Bling: A Diamond Doms Novel

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Bling: A Diamond Doms Novel Page 5

by Ivy Nelson

  Her head shook from side to side. “Not sure. I should have just gone home. This is too hard,” she murmured.

  Garrett held up a hand. “Please don’t do that. This is your home as much as it is mine. I’m on dungeon monitor duty tonight. You don’t have to see me unless you want to.”

  Isabelle gave a slow nod. “I’m sorry. I feel like I’m being a bitch.”

  He wanted to go to her, hold her, and make her feel better, but he was the source of her angst so he knew it wouldn’t be welcome.

  “I know you don’t want to hear it right now, but I would like to offer you a new job. A different position than what you had before. I want your uncle back too.”

  Her shoulders sagged. “Can we talk about it on Monday please, Sir?”

  She’d called him Sir. That was a sign she still respected him as a house Dom even if she wasn’t sure how she felt about him personally.

  The door behind him opened as guests arrived, so he gave her smile. “Of course, Doll. Come to the warehouse at eight-thirty Monday morning.”

  Isabelle shook her head. “I have a meeting at my niece’s school at eight. Can we make it ten?”

  Again, he smiled, hoping to comfort her. “Of course. I’ll be ready for you at ten. Ask your uncle to join me. I’ve asked my assistant to call him, but you might have more pull.”

  Isabelle took her spot behind the reception desk, and Garrett stepped into the bar. He needed a drink, but dungeon monitors weren’t allowed to drink before their shift. He didn’t always like working these shifts, he was a damn billionaire. But part of being on the Club Solitaire board was working. Everyone put in time, not just money, to make the club work. It was usually worth it.

  Tonight though, he didn’t want to be working his shift because it meant watching a room full of people doing things he wanted to be doing with Isabelle, things he’d had every intention of doing with her this weekend.

  He pushed his way into the dungeon and sat on one of the two stools just inside the door where the monitors sat when they weren’t making laps around the large dungeon. DMs were there to make sure the guests had everything they needed and to occasionally ask questions and make sure a scene was being conducted safely. It was rare that they had to interrupt or get involved. Only once in the year and a half the club had been open had they had to step in when a Dom ignored a safeword. Security had escorted him out of the building, and he wasn’t allowed to return.

  Consent was the number one most important rule at the club. People played on the edges of fear, shame, humiliation, degradation, and intense pain mixed with pleasure, but it all started with consenting adults.

  “Garrett, how are you tonight?” Matthew, a fellow board member, asked, as he sat on the stool opposite him. “I got here late last night, but the others filled me in about Isabelle.”

  Garrett leaned off his stool and shook the man’s hand. “Things could be better, but I think we’re going to work it out.”

  Matthew gave him a friendly nod and settled further onto his stool to observe the room.

  The night was young, but the room was already full.

  “Are you ever amazed at how many people show up every weekend?”

  Garrett nodded. They had created something special with Solitaire, and he was happy to have been asked to be part of it. Now if only he could fix things with Isabelle so he could get back to enjoying it here.

  Chapter Six

  Isabelle squeezed her uncle’s hand as they approached the doors of the warehouse on Monday morning. He had been reluctant to come and talk to Garrett Oliver, but Henry would always put his family first, so he’d swallowed his pride and rode with Isabelle.

  Inside the fulfillment center warehouse, she looked around. It looked different than it had when she left on Friday, like someone had cleaned it. It had been long overdue. Jason Briggs, someone she wasn’t too fond of, came rushing down the stairs that led to the offices and conference rooms.

  “Mr. Alvarado, Isabelle, thank you for coming in. Mr. Oliver is waiting upstairs.”

  Her uncle just grunted, and Isabelle gave him a nod as they followed him up the stairway.

  Garrett opened the door to Darren’s office and Isabelle froze. He was wearing a suit that hugged him exactly right. The deep blue color suited him, and she thought she might prefer him this way. At the club, he wore jeans and a button-up shirt. She thought he was hot at the club, but here, dressed this way, he was downright sinful, and she nearly choked on her own tongue as she let her gaze travel down his body.

