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Reeves Page 1

by Serena Valentine

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

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  Reeves ( A Super Space Romance Hero)

  From the World of Secrets

  Copyright 2020 Melanie Ray, writing as Serena Valentine.

  All rights reserved.

  These books are works of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Ratings: I use like many fiction websites do.

  Rated MA: Contains explicit content for mature adults only.

  Fiction MA content is only suitable for mature adults. May contain explicit language and adult themes.

  A version of this book once existed across Melanie Ray as Death by Cake. It had less sexiness, some plot differences, characters removed, scenes deleted, added and it had a different ending. (Not a romance ending.) It is no longer published.

  Chapter 1

  Hidden Secret's sign was clearly written by a child. It's L and E were backwards. Seraphina Medina expected no less since the sector was full of children. No adult would be found that far in the colonies, except visiting parents, and apparently her.

  She heard her sister Tracy mutter a warning, some repeated instructions about where she would reside, then heard the wheels squeal off. Seraphina saw the suitcase her sister had stood beside her and dragged up a sigh along with it. Seraphina never had any problems compared to Tracy, but she had just been informed she had a hit on her. Which was the only reason she was in the private colony area known as Hidden Secret.

  Safety. The entire colony itself was both public and private. She knew that for a fact. Getting into the private sector would keep her out of trouble’s eye.

  Tracy said she'd take care of it and refused to tell Seraphina much. How Tracy even afforded to get Seraphina to that private part of the colony was a mystery. Probably dangerous connections. Seraphina didn't know how to feel about that, as words with Tracy were never what they seemed. The word 'babysitter', 'I love you extra special', and 'just some things' were never sincere. What could 'hit' mean though?

  Anyone else could demand an explanation, but Seraphina had no room to quarrel. Tracy oversaw her, always. Finances, relationships, career, everything.

  “One thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three,” a woman chanted, her bosoms moving up and down as she jumped rope with two other women. Seraphina, at first, almost laughed. Women being goofy or nostalgic happened at certain intervals in their lives. Boys and girls alike rushed by with a cloud of laughter.

  Her mouth found itself being tucked upward. Youth. She continued to walk, knowing her new rental property would not be far. After such a strange day she could go for a nap. This hit had to be Tracy's fault, and hopefully it would be cleared up soon so that she could return to Calibri, her own colony. Most full names of colonies were known by numbers with only sectors having names. Calibri’s colony was one of the biggest five colonies, it earned the title of the capital as its name.

  Unlike this small colony. She knew it too. 34215. Better known as the colony that held the private sector of Hidden Secret.

  “No, no, leave me alone,” a little girl yelled as she ran past Seraphina. Seraphina looked back toward a man chasing her. A rugged man in overalls? Before Seraphina could even think of what to do next, the little girl began laughing. “Can’t catch me, Daryl,” the little girl laughed again as she darted on the other side of Seraphina.

  “No fair,” the brisk baritone voice spoke as he crossed his arms and stomped his foot like a spoiled child. “No fair using people not in the game, Rosa, I’m tellin’!”

  Telling? At that point, she remembered the women that had been jump roping and acting like children. She turned and examined more of the new sector she'd be living in. Children far and wide, played in the trees and in the roads ahead, running from house to house. Hidden Secret was nothing but a playground for everyone, she knew that before she came. However, the word everyone meant more than just children.

  Adults acted like children too.

  “You normal?”

  Seraphina jumped as a finger poked in the middle of her back. She turned around and saw a man who didn’t seem to embody the young vibe everyone around him did. He wore a black suit with a red tie. His face was stoic and stood out in the middle of the playing crowd. He had a small and pudgy side to him, but not much more than she did.

  “You look normal,” he said in a gruff manner as his eyes trailed up and down her. His gaze felt more curious than predatory. “Well dressed and no stupid bows in your hair. You’re a visitor, new to Hidden Secret.”

  To the public area, no. Good thing he said Hidden Secret. “Yes,” Seraphina admitted. “I’m a new resident. Temporary.”

  The gruff man almost smiled, but not quite. “A new resident? There are no new residents that stick around unless you’re under the age of ten. Or if you are leaving sniveling kids behind for me to deal with.” He cracked his fingers one at a time as he spoke.

  Not a winning attitude. If she had kids, this is the last place they would end up. “I’m sorry, who are you?” Seraphina had to ask.

  The gruff man stood straight with honor and pleasure peeking through his expression. “Timothy Varmen. Only sane person in Hidden Secret.”

  “Timmers Varmint,” a few of the kids laughed out loud as they pointed at him. "Timmers, Timmers."

  “Varmen, Timothy Varmen,” Timothy corrected them as he looked at Seraphina again. “I didn’t see you drop off your kids at the gates, so why are you here?”

  Just arrived and Seraphina already had a problem. Right now, information was best avoided. “I thought that this would be a peaceful community.”

  “Then turn back around,” Timothy twirled his left index finger in a circle, “because you made a mistake. This place is anything but peaceful.”

