Cherishing His Forever

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Cherishing His Forever Page 11

by LeAnn Ashers

  He gives us this sweet, sickening smile. “Yes she is.” He takes a step in our direction.

  I grab my gun out of my purse and take the safety off. “Think again, fucker.” I point it directly at his face.

  He takes three steps back. “I… I...” He stops and looks around.

  “I guess you didn’t expect me to be armed. On your fucking knees or I will blow your dick off!” I yell.

  He pales and is starting to kneel when a truck roars into the parking lot. He takes that opportunity to run, and I lower my gun. He gets in an old beat-up car and speeds out into traffic.

  Chase gets out of his truck and takes my gun from me, hugging me. “Are you guys okay?”

  I nod my head, which is buried in his chest

  “What the fuck happened?” He pulls me back to check me over.

  “Mike was here, he had a tracker in my ring.” Bell’s voice is shaking from fear and adrenaline.

  “Fuck me,” Chase growls, and he wraps his arms around all three of us and helps us get into our vehicle. “You should go home. I need to find that fucker.”

  I get into the driver’s seat, and Chase buckles me in. He puts my gun back in my purse. I am so glad that I brought it.

  He cups my face. “Be safe.”

  I nod and kiss him, and he gets out and shuts my door. I drive out of the lot. That’s when, from the corner of my eye, I see Michael driving straight toward me. I hit my brakes and put it in reverse, causing him to swerve around me.

  * * *


  Did he just try to fucking do that? I drive in front of the girls’ truck and put myself between them and Michael. He puts his car in reverse, and I laugh. That shitty car won’t do anything; all of my vehicles are reinforced with the best technology. He puts the car into drive and does a U-turn, trying to hit the girls. This fucker is just a straight-up pussy.

  I move forward, blocking him completely. I can see him cussing up a storm inside his car.

  This is almost fucking funny. He is not a threat, not to me at least. He only preys on women.

  He backs up and leaves, and I watch as he gets onto the interstate. I roll down my window. “Go on home, baby, I am watching for him.” She winks.

  I am fucking proud of her; she didn’t hesitate to do whatever it took to protect her family.

  That’s my girl.

  Chapter 15


  Three Months Later

  * * *

  A hand is shaking my shoulder. “Angel, wake up,” Chase tells me and I groan, rolling over.

  I smack him. “Chase, if you don’t let me sleep, I may just murder you.”

  He laughs. “Aww baby, why are you being so cute this morning?” He runs his fingers down my bare back.

  I crack my eyes open and give him the stank eye. He is grinning at me, fully awake. For the last week I have been moody as hell; mornings are killing me.

  “You piss me off,” I growl and try to stuff the pillow over my head.

  He laughs even louder. “Baby, come onnnn.” He shakes me more, and I try to smack him over the head with the pillow.

  He dodges it and gives me the sweetest look. I swear he thinks everything I do is so cute. Even when I am being serious, he is just like, “Aww look at her.”

  “Angel, I just can’t take you seriously. You’re like five-foot-two.” I narrow my eyes on him. I’ll show him how much a five-foot-two girl can do.

  I get up and tackle him, pushing him back in bed, and his head hits the pillow. My legs go on either side of his waist. “Ohh baby, I will make you angry more often.” He smacks my ass hard.

  I bend down and bite his earlobe. “Ow!” He laughs. Then he digs his fingers into my sides, and I fall to the side laughing.

  He doesn’t fight fair.

  He slides off the side of the bed and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

  “Chaseee,” I whine and smack his ass.

  He sets me down next to the toilet and hands me a box. I eye it, confused.

  “Why are you giving me this?” I ask. It’s a pregnancy test.

  “I think you’re pregnant,” he says simply, like it’s not a big deal. But hello, it’s a biggg deal.

  “Why do you think that?” I open the box.

  “Angel, I know your body better than you do. Humor me, take it.” He gives me that sly smile that he knows will get me to agree to just about anything.

