Sweet Nectar (Ellison Brothers)

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Sweet Nectar (Ellison Brothers) Page 8

by Vera Roberts

  Starr and Thomas are the epitome of #relationshipgoals to some people but they also have a very dysfunctional marriage. Thomas’s numerous affairs have been well-documented while Starr often attends events with companions disguised as staff members.

  “I hate my father for what he’s done to us. He has a couple of outside kids that everyone knows about but no one has confirmed. We all know the truth, though. The women have signed NDAs so they can never speak a word about it ever. If they decide to break it, the consequences are severe. I’ve never met those children and I’m not quite sure if I want to.

  Soul sighs again and looks away. The pain is evident on his face, though he’s trying to put on a brave front. He’s too prideful to cry, though he’s not ashamed to reveal his pain. “I love my family, but sometimes I don’t like them. I brought you here because I didn’t want them to bring their bullshit to Harlem. I rather have it out in the open now and deal with whatever comes.” He turns towards me. “It’s going to take time, though. They’re not going to instantly love you because you are the press. Once they figure out they can trust you, it’ll be like you’ve always been a part of the family.”

  I give a small grin. “Does this mean you accept me being a journalist?”

  “It means I accept you being you. It also means we need to figure out what you’re going to do once you’re in Harlem.” He flashes his grill. “You still have a bit of time to figure out what you’re going to do.”

  “We already know I’m going to live with you, Ellison.” I reply. “But I still need to figure out what I’m going to do when I get there. Maybe I can talk to Laura about something. I think she has some friends in the publishing industry I can talk to.”

  “You do what you gotta do, but you’re not staying in L.A. much longer.” He cups my face and sweeps his lips over mine again. And once again, I fall harder for him. “I saw how you acted in Harlem. You were free. You were yourself. You loved Harlem and it loved you back. That’s where you need to be.”

  “You make it sound like everything is going to be so perfect between us.” My voice is breathless.

  He places his forehead against mine. “Everything already is.” He covers his mouth over mine and hoists up my dress. He pulls down my panties and cups my sex. “This is very perfect.”

  My breath hitches in my throat. Soul lifts me up and places me on the stool. Draping one of my legs over his shoulders, Soul opens me wide and covers my sex with his mouth. His tongue rapidly flicked over me, teasing and tasting me as he gripped my bare ass.

  We were in the guest house on his family’s property and yet, it didn’t matter to Soul. It didn’t matter last night when he kept me up all night. It didn’t matter when he told me to be still and ‘take this dick.’ It didn’t matter to him at all.

  Pleasing me, giving me everything I could want or need from him...that’s the only thing that mattered.

  My cunt throbbed against his tongue as I looked down and saw how calm he was. The softness of his beard tickled my inner thighs. His mouth and tongue were so greedy on my pussy, worshipping it and giving it much needed attention.

  He sucked hard on my clit and I went home to glory, coming hard against his mouth.

  Soul stands up and opens his zipper, letting his hard cock protrude out. I thought I would’ve been too sore to accept it, but I found myself hungry for it. He adjusted his position and slides his cock inside me and we both hum at the friction.

  His strokes are fast and hard, driving his long, thick shaft in and out with the precision of a surgeon. His eyes are closed and ecstasy is all over his face. He loves how I’m making him feel. My pussy is doing that to him.

  “Fuck, Ari...” He moans and slides in and out faster. We’re shaking the bar stool, on the verge of breaking it, but I doubt Soul cares.

  My pussy tightens around him and Soul growls. He pushes inside me harder and deeper before he comes; his cock jerking inside of me. He kisses me hard and fast and I return the feeling.

  He places his forehead against mine while he’s still inside of me and we just breathe against each other. There is still a question mark in our future, but one thing is for certain: we’re going nowhere without the other.

  Chapter Six

  Aretha Franklin’s gospel-tinged voice wakes me up.

  It’s official – I’m lowkey obsessed with Soul.

