For Honor

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For Honor Page 3

by Jeannette Winters

  Rafe pulled into the airport parking lot and intentionally left Alice’s purse inside his Jeep. It was the one advantage he had right now. If she wanted it, she was going to have to come and get it. Although he couldn’t picture her making a scene inside, it wouldn’t be good if she did. His goal was to locate her and get them out of there so he could ask questions. He didn’t need TSA agents and armed security coming down on them. They’d ask questions, but not the ones I need answers to.

  Once inside, he went to the terminal indicated on her airline tickets. He scanned the crowd in line for international flights but didn’t see her anywhere. Shit. He hoped he wasn’t too late. Just when he was about to give up, he saw a woman at the counter, bent over and rummaging through her bags. Bingo.

  Although people had a few choice words for him, Rafe pushed past people until he came to stand beside her. She was kneeling down with most of the contents of her bag now on the floor. The TSA attendant was saying, “Miss, you need to do this elsewhere. People are waiting, and you’re holding up my line.”

  “I know I had it all with me. Just give me a minute and I’ll find it,” Alice responded.

  “If you’re looking for your purse, it’s not in there,” Rafe said, standing behind her.

  She turned so quickly to look up at him that she almost toppled into her open suitcase. He was good at making his presence known only when he wanted to. The look in her eyes said she was confused. Who wouldn’t be? I’m probably the last person you thought you’d see again. Mistake number one, darling.

  “What . . . what are you doing here?”

  If she heard what he’d said earlier, he was sure she’d have figured it out. “Your purse. It’s not there.”

  He watched as Alice looked one more time in her suitcase, refusing to believe him. When she came up empty-handed, she turned back to him. The surprised look had vanished, and frustration burned in her eyes. “You have my purse?”

  He nodded.

  She huffed and held out her hand to him. “Then give it to me, please.”

  Rafe shook his head.

  Alice gasped, then half growling she stood up, planting her hands on her well-rounded hips and looked him directly in his eyes. He found it hard not to laugh at her sweet attempt to intimidate him. His life depended on being able to read someone, and she probably couldn’t kill a spider, never mind anything more.

  “I don’t know who the heck you think you are, but I’m about to miss my flight.”

  “You can thank me for that later. So grab your bags, and we can discuss this outside.”

  Alice turned to the TSA agent who probably believed they were having a lovers’ quarrel and didn’t want to be involved. “Yes, I think outside would be a better place for you two to have this conversation.” He didn’t want any drama holding up his line either.

  Alice threw up her hands in defeat and, letting out a heavy sigh, snorted out, “Fine.”

  He watched while she picked up a few articles scattered on the floor and tried stuffing all the contents back inside. He could’ve been a gentleman and helped her, but right now the only thing he knew about her was she wasn’t Alice. Struggle. Take all the time you want. I’m not going anywhere until I know why you were at Phoebe’s grave.

  After she had her belongs crammed back inside her suitcase, she followed him outside then stopped abruptly. “Well, where is my purse?”

  He turned to her and said, “In my Jeep. Face it. You’re not making that flight.”

  She had no idea why this man thought he had any right to prevent her from doing what she wanted. Did Dad hire you? Have you been following me all this time and this has been the plan all along? It was the only thing that made any sense. Anyone else would’ve either stolen the contents or just returned her purse.

  “Am I going to have to scream? Because I’m sure that police officer over there would love to know why you won’t give me my belongings.”

  She watched Rafe take in their surroundings. To her shock, he waved his hand, calling the officer over to them.

  “What are you doing?” She couldn’t believe he called her bluff.

  “I thought you wanted him here?”

  A chill ran through her as his eyes stared coldly into hers. He held all the power. She not only didn’t have any identification to show who she was, but she didn’t have anything to show she really was Deanna Glenn. The last thing she wanted was to end up in jail to avoid having to explain to her father why she was doing this. “Really? Why?” she asked softly, but he didn’t answer.

