Code Blue With Intent

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Code Blue With Intent Page 10

by Marilyn Esper Kelsey

  After the police cordoned off the accident scene, they began to interview the crowd. “Did anybody see what happened?”

  “Yes, I did, officer,” replied a man in the crowd. “That woman was crossing the street when, out of nowhere, a black SUV smashed right into her. She went flying in the air and landed over there.” The man pointed to the body. “The car never stopped. Just kept on going.”

  The officer nodded. “Did you see who was driving?”

  “No, the windows were tinted,” the spectator replied.

  “Did you catch the license plate number?”

  “No, it happened too fast.”

  “I saw a partial of the license plate, officer,” said a tall lady with a black-and-white dress and a black hat. “It was ‘MSB,’ but I didn’t catch the rest.”

  “What kind of car was it?” the cop asked.

  “Looked like a Cadillac, but I’m not sure.”

  “It was a Cadillac,” a man with a baseball cap affirmed.

  When the ambulance arrived, the paramedics knew immediately that the woman in the street was dead. One of the paramedics recognized Kate. “Aren’t you a nurse at Northwest General?”

  Kate responded in a daze. “Yes.”

  “Do you know this woman? Are you hurt?” The paramedic asked, noting the blood covering Kate’s hands and face and soaking into her clothes.

  “I’m not injured,” she said. Then she repeated how she had come upon the scene.

  The police recovered the women’s purse, which had been thrown across the street upon impact, and one of the officer’s searched the purse for a wallet to help identify the woman. Kate watched as he found and opened the wallet. The sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach grew. Her heart pounded, her head ached, her mind shrieked, No! Please, Lord, no! Not Linda, not Linda!

  The policeman pulled the license and announced, “Her name is Linda McCarthy.”

  Horrified, Kate slumped down to the pavement in tears. One of the paramedics rushed over to her. Her body trembled, and the blood drained from her face.

  “Are you all right? Did you know this woman?” the officer asked.

  “I have never met her face-to-face, but I’ve spoken with her on the phone for years. She works at Premier Regional Insurance Company, and I work at Northwest General Hospital. She called me today and said she needed to discuss something with me, so I was to meet her after work at Cutters. That’s why I am here. I was waiting for her to arrive at the pub. She did seem frightened when she called.”

  “Of what?” the cop asked.

  “I don’t know. She didn’t want to tell me over the phone. I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you more.” The paramedics were transferring Linda’s body onto the stretcher for transport to the hospital. “I’d like to go to the hospital with Linda. May I leave?”

  “Yes, but first we’ll need your name, address, and a phone number where we can reach you. You’ll need to come down to the station and give a statement. How about tomorrow morning?”

  Kate nodded. “I’ll be there.”

  “Call me in the morning, and I’ll set up a time for you to come in. Here’s my card.” The officer handed her his contact information at the precinct.

  Kate followed the ambulance to the hospital. Nonstop tears welled up in her eyes. A million questions rushed around in her head. How did this happen? Why had Linda been so scared? What did she know? Was she married? Have kids?

  Kate parked her car in the ER parking lot, and just sat there with her head against the steering wheel. She tried to catch her breath and compose herself. Then she walked into the ER with blood on her hands, face, down her shirt, and all over her pants from kneeling next to the body. Even her socks and shoes were drenched in blood. Kate didn’t realize how bad she looked.

  One of the ER nurses ran up to her. “Kate, what happened? Were you involved in that accident downtown? Come. I’ll take you to a room so the doctor can check you out.” The nurse led her to an empty stretcher, and Kate followed in a trance.

  “Kate, can you answer me?”

  “I’m alright, Dana. I was at the scene of that accident,” Kate mumbled.

  “Lie down here on the stretcher. I’ll get someone to come in.” The nurse was very concerned about Kate. She looked like she’d been the one in the accident.

  “Really, I’m ok. Would you see if Dr. Fenelli is in the hospital?”

