My One, My Only, My StepBrother

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My One, My Only, My StepBrother Page 1

by Terri Brooks

  My One. My Only.

  My Stepbrother.

  By Terri Brooks

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. September 30, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 Terri Brooks.

  Written by Terri Brooks.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18.

  Chapter 19.


  Chapter 1


  There are times I don’t like having my license, and this is one of those times.

  I have to drive little Miss Holly Morgan to her prom to meet her date.

  I wish I had plans tonight, so I didn’t have to be the one to take her.

  I know it makes me sound like an asshole and I really don’t give a shit.

  Mom and Dad asked me to take Holly, to make sure she gets back in fourth safe.

  Holly is the baby of our family. Two years younger than me.

  My mother and stepfather doesn’t trust nobody with her. She is Daniels only child, not that it makes a difference. We were always treated the same. I’ve never felt left out or disincluded.

  They keep Holly close, and tonight they will not trust no punk with Holly. Especially a seventeen year old school boy with raging hormones.

  If only they knew the thoughts that goes through my mind.

  I don’t know what to do with this jealousy and possessiveness I feel over Holly. It has only gotten worse as we gotten older.

  Our parents married five years ago. I was thirteen years old and Holly was eleven years old.

  I have always felt protective over Holly.

  After my father died, mom changed. She became standoffish and quiet. She tried her best to put a happy face on for me. I could tell she was trying her best for me.

  She used to be the happiest person I knew. Always so full of life.

  When dad died, she became distanced.

  She still took care of me, and loved me. I knew deep down she was hurting and lonely.

  We both were.

  When mom met Daniel, he treated her like gold.

  I overheard mom and dad talking about Holly’s mother one night.

  Her mother suffered from severe depression and killed herself. I know the pain of losing a parent and it hurts deep within and never goes away.

  I begin calling Daniel, dad two years after him and mom married. It just sort of grew on me.

  My father was a construction worker. He was at work when he died.

  We never thought that rainy morning when he left for work would be the last day we would see him. He was a construction worker and was damn good at his job.

  The trench he was working in collapsed and buried my father alive.

  It took rescue units fourteen hours to recover his body.

  His body was buried thirty feet below ground. Each second that ticked by while mom and I waited on the sidelines he was slowly suffocating.

  Mom and I held each other and cried. I heard mom talking with Daniel when they first started dating that is a moment she can not get out of her mind when she saw his lifeless body carried out that trench. An image she nor I will ever be able to erase from our mind.

  Mom said that is the one time in life she felt completely and utterly helpless.

  Mom got a lump sum of money. Because the construction company didn’t follow proper safety measures.

  No matter how many times the construction company apologized or how much money mom received from the sue case, it simply couldn’t bring my father back.

  I am thankful Daniel brought life back into my mother’s eyes.

  They were two vulnerable people when they met. They grabbed a hold of one another bringing life back into one another and slowly pulled each other back up.

  They found love again and for that they are blessed.

  They found comfort in each other. They took on each others child as their own and made us a family.

  They are happy and it shows in the way they treat each other. Mom has happiness glowing in her eyes again. She still has moments where she cries.

  Usually on a birthday, their anniversary, or the anniversary of my fathers death. The tears are expected. I knew my mother and father loved each other. Death is hard on the living. The living has no choice but to move on with life. The hard part for us was learning how to live our life without him no longer in it.

  The man I looked up to. The man who played football with me, supported me would never walk through our front door again.

  I am glad Daniel brought back the mother I always knew back. He is a good man. To treat my mama the way he does and to love her unconditionally. I couldn’t ask for a better stepfather.

  Mom always wanted a little girl and she took to Holly quickly.

  It is vice a versa with Holly and I.

  I always went to her father to get my way, and Holly turned to my mother to get her way.

  I remember the day they decided it was time for us to meet.

  Holly was eleven years old playing with her barbie dolls.

  She asked me to play with her. I was a boy and that was a huge no for me. Let’s be forreal what little boy wants to be spotted playing barbies?

  Not me!

  Of course mom nudged me and told me not to be mean.

  I would try to talk her into playing catch with the ball or cartoon tag, but her little stubborn ass wouldn’t give in.

  Even though mom made me, I wasn’t touching no barbie doll.

  I pulled out my wrestlers. I would make my wrestlers steal her barbie items, clothes, shoes, or take the barbie furniture from her barbie house.

  Her barbies would then call the barbie police and have my toy wrestlers locked up.

  When mom and Daniel would take us to the park we would play cops and robbers or cartoon tag. I always had to bribe Molly to play telling her I would push her on the swings after we played, and she would agree.

  With each of us being our parents only child we hit it off pretty fast.

