Code Blue With Intent

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Code Blue With Intent Page 5

by Marilyn Esper Kelsey

  “I’ve learned my lesson about dating women half my age. Last year I went out with a twenty-three year old I met at a party. I thought, what the hell, she seems mature. So we went to dinner and discussed music. She didn’t know who Tony Bennett, the Beach Boys, or the Bee Gees were, and I felt totally old. When she mentioned liking Boyz II Men, MC Hammer, and Jay-Z, I knew I was in trouble. Besides, I have a feeling our ‘Miss Sanchez’ is definitely high maintenance. Those tight Gucci jeans on her rocking body are, I would guess, in the six-to seven-hundred-dollar range. And that necklace around her neck is not Cubic Zirconia; those are diamonds.”

  The Blue Nile Signature Floating five-carat diamond necklace hung seductively between the swell of Maria’s breasts, which were barely held in by her low-cut, backless, red halter top. Matching five-tier diamond earrings swayed back and forth in time with Maria’s movements. Several diamond bracelets graced her slender wrists, and diamond ankle bracelets shimmered brilliantly when she moved her spectacular body to the music in her five-inch, red stiletto heels. She knew she looked kick-ass sizzling hot and loved the envious stares she was getting from the woman and the “I want you” gazes from the men.

  As if she knew they were discussing her, Maria stopped dancing and sauntered deliberately over. She stood in front of Jake, put her hand in his, and smiled provocatively, “Oh, Dr. Fenelli, thank you for inviting me to your home. It’s so beautiful. I’d love a private tour of your house and the grounds later!” She then turned to Ben, ignoring the women. “Dr. Lucien! I’ve heard so many nice things about you.” Maria flashed a wide smile and leaned closer to Ben. “I’m going to love working with you at Northwest General.”

  Ben nodded, staring at Maria, speechless. Cynthia promptly stepped in and put her arm around her husband before Ben could reply and said icily, “Hi, I’m Mrs. Lucien, Ben’s wife.” Turning to Ben, she said, “Come on, honey. The Parkers are waving for us to come over. Kate, I’ll talk to you later.” Then she whisked Ben away from Maria.

  Smugly, Maria said to no one in particular, “Whoa, she doesn’t play nice, does she? She sure has her panties in a wad. Mrs. Freakin’ Ice Queen! Anyway, I’ll be back. I love this song. Gotta go shake my fabulous ass with that cute intern over there. I hear his parents are dripping with money. My kind of family!” Maria made her way toward the dance area and started her sexy movements in front of the interns and residents while they all gaped at her.

  “What the hell? My God, Kate! Is she for real? Talk about trouble,” Jake said, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “I told you so. Watch out, Northwest General. Maria Sanchez is on the prowl!”

  “Speaking of prowling, look at Timmers the Terminator, scoping out Maria. He’s checking her out big time. Can’t say I blame him,” Jake admitted.

  Richard Timmers, an anesthesiologist, had been dubbed by the hospital OR staff, “Timmers the Terminator” because of his relationships. Richard would brag to the OR staff about his “conquests” or what he liked to call his “flavor of the month.” When asked what had happened to his latest flavor, he would smirk and reply, “That relationship has been terminated!” Hence the nickname.

  “Look, he’s zooming in on Maria,” Jake said. “I bet you he makes his move on her any minute.”

  The music ended, and Maria sauntered over to the bar, swinging her long hair over her shoulder, knowing full well that all eyes were feasting on her.

  Richard Timmers made a beeline over to Maria and introduced himself, and Maria promptly draped herself all over him, laughing and moving closer and closer to him. The DJ put on Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love,” and the two of them swayed to the music.

  “See, I knew it! The Terminator has made his move. It’s the perfect song for him,” Jake said.

  “More like, ‘addicted to lust,’ ” Kate mocked.

  “You’re right about that. With three ex-wives, our Richard is definitely addicted to lust. I can’t even imagine shelling out three alimonies. That gives me the chills just thinking about it. One was enough for me. Richard is quite a character, huh?”

  “He certainly is. Did I ever tell you about the first time I met him?” Kate asked.

