Code Blue With Intent

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Code Blue With Intent Page 16

by Marilyn Esper Kelsey

  “No, he’s not here. You’re safe now, Kate.” The man smiled at her.

  “Ben, where am I?” she asked, trying again to sit up.

  “Let me help you. I have some water for you.” Dr. Lucien plumped her pillows up behind her, allowing her to sit up in the bed. He handed her the glass of water. She was grateful for the coolness trickling down her parched throat.

  “I’m definitely not in my hospital room, am I?” Kate asked, confused.

  “No, you’re in my house in Gladstone,” Ben said.

  Puzzled, she tried to clear her mind. “Why am I here, Ben?”

  “Tell me what you remember.”

  “I remember getting shot, then waking up in the hospital. Jake and Megan stayed overnight, then I chased them home to get some rest. Rita was my nurse on the day shift; she was pulled from ICU that day. The last thing I remember was waking up and seeing someone injecting something into my IV. Rita had told me she would be back to give me my scheduled antibiotic injection.” Kate paused. “But I remember it was Julie giving me the injection. What was she doing there? Was she pulled to the fifth floor too? Why am I here? How did I get here? I’m really confused.” Kate felt a cold chill and pulled the quilt up tighter around her.

  “Ok, I’m going to tell you everything. But first know that you are perfectly safe here and that we brought you here to save your life,” Ben assured her. Then he relayed the whole situation to Kate, including knocking Lenny out and tying him up in the barn.

  Kate’s eyes widened, and tears flowed. Her head was exploding. Not Ben Lucien! Not the sweet, respectful, considerate Dr. BBB! “This can’t be true! Ben, I don’t know what to say. Please tell me this is all just a horrible nightmare.”

  “I wish I could tell you it’s all a bad dream, Kate. Here’s what we’re going to do. You and Julie are going to stay here, and I’m going to get Julie’s mother and tell Premier Regional I’ve gotten rid of you and Julie. I’ll come back with the police, have them pick up that slime-ball, Lenny Cicone, from the barn, and maybe I’ll cop a plea bargain by exposing all the players at the insurance company.”

  “You could go to prison for a long time, Ben,” Kate said shaking her head in dismay.

  “If I can turn state’s evidence, they may go easier on me. My only concern is my kids. I wanted them to have a better life. Now they’ll grow up with a father in prison, like I did. I tried so hard not to put them in that situation. Great example I am, huh!”

  Kate shut her eyes tightly. Please let me wake up and find that this is all a terrible dream and that I’m safe in Jake’s arms. When she opened her eyes, she was still sitting in the beautiful room with Ben next to her. Back to reality. “Where’s Julie? Is she still here?”

  Julie, who was outside Kate’s room listening to their conversation, entered the room with eyes downcast and tears streaming down her face. “I’m so very sorry, Kate. I never meant to hurt anyone. I just wanted to take care of my mother. Believe me, I would never have let those bastards hurt you!”

  Kate patted the side of the bed. “Julie, come sit by me.” She was stunned. She couldn’t believe that sweet, caring Julie was even capable of such heinous crimes. “Julie, help me understand what you were thinking.”

  “That’s the problem, Kate. I wasn’t thinking,” Julie sobbed. “I thought I’d get some money, buy a nice house, and hire a private-duty nurse while I continued working so my mom wouldn’t have to go into a nursing home. Then I could eventually retire and take care of my mom full-time. That’s not going to happen now. I’ve killed my mom and ruined my live. I’m so scared and ashamed of what I’ve done.” Julie put her head in her hands and cried even harder.

  Kate felt sorry for both Ben and Julie. They were good people who had gotten caught up in the evils of money. She wasn’t even scared. She knew they would never hurt her.

  Julie went on to tell Kate how she’d become entangled in this insane roller-coaster ride and that she’d realized how wrong she was and tried to get off the ride. But when they’d taken her mom and said she had to get rid of Kate, she knew she had to save Kate’s life at all costs.