  She coughed, raising her elbow to cover her mouth, and turned away so she couldn’t see him anymore.

  “Mr. Briggs, please get Miss Alvarado some water. I would like to talk to Mr. Alvarado if that’s OK.”

  Isabelle faced him again and nodded, still trying to catch her breath from her coughing spell. Jason appeared at her side with a bottle of water as Henry followed Garrett into the inner office. She tensed as the door closed, and half expected Jason to make a pass at her again, but he seemed rather subdued this morning.

  Twenty minutes later, Henry emerged from the office and gave Garrett a stiff handshake.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, Henry. Thank you for taking me up on my offer.”

  Again, her uncle just offered a grunt and Isabelle wanted to laugh.

  “I’ll be in the car, Izzy,” he said as he pulled the door open.

  “OK, Uncle Henry,” she said, tossing him her keys.

  Come in, Isabelle,” Garrett said, his voice kind and velvety.

  She stood on shaky legs and walked the scant distance to his office. Again, she marveled at how clean and organized it was. Darren was a slob, and the office had always been a disaster area the few times Isabelle had been in it.

  Garrett motioned for her to sit in one of the two visitor chairs. She expected him to sit across the desk from her, but he dropped into the other chair and pulled himself close to her.

  Her heart leapt into her throat as she inhaled his masculine scent. The cologne he wore wasn’t harsh. It had subtle notes of spices and vanilla. It was a smell that always made her want to cuddle.

  Her face warmed as she tried to pull away from him.

  “I know this is hard for you, but I have a job offer. It would mean working with me for a few weeks though.”

  She had already decided she would hear him out, but on Saturday, she’d accepted a job at the Glenview working nights until she learned enough to take on other roles. Hunter promised her a chance to move up in the company and even move into executive management if that’s what she wanted. It was a dream come true, really.

  When she nodded for him to continue, he leaned over his desk and picked up a sheet of paper and passed it to her.

  “You want me to be your executive regional assistant? What does that even mean?”

  He laughed. “It means I’m a remarkably busy man who can’t be everywhere at once. I want you to be my go between here in Colorado. Especially when I need to be back in Philadelphia or D.C.”

  Isabelle nodded. “What kind of hours are we talking about?” Her eyes shifted to the salary he was offering, and she knew there was no way she was turning this down. Even if she only did it for a few months, she would be able to get her family out of debt.

  “As my regional assistant, I would need you on call a lot, but you would only have to be here during normal business hours through the week. I know you’re responsible for your nieces, so if you need to adjust things, we can work something out.”

  Her mind raced through the things she had to do for her nieces and the hours she’d agreed to at the hotel. She would be tired, but they wouldn’t have to worry about money.

  “I would also want your help cleaning this place up and improving it a bit. I could bring in an outside team to assess and evaluate, and I likely will, but you’re someone with years of experience here. I’ll value your input. We’re bleeding money from this facility and I haven’t been able to figure out why. I’m not expecting y
ou to figure it out, but while we investigate and get things back on the right track, I’ll be looking to you for input on how we can improve things.”

  Isabelle looked around the room. “Looks like you’ve done a good job cleaning up already.”

  Garrett chuckled. “After I fired Darren, I made the rest of the management team spend the weekend cleaning. I’m embarrassed that one of my facilities was so rundown.”

  “I’m glad Darren is gone,” Isabelle murmured.

  “Did he do something to you? Do we need to add harassment to his record?” The concern in Garrett’s voice was comforting.

  “No. Nothing like that. Not really. He was just a bit sleazy. Never did anything to me. I told him off the first time he cracked an inappropriate joke, but I know some of the other women weren’t so quick to stand up for themselves.”

  Garrett’s fist clenched and unclenched. “That is unacceptable. Is there anyone else on staff who behaves that way?”

  Isabelle shifted uncomfortably.