  “I’m aware of that now,” Seraphina said briefly looking around again. “So, Mister Varmen, have you been a longtime resident?”

  “Mister?" Timothy chuckled. A strange, unpleasant choking chuckle, like when someone eats and laughs, but gets food caught in their throat. He was clearly not in the best medical shape. His tough stance eased as he answered her question. “I grew up here, left this whole colony, and came back.” His nose twitched with disgust. “I had hoped things changed in this dumb place, but it’s the same pathetic excuse for a sector.”

  Seraphina leaned against her cane; her attention focused on Mister Varmen. It seemed someone had agreed with her about how atrocious these dumping grounds had been. “I agree Mister Varmen. It isn’t right, and children should have parents around, or adoptive parents." She wiggled her fingers against her cane, "By the way, the adults around here -”

  “Grew up here, never
left,” Timothy finished. “Sad fate, so you should turn back around and leave. This colony area isn’t fit for normies.” Seraphina cocked her eyebrow up as he continued. “Normal people. No species change, pure humans usually. Tempies are the ones that come back and forth from the public areas. Usually more human, Hidden Secret is more of a babysitter for them. Then there are the ones who live here forever. They are permies. Unfortunately, some humans are in that group too. Better get used to that lingo."

  "I guess I have to get used to it. It's too late, I’ve got a place I’m renting,” Seraphina said, “and besides anything’s better than Calibri Colony.” A slight upward crook graced her face. "At least there won’t be any Adventurers.” The last thing she needed was one of those cliché heroes nosing around in her business. She wasn't an Adventurer groupie, someone who sighed and had posters of their buff naked chests hanging in their rooms. Adventurers were worse than rock stars when it came to popularity.

  Or modesty.

  “No, just a Paladin,” Timothy said as Seraphina’s grip on her cane became looser in confirmed relief. An Adventurer fought considerable danger, saved women and they were even commissioned to save the world. A Paladin stopped people from damaging trees, breaking small laws and polluting rivers. Some were even scientists, trying to find cures for diseases or growing safer crops.

  “Paladins are well respected,” Seraphina said. “Is the Paladin a scientist, or considering the area, a counselor for neglect?”

  Timothy seemed to gag. "No way. Reeves is the one keeping the residents safe. He’s the reason Hidden Secret exists in this form. If anything happens to anyone, he’s fired.”

  “Oh,” Seraphina’s mouth twitched up. Even better. “His name's Reeves, and he’s just the sector babysitter?”

  “Yes, yes, that’s it,” Timothy clapped his hands at her statement. “He’s a babysitter. Oh, I am so calling him that next time, I can just see his face, its priceless. Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah.” His antics and excitement stopped, most likely from seeing her face. “Sorry. Habit-err-handicap. I’m not completely all human. Who is anymore?” He covered his mouth and cleared his throat, feeling deep shame. “This place is a contagious disease. I don't recommend sticking around.”

  Seraphina shrugged, “Look, if it’s better than Calibri and as long as I can get...” She leaned off her cane as she tried to cover her mouth with her left hand. “...some rest.” She noticed the curious look on his face. No use hiding it. "I have a rare condition, so I don't exercise or get out much. I'll leave it at that."

  “Really?” Timothy reached in his pocket and pulled out an asthma inhaler. “We have something in common," he said as he twirled the inhaler around his finger. "I like you better by the minute.”

  Seraphina tried to keep a blush from striking her cheeks, but she felt herself becoming warm. Few men paid much attention in such a way. Shape wise, she was okay, but far from perfect. “Well, thank you. Timothy, was it?”

  “Yes. Timothy.” He covered his top lip with his bottom. She could tell he was almost as excited as her. “Miss, or Mrs.?”

  “Seraphina Medina,” She reached out her hand as if she could grab her mistake. “Oh, Miss Seraphina Medina.”

  “Oh, well Miss Seraphina Medina,” Timothy chuckled his strange choking laugh again. “If you’re stuck here, and insist upon staying, then I welcome you.” He placed his inhaler back in its pocket. “Perhaps we could even become good companions while you're here?”

  Companions? Seraphina placed a hand on her face. He moved even faster than she expected. “Well, you see, Mister Varmen, I mean uh, Timothy? I've recently got out of a relationship. That doesn’t mean it's a no forever, but we could start as friends. I usually don't move so fast.”

  Timothy’s eyebrow rose as he seemed to regard her response. “Okay.”

  “Okay. We could meet for a friendly movie,” Seraphina suggested. “Timothy. Mister Varmen. I will see you around then.” She walked away quickly but politely. That position became quite uncomfortable. She was never right with guys, having never actually dated anyone that she picked out herself.


  Seraphina groaned as she grabbed her pillow and pulled it over her head. It was early in the morning, the lights in the colony only now turning on to light everything up, and the residents were wide awake. Again. After hearing the noise and giddy laughter an extra five minutes, she had to act. She threw off her pillow, pried herself out of bed, grabbed her cane and headed to her door. Women were laughing on the side of the street, two boys were throwing a ball back and forth, four were out on the road playing soccer, and at least three grown men were playing hide and seek!

