Murder in the Mix (Books 4-6)

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Murder in the Mix (Books 4-6) Page 43

by Moore, Addison

  Bear is right. It looks as if she’s leaving soon—tonight more like it, tomorrow in the least.

  A couple of rings sit by the nightstand and a passport next to that. I pick it up and, sure enough, her picture stares back at me from the inside, Nicole Anne Brandon. My heart sinks for the poor woman. She’s been through hell these last few years. It’s enough to drive anyone insane to have your life upturned that way. But is it enough to drive you to kill?

  I place the passport back where I found it, and a breath hitches in my throat when I spot a leaflet from Greer Giles’ funeral. I pick it up, and a glint of silver catches my eye from underneath it. A silver hoop earring with delicate floral etching. I hold it out to the earring in my hand, and it’s a perfect match.

  Chapter 58

  The B&B is brimming with bodies, all of them jovial, and each person present has an ear-to-ear grin on their face.

  The first set is well underway as I make my way to the grand room. Suffice it to say, Bear was not amused when I gave him his keys back. I believe the words felon and orange jumpsuit spewed from his angry lips, but I assured him I’d have a big box of my red velvet wonders delivered to his home come Monday, and that put a smug smile back on his face. I’ll have Lily deliver them. Maybe they can fall in love, and that will free poor Everett from Lily’s tyranny. I make a face as I step into the grand room. Whatever it is that Lily Swanson is doling out, Everett seems to be coming back for more.

  It’s standing room only as the crowd breaks out into regular intervals of laughter. Scooter McPhee, chief of the fire department, has taken the stage, and he’s tearing the crowd up intermittently as if on a timer. But I can’t focus in on anything he’s saying. All I can think about is Nicole Brand—Brandon and that hoop earring.

  Is that enough to implicate her? I mean, what if she had a conversation with Greer and she turned her head suddenly? It could have fallen off and attached itself to Greer’s dress, couldn’t it? Or what if she witnessed Nikki killing Greer and she went over to inspect her after the fact?

  I spot Nikki sitting up front with Tinsley, and they both have a pleasant smile on their faces as they listen to the set attentively.

  Noah said he’d be here by now. If I text him, he won’t get it until he arrives anyhow. If I call, he might try to speed, and God knows it’s icy out there. Dutch and those loveable minions of his take the stage, barking as if they were about to take over the world, and a dull laugh strums from me, first one all night. But it just so happens it was during a lull in the set and half the room turns to look my way. Perfect. Way to cause a scene when I’m trying to lay low.

  I spot Everett and give a little wave, and his lips expand at the sight of me—a genuine smile, a grin, might I add. It melts off his face as quickly as it came, but those steely eyes of his are still pinned on mine and it heats me to my core something fierce. Lily whispers something to him, and he nods and waves before turning to face the front once again. It’s nice to see she’s got him trained—like a circus monkey. Funny, if ever there were an untrainable man, I would have guessed it was Everett.

  I spot my mother seated near the front, and next to her sits a dark-haired woman who has my adrenaline racing. Nicole Brandon is less than a breath from my mother, and it chills me to the bone.

  The man to my mother’s left wraps his arm around her and pulls her in close, landing a kiss to her cheek, and I can’t help but squirm at the sight of it. He’s an older man, a shock of white hair, deep tan, a bit too orange and fake for my liking. He looks strong and fit, and there’s an aura of wealth about him. I’m betting that’s my mother’s new nightmare, Rich Dallas. Instinctually, I’m not looking forward to a formal introduction.

  Chief McPhee finishes up his set, and Nicole whispers something to my mother before getting up and heading for the exit.

  “She’s leaving,” I whisper to myself, doing a quick glance around for Noah or Ivy. Right about now, I’d welcome her sour face. But neither of them is to be found, so I slink right out of the room after her.

  By the time I make it to the foyer, it’s empty save for a few stragglers still looking at the silent auction in the dining room.

  Dutch and his merry band of poltergeists barrel out of the grand room and growl ferociously as if they were ready to tear somebody limb from limb.