  Chapter 39

  Ben pulled Lenny’s SUV into the barn, checked to make sure he was still out cold, and headed to Morristown.

  Julie made Kate some tea and toast and brought them on a tray into the bedroom. They sat together drinking tea. Kate was feeling better and started to recall all the details of the past few days.

  Julie was depressed and forlorn. She cried and begged Kate to forgive her.

  “How’d you do it?” Kate asked.

  “You mean kill my patients?” Julie asked.


  “A small amount of potassium mixed with H2O injected right into the IV, then turning up their IV fluids. I waited until lunchtime when we had fewer staff, gave the patient a sedative, then injected the potassium.” Julie paused, wiping the tears out of her eyes. “Their heart rate dropped, became weaker. Their breathing became shallow, then their heart stopped. The potassium leaks out into the circulatory system and is released, thus making the potassium undetectable.”

  Kate shook her head in disbelief. “Julie, how could you?”

  Julie bowed her head in shame as fresh tears streamed down her cheeks.


  Ben sprinted right into Premier Regional Insurance Company and straight to the CEO’s office. “Where’s Julie’s mother?” he demanded.

  “Hello to you too. Where are Kate Ross and Julie Summers?”

  Ben stared at the CEO. “Answer my question!”

  “She’s safe. She has no idea where she is. She thinks she’s on vacation. Now answer my question.”

  “They are both gone. Happy now?” Ben asked sarcastically.

  “This negotiation will benefit you too, so don’t get testy.”

  “I want the money but not at the expense of killing people I know and love and who don’t deserve to die.”

  “Don’t go getting on your high horse now, doc! Tomorrow is the big payoff for us. Eastern National is going to be here to sign final papers, and then we are home free. Money! Lots of money!”

  An idea formed. “What time are they coming to sign the papers?” Ben asked.

  “That’s more like it, doc. I knew the money would win out.”

  “Shut up, you ignorant idiot!” Ben raised his voice. “Once the papers are finalized and I get my cut, I’m out.”

  “Fine with me. You’ve done your part. Besides, I’m heading for the Caribbean. It’s going to be palm trees, tanned women, and margaritas for me from now on.”

  “Give me the address for Julie’s mom.”

  The CEO gave him the address. “What are you going to do with her?”

  “That’s not your concern,” Ben said

  “Are you sure you got rid of those nurses? You wouldn’t try and pull a fast one on us, would you, doc?”

  Ben didn’t bother to answer the CEO. “I’ll be here after the signing of the papers to collect my check.” Ben stormed out of the office.

  The CEO picked up the phone and dialed Lenny’s cell. No answer. Shit! I’ll call him back later. I want to verify that the nurses are indeed dead and buried.


  Ben reluctantly dialed Rachael’s number on his cell phone. Answer the phone. Pick up, pick up.


  “Rachael, it’s Ben.”

  “Ben, what’s wrong? Why are you calling?” Rachael was stunned he had called her, but whatever the reason, she was glad to hear from him.

  “I need you to do something for me and not ask why.”

  From the tone of his voice, she knew a smart remark was not appropriate. “Of course. You know I’ll do whatever you ask.”

  “That’s why I called you. I need to drop Julie Summers’s mother off and for you to stay with her until I can make ot
her arrangements. Would you do that for me?”

  “Where’s Julie? What’s wrong, Ben?”

  “Rachael, I can’t explain right now, I don’t have time. Please do this for me.”

  “I will, Ben. Bring her over.”

  “Thanks. I knew I could count on you. I’m two blocks away.”

  Rachael hung up the phone and ran outside to wait for him. He didn’t sound right. Something was seriously wrong.

  Ben pulled up into the driveway. His eyes were filled with anguish. Rachael’s heart ached for him. He looked beaten and so tired. Ben helped Julie’s mom out of the car and helped her up to the door.

  Alice smiled at Rachael, “Is that you, Julie?”

  “No, I’m Rachael, Julie’s friend. You’re going to stay with me till Julie gets here, okay?”

  “Sure, I’m on vacation,” Alice said as they all entered the house.

