Slumber of the Fae

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Slumber of the Fae Page 1

by J. D Reo

  Slumber of the Fae

  A Fate’s Saga Book One


  J.D Reo

  Table of Contents

  Copyrights and Warnings


  Samara Hart

  Samara Hart

  Shepard Donovan

  Samara Hart

  Samara Hart

  Samara Hart

  Samara Hart

  Samara Hart

  Shepard Donovan

  Samara Hart

  Samara Hart

  Samara Hart

  Callum Cohen

  Note from the Author.

  ©2021 Slumber of the Fae is the sole property of the author. Only to be sold or distributed under the direct actions and permissions of the author whether it be via her Given name or Pen name.

  Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual or fictional persons, living or dead, or actual or fictional events is purely coincidental.

  This series and any book within are not intended for children and will contain adult content.

  All images used are stock images supplied by and are free for commercial use. The author of this book does not hold any licenses or rights to these images and is not the owner.

  WARNING: Some content maybe considered dark, disturbing, or triggering.

  This book is dedicated to my incredible husband who may never actually read it but has supported me in every way possible.

  The right one will always help you find your magic.

  The sweet taste of copper taints my tongue. I can taste the magic it's saturated in, but I can't take it in. It's useless to me. Just out of reach. The only pleasure this blood can bring me is the knowledge that it's no longer keeping this want to be rapist guard alive.

  With an animalist snarl I use both hands to heave the severed head through the now open metal door. When I hear the telltale, thud mixed with a disgusting, yet satisfying squelching sound I can't help but smirk. I wish the fucker could have felt his severed head bust against the brick wall.

  I stare into the hallway, mentally screaming about how easy it should be to walk out of that stupid door that the guard left open. I've tried before, that's how I found out the hard way that the stupid collar around my neck that's keeping my magic out of reach doubles as a Fate dammed shock collar.

  "For fucks sake, looks like she got Brad." I hear another guard mumble to somebody down the hallway.

  Another guard snorts a laugh in response. "I fucking told the mother fucker that thinking with his dick was going to get him killed one day."

  Turning on my heel I start to pace my cell once more. well, I guess it's more of a room. It's cement walls and cement floors, I have a metal toilet and a dank mattress on the floor, that's it.

  "Quit gossiping and bring me my dinner, I'm no use to you guys if I fucking starve." I snap out as I pace.

  "Now why should we feed you? Maybe a few days of starvation will loosen your lips a bit." A deep voice bites out as none other than Lennox Engram himself steps into my doorway casting my entire room in shadow since I have no light in my cell.

  "You have tried that one before Lenny, my lips are locked solid. You're wasting your time." I say as I resume my pacing.

  Lennox Engram is the leader of a demented group of mortals who have made it their life's mission to find out everything they can about Fae kind before ultimately wiping us all out.

  This lovely group of bigot pigs calls themselves the 'Saints Task Force'.

  The S.T.F are ignorant as fuck. They don't even know that we are called Fae, they resort to calling us freaks, or mutants.

  I honestly don't know enough to answer most of their questions. Not that I will respond to the questions I do know the answers too.

  Here's what I know about Fae. Everyone on earth is Fae. Humans are just Fae who have had their magic put to sleep long ago.

  I know generations ago the Fates got pissed when so many people lost faith and started worshiping false gods and myths. So, they locked down every traitor’s magic, putting it to sleep. They wiped their memories of ever having magic to begin with. This left them, and all their decedents mortal as punishment for forgetting the Fates.

  Of course, there were plenty of people who held the faith, or at least acknowledged the Fates existence.

  Or at the bare minimum acknowledged that the Fates were responsible for every Fae's existence in the first place. Those Fae weren't affected.

  I heard that at the beginning of the Fate's magical purge there was still many Fae worldwide, but over the generations more people lost faith or forgot, and Fae numbers have dwindled. Now all Fae are in hiding. Shifters, witches, Seers, Vampires, Demons, etc. Their all hiding. Some in plain sight if they can get away with it. Others never joining society because they can't blend in.

  Of course, there are artifacts to help those who are obviously human blend in but, since witches are the only Fae who can make them and there aren’t many left to make them, or even many to teach how to do it. Things are getting grimmer by the day for all Fae.

  Humans don't know any of this shit though, thanks to the Fates, and no one wants to piss off the Fates by fucking with their punishments.

  "Tell me what kind of monster you are, and maybe in return I'll be more careful with choosing the men I have guard you." Engram smirks.

  I honestly think he is going for a friendly smile but it's coming off a little more on the Hannibal Lecter side.

  "Dinner Lenny." I snap my fingers in his direction. "It's not going to bring it's self in here."