  “Dutch,” I whisper as I head over to him and cup his precious face. He lets out a low growl and hitches his head behind him toward the kitchen.

  I head on over with careful steps as if walking on broken glass. Our bodies collide as she heads on out.

  “Lottie.” She presses a hand to her chest. “Your cookies are fantastic. If I knew my way around a kitchen, I’d demand the recipe.”

  “And I’d give it to you. Hey, did you find your daughter?” I ask, carefully backing her into the kitchen.

  She glances past me and glowers. “Things haven’t gone the way I had hoped. Nothing has in a very long time.”

  “Did you want her to leave with you?”

  Her eyes narrow in on mine, and she shakes her head as if it’s not registering.

  “You want to take Nikki with you because you’re afraid that they might arrest her. Isn’t that right?” I’m not sure why I blurted that out, but I’m so hungry for answers I couldn’t wait for logic or reason to kick in.

  Her eyes expand like silver dollars. “No,” she heaves the word out, throaty and raw. “Nikki didn’t do this.”

  “Then you did it. You killed Greer Giles.” My heart plummets straight to the floor. “But why after all this time? Your husband left almost two years ago.”

  “You know?” She shakes her head, backing away until we’re rounding out the island.

  “I know all about the affair Greer had with your husband. Your anger is understandable, but why kill her? Why hunt her down on that night of all nights?”

  Her lips quiver, and those exotic glowing eyes of hers look just like Nikki’s. The resemblance is uncanny. It’s a wonder I didn’t pick up on it before.

  She blinks over at me. “Because if I didn’t do it, Nikki would have. Don’t you see? Nikki has her whole life ahead of her. I couldn’t let that slut ruin another part of my family. Nikki stopped living. She took on this persona, melded into Greer’s plastic world, and plotted every day to ruin her. It’s not healthy. Her obsession with Greer was dangerous. I had already lost a husband. I didn’t want to lose my daughter, too. Nikki had to be stopped, and the only way to do it was to put an end to Greer myself.” She bolts for the back door, and I catch her by the sleeve. “I have to leave, Lottie. Please, I can’t do this. I can’t go to prison because of that harlot my husband couldn’t get enough of.” She dips her hand into her purse, and the next thing I know, I’m staring down the barrel of a gun.

  “Lottie?” Everett’s voice booms as he runs into the room, and the gun flicks his way for a second.

  “No,” I riot as I give her a shove, and soon enough Everett is on us. The three of us erupt in a mass tangle of bodies as Nicole maintains a death grip on the gun in her hand. I turn and grab the first thing I see, a cast iron skillet from off the counter, and swing it like a baseball bat right at Nicole Brandon’s head, but she shifts and I strike Everett over the temple. His eyes roll into the back of his head as he falls to the ground.

  “Oh God,” I whimper as Dutch and the choir of Chihuahuas howl and whimper.

  Nicole attempts to leap over him, and I hook my ankle to hers, sending her falling to the floor. The gun spins out in front of her, and I dive for it. My body slams so hard against the rock-hard floor tiles, it feels as if I’ve cracked every single one of my ribs.

  Nicole screams as she bounces to her feet with Dutch firmly attached to her ankle.

  “Give me that.” She tries to pluck the gun from my hand as I struggle to rise, and it’s as if she’s pulling me up along with it.

  “Lottie!” Noah’s voice booms from the foyer.

  “In the kitchen!” I bellow as Nicole turns her head toward th
e hall in a panic. “I have to get out of here.” She eyes the back door and tries her best to push her way past me as I block the exit.

  “You can’t go, Nicole. It’s over.”

  “The hell I can’t.” She gives a violent shove to my chest, and the gun in my hand goes off, horrifically loud. The blowback jerks my arm back so hard I inadvertently slap her in the face.

  A body falls to the ground—a scream gets locked in my throat.

  “Noah!” I shout so loud the room vibrates with the shrill of my voice.