  “Sure. I’ll page him.”

  Chapter 23

  Ben Lucien was in the ER seeing one of his patients when he spotted Kate lying on the stretcher. “My God, Kate. Are you alright? I heard over the intercom that an ambulance was bringing in a DOA from a hit-and-run accident downtown. Were you involved in that? Let me check you out.”

  Before Kate could answer, Jake came bounding into the room, breathless from running to the ER. “Kate! Thank God you’re alright. Dana called me and told me you were involved in some accident downtown.” He gently pulled her up to him and wrapped his arms around her. “Are you hurt?”

  The floodgates of emotions opened, and Kate sobbed uncontrollably, getting as close to Jake as she could for comfort and safety.

  Ben discreetly closed the curtain around the stretcher to give them privacy and told Jake he would be right out at the nurses’ station if needed. Jake nodded and mouthed “Thank-you” to Ben.

  Unable to speak, Kate continued to cry. She wanted to stay in Jake’s arms forever. Jake rocked her tenderly, just holding her close, waiting patiently for Kate to tell him what had happened.

  After a while, Kate pulled herself free and looked at him with tear-filled eyes. “Jake, thank God you’re here! I need you so much!” Fresh tears welled up in her eyes and trickled down her face.

  Jake tenderly wiped the tears from her cheek. “Everything will be all right! I’m here for you.”

  “Jake!” She put her head back on his shoulder.

  “You don’t have to talk now. I’m going to check to make sure you’re all right, and then I’ll take you home.”

  Jake was concerned about Kate. She was ghastly pale, and the dried blood all over her body and clothes made her look worse. He could feel her heart pounding rapidly against him as he held her close.

  “I’m fine, not hurt. The blood is from the accident victim I tried to help. Just take me home. Please, Jake.” Her eyes pleaded with him. “Would you check at the desk and see if they have contacted Linda’s family?”

  “Did you know the hit-and-run victim?” He understood now why she was so shaken. He had seen Kate many times in critical situations, and she had always kept her composure.

  “Yes. It was Linda McCarthy, a nurse reviewer from Premier Regional Insurance Company.”

  “Sit still. I’ll go check at the desk and see what I can find out. I’ll be right back. Do you want me to order a sedative for you?”

  “No thanks. Just hurry back,” Kate said in a quiet voice.

  Jake left the curtained area and went to the ER nurses’ station, where he found Ben waiting to ask if Kate was all right. Ben was also curious as to what had happened.

  After Jake told Ben what he knew, he returned to Kate. She was lying on the stretcher with eyes closed, looking very pale and frail. His heart went out to her.

  “They reached Linda’s husband. He’s on his way,” Jake informed her.

  “I didn’t even know she was married,” Kate said. “How about kids?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Should I wait to talk to him?” Kate asked, barely holding it together.

  “No, let’s get you home. I don’t think you are in any shape to deal with her husband tonight.”

  Kate nodded. “You’re right, I’d probably make things worse for him.”

  “Is Megan home?” Jake asked.

  “No. She’s staying overnight at her friend’s house. Thank God she doesn’
t need to see me like this.”

  “Then I have a better idea. Let me take you home with me. You can shower, then I’ll feed you, give you a stiff drink, and, if you want, we can curl up on the sofa and talk. I’ll be a perfect gentleman. I promise.” He smiled and held his hand over his heart.

  “I’d like that, Jake. I don’t want to be alone tonight. I don’t have any clothes with me.” She finally realized for the first time that she was covered in dried blood from head to foot. “Look at me. I’m a mess!”

  “We’ll manage. My daughter always leaves some clothes all over the house when she visits. Ready to go?”


  They walked arm in arm out of the ER.

  Jake and Kate drove to Jake’s house in silence, with Kate wrapped up in his jacket. When they arrived at the house, Jake marched her straight to the shower, handed her a thick white terry cloth robe, and, with a mischievous grin asked, “Do you need me to help you in the shower?”