  “Tell me, Isabelle. Tell me now.”

  She jerked her head toward the door. “Jason has a habit of ‘accidentally’ brushing up against women when he’s on the floor. I’ve also caught him watching porn on his tablet in the break room a few times.”

  Fury flashed in Garrett’s eyes as he stood to open his door, presumably to call Jason in. Isabelle stopped him. “Please don’t. I already feel like I got Darren fired. Please don’t make me point fingers at Jason too. Fire him if you want, just wait until I’m gone. I’ve been through enough this week, don’t you think?”

  Garrett’s shoulders slumped and his features softened with concern. “Of course. I’m sorry, I’m an asshole. I just don’t tolerate that kind of behavior at work. It’s unacceptable. So, will you take the job?”

  Isabelle gave a slow nod. “I will.”

  Garrett grinned. “Good. When can you start?”

  “Tomorrow?” she said hesitantly.

  “Excellent. I’ll see you bright and early then.”

  Isabelle stood. “Um. What do I wear? I’m used to jeans and t-shirts on the floor.”

  Garrett looked down at his suit. “I suppose I’m a bit overdressed for a warehouse, aren’t I? Business casual is fine.”

  “I like the way you’re dressed,” she blurted. Her hand clapped over her mouth and she felt her face grow hot.

  Garrett flashed her his signature grin. “I’m glad you approve, Miss Alvarado. I’ll have to keep that in mind.”

  “Since I’m embarrassing myself, what do we do about Solitaire? Can I work for you and still be your trainee as a house submissive?”

  Garrett shoved a hand into the pocket of his slacks. “Do you still want to be mine, Isabelle? Or do you still need space?”

  Isabelle gave a mirthless laugh. “If I’m working for you, I’m not exactly getting space, am I?”

  Garrett perched on the corner of his desk. “I’ve promised to keep my distance. I travel a lot anyway. That’s the point of hiring you.”

  Isabelle rubbed at the back of her neck. “That’s true.”

  “Don’t think I didn’t notice you ignored my first question.”

  She squirmed as his gaze became steely, and that air of dominance she’d grown so attracted to surrounded him. How did all the Doms at Solitaire seem to know how to flip that switch on and off so quickly?”

  “I don’t know what I want. I see now that you weren’t malicious in your decision making. You’re working hard to make it right and I appreciate it. Can we get through this week and talk again this weekend?”

  Garrett’s demeanor relaxed. “Of course, Doll. That’s reasonable.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry I’m so complicated.”

  Garrett chuckled. “The best things usually are.” He glanced at his watch. “I don’t want you to leave, but I need to get on a conference call and clear my schedule for the next week or two. I’ll see you in the morning?”

  Isabelle stood. “I’ll be here.”

  Feeling lighter than she had in a few days, she made her way to the car.

  Uncle Henry startled awake when she opened the driver’s side door of her small Toyota.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  The old man rubbed sleep out of his eyes. “No worries, Izzy.”

  “What did Mr. Oliver want to offer you?” he asked as she pulled out of the parking lot.

  “I’m going to be his executive regional assistant.”

  Her uncle scowled and lifted his eyes heavenward. “So, his secretary. I’m sure fetching Mr. Oliver’s coffee is such an improvement for you.”

  She didn’t blame him for being skeptical. Squeezing his shoulder, she said, “It’s not like that, Uncle Henry. I’m going to be his voice when he isn’t there. He want’s someone who’s worked there for a while and can speak up for the other employees instead of just making blind decisions.”

  Was she really defending him right now? She shook her head. “I know you don’t trust him or anyone else with his money, but he’s paying us well and our family needs it right now.”

  Henry grunted. “He wants me to continue my role as floor supervisor but expand my duties a bit. Gave me a nice raise too.”

  Isabelle raised an eyebrow. How was Garrett able to give her and her uncle so much more money than they were previously making if the layoffs were due to financial trouble? It was a question worth asking tomorrow when she arrived.

