our homeroom teacher, hated tardiness and always gave detention to those who arrived when that bell rang. Josh made it to his seat without being spotted, but I had to cross the classroom right in front of Mr. Dennis. and he glared at me the entire time. I slumped down in my seat as he opened his mouth to speak. Just as he did, Blake wandered in and he turned his glare from me to him.

  “Mr. Thompson, sit beside Ms. Daniels and we’ll have a chat after homeroom about etiquette for my classroom.”

  Blake slouched towards me and slumped into the chair beside me, without looking at me. He was beside the window and for a few minutes we sat in silence, until Mr. Dennis was finished with the register.

  “Now, Ms. Daniels and Mr. Thompson, Ms. Curry and Mr. Stevenson, you were all tardy today so you can come to detention today after school. Now, I know you all have your respective practices, but I can stay behind until five pm, so I shall expect you all here by four-fifteen, no later.”

  He glanced between us and we all nodded at him.

  “Mr. Thompson, in this school and especially in my classroom, I. Do. Not. Tolerate. Tardiness. You will arrive on time, every day, or you will spend part of the afternoon after school, wasting your time like you did mine.”

  Blake nodded at him as he turned away from us and crossed the room, closing the door, before facing the whole class.

  “You are all seniors this year. That means no lateness. No excuses and no nonsense. Soon you will all be out there, facing the real world and if you are late for a class at college, then you can forget it.”

  His eyes roamed the room and he paused, glaring at some of the mean girls in the classroom, sitting beside Josh and a few other guys from the football team.

  “The real world doesn’t care how popular you are at school, or who your friends are. They care about the kind of person you are and how you treat others. So, you all best get it into your heads, or you’ll all be in for a very rude awakening at college.”

  With that the bell rang and there was the usual bustle as we all shot up and went straight for the door. Blake was right behind me and his fingers brushed against my ass as I moved away from him. I turned back to say something to him, but he just grinned and pushed by me, leaving me momentarily stunned at his brazen behavior.

  Most of the day passed peacefully but when I was in AP History, Blake and I were put into the same research group for our class project.

  “Each group will choose an aspect of World War Two to present to the class in December. It will account for thirty percent of
your overall grade and I want something unique. Blake and Cara, you will choose one person, whose account you’ll examine …”

  The teacher began to split up the other groups and I leaned back thinking about who to use. We could use the account of the soldiers as they liberated the camps. There was a lot of information about that, or we could try using a person from history, like Anne Frank and detail how she was sent to a death camp. Blake tapped my arm and interrupted my musings.

  “Cara, come on,” he implored, and I glanced around the room seeing all of our classmates standing and heading for the door.

  I stood up, completely perplexed, and followed Blake out of the door.

  “Where are we going?” I asked in a low voice and he leaned close, muttering in my ear.

  “We’re going to the library. We’ve all to go and do some research on the person, or account we are going to present to the class.”

  He followed the rest of the class along the corridor and we went into the library. I went to move straight to the history books, but Blake, put his hand on my arm and stopped me moving.

  “Why don’t we do some google some research first? Then we can decide where we go from there.”

  He linked his fingers with mine and tugged me towards the computers. As we crossed the room, I saw a lot of eyes take in our linked hands, but when I tried to let go, Blake held onto me even tighter, until he saw Marty narrow his eyes at our joined hands.

  He quickly dropped my hand and wiped his on his jeans. Marty glared at us as we sat down, and I knew he was going to be all over the hand holding as soon as we were out of class.


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