Iron Fury MC Boxed Set

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Iron Fury MC Boxed Set Page 78

by Bella Jewel

  I swallow. “You know, I had to do it. I couldn’t let you hand her over. That would have made me as big of a monster as her, and I don’t think I could handle that. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to her. I did what I had to do.”

  Malakai smiles, and Mason turns to me, and says, “Nobody is pissed at you for doin’ that. Fuck knows, she deserved to be tossed at them. What you did, showed me…us…exactly the kind of person you are. And that’s a fuckin’ good one. You made us all proud, Saskia.”

  My heart feels like it’s going to explode.

  “I could have pushed her for you,” Scarlett points out with a smile. “But, I still think you did the right thing, even though I still want to poke her eyes out.”

  I laugh and it hurts, so I stop, clutching my ribs.

  “Are you in a lot of pain?” Amalie asks, her face concerned.

  I shake my head. “Not yet, but I will be soon apparently. Never mind, I’m alive, and for a while there, I didn’t think I was getting out.”

  Mason steps closer, big hand cupping my cheek. “Never goin’ to let anything happen to you, I would have made sure you got out of there.”

  I swallow, and nod. “How did you find me?”

  Mason grins. “Your insane, smart, best friend.”

  “Chantelle?” I smile.

  “Yeah, she went to Enzo, roped him, got him thinkin’ she was goin’ to pay the money, and got the names of the people after him. Stupid fucker fell for it.”

  I frown. “But, if she didn’t deliver and said she would, Enzo might come after her.”

  Mason’s eyes flash. “Enzo ain’t comin’ after anyone, I promise you that. He wouldn’t want to dare.”


  But I’m still worried.

  Enzo doesn’t just lie down.

  If Chantelle screwed him over, he will come after her.

  One way or another.



  “The people who took me, are they all dead?” Saskia whispers, rolling and tucking herself into my side as best she can.

  The nurses and doctors tried to get me to leave.

  I told them over my dead fuckin’ body.

  And they decided not to argue.

  Smart thinking.

  So I shrugged my jacket and boots off, and got into the bed with my girl. She didn’t complain, and has been tucked into my side since. It’s well past midnight, and the hospital is quiet, but there is no way either of us are sleeping. Not after what happened. Handling her is like handling fine china right now, but nothing is keeping me from her.

  Fuckin’ nothing.

  “Not all of them,” I growl, frustrated two got away.

  When Saskia hit Blondie, the other men in the room threw down, and started shooting. We reacted quickly, shooting at them, and the blond motherfucker crawled out.

  He got away.

  But we will find him, and we will make sure he suffers. Slowly. Painfully.

  “Oh,” Saskia whispers. “So we’re not safe.”

  “I’ll make sure you’re safe, babe. Guarantee it.”

  She doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, and then says, “Any news on Yolanda?”

  “She’s had surgery, she’s doin’ okay so far. You can see her tomorrow, when you’re not in so much pain.”



  “Do you think I’m crazy for caring, after everything she’s done?”

  I hesitate, wanting to answer this question perfectly.

  “No,” I finally say. “I don’t think you’re crazy. Not even fuckin’ close. All that shows me, is that your heart is pure as fuckin’ gold and that’s somethin’, Saskia. Not many people out there can honestly say they’d be as kind as you, after someone did something so awful. The fact that you can rise above it, makes you the strongest kind of person.”

  “I’m never going to forgive her, but I couldn’t let anything happen to her, either. I would have never forgiven myself then, and that’s an even worse position to be in.”

  Tell me about it.

  “You’re the best kind, babe. Don’t doubt it.”

  “Have you spoken to Theresa?” She asks me, voice soft, sleepy, gorgeous.

  “No, but I’m goin’ to get what’s mine. All I could think about, was you, Saskia. I fucked up, and you were in danger, and Theresa was the last thing on my mind.”

  She goes silent for a moment. “I was so angry at you,” she whispers, “so freaking angry. I mean, I couldn’t believe you thought I’d do something like that. The thought just made me…wild.”

  I roll over, cupping her face. “I fucked up. We all did. And I’ll spend forever making it up to you. I didn’t give you a chance to speak, didn’t even let you tell your side of it. I know what I did, and I’ll not forgive myself for it, but I can promise you, it’ll never happen again.”

  She studies me. “I can’t fully blame you. I didn’t tell any of you about Yolanda, and that’s on me. I should have done that. But, what’s done is done. We can’t undo it. But Mason, know that it’s going to hurt for a while, and there are times I might get angry at you for no good reason, because some of it, is still lingering in my mind.”

  Like me finger fucking Yolanda.

  I’m not going to bring that up, but I know it bothers her.

  And I don’t blame her for it.

  “Gotta know,” I say, huskily. “That I’ll keep provin’ to you just how sorry I am, until you don’t ever think of any of it.”

  “Soooo,” she says, putting a hand on my cheek, “does this mean you like me now?”

  I grin at her. “More than fuckin’ like you, babe. I’m fallin’ in love with you. Know what that means, don’t you?”

  She shakes her head, looking up at me from beneath those lashes. “No. What does it mean?”

  “It means you’re owned by a biker, that also means that you’re mine and always will be mine.”

  She purses her lips. “What are the perks here? Of being owned by a biker? What’s in it for me?”

  I grin at her, and rub my hips against her, gently. She can feel my cock, and her cheeks flush.

  “That, for one,” I growl.

  “Tempting, but I’m going to need more.”

  I smirk.

  “You get taken care of, for the rest of your life. You never have to be scared when you’re with me, because fucked if I’ll ever let anyone hurt you again.”

  She smiles, warm and real. “That sounds pretty tempting.”