  Kate gave him a half smile, “I’ll try and manage somehow.”

  “Damn,” he winked. “I’ll meet you in the den with dinner and drink.”

  “I don’t know if I can eat anything.”

  “Well, we’ll see when you come downstairs after your shower,” Jake said as he left the bathroom.

  Kate undressed and threw her blood-soaked clothes in the wastebasket. She stepped into the shower, letting the warm water run over her body, then scrubbed the blood off and washed her hair twice. If only she could wash the last few hours away as easily. She dried of with a large, soft, beige towel, then wrapped herself in the luxurious bathrobe. She looked into the mirror and was shocked to see how pale her face was and how swollen her eyes were from crying. She splashed her face several times with cold water, then made her way downstairs to the den.

  Jake had made omelets and toast and handed her a brandy. “Here, drink this brandy and try to eat a little.”

  “Thank you, Jake. I appreciate your being here for me. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “I’m glad I can be here for you. Drink up. It’ll make you feel better.” He was relieved to see she was not as pale and drawn as earlier.

  Kate sipped the brandy and tried to eat some of the omelet. Feeling so comfortable sitting on the sofa with Jake, she finally relaxed. She felt safe and warm.

  “Do you want to talk about what happened tonight?” Jake asked.

  “No, not now.” Kate gave him a heated glance, moved closer to him, and put her hand around the back of his neck. She pulled him gently toward her. Their lips touched, sending instant heat coursing through both of their bodies. They started kissing with urgency, which took them both by surprise. Kate unbuttoned his shirt in haste, while Jake untied her robe and threw it on the floor. Their bodies were on fire. Jake whispered in her ear, “I want you so much!”

  Breathless, Kate replied, “I want you too!” They could wait no longer; they had to have each other.

  Afterward, drained of energy, they collapsed on the floor. He turned to her and gently touched her cheek. “My God, you’re sweet!”

  “And you, Fenelli, are irresistible!” She ran her tongue across his lips.

  Jake moaned in pleasure and began kissing her again. They explored each other’s bodies slowly this time, learning what made each other respond.

  “You make me feel so alive!” Kate trembled in excitement, running her hands through Jake’s hair and down his body.

  Jake smiled yearningly at her as he met her gaze. He was drawn into her eyes. They were fires of desire in a shimmering blue ocean. He picked her up in his arms, and carried her upstairs to his bedroom. He gently put her on his bed and slipped in beside her. They kissed and drove each other to heightened passion one more time.

  They fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 24

  Kate opened her eyes reluctantly to the light of day. She had forgotten for a split second where she was. She sat up straight in the bed and looked around the room. She slid back under the covers. What a glorious night, she thought. Until she remembered the accident. Bolting out bed, she glanced at the bedside clock. It was eight-thirty. Shit, I’m late for work!

  Just then, Jake arrived with a tray of food from the kitchen. “Good morning. Don’t get up. Breakfast is served.”

  “Wow, who are you expecting for breakfast? The whole neighborhood?” There before her was a spread of scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, English muffins, pancakes, pastries, a bowl of fruit, a pitcher of juice, and a pot of coffee. “Who’s going to eat all this?” she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

  “I didn’t know what you liked for breakfast, so I made it all,” Jake explained.

  “I have to call work. I’m already late.”

  “Don’t worry. I called your boss this morning and told her what happened. You have the day off. I hope you don’t mind I called. I figured you’d need the day off after yesterday.”

  “Thank you so much! What would I do without you?”

  He bowed. “At your service, ma’am. Now, mangia! Eat! Then we’ll talk, okay?”

  “Yes sir, Major Fenelli!” She saluted him. They both sat on the bed eating breakfast. Kate picked at her food. She dreaded ruining a perfect evening talking about the accident. Then she flashed Jake a big grin. “Let’s talk about what happened after the accident. That’s so much more interesting!”

