For Honor

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For Honor Page 8

by Jeannette Winters

  He said, “I need you on that plane.”

  His tone hadn’t changed since the last time they’d spoken. She was tempted to pull the thing out of her ear and fling it into the woods. But he needed to know her concerns. This wasn’t about her. Leaving right now was the worst timing. She might be Shadoa’s only hope.

  “I’ll get on that plane. I’ll do anything you ask if you just listen to me. This is important.”

  There were a few seconds of silence, and she wasn’t sure if they’d lost their connection. Out here cell phones barely worked. If you were lucky to get a signal at all, it wasn’t for long.

  “Make it quick.”

  Thank God. She might not like the man, but he was all about protecting the innocent. All she needed to do was point him in the right direction, and she knew he’d follow up on it.

  “There’s a young girl, the one you saw me talking to, who might be in trouble.”

  “What kind of trouble?” Rafe asked.

  “I don’t know. It’s just a feeling I had. She wouldn’t talk to me and actually hid. There’s something she doesn’t want me to see. Or to know. I’m really worried, Rafe. The joyful look in her eyes wasn’t there. When I tried to follow her, she ran.”

  “You were following her to her village? Do you know what they’d do to you if you got there?”

  “Yes, I know. That’s why I stopped.” No matter how worried she had been, she couldn’t bring herself to enter the village. It’d be a one-way trip.


  That wasn’t the response she’d been hoping for. But she wasn’t great at reading him either. “Does that mean you’ll check on her?” It was as good a guess as any.

  “Deanna, that probably was a trap.”

  That wasn’t possible. Shadoa was only five. “No. There’s something wrong. I need you to check on her.”

  “If I see her, I’ll ask. Now, David, get her ass on that plane.”

  “Roger,” David replied.

  Good to know everyone can hear us. She should’ve anticipated that. If anything, she was about to use that to her advantage. “David, are you really going to let a small child get hurt or die because Rafe is too stubborn to listen to me?”

  David stopped for a moment as though waiting for Rafe’s reply. Neither had to wait long.

  “If her ass is not on that plane within thirty minutes, it’s all on you if something happens to her.”

  David nodded and got back into the driver’s seat. She couldn’t believe no one was listening. “Josh, surely you’ll help me. Help her.”

  Josh reached out, lifted her from the floor, and placed her back onto the seat. “Deanna, you don’t understand.”

  She couldn’t believe it. They were all ignoring her pleas like they were nothing. Her eyes welled up and tears began to flow. Deanna had done everything she could, but with her ankle as it was, begging was all she had. All she could do now was pray Rafe was right once again. If not, Shadoa might not be around the next time she returned to Moreira. And I am coming back.

  Pulling the earpiece out, she threw it at Josh. “Take me . . . to the . . . airport.” Her voice was cracking as she choked on each word. Turning away, she said softly, “I hope I never see any of you again.”

  Deanna wasn’t sure how well that mic picked up sounds, but she hoped Rafe heard her. She wanted to hurt him but knew it didn’t matter. He was there to do a job, and nothing she said would interfere with that. What exactly that job entailed, she had no clue. Whatever it was, she didn’t think it was anything like what she and Phoebe had committed their lives to. I just hope you don’t ruin everything we’ve done so far.

  Chapter Seven


  Rafe wasn’t going to lie to himself. He was breathing much easier with Deanna out of Moreira. She had no clue how quickly things were changing. If they weren’t careful, this was going to be a replay of what happened when Phoebe was killed. The only problem was they still weren’t sure what truly went down then. If they knew, they’d be in a better position to prevent it happening again. One thing he knew was this hadn’t been an attack merely because they were teaching women and children to read and write. Although I’m sure that was part of it.

  He walked up to David, who’d taken the first half of the night shift with part of the team while everyone else slept.

  “Anything new?”

  David shook his head while still holding his night vision goggles, scanning the area. “Same bastards about three hundred kilometers to the left. No one has come or gone since the last time you checked.”

  If they weren’t so experienced, they might take that as a good sign. But it wasn’t. It meant they knew they were being watched and wanted it to appear as though nothing had changed. Rafe knew his men were good at covering their tracks. So how did they know? The only two who’d made their presence known were he and Josh.

  It was possible someone at the airport was watching the flights. Although their private jet had taken off yesterday with Deanna on it, if it was being monitored, they knew she’d gone alone. What else do you guys know?

  He was glad he had his team fly in via chopper under the radar. It meant they still had the upper hand. At a moment’s notice that could change. And we’ll be ready if it does.

  “Any sign of the girl?”

  “No. I’m hoping when daylight comes she’ll make an appearance,” David replied.

  They weren’t sure which village she was from. He had his suspicions based on which was closest. Yet it wasn’t uncommon for Morierans to walk miles in order to get someplace they really wanted to be. Rafe knew he could call and ask Deanna where she’d last seen Shadoa, but he’d cut ties, and he wanted them to stay cut. I don’t want to give her any false hope.

  “Let us take the next shift, and you guys get some rest,” Rafe stated.

  David turned and looked at Rafe. “Hate to say it, Rafe, but you look like shit. When was the last time you got any sleep?”