  In the blink of an eye, I find myself pinned to the wall with Engram's giant hand wrapped around my throat.

  I claw at his arm as my feet dangle, so my air supply isn't cut off.

  "You will give me some answers you little mutant whore. I'm running out of patients. And you really don't want to know what happens when I don't have any patients left." He literally spits out his words between clenched teeth. I internally gag as specks of his saliva smatter my face.

  I can't help but roll my eyes at his threats, which wins me his hand squeezing tighter in response, but when the pressure doesn't touch me, I can't help but laugh.

  "What's wrong Lenny, is my beautiful collar getting in the way of your strangulation attempts?" I push out a puppy dog lip because I have nothing left to lose so why not have a little fun?

  "Why don't you take it off and we can play a little rougher." I say in a horrible attempt at a mock flirt.

  I can't even fake it. He's not an ugly dude, if you can get past the whole, thinks he's god, wants to kill everyone, doesn't mind rape, racist prick, qualities he exudes.

  Unfortunately, I can't get past that shit, so even fake flirting makes stomach acid try to leap up and out of my throat.

  Lennox gives the collar on my throat one more tight squeeze before I'm dropped on my ass hard enough to bruise, and he turns on his heel to walk out.

  "I will consider feeding you tomorrow," he says as he begins to shut my cell door.

  "I'm betting a good hunger will help you remember the answers to some of my questions."

  Bet you it doesn't douche canoe.

  The door echoes as it's slammed behind him. I don't even wait for his footsteps to fully recede before the hysterical laughter I was biting back wins over and bubbles up my throat.

  Within seconds laughter tears track down my face and blur my vision as my ribs begin to ache.

  After a few deep breaths I manage to calm myself enough to run my fingers over the large crack in the back of my collar under my hair. It goes straight through. I felt it crack a little when he threw me against the wall, but when that final squeeze came through, I felt my magic roar t
o the surface.

  Well, I guess I'll take my breakfast to go tomorrow. Right after I tear Lennox Engrams jugular out of his throat with my teeth.

  I can't fuck wait.

  It's been three fucking days. They must feed me today, right?

  Stomach pangs come like lightning strikes, but even worse is the silence. I never noticed what a chatty bitch I am until now. Three days and they haven't even tried questioning me. I've been here for Fates only know how long, somewhere around three months I think, if I had to guess.

  The whole time has been hell, but these last three days have been the worst. I have been very discreet using my magic because I assume their watching me in here even though I can't see a camera anywhere.

  I can't risk them knowing the collar is broken. Even more than that I need to save as much of my magic reserves as I can. Just like anything else in my body, I can exhaust it. It's like a muscle, a muscle I haven't gotten to exercise in an exceptionally long while.

  Last night I caved in and used just a tiny bit to warm my body, it was freezing as hell, which I just know was intentional. My jeans are full of holes at this point and my tee shirt was thin as shit to begin with.

  Of course, I have no blanket. I just couldn't take it anymore. So, I warmed my body a couple degrees. It was nothing that could be visible, and it took hardly any effort.

  I still can't convince myself now that it was worth it though. What if that tiny sliver of magic could be the difference of me busting out of here or not?

  Mumbled voices from beyond my cell bring my internal monologue to a screeching halt. I can't hear what's being said but as whoever it is moves closer it becomes quite clear by the telltale crackling sound that one of the voices is coming from a radio. Which means the person must be a guard, not Lennox.

  "Miller, be at the front in 30 we have another freak for intake." The voice crackles through the radio.

  "Copy that." Miller responds from just outside my door.

  I didn't know his name until now, but I know his voice. Miller is the definition of an evil henchman. Big and brutish, but not a single independent thought inside his massive beefy head. He is a yes man for the boss, nothing more.

  I know this because soon after getting here he was my main guard, I studied him closely it didn't take much to confuse the poor bastard and catch the advantage. That's the day I found out that my collar packs one hell of a zap when I try to make it out of the door. Well, it did, now it's just a horrible ugly necklace.

  Key’s jingle and click as my lock disengages and Miller wedges the door open as I pull myself to my feet.

  "What's for breakfast today muscles?" I say through a plastic smile.

  "That's not my name." He grunts back before continuing.

  "Plain oatmeal and water, Boss said no fruit today."

  Even at that my stomach rumbles but I must stay focused. I can eat when I bust the hell out of here.

  "At least it's food." I say as I edge myself closer to the door, watching him place the tray on my dank mattress.