  It wasn’t until I was sixteen and she was fourteen when I started looking at her in a different way. The way a boy looks at their girl. Not the way a step brother should look at their step sister. I look at her with a thirst only she can quench.

  I think she gets a kick outta making me jealous. I guess to get my full attention. It works, damn does it work. If only she knew she doesn’t have to do foolish shit to get my attention. She has my attention even when she thinks she doesn’t.

  She is the only one who can get a reaction from me. I am a mellowed, laid back kind of guy.

  Until Holly.

  That’s why I don’t want to take her to her prom.

  I don’t want her spending an evening...




  With another fucking boy who will look at her the way I do. I look at her with love. This boy will think with head of his dick and not with the head on his shoulders.

  If I didn’t graduate already, I would be her mother fucking date tonight..

  No doubt about that.

  The only reaso
n why I’m pushing this damn jealousy to the side, is because I know if I am the one picking her up, she will not end up in a hotel or a motel after the prom losing her virginity.

  Nobody is taking what is mine. Stepsister or not, Holly belongs to me. She was put in my life for a reason.

  That reason was for me to love her.

  To worship the mother fucking ground she walks on.

  To treat her like a queen because that is exactly what she is.

  Stepsister or not, she will become my wife. Her stomach swollen with my babies as soon as she turns eighteen and graduates high school.

  Not a minute fucking longer.

  Chapter 2


  I look stunning. There isn’t anything wrong with a woman being a little conceded sometimes.

  I am not afraid to acknowledge the fact I look beautiful on my tenth grade prom night.

  This dress fits perfectly. I was aiming for sexy and I succeeded.

  I love the way the flower lace covers my chest and my whole back.

  I kind of feel a little naked. The lace is see through, my whole back shows and most of my chest.

  I think I spent a total of three hours getting ready, my hair in makeup taking the longest.

  I know I will get a reaction out of Jake. I have known Jake since I was eleven years old.

  When you have known someone that long, you pretty much learn everything there is to know about that person.

  My father married his mother making us stepsiblings.

  I can’t help the fact I fell in love with him. He owns me even if he doesn’t know it yet.

  Jake and I have always touched in some type of way. Not sexually, I think that has something to do with the two years age difference.

  We always hold hands while we’re out in public or cuddling while watching movies. We never hide it from our parents.

  I’m sure our parents think something even though they never mentioned it.

  Our parents took pictures before they went to work. Jake is stuck driving me tonight.

  Mom took over a hundred pictures tonight. I am still seeing flashes.

  My real mother passed away when I was three years old. I only have one memory of her she was sitting on the bathroom floor rocking against the wall and crying. Dad use to tell me all the that she was sick. It wasn’t until I got older and dad told me she suffered from severe depression.

  They were going through financial problems and were struggling paying bills.

  I guess life got to hard and she took the easy way out of it.

  Dad found her body. She was hanging from basement ceiling. I don’t know how dad remained as strong as he did after seeing something like that.

  I am glad he found love again. If anyone deserves it he does.

  I was too young to really understand. I didn’t understand death. As I got older I started to wonder why she would take her life. I felt like dad and I should have been enough to keep her around.

  In my eyes I have the best father in the world. Dad raised me alone, worked and took care of me. Showed me love and took the time to go on school field trips with me. He always took time from his busy life for me.

  Rose is the only mother I know. Rose and dad are so much in love.

  It doesn’t matter that Rose isn’t my biological mother, She is the only mother I know and love.

  I’m not sure how her and dad would react if they knew I love Jake not in a brotherly way. The way he loves Rose. I am head over heels in love Jake.

  Jake can be an overbearing asshole at times. I love his overbearing ass.

  I love the way he protects me.

  I love the way he shelters me.

  My parents gives him more freedom than me, even before he turned eighteen.

  They have let him basically do what he wants when he wants.

  I have to ask for permission to do just about anything, unless I am with Jake. It gets on my nerves that allow him to do whatever the hell he pleases and I have to ask permission to do just about anything.

  I started feeling attracted to Jake not long after my fourteenth birthday.

  As he got older his looks changed tremendously. Man hood is treating him well.

  He works out a lot and it shows in his muscles.

  I go to the gym with Jake every so often. I go for the pool only. I swim while he works out. I love watching his muscles flex while he is working out.

  I am going to the prom tonight with Dave.

  Dave is a good friend of mine. We have been in the same class since seventh grade. Dave and Layla are dating, I refuse to tell Jake that. That’s the reason Jake is driving me to the prom tonight. Dave is picking Layla up.

  What he doesn’t know won’t hurt. I like how jealous he gets. When he is jealous I get his full attention. Weather it is anger or kindness I am getting his attention.