  This wasn’t about him. He’d gone days without sleep before. “I got this.”

  David snorted. “I don’t doubt that, but you brought us here for a reason. Let us do our job.”

  Normally Rafe would’ve agreed. They functioned as a team because they watched out for each other. Even if he let David sit up all night watching from that hill, Rafe wasn’t going to be able to sleep. He’d tried closing his eyes earlier, but he hadn’t been successful. If it wasn’t the reports flooding his mind, it was Deanna’s expression as he chewed her ass out before leaving the tent.

  Rafe knew if he didn’t find a way to shut his brain down long enough to rest, he would become a liability instead of a leader. Not that his team couldn’t function without him, but he wasn’t just someone who’d hired them. They’d showed up because of their loyalty to him. All he’d had to do was tell them his gut said there was an issue, and they were there. Now he needed to find the missing piece, so they could all do what they were trained to do. Eliminate the threat.

  Before he could turn and head back to try to rest, he heard one of the men state on their mic, “Someone’s leaving the village in one hell of a rush.”

  Rafe asked, “Who is it?”

  “Couldn’t see. Their vehicle was behind one of the buildings.”

  Damn it. “Can you tell how many?”


  Fuck. He grabbed the night vision goggles and searched until he saw the dirt kick up as a sole vehicle took off away from them. No headlights on. Closing his eyes, he ran through each scenario. The logical course of action would be to have his men follow them. But that was what troubled him. Like with Shadoa, Rafe needed to consider each and every movement as a trap.

  “Want them to pursue?” David asked, with his gun trained on the target.

  They know we’re here. They know we’re watching. He scanned the village for any further activity. Not even a light on in any building. He found it odd that every single person was fast asleep except the one who seemed so anxious to leave. Rafe h
ad to give them credit. They were good, but his guys were better. They aren’t going to get what they want. Not if I can help it.

  “Hold your positions.”


  Although the others were supposed to be sleeping, he knew Josh would have his earpiece on in case his half of the team was needed. “Josh?” Rafe called.

  “Here,” Josh replied.

  “Get Gabe on the line. We need to know how these bastards are communicating and shut them down.”

  “On it,” Josh answered.

  Rafe knew Gabe had already jammed just about everything. But if these guys had SAT phones then the question was, how did they get them? They weren’t something one could buy on the internet or the street. They were handed out by serial number and monitored very closely.

  Rafe shut off his earpiece so no one but David could hear. “Whoever falsified those reports on what happened three years ago is feeding them intel.”

  “And equipment,” David added.

  “Exactly.” They’d dug deep to obtain this information. It was meant never to be found. But since they had it, it was a game changer. Rafe could barely believe what they’d learned. All this time they’d thought they were dealing with people from Moreira. It’d be so much easier if that was the case. Knowing that someone back in the States was pulling the strings pissed Rafe the fuck off. But it also meant they needed to handle things differently than they’d originally planned. Good thing we adapt easily. “I need you to get Renzo a message. Keep it off the grid.”

  “How far off?” David asked.

  “Just the family.” He waited for David to nod before going further. “With all this information, no matter what the report states, we know this was not a random act of violence, no matter how hard they’ve worked to make it look that way.” David nodded again. They needed to widen the net. Deanna wasn’t off the hook by any means, but now a shitload of other possibilities had opened up. “I want every victim’s background pulled.”

  “What are we looking for?”

  “Anything and everything. Friends. Enemies. Also, any volunteer who’d been there in the year before the attack. There’s a link between the volunteers and what happened. We need to find it.”

  “And you want Renzo to do what?”

  Renzo stood out like a sore thumb. The entire family was clean cut except him. He looked more like a criminal than like one of the good guys. Rafe usually tried to get him to change his look, but right now he was going to use it to his benefit. Renzo needed to go deep undercover. It was something he’d done many times before on the police force. “Have him do some of his own digging. Maybe ruffle some feathers, He’s good at that. There’s got to be some questionable friends, or even better, an enemy of one of the families. I’m sure there’s got to be someone out there who had a grudge or score to settle.” God knows we all have them. Shit. I’m not even sure I can count how many I have.


  “He’ll know who to take with him.” Rafe knew Renzo had his own set of connections. “And have Melissa visit with the families of the other Literacy Corps victims.”

  David’s eyes widened as though he couldn’t believe what he was being told. “Melissa? Are you sure?”

  They normally didn’t include her, but she was the only Turchetta no one would suspect. She was a physical therapist for disabled veterans. The only pain she ever inflicted on anyone was for their own health. “You don’t have to tell her what we’re looking for. Let her know I need her to get feel for what these families are like. If there’s anything that doesn’t feel right, she’ll pick up on it. We’ll take it from there.”

  Rafe knew she was good at it. It was something she did daily. Whenever she entered a patient’s home, she assessed their emotional status as well as their disability. Melissa always told them you couldn’t treat just one, you needed to treat both.

  David got up. “I hope you’re right about this.”

