The Rest of Our Lives (Mitch & Cian Book 5)

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The Rest of Our Lives (Mitch & Cian Book 5) Page 6

by Helena Stone

  “Guys, you know it’s rude to ignore your guests, right?” Ray guffawed.

  “Sorry.” Mitch returned to his earlier position, resting his head against Cian’s belly and softly stroking his hand over Cian’s calf, making Cian wonder who exactly he was apologizing to.

  “Didn’t you say something about games?” Harry asked.

  “That’s right.” Cian welcomed the change of topic. “We’ve got choices. There’s board games there.” He pointed at the stack of boxes beside the coffee table. “And the Xbox’s all hooked up. I thought we could do a round robin and keep a running total. The ultimate gamer will be announced just before midnight.”

  “A competition.” Conor rubbed his hands together. “Bring it on and prepare to be defeated.” He grinned as if he’d already been announced as the winner.

  “A challenge.” Dara grinned. “Pride comes before the fall, and I’m ready to make you tumble.”

  It only took a few minutes to work out who would start playing which games and getting everybody and their drinks in the right location. Mitch grinned at Cian as he picked up the dice to start a game of Splendor, all signs of anxiety gone from his face while his eyes shone with pure joy.

  Time flew by as they played. Drinks and snacks were refilled when they switched from game to game and triumphant roars and disappointed groans showed that everybody was fully invested in the competition.

  At five to twelve, with perfect timing, they finished the last round of games. Cian reached for the remote and turned the TV on with the sound down, wanting to make sure they got the timing exactly right.

  Mitch slipped into the kitchen and opened the fridge, extracting the two bottles of Prosecco they’d purchased for the occasion and opening them while Ro retrieved her bag from behind the sofa.

  What’s she up to? Cian held back his smirk. Ro was a law unto herself, and he was never sure what she might come up with next. Having said that, she hadn’t disappointed him so far. When she produced four instruments Cian recognized all too well, he allowed his grin to surface.

  Ten. Nine. Eight. The voices counting down got more excited with each number.

  Seven. Six. Five. Mitch placed the two bottles in the middle of the coffee table, took one look at the ukuleles his musical friends were holding, and rushed to grab his from the shelf were he usually kept it.

  Three. Two. One.


  Before Cian could finish his sentence, Ro, Patrick, Cora, and Harry started strumming, and a moment later, Mitch joined in.

  Cian laughed out loud when he recognized the tune. “Auld Lang Syne.” How appropriate. When all of them, including one or two more or less tone-deaf rugby players, joined in what appeared to be an endless loop of the song, Cian’s heart felt so full he thought it might burst.

  He had no idea what he’d done to deserve it, but his life was pretty much perfect. If this was all he’d ever get out of it—if Mitch, loving parents, good friends, and acceptance from all the people who mattered in his life was all he’d ever get—it would be more than he’d dared hope for and all he’d need.

  Chapter Nine

  “Thank you.” Ro squeezed Mitch one last time before releasing him from the hug she’d enveloped him in. “This was the best New Year’s Eve party ever.”

  “Somehow I doubt that.” But Mitch couldn’t stop himself from grinning. It was two in the morning, and he should be exhausted, but found himself buzzing with life and happiness instead. “Thanks for bringing the ukes. That was inspired.”

  Ro returned his grin. “Of course, I brought them. Every party needs live music.”

  “Now you sound like my mother. She made me play during her Christmas party.”

  “I’m gonna take that as a compliment.” Ro looked over her shoulder at the other band members who were not entirely patiently waiting for her on the other side of the open front door. “You’ll have to tell me all about that performance, but not now.”

  Mitch watched his friends descend the stairs before closing the door and leaning against it.

  I’m such a fool.

  A delighted fool, but foolish nonetheless. He’d worried about nothing, just as Cian had been telling him all day.

  “Are you spending the night there?” Cian sounded bemused.

  “Not if I can share a bed with you,” Mitch answered as he pushed away from the door and joined Cian on the threshold to the living room.

  “It was good of them to help us clear the place.”

  Mitch studied the space in front of him and had to agree. All dirty glasses and bowls had disappeared into the dishwasher, the empty bottles and cans sat in a large box next to the kitchen bin, and the room and kitchen looked liveable, if not entirely clean.

  “Talking about beds,” Cian said. “How about we go to ours, and then you explain how you forgot to tell me about that other bed. You know, the one you’re getting for Castleforest?”

  Mitch frowned. That had been another act of foolishness on his side, and he wasn’t sure he could explain how he’d failed to mention his mother’s present. Given how excited and happy he’d been when she told him what the gift card was meant to be spent on, it should have been the first thing to tumble off his tongue.

  Cian took his hand and pulled him along to their bedroom, wasting no time and stripping Mitch out of his clothes as soon as they arrived.

  “You. Bed.”

  “Bossy much?” Mitch laughed as he followed Cian’s instruction and draped himself across the covers, wrapping one hand around his half-aroused cock and pumping it a few times.