  He leaves the room, and I pee on the darn stick. It’s funny that he knew that taking the test first thing in the morning is best. I bet you a thousand bucks that he has been reading up on this for days.

  These last few months have been good. River has a job and she has moved into her own place. Mom—yes, I call her Mom because it somehow magically started happening—has transformed before my eyes. She is staying in the guest house. It’s not safe for her to be living on her own, because Mike is still out there. We don’t know if he is going to show up or not, so we’d rather be safe than sorry. But she has changed a lot; she isn’t constantly nervous and anxious anymore. She is quite goofy, actually; I guess that’s where I get it from.

  But most of all she is the sweetest human I have ever met. She is always ready to care for others, and she smiles all the time.

  Therapy helped her most of all. With each session she has become more relaxed, and I am so proud of her.

  Hunter is now ten months old, and he is getting so big. He is standing and holding onto things, crawling everywhere and saying “momma” and “dadda.” He said “dadda” first, much to Chase’s delight, but he’s a momma’s boy, hands down.

  I put the pregnancy test on the counter and set the timer. I open the door, and Chase barrels into the room. “It takes three minutes,” I inform him.

  He picks me up and sets me on the bathroom counter. “Give me your mouth, momma.”

  I cover my mouth and he snorts. He thinks I am the most ridiculous person, but I can’t help it.

  He kisses my neck before he starts nipping, causing me to laugh because I am majorly ticklish.

  His hands start moving all over my body, teasing my inner thighs, and I instinctively open them wider. That’s when the alarm goes off on my phone, and Chase takes the test off the counter, holding it between us.

  “Pregnant” flashes back at us in bold letters.

  I look at Chase. I can’t believe that I am actually pregnant. I’m going to be a mom again.

  Chase walks out of the room, leaving me sitting on the counter alone. What is he doing? He isn’t upset that I am pregnant, is he?

  I slide off the counter and start in his direction; then he comes back into the room. He is holding something behind his back. “I have thought of a million different ways I should do this.”

  He kneels down on one knee, and I cover my mouth in shock as he brings a ring box from behind him. He takes my left hand, holding it in his.

  “Angel, I love you so fucking much. You and Hunter are my world. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  “Yes!” I all but scream, and he slips the beautiful ring on my finger. I would have been fine with a ring pop.

  He stands up and kisses me, lifting me off my feet so he can kiss me without having to bend over. “You’re pregnant.” He pulls back and laughs. “Damn, I’m good.”

  I roll my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder because he is just ridiculous. He carries me out of the bathroom and puts me down on the bed. He grips the shirt I am wearing and tosses it onto the floor.

  “Hunter will be up in a few minutes,” I inform him.

  He smirks. “Let’s see how many times I can make you come in that time.” His hands grip my thighs, pulling me until I am flat on my back. I throw my legs over his shoulders as he ducks his head, and I bite my lip trying to hide the noises I am dying to make.

  Any touch from Chase is torture. He just has to look at me, and I am turned on in a split second.

  “God, I love this pussy,” he growls, and he pulls my clit be
tween his teeth gently. I jolt and bring my hand to the back of his head, pulling him harder against me.

  “That’s right, baby, show me where you want me.”

  God, I love his dirty mouth. I am shaking, my movements jerky, as I get closer to my release. He presses his fingers against my ass, and I cover my face with the pillow, muffling my sounds.

  “Look at me.”

  I throw the pillow over to the side and look down at him, poised at my entrance. “Mine,” he says, his voice deep with want as he sinks inside me.

  He doesn't give me a second to adjust. I am made for him. He moves his elbows on either side of my face, and I lift my head, kissing him.

  “Hmm, I love your mouth.” His hand moves to my hip and grips my thigh, lifting my leg over his back so he can sink deeper.

  “Oh Chase,” I moan and press my face into the crook of his neck.

  He moves faster, each movement hitting my clit. I stop breathing, my fingers clawing at his back.