  “No, tell me.”

  “It was around twenty years ago when I started at Northwest General. I was working in ICU when a ninety-year-old man came into the unit in cardiac arrest. We removed the patient’s clothes and threw them on an empty stretcher. After the code was completed, Julie and I gathered up the man’s personal belongings to put into the safe for his family. I went through his wallet to mark down the contents, and out popped about a dozen condoms. Julie and I looked at each other, amazed that a ninety-year-old had condoms in his wallet. Julie said what a stud man he was, and I said, “Right on, pops!

  “Then I glanced at the man’s license and noticed it did not belong to the ninety-year-old man. The license read “Richard Timmers!” Apparently, Dr. Timmers had thrown his jacket on the stretcher with the patient’s clothes to assist in the code. I looked at Julie and panicked. “Holy shit! It’s Dr. Timmers’s wallet! Quick, help me get these back in his wallet.” Julie just laughed, held up her hands, and told me I’d better hurry because Dr. Timmers was on his way over. I was so nervous, I barely managed to stuff the condoms back in his wallet and return it to his jacket pocket. When Dr. Timmers asked us what was so funny and to let him in on the joke, Julie and I burst out laughing. He then suggested we talk about it over dinner. Julie controlled herself enough to answer that she and her husband would love to go to dinner with him and his wife and that I could bring my boyfriend. Dr. Timmers stammered that his wife was out of town and that he’d thought just Julie and I would go to welcome me to the hospital and get to know me better. Julie replied that they were both busy but thanks. At that, Timmers shrugged his shoulders and slinked out of the ICU. Julie told me that he hit on every new nurse and female in the hospital.

  “The whole condom issue became a constant source of amusement for us. We would constantly critique Dr. Timmers’s moods. If he was in a good mood, we would joke that he had been using his condoms. If he was in a grouchy or irritable mood, we knew he wasn’t getting any condom action.”

  Jake laughed so hard that he almost choked on his drink. “Great story! I can just picture you fumbling, trying to get the condoms back in his wallet. Does he know this story?”

  “Oh God, no, Jake! Please don’t tell him,” Kate pleaded.

  “Who are you not telling what to whom?” Julie Summers said as she approached them. “You two are having too much fun. Give it up. What’s so funny?”

  “Julie, I’m so glad you made it. I was just telling Jake about our condom episode with Dr. Timmers.”

  “Oh, that! We had so many years poking fun about the incident. You’re not thinking of telling him, are you?” Julie winked at Jake.

  “I don’t know. I’d love to see his expression, but then again, he’d probably be proud of the story.”

  “Speaking of Timmers,” Julie said, “looks like Maria is holding on to our Dr. Timmers very close.”

  “Yes. Maria has cast her spell on Richard,” Jake observed.

  Julie nudged Jake. “You better watch out, Fenelli. She’s been asking about you all week.”

  “I’ve already been warned by Kate. I’ll try my best to resist her charms,” Jake said with his hand over his heart.

  “It’s not your heart she’s after; it’s your wallet.”

  “All right, all right, I will not be tempted.”

  “We’ll see,” Julie said tossing her golden blonde hair back in a playful way while her brilliant electric blue eyes sparkled with friskiness. “I’m off to the bar. I plan on having a good time tonight for a change. See you later kids.”


  Julie Summers grew up as an only child of a single mom. Her mother was everything to her—friend, mentor, role model. She was kind, intelligent, and did
everything for her child. The two of them formed a strong bond right from the start. Julie’s mother taught her to become a loving, compassionate, caring, self-sufficient woman. So when her mother became ill, Julie did not hesitate in caring for her. It saddened Julie deeply that her once bright, humorous, bigger-than-life mother could become sick, not know where she was, who she was, and—most heartbreaking for Julie—not know her own daughter at times. It felt so unfair.

  Julie’s husband left her a few months prior to her mother moving in with her. He had transferred to a job at his company headquarters in California so Julie felt she could now concentrate on giving her mother the safe, quality-of-life home she so deserved.

  Julie became the caregiver, and her mother became dependent on her daughter. Although Julie was happy to care for her mother, she was sad about this role reversal.