  “Ben, are you all right?” Rachael asked, concerned about him.

  “No, I’m not. All I can say for now is, I’m in big trouble.”

  Rachael hugged Ben. She wanted to stay in his arms forever.

  “Thank you, Rachael, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help. I promise I’ll explain everything later. Just know that I’ve always loved you.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes, “I’ve never stopped loving you.”

  Ben gently touched her cheek, brushing the tears away. “I’ve got to run. Don’t tell anyone that Alice is here. No one!”

  “I won’t. Please be careful, Ben. I’ll be right here for you.”

  Ben drew Rachael close and kissed her, then left before he changed his mind.

  Chapter 40

  Ben’s next stop was to his home. He wanted to kiss his wife and children goodbye. Cynthia, however, was not home, and the babysitter was playing catch in the back yard with his boys. When the boys saw their father at the back door, they ran up to him. “Daddy, Daddy,” the two boys called out in unison. He scooped them up in his arms, and they covered him with hugs and kisses. He was going to miss his precious sons so much. He played with them for a while and told them how much he loved them. Then he wrote a note for his wife and left the house deeply disheartened.


  Ben’s final stop was to the police station. He trudged into the building, feeling his life was over. He knew he had no one to blame but himself. Money was truly the root of all evil.

  Seated in the lobby of the station, Ben spotted Jake Fenelli sitting on a chair with his head in his hands. “Jake, what are you doing here?”

  Jake’s head shot up. “Ben, Kate’s missing from the hospital!”

  The look of devastation and anguish in Jake’s eyes shocked Ben and caused yet more guilt and shame. “Who’s the detective in charge?” he asked.

  “Detective Pratt. They’re putting an APB out on her now.”

  “I need to talk to him now. It’s important! I know where Kate is!”

  “Are you serious, man? Do you really know where she is?!” Jake practically shouted.

  The detective had walked out of the squad room to get Jake and overheard Ben’s comment. “I’m Sergeant Pratt. You are?”

  Jake spoke up and introduced Ben, then announced, “He knows where Kate is!”

  “All right, Dr. Lucien. Come back to my office and we can talk.”

  “You’re not serious. Let’s hear what Ben has to say now, here, and go find Kate!” Jake said, raising his voice.

  “Dr. Fenelli, let me hear what Dr. Lucien has to say, and then we will call you in,” the detective said calmly. He felt sorry for Jake. It was obvious he cared deeply for Mrs. Ross.

  Grudgingly, Jake sat back down. He realized if Ben could shed some light on Kate’s disappearance, he would do anything they asked. He had called Megan a couple of hours ago, trying to sound upbeat. He’d lied and told her that her mom was fine and would be home sometime the following day. He hated lying to her but wanted to find Kate before Megan knew the truth. He suggested she call a friend over after he asked his neighbor, Mrs. Lyndon, to stay for the night. Megan was excited to have her friend come and to get some normalcy back in her life.

  Megan thanked Jake and told him to tell her mom that she loved her and would see her the next day. Jake prayed he could keep his promise and bring Kate home with him.


  Ben Lucien and Detective Pratt spent the next hour going over Ben’s statement. He told the sergeant that he and Julie had taken Kate out of the hospital because he had overheard a man by the name of Lenny Cicone say he was on the way to the hospital to finish off what he’d started at Kate’s house and that Lenny was the one who had shot Kate. He told the detective that Julie had been visiting Kate and had helped him take Kate out of the hospital before Lenny got there. What they hadn’t realized was that Lenny had followed them to his house in Gladstone.

  “Why didn’t you call us?” Sergeant Pratt asked.

  “There wasn’t time. We had to get her out of the hospital fast,” Ben said.

  “So you took her out of the hospital and didn’t bother to tell anyone, then drove her to your house in Gladstone. Why didn’t you take her directly to the police station?”

  “I don’t know. I panicked and thought she would be safe there since it’s a second home and not too many people know about it.”

  “Why didn’t you call us from your car or when you reached Gladstone?” the detective asked, not buying his story.