  Tonight, though, she had her first shift at the hotel. As excited as she was to work with Garrett, she was equally excited to spend time at a job that was directly related to what she wanted to do for a living.

  Chapter Seven

  Isabelle drained her coffee cup—her second that morning—and tossed it into the trashcan on her way into the fulfillment center warehouse. Last night at the Glenview, she’d spent the evening learning the check-in system and reading the employee handbook. Her shift had only lasted until three in the morning, so she was able to grab a couple hours of sleep before getting the girls up and ready for school. The sleep had worn off quickly after wrangling backpacks, lunches, and getting laundry going for her dad to finish later that day.

  When she walked into Garrett’s office, she paused, drawing in a sharp breath. New furniture had been delivered sometime between yesterday and today. The office looked completely different. But that’s not what took her breath away. Garrett stood, leaned against the shiny new desk, legs crossed at the ankles. He had a headset on and wore charcoal gray slacks and a black button-down shirt that hugged his arms and shoulders and made her want to run her hands over them. A tie that had likely started around his neck, now lay over the arm of one chair, and he’d rolled his sleeves up to his elbows.

  This was Garrett in work mode, and it was fucking sexy. How was she supposed to sort her feelings for him if she was constantly assaulted with his physical attractiveness? Not to mention his intelligence and intense dominant aura. Right at this moment, he was speaking a language she didn’t understand, with his arms folded across his chest, looking quite stern.

  When he looked up and noticed her, he gave her a terse nod and motioned for her to sit in one of the chairs.

  “I’ll be done in just a few minutes,” he whispered, covering the mic on his headset.

  Lowering herself into the chair, she forced herself to tear her eyes away from him and look around the newly decorated office. It had a definitively masculine feel to it, with a lot of black leather and rich stained wood. The art on the walls was abstract and modern and she had a feeling it was worth more than she’d made in her entire life.

  “Yellow suits you,” he said abruptly, startling her out of her thoughts. She glanced down at the yellow blouse she’d picked up at a thrift store and smiled.

  “Thank you. It’s a favorite color of mine.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? I didn’t know that.”

  Isabelle felt her face warm. Yellow was Garrett’s color at the club. It was one reason she’d bee
n happy to be matched with him.

  He cleared his throat and pulled a large stack of folders from a file tray on his desk.

  “Your first task of the day is to call these people. I split the stack into two groups. One, you’ll be offering their jobs back to them. The others, you’ll be informing that there was a mistake in their severance pay and they can expect an additional two months of pay.”

  “How can you afford to give me and Uncle Henry such big raises if the problems at this facility are financial?”

  He gave her a wry smile. “A fine question, Isabelle. For starters, a third of the management team has already either resigned or been fired. I’m restructuring the organizational chart in this sector of the company, so I won’t need to pay as many executive level salaries. That money can go to paying staff that are actually worth it. Second, I’ve found at least some of the bleeding likely came from Darren stealing from me. With him gone, I should be able to right the ship by the next quarter.”

  Isabelle nodded as she flipped through the folders until she came to Alan’s. He was slated to get his job back.

  “Do you mind if we switch Alan to the other group? He’s my cousin. I can talk to him, and the two months of severance pay will be helpful. He got accepted to an excellent school on almost a full scholarship. I don’t want him to be distracted. It would be better for him to not be working right now.” She felt bad for meddling that way, but she didn’t want her cousin to miss this opportunity.

  Garrett leaned back in his chair. “Do the math and tell me how much he still needs to cover all of his costs. We’ll create a second scholarship and award it to him as a graduation gift.”

  Isabelle gave him a wary glance as she kept flipping the folders. “They may not accept it. I wasn’t kidding about my family being proud.”

  Garrett shrugged. “It’s free money. I don’t see why anyone would turn it down. I’ve given high school seniors who’ve done summer internships for me scholarships before. If they need to see that it’s not a charity case, I can get you proof. I’m sure you’ll find a way to make him see reason.”


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