  My mind replays yesterday’s events repeatedly in my memory as I manage to get out of bed. After the disastrous morning, Soul took me shopping and told me to shut down Rodeo Drive. We went to the beach and walked along the ocean.

  Then he dropped me back off at my apartment where we Netflix and chilled all weekend. And when I say chill, I mean we totally fucked in every room that wasn’t Desiree’s.

  Now I have to go back to work and wonder how I’m going to talk to Laura about quitting the show. The show is only two years old and the ratings are very good for a show that’s still considered a newborn. Now I’m leaving to pursue the unknown.

  I know Laura has connects in New York and maybe she might be able to put in a good word for me. If not, I have to do it the old fashioned way. Whatever happens, I’m determined not to make my career off Soul’s name. He may be my boyfriend, but I’m using my own hard work to be successful, not his.


  The word lingers in the back of my throat. It’s the first time I’ve called Soul my boyfriend and it sounded so natural. Jared never liked titles and didn’t like me referring to him as my boyfriend or fiancée. I’m almost ashamed how I blind I was.

  I’m not worried about Jared, though there is unfinished business between us. I will have to officially get rid of him before I leave New York. Soul told me to just leave him on read, but I can’t do that. I feel Jared deserves a proper fuck off and not me ghosting him.

  Just as I was getting ready to leave bed, an arm snakes around my waist and pulls me closer. “Where you going, baby?” Soul’s gruff voice coats my ears as his lips kiss the back of my neck.

  “Mmm...” I purr and turn around. I risk the stank of morning breath between both of us and kiss him. “I need to go to the bathroom and get ready for work. I still have a job, though not much longer.”

  “Come back, gorgeous.” He slaps my ass and grins.

  I manage to peel myself from bed and rush to take the quickest shower ever. Once I’m out and back to the bedroom, Soul is already dressed and my bed is made. I’m starting to see a distinct pattern here.

  Soul is dressed in his suit from the day before and yet it looks brand new on him. The power and authority exudes from him and he carefully wields like a sharp sword. I softly bite my lip and feel the butterflies flutter as I watch him.

  His eyes are focused on my closet, yet it’s so sexy to watch. He has broad, thick shoulders and his chiseled body completely fills out his suit. His hair is cut into a low fade and it suits him perfectly. He’s Harlem. He’s Bel-Air. He’s everything.

  “You need new clothing,” he quietly speaks.

  It’s an order, not a request. “I have a feeling you’re going to help me with that.”

  He smiles at me and my knees go weak. “Damn straight.”

  I walk further into my room and close the door behind me. Desiree isn’t home but I don’t know when she’ll show up. “Each time I’m in the shower, everything is made and done up.” I point to Soul as he’s in the middle of picking out my attire for the broadcast. “I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

  “I was taught to be ready on a minute’s notice and no less,” he explains as he takes out a variety of different tops and pairs them with Sweet Nectar jeans already laid out on the bed. “You never know who’s going to pop in and decide to visit. A relative. Some friends. A camera crew doing an interview so people can see the real you.”

  “You speak from experience,” I watch him as he places a top against my skin and shakes his head. He’s looking for the right fit for me. I’m not insulted but flattered by it. Soul has excellent taste in clothi

  “When you grow up in the public eye, you have no choice. This is all I know.” After a series of tops, Soul finally decides on a yellow one with a distinctive peach in the middle of it. “I didn’t have the childhood most people have. Every family gathering was a photo-op. Every family dinner had dignitaries, politicians, and activists at our table. I was too young to realize all of that back then, but I soon got the gist of it as I became older.

  “Most kids worry about what toy they’re going to get from Santa Claus. Some wonder how much money they’re going to get from the tooth fairy. I wondered if I was going to actually see my parents on my birthday.” His voice is calm but there’s evident pain behind it. It still bothers Soul despite he’s in his early thirties.

  “Despite it all, we had to be ready at a moment’s notice. I needed to look as presentable as possible. I needed to have my room cleaned, bed made, and any clothing out for inspection so my parents could approve of them. If they didn’t, they chose my clothing for me.” He opens various drawers to get my underwear and rummaged through them. He shakes his head as he picks out various ones and throws them on the floor.