  Seraphina cleared her throat, making sure her speech would not be muffled. She banged her cane on the ground a couple of times. “Kids!” Hidden Secret, a never-ending game of fun. “Kids, ladies, gentleman, please. Can you play elsewhere?” Ever since she moved in, the permie residents would wake early and play all over Hidden Secret making her come out every day and repeat the same thing. The tempies would be out later to play, but it was always the permies playing.

  The tempies were often over by the amusement park rides or exploring the stores to feel their independence. Those permies though.

  A polite girl with red hair and pigtails wiped off her hands as she placed them on a fire hydrant. Seraphina wouldn't be surprised if it were gum. "We'll try to be quieter, Seraphina Medina." The polite redheaded girl of the bunch spoke for the small crowd.

  When Seraphina turned around, she knew it would be noisy again, but it wasn’t the children's fault; she was the same way as a child. You couldn’t expect kids to remain quiet. Even the adults, the ones who lived there and did not commute, seemed themselves large children who refused to grow up. When she reached the bed, she overheard discussions concerning her and Timothy Varmen. Was it so unusual for relationships to develop around there? Sure, he was gruff, and given his position she didn't blame him for not feeling the best about kids. Seraphina felt she'd be the same way if she were raised around a sector that did nothing but play. With his health too, she knew all too well that watching everyone enjoy life to its fullest when you couldn't do that? It was no fun.

  Strangely while thinking of Timothy she heard his voice at the door. Leaving her bed again, she grabbed her blankets and pillows. Timothy's house was enormous, and once you went toward the middle, the sounds of the outside disappeared. He had invited her to stay the night with him last night, but she refused. Well, she was about to start saying yes to that option. Making herself decent, she opened the door and stared at him as he puffed on his inhaler. There was always something in the air bothering him. Most days he stayed in his house. They were so similar in their actions; it was like finding a twin soul.

  "I know you are up against your will," Timothy said as he glanced back at the permies still in her front yard, "again.” He held a gentle smile and look in his eyes. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

  How could she say no this time? Seraphina held her finger up and headed toward her blankets and pillows. A part of her felt nuts for doing what she would do. Sleep in a man's house. Yet Timothy was pleasant, caring, and there was a connection between them. He was starving for someone like him the same way she had been. “Thank you, Timothy.” She looked back at the permies, still playing in her front yard. "You go ahead and play. I’m going to Timothy’s for a while.”

  At almost three, Seraphina yawned as she rubbed her eyes. “Timothy?” If her life could be compared to any animal, she’d be a sloth. As she thought, once she came to his home, he had not pulled one act against her. He even gave her a spare bedroom. "I have to say, I haven't had restful sleep in some time. Thanks for the invite." Her apology changed to an outright request as she saw the ice cream he was presenting to her. "You really do know me." Seraphina grabbed a spoon and took a bite of creamy caramel, pecans, and fudge swirl. Timothy knew her sweet tooth was violent. He was trying to take their friendshi
p to a new level, it was easy to see. Was she ready? “That’s heaven, Timothy.”

  “I bought it for you, normie friend,” Timothy cleared his throat, which seemed higher than usual as he shifted his feet. “Who is a charming, intelligent normie friend? And since I’m normie and you're a normie, that together might make us . . .”

  Seraphina chuckled and looked over at Timothy. His heart had been in the right place, and there weren’t a lot of people to choose from in the small sector of Hidden Secret. Most adults didn’t even tie their shoes. Of the ones that were normal, they didn't live there, they commuted from the public sectors of the colony for work. They might even be from different nearby colonies altogether. She noticed his exterior, his hands were fidgety. He had something serious to say but couldn't get the words out. Lucky for him, she already knew. “Okay, Timothy.” Why not, she’d give him a chance. At least he knew how to tie his own shoes. "I think I could try a date."

  “Dating?” Timothy stumbled on the words. “D-d-dating? Dating. Yes, dating. Dating it is. Really, with me? I wasn't going to ask for someone else, this would be me?”

  Oh, he wasn't used to dating either it seemed. She bent over and gave him a small kiss on the cheek, her interest only grew with his stuttering. “Call me.”

  Chapter 2

  "What have I said about running around this tree?" Reeves asked as he wrapped gauze around a tempie's leg. His biggest hurdles never came from the permies, only the normies and tempies. As he saw the expression on the normie child, he knew the answer to his own question. "I guess nothing. I'm Reeves, nice to meet you. Don't play around this tree; the branches aren't strong. It’s new and still adjusting to its environment. If you head down Fourth Street, watch out for the small dents on the surface not patched yet, and if you need any more help, ask one of the permies and they'll find me." He patted the sore leg. "Stay off this leg for a few days."

  When he moved back, he glanced to his right hearing his name and saw Jackson, one of the permies. There were so many children in Hidden Secret, but the only ones he emotionally became attached to were the ones who never left. Reeves wasn't biased, he loved all children no matter the species, but by the time he learned a tempies name? They would already be leaving Hidden Secret. He waved Jackson over. "How are you?"


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