  "You may want to let boss man knows my toilet is leaking. I'm sure he won't care about how it affects me and my comfort, but it could mean there is a bigger problem in the main pipes, I'm sure he doesn't want his entire torture dungeon to flood. That would sure suck all the fun out of the misery he's making down here." I say like I'm bored and complaining.

  I step behind him as he grunts in response again and moves to crouch by the tiny metal toilet.

  "I don't see-" his sentence is cut off as my palms hit his temples.

  If there is a camera in here it will look like my tiny ass just dropped an almost seven-foot man by smacking him on the temples.

  But nope, in a split second I used his blood to manipulate his brain tissue causing several small aneurisms.

  Then I popped them like popcorn. Yum. Small effort huge reward.

  The moment his large body flops to the ground I'm out the door.

  On the way in, I did my best to remember details of the building. I was also doing everything in my power to tear my captures apart while calling them every name my fucked-up brain could conjure up.

  So yeah, I didn't get a ton of details on the building’s layout, but I did get some. I also managed to tell one guard that his face looked like a yeast infected vagina and he smelled like micro penis taint sweat. That shit isn't easy to come up with on the spot, and he gagged so, worth it.

  Peering around the door frame at the top of the stairs I force my brain to shut the fuck up and focus. I'm not headed toward the front door, because that's fucking stupid and predictable.

  Instead, I move to the door at the end of the hallway on my right. The opposite of the way they brought me in.

  All the while I'm listening for heart beats, I don't have insane hearing like some of the other Fae breeds, which is unfortunate, especially now.

  Blood however is a different story; it calls to me. It wants me to find it.

  Not hearing any one on the other side of the door I hold my breath and turn the knob, only to release my breath again immediately. It's a stair well. Fates this anxiety is going to kill me if no one else does first that is.

  Up or down Sam, make a choice.

  I think I’m still on a basement level. So that means up.

  Sure, as shit, I look up the next flight and spot a fire exit. What the fuck kind of building is this?

  I don't take the time to wonder as I take the stairs two at a time. Throwing myself against the door I damn near cheer as the door flies open. My small victory is cut short however when the shrill screech of a fire alarm tries it's damnedest to bust my ear drum. I should have seen that coming. I did the same thing in high school trying to sneak out for a cigarette.

  Adrenaline makes me such a dumbass sometimes I swear. I don't hesitate, I tear across the manicured lawn and into the surrounding foliage. It's dense, almost forest like. I don't go too deep into the trees, getting lost in the wildlife won't benefit me at all.

  Instead, I take a second to catch my breath as I wedge my fingertips into the crack in my collar and pry it off. I ignore the damage I do to my hands even though it hurts like hell. I can heal my fingers later.

  With as much strength as I can conjure, I pull my arm back over my head and chuck the collar back out onto the lawn just in case they can track it somehow.

  Turning back to my left I move a little deeper into the coverage of the trees and move like my life depends on it. Because I'm positive it does.

  The cargo van hauling me along is jolted again, I probably would have been thrown across the cargo hold had I not been chained to the fucking wall like an animal.

  The collar on my neck is more disorienting than I first anticipated, locking down my Daemon side completely. I can't believe how cold it is with the fire in my blood locked down. Is this how cold everyone else always is? How do they tolerate it?

  The van comes to a sudden screeching halt causing my head to bang against the small window separating me from the driver.

  "For fucks sake man, who the fuck taught you to drive, fucking Helen Keller?" I bark out.

  If the stupid mother fucker kills me before I get there, then this whole thing was fucking pointless.

  "Shut the fuck up before I put this tranq to use." He snaps back.

  "Who the fuck is that?" he mumbles to himself.

  Leaning against the small window I do my best to peer though.

  I see him blindly reaching for his radio, but the dumb ass knocks it to the passenger side foot well while watching something out the windshield.

  "Jesus-fucking-Christ, why the fuck is she out here?" he grumbles again.

  "Who? who's out there?" I strain my eyes trying to see past the glare in the small section of windshield I can see out of but it's useless. I hate feeling so weak.

  "Mind your own fucking business freak, I told you to shut the fuck up."

  I shake my head as he unbuckles his seat belt and bends over the center console to reach for his radio.

  Just as he bends over, I catch movement outside of the windshield.

  "Hey, dumbass you-" I start but he cuts me off, turning with a savage snarl on his ugly face.

  "I told you to shut the fuck up! As soon as I deal with this bitch I'm going to come back there and-" and karma really must be a bitch because his sentence gets cut off as the driver side door is pulled open.

  "Well, hey there, you're the night guard, right?" a woman's voice asks while the guards face turns to an odd mix of rage and horror.

  "W..w..where's your collar?" his voice trembles as he reaches blindly for the tranq gun leaning against the passenger side door.


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