  I’m not that picky about my underwear. If it looks good and it fits, I don’t care if it came from Target or Victoria’s Secret. Soul, however, does care. It also explains another reason why Soul went into fashion design. He could wear whatever he wanted and his parents would have to just deal.

  If that isn’t a fuck you to his parents, I don’t know what is. “I’m creating a lingerie line and this tells me I need to step up my game.” He finally decides on a pair and tosses them at me. He picks up my remaining underwear and puts them back in the drawer. “I really want to put all of them in the garbage but I’m being considerate.” He smiles at me. “Change. I want to see how it looks on you.”

  I quickly drop the towel and change in front of him as he messes around with something on his phone. He then makes a couple of phone calls and they’re all business-related. It’s still Fashion Week in L.A. and Soul’s schedule is nothing short of ridiculous.

  Yet, he still took time out to see me.

  The thought doesn’t go unnoticed and I’m grateful he actually took the time out to care. I also wonder if this is his showing off a bit in front of me or this is how things will be back in Harlem. I already know the answer – Soul’s a vibe and a lifestyle. He doesn’t half-assed something no matter who it’s for or about. Take him or leave him; he’s not changing for anybody.

  “Yo, let me see how you look, shorty.” His voice is heated and raspy. I turn around and Soul smiles at me like I’m Christmas morning. “Damn! You look fly, baby girl.”

  My smile is huge and I can’t help the blush on it. “For real?”

  Soul stands up next to me and looks at us through the mirror. “Straighten your posture.” He advises. “Chin up.” He fixes me over. “There you go. That’s my baby.”

  A confidence I never knew I needed and I craved it like air. “Thank you.”

  “Nah, thank you.” He turns my face towards his and kisses me. “You’re doing Sweet Nectar proud with that fit.”

  “My boo has great taste.” I moan into his mouth.

  “Ah,” Soul laughs and the rumble hits every peak in my body, “the Harlem in you is starting to come out. Blessed.”

  “HOW LONG DO YOU PLAN to stay?” I ask Soul as he walks me to the Sista Gal set.

  “Not long. I have a couple of meetings I need to take in and other stuff I need to do. My time is limited before I head back to Harlem in a couple of days so time is of the essence.” He turns towards me. “There is room on my plane for another guest.”

  My stomach flutters at the thought. “I still haven’t spoken to Laura, Soul. Regardless of whatever is going on between us, she’s still my boss until further notice.”

  “Understandable. You have a job that anyone can do, baby girl. You have kids fresh out of college who think they’re celebrity experts and they can barely spell. Why be one of many in L.A when you can be one in a million in Harlem?”

  “I need a job in Harlem, first, Soul.” I emphasize. “Your name and wealth will get me to New York, but I still need a career there. I need to do something worth my while.”

  “I’m not worth your while,” he glances over at me and my belly does backflips.

  “Ariana!” Shit, Laura just killed my high, buzz, and whatever feeling I had just seconds ago. She’s a good distance from us, but who knows how long she was watching me and Soul before she decided to run up on us.

  Dressed in a very petite power red suit with a matching mini-skirt that would make Ally McBeal blush, Laura confidently walks over to us. Soul doesn’t bother to let go of my hand and grips it tighter.

  “She’s happy to see you,” he quietly says.

  “She’s trying to get in with the family and she feels you’re it.”

  “I know who she is,” his voice is flat with no emotion, a complete 180 from just moments ago. “She thought she won the jackpot when Aaliyah reconnected with Ocean. She thought wrong with that one, too.”

  The brothers are fiercely private and that’s a stark contrast in how their parents are. “Ocean won’t be taped?”

  “Few and far in between. He knows good publicity when he sees it and Aaliyah is good for his image. He does love her, no doubt. But he also knows approval ratings are also important.”

  I swallow the bile threatening to rise up in my throat. “The Image Conscious Brothers?”

  “Everyone is to an extent, baby girl.” He turns to me. “Everyone is. You, too.”