  He pinches my clit and I grip the back of his neck, shaking. “Jeez, you’re such a good lay.” I smack his ass and he laughs, rolling to the side and rising on his elbow to look at me.

  “That’s right, baby,” he gloats.

  It doesn't matter what I say to him, he always takes it as a compliment. He rolls over, grabs his phone, and calls someone. “What are you doing?”

  “Making you an appointment to see the doctor later.”

  I love that he is ready to do anything and everything for me. “Thank you, baby. I’m going to shower and get Hunter.”

  Hunter is standing up in his crib grinning at me. “How is my baby this morning?” He lifts his arms for me to pick him up.

  Mom walks into the room, and I can’t help noticing how much she’s changed. She has gained weight, and it’s done her wonders. Her body has filled out, and her face has this beautiful glow. Her hair is thick, curly, and red, just like mine and River’s.

  “Good morning, honey.” She rubs the back of Hunter’s head and he waves at her.

  “Good morning, Mom, did you sleep good?”

  “I did. I am fixing to leave to go to therapy. I will be back home in a few hours.”

  I am so proud of her. She got her driver’s license, and she loves that she can come and go as she pleases.

  She was anxious to get a job because she didn’t want to put us out, but Chase pulled her aside and handed her a card for a bank account he’d set up for her. He told her that she’d suffered her whole life and didn’t have to worry about working until she is ready to do so.

  We haven’t seen Mike in months. At first I was scared of her driving by herself and being out alone, but she told me she is not going to let him dictate her life another second.

  So we let her, but that doesn't mean that I don't worry about her.

  “What are you guys doing later?” she asks as we walk down the stairs.

  “I think I may have an appointment.” I suck in my lips so I don’t smile and give anything away. She stops at the bottom of the stairs and looks at me before she slowly smiles. “Are you?”

  “The test said yes.”

  “Oh my god!” She hugs me, squishing Hunter between us.

  I laugh and hug her back, and Hunter joins in and hugs her too. He is the sweetest little boy. He is always ready to cuddle and always in such an amazing mood.

  “Let me know what they say.” She touches my face and walks out of the house, waving as she shuts the door.

  I set Hunter in his high chair. I cut a banana and lay it on his tray as I make him some eggs.

  Chase walks into the room freshly showered. “You have an appointment in an hour and a half, so we need to leave in a hour.” He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me, kissing my neck. His hand settles on my stomach. “I can’t wait to see you grow with our baby, making Hunter a big brother.”

  I put my hand over his. “I hope it’s a girl.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

  I laugh and turn around. “Oh yeah, why’s that?”

  He glares at me. “Because if she looks like you, her teen years will be hell for all of us, and for those little pricks.”

  I rub my eyes, laughing. He is so funny. “Baby, that’s a long time away.

  He huffs, “You’re right.”

  I hurry and feed Hunter so I can get both of us dressed and his bag packed before we go.

  We’ve been taken back to an examining room. I already did the blood test and peeing-in-a-cup routine. I’m sitting on the bed, and Hunter is in Chase’s lap running a truck up and down his arm. He looks so cute today. I have his hair slightly gelled to the side, and he has two teeth in the front.

  It’s hard to believe that Chase and I have been together for about a year. Hunter is almost one year old.

  He is growing up way too fast.

  “Bite, bite,” Hunter tells us and Chase digs around in his bag and gives him some puffs. Hunter takes one at a time, chewing with the few little teeth he has.

  Hunter is big for his age. He is going to be tall, and he is super smart. I may be biased but he is pretty special.

  “I love that they’ll be pretty close in age, that they can grow up together like you and Trey.”

  “I love that too, baby. Hunter will be a good big brother.” Chase kisses the top of Hunter’s head, pouring more puffs for him.

  There’s a knock at the door, and the doctor enters. I saw the same doctor when I was pregnant with Hunter, and now I’m back for number two.

  “Well, you are pregnant!” she says cheerfully. I knew I was, but hearing it from the doctor makes it more real.