  Everett lies to my right, out cold, unconscious. Noah lies to my left, his hand covering his shoulder as he struggles to get back on his feet, blood quickly spreading over his chest. Dutch sits right before me, panting up a storm as if this disaster took everything out of him. The tiny tribe of Chihuahuas prattle about, lost in a tizzy. The back door is open wide, and Nicole Brandon is gone.

  I drop to my knees and let out a scream that pierces right through this world and into the next.

  Chapter 59

  Both Noah and Everett are rushed to Honey Hollow General Hospital. Noah undergoes surgery. The bullet lodged itself under his collarbone and was a clean removal according to the surgeon. He’s discharged the next day, and I play nursemaid to Noah and to Everett who suffered a slight concussion no thanks to my wayward swing.

  Nicole Brandon was apprehended just outside of the B&B by Detective Ivy Fairbanks, who singlehandedly chased her down in the snowy forest while wearing her best pair of heels. Nicole is currently in custody and awaiting arraignment. Rumor has it, Nikki has gone into hiding, and Tinsley has been so overwhelmed that she’s closed The Coffee Cake Break altogether.

  I’ve taken a few days off from the bakery, and Margo, the chef from the Honey Pot Diner, was kind enough to step in for me. But by the third day, Noah insisted that I go back to the bakery because he was dead set on going back to work himself—against doctor’s orders, might I add. And Everett went right back to the Ashford Courthouse, actively denying that he had the mother of all headaches.

  As for me, I’ve blissfully lost myself in my baking, and sadly that bliss didn’t last for long. Nothing is turning out right. The dough is dry before it ever gets in the oven, and the cookies are either undercooked or taste as if they’ve been broiled. Dutch and his furry counterparts have taken up residence in the kitchen, and you can bet your bottom dollar I’m more than petrified over the fact those cute little paper white pumpkins didn’t disappear once Nicole was arrested.

  My God, what does it mean? Am I going to have twelve more permanent ghostly visitors to add to the roster? Pancake and Waffles have about lost their furry minds no thanks to the fact the playful pups have taken to nipping at the cats’ paws. It’s a circus everywhere I go, and, quite frankly, I’m emotionally exhausted.

  Lily steps into the kitchen. “Heads-up, your mom is here.”

  “Oh good. I’ve been meaning to see how she’s doing.”

  But it’s not Miranda Lemon’s perky face I see. It’s Carlotta Sawyer with a smug grin taking over.

  “Rumor has it, you’ve not only got a mean right hook—you’re a good shot, too. You took down both boyfriends in a single night. You should really consider spreading the fun around next time.”

  “There won’t be a next time,” I hiss as I pull her deeper into the kitchen. Instantly, my vision blurs with tears. “I have to let him go. I’m petrified at what might happen next.” Dutch whimpers as if he heard, and tears begin to fall without my permission. “And those sweet babies that are cluttering up the kitchen need to go back as well. If my bad luck continues to compound itself, half of Honey Hollow is liable to end up dead.”

  She makes a face at the cutie pies circling our feet. “I have a feeling they’re here to take him home.”

  I suck in a quick breath as if my worst fear was just realized, and in a way, it was.

  “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  Carlotta’s eyes widen a notch. “Suck it up, buttercup. If you want this to work, you have to mean it.” She looks down at the suddenly downright docile group of pooches. Each one of those sweet Chihuahuas begins to illuminate with an incandescent light as they circle around Dutch like a cluster of glowing orbs.

  “Oh, Dutch.” I fall to my knees and take up his beautiful face. I try my best to look into those haunted crimson eyes of his. They’re so bright it’s like looking into a fire. Hot tears stream down my cheeks before I can get a single word out. A painful knot builds in my throat the size of a cupcake, and I force myself to push past it. “I love you so much. You were my very first dog. Can you believe that? To be honest, I never thought of myself as a dog person until you came into my life—and you’ve clearly changed that forever. You’ve been so fun to have around. You’re so cheerful and interested in everything I do.” Noah and that bite mark on his leg comes to mind. “Perhaps a little too interested.” A small laugh bumps from me despite the tears. “And I really wish there was a way I could keep you.” My voice breaks, and I take in a quivering breath. “If at all you can come back to visit, please do.”