  “I wanted to but then discovered that this Lenny Cicone had followed us. Fortunately I came upon him talking on his cell phone telling someone about killing Kate and possibly killing all three of us. So I picked up a log and bashed the bastard’s head in, then dragged him to the barn and tied him up before he had a chance to come to and kill us.”

  “Is this character, Lenny Cicone, still alive?”

  “He was when I left—unconscious but alive.”

  “All right, Dr. Lucien. We’ll send a couple of units over there to pick up Lenny Cicone. But we’re not through here, I have a lot more questions for you.” The detective was sure there was more to this story than Dr. Lucien was telling. He also knew the name of Lenny Cicone well. He knew he was a hit man with mob ties who was wanted throughout the tristate area. Detective Pratt’s plan was to meet up with the Gladstone police and go in together. Lenny Cicone was a big catch, and he wanted in on his capture.

  Ben would lead them to the scene, then hang back once the police reached the premises. The police went out the back door of the station, heavily armed. Ben was to meet them in the front parking lot and proceed to the scene.

  Ben walked through the waiting room and signaled Jake to follow him to his car. “Hurry. Follow me to my car and get into the back seat and lie down. I’ll explain later.”

  Jake sprinted up and followed Ben out to his car, slid into the back seat, and laid down as Ben had instructed him. “What the hell is going on, Ben?”

  “Just stay low. The police are going to follow me to my house in Gladstone. Kate is there.” Ben informed Jake the story he had just told the detective.

  “Are you sure Kate is all right?” So many questions were rolling around in Jake’s head.

  “Yes. She’s fine. Julie’s with her, and that sleaze, Lenny Cicone, is tied up in my barn. He may well be dead for all I know; he was barely breathing when I left. I’m going to call Julie now and tell her the police and I are on the way.”

  “I want to talk to Kate.”

  Ben dialed Julie’s cell phone and repeated the same story he’d had told the police and that they were on the way.

  “What about my mother?” Julie asked, terrified of the answer.

  “She’s ok. I left her with Rachael. She thinks she is on vacation.”

  “Thank God!” Julie cried out. “Thank you so much, Ben. Did the police believe your story? What are we going to do?�

  “I think the police will be questioning me quite extensively, but for now, stick with the story I just told you, and you will come off free and clear. Don’t tell them anything else, and if we get lucky, that dirtbag Lenny dies by the time the police arrive.”

  Julie sighed. “I can’t believe this happened. Thanks for trying to keep me out of this. You are a good man. I’m such a stupid-ass fool for thinking I needed all this money to be happy.”

  “I know,” Ben said. “Hang in there, Julie. We’re on our way. Can you put Kate on the phone? Jake wants to talk to her. Julie? Hello, are you there? Damn it!” The line disconnected. Ben redialed the number. It was busy.

  “What happened Ben?” Jake was disappointed he hadn’t gotten a chance to speak with Kate.

  “We got disconnected, and now it’s busy. We’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  Chapter 41

  Julie felt a sharp jab of pain in her side, while a hand roughly grabbed her phone from her and sent it flying across the room. “You are a fucking stupid-ass fool if you think you’re going to get away with this.”

  Julie spun around to see a man covered in blood with a gun pointed at her. “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m your worst nightmare. Now take me to that other bitch in this house. We have unfinished business. Move it, or you’ll have to crawl after I shoot you in your kneecap.”

  Lenny Cicone had come to in the barn with a pounding headache, pissed off and unable to move because his hands and feet were bound in ropes. Despite the raging pain in his head, nausea, and dizziness, he’d struggled till his hands were free, then untied his feet. His wrists and ankles were bleeding from the ropes. He tasted blood from the large gash on his head. He tried to stand up but became lightheaded, weak, and fell back down. He tried again to stand and weaved back and forth, leaning on the barn door.

  Fucking shit! Lenny grimaced. The doc and two nurses are definitely mine now to inflict serious pain on them. I will enjoy watching them die slowly.


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