  Cian’s eyes grew darker as he stared at Mitch. His gaze was fixed on Mitch’s face as he lowered his jeans.

  “Nice one.” Mitch sighed, sure he would never get enough of seeing Cian in his jockstrap.

  “I thought you might appreciate it.” Cian smirked. “But it can’t stay. I need my cock for what I’ve got planned.”

  Mitch’s already heated blood turned even hotter as Cian removed the last item standing between him and full nakedness, and he sighed when Cian crawled across the bed until his body covered Mitch’s.

  “On second thoughts,” Cian murmured between two kisses, “talking is overrated and can wait.” He kissed Mitch again, turning it into a claiming of Mitch’s mouth rather than a gentle meeting of lips.

  Mitch’s head spun as an intoxicating mixture of lust and alcohol claimed his body. His skin was alive under Cian’s touch while his cock and balls throbbed mildly, indicating his desire, which strengthened with every caress of their tongues.

  He didn’t know and didn’t care how long they’d been kissing when Cian pulled away and scooted down the bed. All he knew was that he missed the contact.

  “Turn over,” Cian instructed, sounding as breathless as Mitch felt.

  He hadn’t thought it possible, but Mitch’s hunger increased when he guessed Cian’s intentions. Moments later, when Cian spread his arse cheeks and licked a line from the back of Mitch’s balls to his hole, a full-body shudder claimed Mitch.

  “So good.” When they first got together, Mitch had wondered if sex would ever lose it magic, if being together for any length of time would lessen his need for Cian or dampen their attraction. He shouldn’t have concerned himself. If anything, it had grown stronger, harder to deny over the past year.

  Cian tongue-fucked his arse as if his life depended on it, leaving Mitch boneless and lost in a sensual wonderland. He writhed on the bedding, looking for friction to ease the throbbing in his cock, torn between wanting it all now and never wanting the pleasure to end.

  Just when Mitch thought he’d shoot his load, Cian stopped.

  “Not fair,” Mitch moaned, not concerned about the yearning in his voice.

  Cian chuckled breathlessly. “There’s more where that came from. Hand me the lube.”

  The urgent heat in Cian’s voice made Mitch clumsy with excitement, and it took much longer than it should have to get the tube from its spot in the bedside table drawer.
Rather than hand the lube to Cian, Mitch squirted some of it onto his own hand before turning over and applying it to Cian’s straining dick with long, firm strokes.

  Cian’s gaze was fixed on Mitch’s hand, and he moved his hips in time with Mitch’s movements, his breathing becoming more labored.

  “Stop. I’m too close, and I’m not going to come like this”

  Mitch obeyed immediately. He didn’t want Cian to orgasm either. He spread his legs and pulled his knees up, giving Cian ample room to play with. “I need you. Hurry up.”

  “Bossy much?” Cian grinned as he returned Mitch’s earlier question to him. Then he turned serious as he grabbed his dick and lined it up.

  A sigh that seemed to come from his toes escaped Mitch as Cian breached him. He breathed through the now familiar ache as his body adjusted to the oh-so-welcome invasion.

  Cian stilled as soon as their groins connected, lowering his head and kissing Mitch with a pumping motion of his tongue, foretelling what was to come without words.

  Mitch surrendered, basking in the comfort and safety that was Cian and the mind-blowing pleasure he’d never get enough of. He smiled when they both moved their hips simultaneously, as if their patience had run out at the same time.

  Cian started slowly, pulling back and pushing in with almost tortuous care while he explored Mitch’s skin with one hand and used the other to keep his balance. It was amazing, overwhelming, and perfect…until it wasn’t enough anymore.

  “Cian… Please.” The moan fell from Mitch’s lips before he knew he was going to speak.

  “Fuck, yeah.” Cian’s reaction was instant. He pumped his cock in and out of Mitch’s body as if he wanted to claim him, as if he had any need to do so, as if he didn’t already own Mitch’s mind, body, soul, and heart.

  “I love you. I love you. I love you.” The words sang in Mitch’s mind as his need reached its peak and his orgasm threatened to erupt, but he pressed his lips together.

  Cian’s gaze burned into Mitch’s, lit up by what Mitch hoped were the same emotions he couldn’t deny any longer.

  As his balls drew up, Mitch pulled Cian’s head closer to his, claiming his mouth, as much because he needed to taste Cian as to ensure that he himself wouldn’t speak.

  His orgasm hit, without any stimulation beyond Cian’s throbbing cock in his arse, and Mitch flew so far he was only barely aware of Cian’s movements becoming erratic before he released too, deep inside Mitch.

  When Cian stilled and rested his forehead against his, Mitch closed his eyes. Cian pulling out came with a familiar pang of loss. A little bounce of the mattress, moments later, told him Cian had dropped to the bed next to him. He had no idea how long they lay there, next to each other, slowly catching their breath.