  Chapter 11

  “She’s such a great person,” Jake said as Julie proceeded to the bar. “Why hasn’t she remarried after all these years?”

  “Her husband left years ago, after her mother became ill and came to live with her. Her mother still lives with her. Julie refuses to place her in a nursing home. She hires private-duty nurses and sitters and works extra shifts to allow her mother to stay in her house. I’m so glad she could make it out tonight.”

  “It’s good to see you out tonight, too, Kate,” Jake said, with a broad smile. “I miss our talks about our tales of disastrous dating mishaps. I don’t see much of you now that you are working in the Case Management office. How’s that going?”

  “I haven’t been going out lately. I’ve been concentrating on Megan. She’s at that age that I need to watch her closely. Besides, how many bad dates can I go on? As far as work, I like my job and the people I work with, and it gives me more time at home.”

  “By the way, what did the insurance company say about our interesting case, Judith Adler?” Jake asked.

  “Her hospital stay has been approved so far, so you are safe for now,” Kate said with an amused expression.

  “Don’t tell me you two are discussing hospital business?” Richard Timmers asked, approaching them with Maria draped all over him.

  “We’re talking about one of my favorite patients and trying to keep her insurance at bay,” Jake said.

  “Is that Premier Regional insurance company?” Richard asked, pulling Maria closer to him.

  “Yes, that’s the one. Do you know that company?” Kate asked.

  “Sure do, Kate,” Dr. Timmers said. “I’ve been checking out several different insurance companies to switch my coverage. I found them to be a very accommodating, and their premiums are lower. I definitely like that.”

  “Just make sure you check them out thoroughly before you make a decision,” Kate advised.

  “Why?” Richard asked. “Do you know something?”

  “No, I’m just saying be careful. If it looks too good to be true, chances are it is too good to be true.”

  “Come on, Kate. Give us the dirt on Premier Regional. Who have you been talking to?” Richard looked at her intently.

  Rita stepped closer to hear what they were saying about the insurance company but hung back just enough to avoid interrupting. Kate spotted her and called her over to join in, and Julie stepped back to include her. Julie had tried to become closer to Rita, but Rita had been keeping to herself. Rita, on the other hand, knew she had a lot in common with Julie because of the medical issues with their mothers, and wanted to get closer to her but found it hard to confide in another person. Maybe someday, Rita thought hopefully. Maybe tonight?

  Kate turned to Rita, winked, and said, “You’re just in time, Rita. I’m about to reveal a plot of greed and murder. Ok, gather around, all of you. Come closer, and I’ll let you in on the real mystery at Premier Regional.” Richard, Maria, and Jake leaned in. “You can’t tell anyone, or I’ll have to kill you,” Kate mocked, and tried her best to act serious. “My contacts at the insurance company tell me that all multiple admissions will be knocked off to cut down on insurance costs!” Putting her finger to her lips, Kate whispered, “Now remember, don’t tell anyone! That’s why their rates are so low, Dr. Timmers.” Kate burst out in laughter at Richard’s shocked expression. “It’s a joke, Richard. Lighten up!”

  Kate had no idea that it was, in fact, no joke, and she had just hit the nail on the head.

  “Very amusing, Kate.” Richard stated with a hint of annoyance in his voice. “You’re either watching too much TV or reading too many mystery novels.”

  “That would make a great medical mystery novel, wouldn’t it!” Rita exclaimed.

  “I’d buy the book!” Jake said, raising his eyebrows. “You have quite an imagination! Move over Robin Cook and Michael Palmer. Kate Ross has taken over with her murder mystery novel.”

  “Thank you.” Kate bowed. “You can all come to my book signings.”

  “I’ll go to your book signing,” Julie chimed in, margarita in hand.

  “Count us in too,” Ben Lucien said. “Very intriguing tale, Kate. Tell us more.”

  “No. You will all have to wait till the book comes out!” Kate laughed at the scenario unfolding.

  “Very interesting, Kate. On what do you base this theory?” someone with a deep Russian accent asked. Everyone turned to see who had spoken. There stood Larissa Markov with her usual solemn face. This evening was full of surprises; Larissa never attended any hospital functions, let alone a social gathering.