  When the police officer arrived, he asked, “Is there something wrong, sir?”

  Rafe never took his eyes off hers as he asked, “Alice, is everything okay?”

  She couldn’t let the officer see her fear of this man because everything would begin to unravel from there. Deanna needed to think quickly. “Yes. I . . . lost my ticket and passport and . . . can’t go on my trip.”

  It sounded weak even as she spoke it. The police officer looked at the two of them and asked, “Do you believe they’ve been stolen?”

  No. Taken. Shaking her head, “I think I dropped them somewhere. I guess if someone finds them they’ll turn them in, right? I mean no one would hold onto them for no reason, right?”

  “Ma’am, I’d like to think people wouldn’t do such a thing, but there are a lot of questionable people out there. You might want to stay close to this guy here if you’re concerned.”

  Deanna almost choked. That last thing she wanted was to be told to cling to that man. He was the reason she wasn’t on that plane right now. He’s the one standing between me and where I need to be.

  “Thank you, officer,” the stranger said flatly while still looking at her.

  The policeman walked away, and Deanna waited until he was out of earshot before talking. “You can tell my father I’m a grown-ass woman, who can do as she wishes.”

  “I’m not here about your father,” he stated.

  That shocked her. Although he was intimidating as hell, he didn’t appear to be some crazy stalker. But she had to remember where they met. If he wasn’t there because of her father, then what was he doing at Phoebe’s grave? “Who are you?”

  It was something she’d asked before, but he’d never answered. All she wanted then was to board her plane. Since that no longer was an option, she might as well get the answer now.

  “I’m more concerned with who you are.”

  Deanna huffed. “This again? I told you I’m Alice.”

  “No, you’re not,” he said, practically growling at her. “All I know is that you’re a liar. Be grateful I’m giving you a chance to explain why before I call that officer back over.”

  He really had her backed up against a wall. People say the truth would set you free, but that wasn’t always the case. If he knew who she was, and he told her father, then her wings were surely going to get clipped again. Only recently had her father begun loosening his control. She understood he did it out of love. But that didn’t mean it was right. If there had been any other way, she’d have taken it. Lying was the only way out from under his thumb. She knew he’d forgive her someday. This just isn’t that day.

  “You’re correct. That’s not my name. But I have good reason to be using an alias.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  She looked around, and even though people weren’t standing close by, Deanna didn’t want to have this conversation here. Actually not anywhere. “Where is my purse?” He pointed to the parking lot across the street. “If you give me my things, I’ll tell you the truth.” Or some version of it.

  He studied her for a moment then grabbed her suitcase and crossed the street. She reluctantly went with him. Any movie would’ve told her this was stupid. It was how a woman ended up in a trunk and was never seen or heard from again. Yet, here she was doing just that.

  They stopped next to a black Jeep, and he opened the door and pulled out her purse. He held it but didn’t hand it over. She knew the only way
she was getting it back was to start talking.

  “What do you want to know?” Deanna didn’t want to give him control, but it seemed wiser than to start rambling and divulge things he might not care or need to know.

  “What were you doing at Phoebe’s grave?”

  That was not the question she anticipated. In fact, it threw her. How could she explain that without telling everything? After a few seconds, she answered, “Paying respects to an old friend.” There was a lot of lying that might commence, so it was nice to start with the truth.

  “How did you know her?”

  “We went to school together.”

  “I don’t think she’d have associated with criminals.”

  You have that right. Phoebe was by the book. “I’m not a criminal.”

  “Then what would you call falsifying documents to leave the country? You’re running from something.”

  “Not something. Someone,” she said and then realized how that must have sounded. By the look in his eyes, he must’ve assumed the same thing. It’s not that. There’s no abuse. Just need my life back.

  “There are other ways. You could’ve gone to the police, or friends; anything is better than going to Moreira. Whatever hell you’re running from, you haven’t seen anything compared to that place.”