  “Me too.” Rafe knew David was questioning using Melissa. They’d kept her out of harm’s way like they’d done with Phoebe. What good had that done? Ignorance is not always bliss. At least Renzo was home in the States. He’d watch out for his kid sister like he always did. And even though the veterans she visited were disabled, they also loved and protected her like family.

  “Guess you’re taking over.”

  “For now.” Rafe lay down, taking his position as David left. Rafe needed to be alone. It was where he did his best thinking. There was a lot going through his mind, but one question in particular was haunting him. Had Phoebe just been in the wrong place at the wrong time? Could it have been one us they were trying to break?

  It was something that wouldn’t have surprised him. If the intention had been to capture Phoebe and use her as leverage, it’s possible this had been a kidnap attempt gone very wrong.

  The Turchetta men knew things that shouldn’t be public, and their skills definitely should not be in the wrong hands. They used them for good, not evil. Would someone have used their sister, hoping to get them to fight for the other side?

  Rafe wished he could say with all certainty that none of them would’ve given in to such threats. But the truth was, they loved their sister, and if it meant saving her life, he wasn’t sure what he would’ve done, never mind the rest. I’d risk it if it meant having Phoebe back.

  That wasn’t something that could happen. All he could do now was find the truth and stop whatever this was from going further. He’d first thought Deanna’s return to Moreira was what heightened the situation. Looking back, it just as easily could’ve been their jet landing there. Or it has nothing to do with either of us. Who the fuck knows?

  It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his team; he did. But right now the fewer people who knew, the better. Not just for the Turchettas, but for each member of their teams. If anyone got wind that they were searching for the leader, what had happened in Moreira could happen again on an even larger scale. Until we know who the enemy is, we protect everyone.

  As he looked through the goggles, he knew he was only going through the motions. Nothing was happening tonight, maybe not tomorrow either. Once Renzo and Melissa were in place, Rafe was going to need to make a move. Shaking things up in Moreira was going to get a reaction from someone back in the States. And he wasn’t going to wait for them to make the first move.

  He’d set the pieces in motion. Rafe was taking a risk like he’d never done before. From where he was, it was time. The longer he delayed, the more they risked losing the element of surprise. It was almost time to kick the hornets’ nest and see what comes out. We’re changing the rules of this game.

  Deanna couldn’t believe how much her ankle throbbed the entire flight. She hated asking the pilot to help her down the stairs, but to her surprise, he scooped her up and carried her like she was light as a feather. When she tried calling for a taxi, he informed her he was under strict instructions to take her straight to the emergency room.

  At first she wasn’t happy Rafe was still trying to control the situation, but her options were limited. It wasn’t like she was alone. She could’ve called her father, but that would require explaining a few things. Like how I hurt myself on a relaxation retreat.

  “Miss, is there something wrong?”

  Deanna was shocked by how the pilot stayed with her the entire time in the emergency room. The only time he’d left her was to grab them both some coffee and something to eat. She hadn’t expected any of that. Actually the unexpected is what I should expect lately. She turned to the pilot and said, “Can you give me one more lift?”

  “I wasn’t about to just leave you here at the hospital. Where too?”

  That was a good question. Right now she knew Rafe didn’t get her out of Moreira just because of her ankle. There was something else going on or he wouldn’t have stayed. And they all had stayed. If it had been about her, all of them would’ve been on that plane with her. Deanna knew one thing, she needed to continue being Alice until it was safe fo
r her to be Deanna again. “Please call me Alice, and any hotel will be fine.”

  He smiled at her and said, “Alice, I think there’s someplace you might find a bit more comfortable.”

  Deanna had no idea where that could be. This man didn’t know a thing about her. Heck, he didn’t even know her real name. When she said Alice, he didn’t blink an eye. But what did she have to lose? She’d told him anyplace. How bad could it be?

  “As long as it doesn’t have a lot of stairs, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Deanna said as she hobbled along on her crutches by his side. As the limo driver approached the pilot waved him off and opened the door to the limo for her and held her crutches while she slid in. She watched as he went to the truck and placed her crutches inside before returning to join her. As before, the pilot took the seat directly across from her. Although he was pleasant enough, it was still a bit unnerving to be facing him the entire time. “Maybe I should take a cab instead.”

  “Why is that?”

  Deanna needed to think of something that sounded believable. She was trying to lay low herself. A limo would bring questions, and that was not what she wanted. She’d gone through a lot of trouble to become Alice. And Alice wasn’t wealthy. She did have access to plenty of funds, but that wasn’t the point. No one knew or could know that information. If they found out, then then this was all for nothing and she might as well have stayed Deanna in that case. “I don’t want them overcharging me at the hotel.”

  “We’re not going to a hotel.”

  Panic filled her. He’d been so kind up to this point, but was it possible the man wasn’t actually one of Rafe’s trusted men? Josh had promised her she’d make it back to the States safely. She was here, safe and sound. No one had said she’d stay that way.

  Stammering she asked, “What . . . where . . . exactly are you taking me?” She held her breath, almost too afraid to hear the answer. Deanna wasn’t very intimidating even without an injury. But now what could she do, kick him with her splinted foot? That’d probably hurt her more than him.


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