  It wasn’t the first time the thought crossed his mind, but Mitch still wasn’t sure how he’d gotten so lucky. Just over a year ago, he’d been desperate and convinced he’d never find peace, never mind happiness. What a difference twelve months made. He had no doubt he was exactly where he should be, that he and Cian belonged together, as if they’d been meant to be. He didn’t want to and couldn’t imagine a life without Cian. And as scary as it was, now was the time to tell him. He sighed deeply, opened his eyes, and sat, resting his head against the wall.

  Cian stared at him with one eye still closed. “What’s up?”

  “Sit up for a moment.”

  Cian gave him a bemused stare, which was hardly surprising because normally they would wrap themselves around each other and cuddle after sex. With a slight shrug and without questioning Mitch, Cian copied his movements, positioning himself opposite Mitch.

  “Happy New Year.” Mitch repeated the wish they’d also exchanged earlier and leaned forward, pressing his lips against Cian’s before straightening again. “I have something to tell you.”

  “Oh. That sounds ominous.” Cian’s mouth stretched into an uncertain half smile.

  Mitch had thought about this long and hard. He no longer doubted that the warm feeling in his heart, the sense of belonging he had when he was with Cian, was indeed love. He could have waited for a spontaneous moment, maybe blurt it out in the heat of the moment, at the height of an orgasm. Just now, the words had almost escaped when he hit his climax. But that was not what he wanted. He needed to say it while there was no excitement, nothing to distract from the moment. He needed to say it now that he had Cian’s full attention and his sincerity wouldn’t be in doubt.

  “I love you.”

  Cian stared at him, his eyes wide and his lips parted.

  For long moments the only thing Mitch heard was the frantic beating of his heart. Horrid and terrifying thoughts tumbled through his head.

  He doesn’t love me. I’m not enough for him. What do I do? I need him.

  Then Cian’s face transformed. His mouth stretched into the sweetest of smiles, and his eyes glowed with warmth and something that looked suspiciously like tears. He reached out and pulled Mitch to him with such force Mitch lost his balance and crashed into Cian.

  “I love you too.” Cian’s voice was filled with wonder. “You are it. I think you’ve always been it, from the first time I found you reading in that big chair in the library.”

  Mitch’s breath caught as Cian stroked his thumb across Mitch’s cheek, wiping away tears Mitch hadn’t known were there.

  “Until you,” Cian continued, “I didn’t know what my life would be like. I thought I’d be okay, but I didn’t even dream of this.” He waved his free hand around. “I didn’t think having a partner, building a life together was meant for people like me. Then you happened. And you trusted me, gave me everything you are and…” Cian bowed his head.

  “I know.” Mitch kissed Cian’s hair because it was the only part of him available to him. “Without you, I might still be in the closet. Last year I thought the library was miraculous. Now I know I was wrong. There only ever was one miracle, and that’s you.”

  Cian raised his head, revealing the tears that now glistened on his cheeks, giving Mitch the opportunity to repeat Cian’s earlier actions and wipe them away.

  “Happy New Year.” Cian kissed him. “And happy rest of our lives to us.”

  As Mitch lost himself in Cian’s next kiss, his heart sang.

  The rest of their lives sounded just about long enough.

  And so we reach the end of Mitch & Cian’s story…for now. I’m so fond of these two lads I have no doubts I will revisit them at some point in the future but, I have no immediate plans. If you’d like to be the first to know when more Mitch & Cian stories go live or about other new releases, you can sign up for my newsletter here: I promise not to spam your inbox and, signing up gives you access to two FREE stories.

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  About the Author

  Helena Stone can’t remember a life before words and reading. After growing up in a household where no holiday or festivity was complete without at least one new book, it’s hardly surprising she now owns more books than shelf space while her Kindle is about to explode.

  The urge to write came as a surprise. The realization that people might enjoy her words was a shock to say the least. Now that the writing bug has well and truly taken hold, Helena can no longer imagine not sharing the characters in her head and heart with the rest of the world.

  Having left the hustle and bustle of Amsterdam for the peace and quiet of the Irish Country side she divides her time between reading, writing, long and often wet walks with the dog, her part-time job in a library, a grown-up daughter and her ever loving and patient husband.

  Helena can be found and contacted here:

  Also by Helena Stone

  MF Romance

  All or Nothing (The Blowhole Series #1)

/>   Little Rainbows (The Blowhole Series #2)

  MM Romance (Novels)

  Double Dutch Courage

  Patience (Dublin Virtues Trilogy #1)

  Equality (Dublin Virtues Trilogy #2)

  Renewal (Dublin Virtues Trilogy #3)

  Scenes from Adelaide Road

  MM Romance (Novellas & Short Stories)

  Too Hot for Santa

  A Miracle in the Library (Mitch & Cian #1)

  Lessons in Love (Mitch & Cian #2)

  Pride of Place (Mitch & Cian #3)

  Ukuleles & Scrums (Mitch & Cian #4)

  Careful What You Wish For

  Valentine’s Love (Valentine’s Love #1)

  Valentine’s Surprise (Valentine’s Love #2)




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