  “Touche.” I acknowledge. “Now what?”

  “Nothing,” he shakes his head, “Laura might be disappointed when she finds out I’m no one’s lackey.”

  “Ariana!” Laura approaches me with a big smile and fake air kisses on each cheek. “So good to see you today! How are you?”

  “I’m doing well,” I know Laura is frontin’. She might entertain a little conversation with me but not very much. She’s laying it on thick and it’s because of Soul. My back goes yardstick straight and I feel the urge to beat a bitch down come all the way out.

  “And who do we have here?” Laura turns to Soul as if she just didn’t talk to me a moment ago.

  “Soul,” he lets go of my hand and shakes Laura’s.

  Laura smiles big and bright at him. “Soul, Soul, Soul...what an interesting name!”

  “So, I’ve heard.” He replies.

  “And Soul, do you have a last name?” She asks.

  “Laura, you can cut the act. I know you know who I am and who my family is.” He smiles. “You don’t have to ass-kiss. I don’t like that shit.”

  My eyes grow wide and my mouth becomes like ten cotton balls. I don’t know if it was Soul’s MO to piss off my boss, but he’s surely doing a great job at it. Looking over at Laura, the smile is still plastered on her face, but it’s clear she’s annoyed as her expression is completely frozen.

  “Well,” Laura clears her throat, “aren’t you a firecracker?”

  “So, I’ve been called.” Soul blinks. “If there’s something you want from me, Laura, just say it with your chest.”

  “Well,” Laura was caught off-guard. With Ocean, she had to schmooze a bit and even he was rather impenetrable. Soul flat-out told her to get the hell out of his face with whatever she was trying to sell. I’m not sure if I’m amazed or appalled. “I wanted to take in a meeting with you at some point while you’re still in town. Is that possible?”

  “Sure. Contact my assistant and he’ll get back to you.” Soul produces a business card and hands it over to her. “No favors, no reality shows, and no free clothing. As long as you know those rules, I’ll be happy to meet with you, Laura.”

  Now it’s Laura’s turn to blink. On a level between Chris Brown and immature ranting president who stays on Twitter, she’s a steady “Let Me Talk to the Manager” anger. “I see. Lovely to see you, Soul.”

  “Same here,” he turns towards me, “the car i
s yours for today. Be good to it.”

  “I will,” I nod.

  Soul’s lips crash down on mine, kissing me hard. Our tongues tangle as I feel his hands grab my ass with two big handfuls. He growls into my mouth as he does it and I express my appreciation with a moan.

  He slaps my ass and reluctantly pull away from me. My body sighs at the loss and I shudder. “Be good, baby girl.” He whispers before he leaves.

  I watch Soul walk out and sigh again. My world completely flipped on its axis within the last three days and I still have to figure out what I’m going to do about Soul’s offer. I don’t think I want to waste another minute not being with Soul.

  “Well...” Laura approaches me and effectively kills my buzz again. She has a shit-eating grin on her face and I already know what she’s going to say before she says it. “...you do know you have to address this on the show today?”

  “I can’t.”

  Laura’s eyes sparkle as she digests what I just said. She’s slowly chewing her gum and that smarmy smile curving her lips isn’t going anytime soon. “NDA? Aaliyah mentioned she had to sign one.”

  I don’t know if I entirely believe that. Then again, I’m not privy to Ocean’s relationship and all that it entails. “It’s in my best interest I don’t say anything.” I cover. Soul and I have only been public for five minutes and yet, I’m lying like a pro.

  Laura stares into my eyes and it’s clear she doesn’t believe a word I’m saying. It’s also clear she needs to drop the issue because she won’t get anything more from me. If she threatens to fire me or reduce my on-air time, she knows I’ll just quit.

  Maybe that’s what she wants. “Okay.” She continues to smile at me and it’s still unnerving. “I’ll see you on set.” She walks away.

  I fold my arms and sigh. I need to end my job on good terms with Laura. She has the power and reach to go everywhere and I know she has connects in New York who can help me.


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