  He spoke as though he’d been there. No one knew better than she what a vile place Moreira could be. How do you know? But there was another side to Moreira no one wanted to talk about either. The side of people who suffered and needed help. They were dying of starvation and no one was lifting a finger to change that. There was great risk in going, but her friends had already paid that price. It was up to her to continue what they had died for. Otherwise, their deaths meant nothing.

  “I’ve answered your question. May I have my purse now?”

  He handed it to her, and when she took it, she held it close. “I assume everything is inside?”

  “I’m not a thief.”

  “Yet you won’t say who you are.”

  “I’m Rafe.”

  That name didn’t mean anything to her. “And do you have a last name?”


  Oh, how could I not have realized who he is? Her heart ached. This was Phoebe’s oldest brother Raphael. Phoebe never referred to him as Rafe but said he was hard as nails on her when growing up. Out of all of her six siblings, he was the most protective. If a boy even looked at her wrong, Rafe gave him a talking to. One that meant she didn’t get to date much.

  In a softer tone, she said, “I’m sorry. If I’d known you were her brother, I would’ve—”

  “Told the truth?”

  Being Rafe? Definitely not. “I wouldn’t have been so difficult. I’m really sorry for your loss.” She didn’t miss the slight twitch of his jaw as she spoke.


  In these past three years, she so badly wanted to reach out to Phoebe’s family and tell them what an inspiration she’d been to her. How she loved her like a sister and missed her terribly. This was her chance, and she couldn’t say another word. Everything about that day was flooding back to her, and she didn’t want Rafe or anyone else to see her pain. I’m sure his is just as great if not greater.

  Grabbing hold of her suitcase, she turned back toward the airport terminal. She might have missed that flight, but she wasn’t going to miss the next one. It’s just a delay, nothing more.

  With each step, Deanna could feel Rafe’s eyes still on her. She refused to turn around and meet his gaze again. Knowing who he was, she was no longer afraid of him. So why couldn’t she get him out of her mind? A warmth filled her as she pictured his face, his brown eyes, and his strong jaw. His body, tall and lean. She could feel the power within him. He wasn’t a man to be messed with. The combination screamed sexy Italian. But not he is not just any man. He’s a Turchetta. My best friend’s brother. And he has no idea who I am. If he did, he probably wouldn’t let me walk away right now.

  She wouldn’t blame him one bit. There were plenty of days she couldn’t look herself in the mirror either. This is one of those days.

  Chapter Three


  Rafe couldn’t believe what he was reading. If he’d known who she was yesterday at the airport, there was no way in hell he would’ve left. She was the last person who should be heading back to Moreira.

  “Rafe, it makes no sense. Do you want me to reach out to her parents and see if I can get something more to go on?”

  Gabe had the facts, but Rafe knew whatever had caused Deanna to pretend to be Alice wasn’t something they were going to learn from her parents or anyone else. She’d gone to extreme lengths to hide it. The answer lay in her alone. There was only one thing he could do.

  “Gabe, I’ll take it from here.”

  “I’m not sure I like the sound of that, Rafe. What are you planning to do?” Gabe asked.

  Rafe had been working so closely with his brothers over the past few years that they were able to read him too well. Normally he’d tell him to mind his fucking business, but in this scenario he was going to need some backup. “I’m going to Moreira.”

  “Shit, Rafe. I can’t leave Tabiq. Not right now. Can’t you wait? Give me a week or two, and I’ll go with you.”

  He appreciated Gabe’s willingness to cover his six. But he needed more muscle than what Gabe would bring. “I’m not going alone.”

  “Which one is going?” Gabe asked.

  Each of them brought something different to the team. Renzo had been SWAT on the LA police force, David a sharpshooter for Special Forces, and finally Josh who’d been an MP in the Marine Corps. He couldn’t have handpicked a more solid team himself. The fact that they were bound by blood only intensified it. It also meant he never let them all be in the same place at the same time. I’ve seen entire teams get taken out. That’s not happening with mine. Not my team and sure as hell, not my family.