  Carlotta gives me a swift kick in the rear. “Ixnay to the vistitays.” I glower up at her for a moment. And side note: I’m pretty sure she got the Pig Latin wrong. “Say goodbye,” she hisses. “I hear Keelie’s voice headed this way.”

  A horrible frantic feeling takes over, and it’s all I can do to hold onto this lovable pile of fur with all my might. “Dutch, please know that I really do love you, and if there was any way I could keep you, I would do so in a heartbeat. But, for now, I think it’s best you head back where you came from. Tanner is waiting for you. He misses you.” I cry so hard I’m boo-hooing with the best of them. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”

  Dutch runs his tongue all over my face, and I feel it, warm and soft—and a laugh bubbles in me as I let him lick my tears away.

  The small herd of prattling poltergeists each jumps onto Dutch’s back, disappearing into his fur as if Dutch himself were the portal to the other side. Soon enough, the very last one jumps on in, and Dutch’s entire body glows like a star, so bright, so very beautiful.

  “I love you,” I whisper warm into his ear, and just like that, the light inside of him shines bright as the sun before the room claps back to its normal state and he’s gone. Dutch, the band of barking beauties, they’ve all disappeared.

  “Lottie!” Keelie sings as she strides on in. “Oh my God, are you okay?” She plucks me off the floor, and I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes.

  “I’m fine. Carlotta and I were just having a moment.”

  “Oh, thank God.” Keelie fans herself with her fingers “I thought the two of you would never get along. I just wanted to tell you that Hook and I called it off.”

  “What?” Only Keelie could pull me from my funk so quickly.

  “It wasn’t working. It was forced. If it’s meant to be, maybe it’ll happen at a later time. Right now, we’ve decided to have an open relationship.”

  “An open what?” both Carlotta and I sing like a chorus.

  Keelie shrugs. “We see each other, and we see other people. It was my idea and, believe me, it’s going to be a good one. This way, I get my cake and I get to eat it, too.”

  I take a deep breath. “As long as I’m not the reason the two of you are on the outs, I’m happy if you’re happy.”

  Lainey strides into the kitchen and wrinkles her nose as she inspects my face. “You’ve got a new look going.” She swipes her thumbs beneath my eyes. “Let’s leave all the colorful facial mark-ups to our fabulous little sister, Meg.” She takes a step back. “That’s better. So, do you know of a bakery that would be willing to cater my engagement party next month?”

  “Lainey!” I shout for joy as I wrap my arm around my sister. “I volunteer my services, and I promise to give you full say in the entire menu. I cannot wait for your engagement party.”

  Keelie nods. “And I hope Forest invites all of his cute firefighter friends. I’m on the ma
rket again.”

  Lily pokes her head in. “Lottie, there are a couple of men out here wanting to see you. Noah and Everett.” She mouths that last part.

  “Be right there.” The glint of something silver catches my eye on the floor, and I do a double take. “Look at this.” I bend over and swipe the small rectangular pendant off the floor, and a breath hitches in my throat when I see what it is.

  “Dutch,” Lainey reads. “Huh. It looks like a dog tag.”

  Keelie grunts at it. “I think it is.”

  “It’s precious.” I land a kiss over it before burying it in my pocket. We head out toward the kitchen, and I pull Carlotta back a moment. “So, all the bad luck I’ve been having is going to stop now, right? I mean, Dutch is home with Tanner now. Everything is back to how it’s meant to be.” My chest bucks with grief at the thought of never seeing that slobbering smiling face again. I really do love him so much it hurts.

  She takes a deep breath, and I see myself there in her face. And for the first time ever, I find a bit of comfort in it.

  “It should be the end. But anything that was set in motion before he left still has a chance to play out. You’ll be in the clear soon enough. One can only hope.”

  I swallow hard as we head out to the front of the bakery, and as soon as my eyes land on those two handsome men, my heart soars and all is right with the world.

  “Come here,” I say, pulling them both in for a hug at the very same time. I don’t care how much they hate it. I need it in the very worst way.


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