  Dave and Layla knows about my feelings for Jake.

  Boy, does Dave, Layla and I get a kick out of ticking Jake off. That’s why Dave went along with my plan to pretend to be my date tonight.

  Knowing that Dave is picking Layla up and not able to pick me up, will cause Jake to get angry. I mean what kind of man doesn’t pick his date up for prom?

  A fake date that’s who. I make my own stomach hurt from laughing.

  Sliding my heels on my feet I stand up and check myself out again.

  These heels are gigantic. I am not making it down the steps in these. They made me at least three to four inches taller.

  I take them off and decide to walk down the steps barefoot.

  “Jake, can you put my heels on for me? I couldn’t walk down the stairs wearing them.”

  His body slowly turns toward me. His eyes pop wide open.

  “Hot Damn, Holly.” I give him a half smile.

  He is as shocked as I was when I looked at myself in the mirror.

  I am determined to mess with him tonight.

  I twirl around in a circle, the bottom of the dress twirls loosely as I turn.

  I watched him go on so many dates.

  Payback is a bitch.

  He hasn’t stopped looking at me.

  I can feel my cheeks heating up.

  I meet his big brown eyes with my turquoise blues.

  He moves in slow motion toward me. Taking my shoes from me.

  “You are beautiful, Holly. You look so classy. You’ve always been beautiful, but tonight, Your breathtaking. I can’t think straight.”

  I give him a little shove placing my hand on the banister for balance, lifting my leg up, letting the dress slide up my leg a little.

  Placing my foot in Jake’s hands so he can put my shoes on. I couldn’t help it. I just had to tease him a little.

  When he’s finished, he looks straight into my eyes with the most serious look I have ever seen on him.

  “Don’t let anyone touch you. I mean it, Holly. Tell Dave to keep his fucking hands to himself. This is your evening and I want you to enjoy it. No KISSING, nothing SEXUAL.. I’m not PLAYING!”

  Welp, I got the reaction I wanted.This is why I know Jake loves me. You don’t get jealous if you don’t have feelings for the person.

  “Okay, Daddy.” Rolling my eyes saying it sarcastically as possible.

  He pulls my face toward him, whispering in my ear.

  “I know I’m not in this alone. You feel it too. I’m dead fucking serious, Holly. I’m impatiently waiting for you to turn eighteen and it is so damn hard. I can’t wait for you to turn eighteen so I can show you why I am so fucking serious.”

  His lips trace the line of my neck to my jaw with light, soft kisses, sending exquisite tremors through my whole body.

  He pulls back with an apologetic look on his face. I don’t want him to regret this.

  This is what I want.

  What I’ve been craving. I’m always craving his touch.

  I put my hands on his shoulders, reach up and peck his lips. I’m not sure where this bravery is coming from, but I’m not backing d
own now.

  I whisper against his lips, my voice sounding hoarse to my own ears, “Give me my first kiss, Jake. I want it to be you.”

  That’s all it takes. Our lips crash andI follow his lead. His hands are firmly holding me in place settling at the end of my lower back.

  I slide my hands from his shoulders up the side of his face to his head so I can rub his hair.

  He has a crew cut and I love the way his soft short hair feels.

  I can’t believe we are exchanging tongues.

  I can’t get enough of him.

  I’m grateful he is holding me up because I feel unsteady.

  We break apart. Both of us are breathing heavy.

  Panting heavily, “I love you, Jake.” taking my hands off the side of his face placing them on top of his shoulders.

  “I love you too, Holly. This can’t happen now, It can not happen again until your eighteen. I love you more than you will ever know. You’re still to young. These two years will go by fast. Finish school. Then Your mine!” I hear truth in his voice. Damn the age gap.

  Taking my hands off his shoulders, he leads me out to the car.

  Jake will be mine.

  I’ve always known he loved me. Actions speak louder than words and he has always showed me.

  I will save myself for Jake. There is no one else I want to give myself to.

  My one.

  My Only.

  My StepBrother.

  My Jake.

  Chapter 3

  Holly 18 Years old.

  I DID IT. I WALKED across the stage and received my high school diploma.

  I am officially an adult. Now the responsibilities kicks in.

  Mom and Dad gifted Jake a gym for his twentieth birthday, now that I’m eighteen we are partners.

  I will take care of the front desk. Manage the memberships, make sure everything is running smoothly. This is a job I will love. Not only will I work side by side with Jake, it has a pool.

  I told everyone after I graduated I was taking two weeks off to be free. No homework, not spending my days doing class work.

  Not having to wake up early five days a week will feel amazing. I can catch up on some much needed sleep.

  I’m taking a break before I start working five days a week.


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