  She sets her file on the counter. “Let’s do an ultrasound to see how far along you are.” I lie back on the bed, pulling my shirt up, and she turns down the lights so she can look at the screen.

  She presses the doppler to my stomach, and I watch the screen eagerly; then I hear the whooshing sound. It’s my baby’s heartbeat. Chase grips my hand. He’s now standing next to the bed, holding Hunter on his hip.

  “It looks like you’re around nine weeks, and everything seems to be okay. I will write out a prescription for your vitamins.” She prints off some pictures and hands them to me. I take them eagerly. I can’t wait to show Mom and Katherine.

  “We should go surprise your mom,” I tell Chase, the excitement starting to kick in that I’m really pregnant. “Yes, let’s get her flowers, with the pictures instead of a note card.”

  “Good idea.”

  Hunter smacks Chase’s chest, burrowing his head into his neck. Chase smiles, and I can see the love written all over his face.

  I love being a mom—it’s what I was meant to do in life—and Chase is meant to be a father. We both love it with everything in us.

  We go to the floral shop, grab some flowers, and go straight to their house. I am ready to burst out of this truck with excitement. Hunter is babbling away in the back seat, playing with some toys.

  I carry the flowers and Chase carries Hunter. We sneak into the house, and I’m about to yell for Katherine when I hear a moan. Chase has gone pale. I cover my mouth so I don’t make a peep. “Oh Ben!” I hear Katherine say way too loudly.

  Chase takes off running out of the house, and I try not laugh at the horrified look on his face. He slams the door shut, and I run after him. I don't want to be stuck in the middle of the living room like I was listening to them, even though we kind of were. I shut the door quietly behind me and run into the front yard, laughing my butt off.

  Chase is leaning against his truck, covering his face, and Hunter is doing the same thing, mocking him. I hold my stomach, laughing, and wipe my eyes. Then I look back at Chase’s horrified expression and start laughing again.

  “Ma ma.” Hunter points at me, giggling.

  The door to the house opens, and Ben stands there, smirking. He is not ashamed of what we just heard. “Come on guys, we’re decent.” Ben laughs and steps inside the house. Chase hesi

  “Come on, Chase.” I tug on his shirt.

  He shakes his head. “I can’t.”

  Oh my god, this is the best moment of my life. “Chase, you know she has sex. How do you think you got here?”

  He closes his eyes and holds out a hand, as if fending me off. “La-la-la, don't say that.”

  “Come on, just put it out of your mind.” I shift the vase in my arms. I can’t wait to tell her our news, but Chase doesn't want to face the fact that his mother has sex.

  I mean he does have two dads.

  I walk ahead of him, putting an extra swing in my hips, and look behind me. What does he do? He follows me.

  I step inside the house, waiting for Chase to catch up. Katherine walks into the living room in a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. Alex comes from the same direction, and Ben leans against the wall. “We got you something, Katherine.” I hand her the flowers.

  Chase puts his arm around me, and we wait to see her reaction. “Oh, thank you guys so much!” She smells the flowers, and that’s when she notices the pictures. I bite my lip as she snatches the pictures off of the note stick. “Oh my god!” she screams, and the guys move closer, looking with her.

  She sets the flowers on the counter and runs over to me, tears falling from her eyes. “I am so happy.” She hugs me with one arm, and the other hand is holding my stomach. I would say “flat stomach,” but I have some pudge now. I was curvy before, and now I just have extra junk in the trunk. Soon it’s going to be a lot of extra junk in the trunk; my belly will be huge.

  “Us too. Chase had a hunch and I took the test,” I tell her, and she grins at her son happily, like he just made all her dreams come true. Since the day her kids got home from college, she has been begging for grandchildren, and now it’s happening.

  “You have made my life.” She sniffs and pulls away, and her husbands just smile at her like she is the cutest thing ever, because she kind of is. She is goals and I want to be like her one day.


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