  “Larissa, I’m glad you could make it,” Jake said, genuinely happy to see her. Jake had always liked Larissa Markov. She was a brilliant diagnostician, even though her manner was less than cordial. Jake thought she always seemed sad and lonely.

  Larissa, in turn, respected and liked Jake very much. She would have liked to know him better, but she had her trust issues.

  “Hey, Dr. Markov. Good to see you,” Kate said. “My theory is just a joke. I was kidding about the insurance company and busting Dr. Timmers.”

  “I’ve had some dealings with Premier Regional. In fact, I know someone over there,” Larissa stated.

  Richard perked up and looked directly at her. “Who do you know over there?” He’d never liked Larissa because if he couldn’t charm a woman, he didn’t care for them. Anyway, he knew she was into women, so he had no use for her.

  And Larissa despised Richard Timmers, thinking he was an obnoxious womanizer. It was men like him that had turned her off men in general. She wished she had met someone like Jake Fenelli or Ben Lucien earlier, men who respected women and knew how to treat them.

  “Enough, enough!” Maria said, placing her hands on her curvy hips. “We’re here to party, not solve a murder mystery. Come on, Dickie. Let’s dance. I love this slow, sultry song. We can get real close.”

  Richard expressed a sly smile. “I’m right behind you, sweet thing. Lead the way. Kate, I want to talk more with you about that insurance company. And Larissa, I’d like to discuss who you know over at Premier Regional.”

  Larissa shook her head and thought, Yeah, right. Like I’m really going to talk to you about anything . . . NOT!

  “Did I hear Maria correctly? Did she actually call Richard, Dickie?” Kate asked.

  “I’m afraid you did,” chuckled Jake. “Come on. Let’s join Maria and Dickie and shake things up.” Jake clasped Kate’s hand and led her to the dance area. He winked at Larissa. “Grab a drink and enjoy yourself, Larissa.”

  “Thanks, Jake,” Larissa said.

  “Let’s dance too, honey,” Cynthia said as she dragged her husband out to dance.

  “I’ll have to throw up if I have to watch Maria and Timmers dance anymore,” Julie said, putting her finger in her mouth. “Rita, come on and join me at the bar before I barf for real.”

  Rita nodded and readily followed Julie. She could maybe even talk to her about their mothers. Julie of all people would understan
d what she was going through.

  Julie had wanted to invite Dr. Markov to join them for a drink, but she was gone.

  Larissa had left the party. She had what she had come for, and now she just wanted to return home to her two loves—Sonya and her music.

  Chapter 12

  “I Could Fall in Love” played while Kate and Jake swayed together to the music.

  “This is certainly turning out to be an interesting evening,” Jake said.

  “I know. A lot of interesting characters here. Surprised to see Larissa Markov too,” Kate said.

  “That was unusual; she’s not exactly a party animal.”

  “I think she’s sweet on you, Jake,” Kate said.

  “I’m not exactly her type.” Jake grinned and whispered, “Let’s get back to you and me. Did I tell you how terrific you look tonight?”

  “You’re such a charmer.”

  “I mean it. You’re a beautiful woman.”

  “Please. You’re making me blush. But, second thought, tell me more.”

  Jake drew her closer to him, and she felt a chill. She was not sure if it was from the cool evening air or the closeness of his body to hers.

  Jake felt her shiver. “Are you cold, Kate?”

  “No. As a matter of fact, I’m getting warm.”

  Jake looked at her with a glint of mischief in his eyes and asked, “Why haven’t we ever hooked up?”

  “Probably because we were both married when we met. I don’t know.”

  “Maybe we ought to remedy that?” he said in a quiet voice.

  Kate could feel his breath on her neck and the warmth of his hands on her back. Much to her surprise, she tightened her arms around him. She could smell his totally masculine cologne mixed with soap. Closing her eyes, she leaned into the sensation of his body pressing against hers. It was intoxicating.

  Kate and Jake stayed locked together in an embrace long after the music ended. Neither one of them wanted to part.


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