  Rafe knew going into Moreira was risky. He wasn’t worried about drawing attention to himself. But Deanna concerned him. If she was there trying to fix what was broken again, getting her to leave with him wasn’t going to be easy. Forcing her against her will wasn’t beyond him, but that would be his last resort. I’ll do what I have to in order to keep her safe. Not for her, but for Phoebe. “I’ll have Josh with me. The others are all on standby. Hopefully, neither of us will need them.”

  “Who’s running surveillance for you?” Gabe inquired.

  Ordinarily, that would be Gabe’s role. This time he and Josh were going in blind. “Guess that would be you from there. Track our SAT phones. If something doesn’t seem right, let us know.” It wasn’t the ideal situation, but pulling Gabe for a get-in get-out mission didn’t make sense. However, a country like Moreira was even more unstable than Tabiq. All he had to go on was the intel Gabe had provided. There hadn’t been any US troops there, so information was less than trustworthy. And that’s what got my sister killed.

  “Rafe, I honestly think you should wait. This woman obviously knows the risk she’s taking.”

  “What are you trying to say, Gabe?”

  There was a brief pause, and Rafe knew Gabe was questioning voicing his opinion. Rafe hoped he’d choose not to. But in good ole Gabe fashion, he couldn’t shut his mouth.

  “Who are you to prevent her from doing what she wants? This isn’t Phoebe, and we couldn’t stop her. You’re treading on thin ice here, Rafe. If you try to force her to leave—”

  “I’ll do what I need to do,” Rafe barked over the phone, not wanting to discuss it any further.

  “I don’t doubt that for a minute. My concern is your motivation. We’re not being asked to do this. All you need to do is take this information to her father, Scott Glenn, and he’ll have his own men all over her ass. There’s no reason for you . . . for us, to be involved.”

  Rafe controlled his temper because he knew Gabe was right. Nonetheless, he was going to Moreira to talk some sense into that pretty little head of hers.

��Just do what I asked.”

  “You got it. But I really think you should tell Josh what he’s risking his neck for,” Gabe added before ending the call.

  Rafe didn’t hesitate to fill Josh in with the facts Gabe had provided. Unlike Gabe, Josh didn’t ask any personal questions. He focused on the mission. Rafe may have failed to tell him a few things, but that information was not essential to what he needed Josh for. Still, Josh had concerns.

  “I didn’t think we’d ever step foot there again.”

  You and me both. “We go where we are needed.”

  “We needed to be there three years ago.” Josh’s voice held the same bitterness that filled Rafe.

  They might be trained to focus on the task at hand, but fuck, they were human. They’d lost their baby sister. How could they not resent that it’d been a death each of them knew could’ve been avoided? There was no way the government hadn’t been warned of the imminent danger. Yet nothing was done. Not until it was too late and all we had left was . . . sorrow. Enough families had lost someone there already. If he could prevent adding another, he would.

  “We both know better than to dwell on things we can’t change. It’ll only fuck with the present.” It was easy to say but nearly impossible to do.

  “Why us, Rafe? There has to be someone else who can do this.”

  He wasn’t sure if he’d made a mistake by asking Josh. Anyone in his family would be facing the same demons. “Do you want out?” He hated asking but knew he needed to make the offer.

  “Hell no! If I can put a round or two in some of those bastards for what they did, count me in.” Josh’s tone oozed resentment.

  “We’re not out for revenge.” That didn’t mean the thought hadn’t crossed his mind. It wouldn’t take much to push him. He hated everything those bastards stood for. They didn’t fight with honor. They tormented women and children. Their sole purpose was to rule by fear, and they didn’t care who they killed to achieve the power they sought. The one thing we have in common is I’ll blow them away just as quickly.


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