  “You’re a badass woman! And lucky for you, I like bad asses.” He was staring at her. The sheet had slipped down to her waist, exposing her breasts. He couldn’t resist her beauty. He quickly removed the tray from the bed to the floor, crawled between the sheets, and pulled her to him. They kissed until they reached a feverish pitch of excitement. Their hands urgently touched and stroked each other in places of arousal till they joined together as one and rode the wave of pleasure.

  Afterward, they lay in each other arms. “Damn, woman! Where have you been all my life? If I’d known you were this amazing, I would have snatched you up long ago!” He pinched her bottom.

  “Ouch!” She started to laugh, then began tickling him.

  He tried to fend her off. “Stop it! OK, I give up!” he said, out of breath.

  “Good. I like men who give it up easy!” She smiled playfully.

  Jake reached down and pulled her close, and soon they were basking in pure ecstasy once again.

  “You’re going to kill me,” Jake said.

  She shot him a devilish grin. “Are you complaining? Can’t take the heat?”

  “Hell, no. Come here,” he laughed and grabbed her roughly, then drove her to wild arousal with his light touch till she was begging for more. He was only too happy to oblige.

  Kate turned her satiated, flushed body onto her side and faced Jake with her lips curved softly upward. “I hate to brake up this delicious moment of bliss, but I need to shower and call the police sergeant to set up an appointment. I’m suppose to give a written statement. You said you had some clothes for me to borrow. Or should I go home and get some clothes?”

  “I’d rather you stay naked all day.” Jake grinned.

  “So would I.” She quickly jumped out of bed, ran into the bathroom before he touched her again and made her change her mind. In the shower, she began thinking of the past twelve hours. What a tangled web of emotions—from shock and bewilderment to lust, passion, and sexual enjoyment. She beamed as she stepped out of the shower. Jake had laid several pairs of pants and tops on the bathroom counter. She chose a pair of black jeans and a light-pink, V-neck cotton T-shirt. He had also left a pair of black sandals, which fit perfectly. She brushed her hair and applied some lipstick and mascara. Checking herself out in the mirror, she decided she looked better than she had the previous night. Her eyes were still a little puffy, but her cheeks were glowing. Wonder what’s that from? she grinned to herself. Then she made her way downstairs to find Jake.r />
  Jake looked pleased as she walked into the den. “You look so much better, and your cheeks are so rosy.”

  “Go figure, huh? And I loved the selection of clothes. Thanks.”

  “Listen, I hope you don’t mind. I called Sergeant Williams and made an appointment for twelve-thirty. I thought I’d go down to the station with you. Then I’ll take you to lunch. How does that sound?”

  “I’d love you to go with me, but don’t you have office hours?”

  “I had my secretary cancel my morning appointments and reschedule. I wanted to spend the day with you.”

  She was touched by his caring thoughtfulness and hugged him, “Thank you, Jake. That means so much to me.”

  He kissed her, then pushed her back at arms’ length. “Don’t get me started again. It’s time to tell me what happened last night.”

  She reluctantly told him everything that had transpired—from Linda’s phone call at the hospital to finding her body in the street. When she finished speaking, they sat together in silence.

  Jake’s eyes peered into hers in disbelief. “Shit, are you sure you don’t know why Linda was so frightened?”

  Kate shook her head. “I have no idea.”

  “Think, Kate. Why would she call you, of all people?”

  “I don’t know. She said she didn’t know who to trust.”

  “Have you ever met her?” Jake asked.

  “No. I’ve only talked to her on the phone. She’s a nurse at Premier Regional. We only discuss reviews of our patients admitted who have that insurance.”

  “I don’t like this. Once you talk to the police, I don’t think you should mention your meeting with Linda. Stick to the story that you happened onto the scene accidentally.”

  “Why? Do you mean not tell the police?”

  “No, you need to tell them everything. I’m saying, I’m concerned. One, Linda felt she could trust no one. Two, she was scared of something. Three, she told you to be careful and not tell anyone of your meeting, and four, that you knew too much.”


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