  “Believe it, baby. It’ll be tempting every day of your life. Best of all, I’ve always got your back. From this second on, I’ll never doubt you again.”

  Her eyes get soft. “I think I’m mostly sold. I do have one more question?”

  “And what’s that?”

  “Are you going to tie me up? Because honestly, I can’t guarantee I’ll be as patient as Petra. I just think you should know. I’ve never been a lie down and take it kind of gal.”

  I chuckle. “You don’t have to get tied up. But, I’ll more than happily spank that pretty little ass if you disobey me.”

  Her eyes flash, and she grins. “Sounds like a deal.”

  I chuckle. “Deal, babe.”

  And yeah.

  Fuck yeah.

  Things just got good.



  I stare at Yolanda, and she stares at me, and for a moment we just watch each other. I don’t really know where to start, or what exactly it is I want to say to her, but I know I want to say something. She hurt me, in a big way, but I’m closing this door, once and for all. I just don’t really know how to do that.

  She’s my sister, and a small part of me aches that we couldn’t have the bond we should. But, there is nothing I can do to change her. I know that now.

  So, it’s time to move on with my life, and make sure she’s not in it.

  “I’m not here to argue with you, or hear your stories, or anything else,” I say,
my voice croaky.

  It took a lot of effort to walk in here, I’m so sore, but I managed.

  I had to do this.

  After everything I’ve been through, I had to do this.

  Yolanda stares at me, but her face is expressionless. Right now, for the first time, I don’t actually know what she’s thinking.

  “You’re my sister, and it pains me that we couldn’t have the relationship everyone else does, but, well, there is no point dwelling. We’ll never be like that. I don’t know what drove you to be so cruel, to hurt someone who is blood, and I honestly don’t want to know.”

  She opens her mouth, but I put a hand up.

  “There was a single moment, back in that basement, where I could have let them take you. I could have traded your life for mine, and maybe, for a little bit, it might have felt good. To know you were suffering with what you deserved. But then I realized something. That would make me as bad as you. And I’m not, Yolanda. I’m not you. I’ll never be you. I can take a great deal of pride in that.”

  Her face flushes.

  I keep going.

  “I’d never hurt you in the ways you have hurt me, and I can sleep at night knowing my heart is pure. And it made me see, you don’t need punishment. Your life, every single day, is punishment. Your cold, emotionless heart, is how you have to suffer. Because you have to live with yourself, day in, day out. You have to live knowing you’re a terrible person that has done terrible things.”

  She swallows, and for the first time, I see a flash of regret on her face.

  But it’s too late for that, now.

  You can’t come back from what she’s done.

  You just can’t.

  “So, I came in here to tell you, that I’m done. I’m done with you. With the family. With all of it. I have a new family now, people who love me, and you know what? That feels incredible. So you can have Enzo, and your baby, and the twisted life you’re leading. I want no part in it. What you did to me, you have to live with that. I wish no harm on you, Yolanda. But, from this moment forward, I wish for you to stay away from me. I never want to hear from you again.”

  I swallow, because it hurts. Of course it hurts.

  It shouldn’t be like this.

  “Good luck on your journey, and I’m sorry we couldn’t be what we should. I wish you well, I truly do. But my life no longer contains you.”

  With that, I turn and hobble out into the hall.

  I lean against the wall, and press my hand to my chest.

  That wasn’t easy, but it was for the best.

  I deserve so much more.

  And today, I made the choice to free myself from anything that was bringing me pain.

  And that was her.

  It doesn’t feel good right now.

  But I know, I just know.

  One day, it will.



  I stare into Theresa’s eyes, and she stares back.

  For a moment, the silence extends into minutes. We say nothing.

  She knows why I’m here.

  I know why I’m here.

  What she did, to me, to Saskia, to all of us. There is no coming back from that.

  She stole from me, and in doing that, she nearly got another human killed.

  If she wants to live with that on her conscience, that’s on her.

  But I’m not letting her get away with taking what is not hers.

  “You know why I’m here,” I say, my voice low and gravelly.

  She blinks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “But you do. You do because I came here looking for Saskia. I told you I’d be back. I’m back. I want what is mine.”

  “I don’t have anything.”

  It burns me, to know that she can still deny and lie, even after everything. Does she have no heart? None at all?

  “I’m not goin’ to play your games, Theresa. I’m goin’ to lay this down exactly how it’s going to go. You’re going to go in there, get my jewelry, and give it back. If you do not, I will call the police and tell them you’ve stolen from me. I have video proof. I also have Yolanda willing to speak. It’s up to you, if you decide to go the hard way, but I promise you, I will get back what is mine.”

  Her lips purse and her face scrunches up, with frustration no doubt. She was so close. But she was never going to outsmart me. “Why can’t you just let me have what is mine, Mason?”

  “Because,” I growl, stepping forward. “It was never yours. You did nothing to deserve it. You didn’t help when she needed you. Not only that, but you stole from me and put a woman in danger. Do you have any idea what they did to Saskia?”

  She flinches, and crosses her arms, but she can’t hide it.

  “I just want what is mine.”

  “They beat her. They were going to rape her. They had their hands on her body.”

  She clenches her jaw.

  “Can you imagine that, for even a second in your selfish brain? Imagine what that might feel like? To be trapped. Scared. Alone. All because of someone else’s selfish actions? For one moment of your life, can you put yourself in someone else’s shoes?”

  She swallows, but says nothing.

  “I will get what belongs to me, one way or another. I’d prefer you hand it over. If you wish to fight me for it, go ahead. I’ll never give anything to you. Because you’re selfish, and you’re cold, and you don’t deserve a single thing. The worst part is, I think you know that, deep down. You’re just too caught up in your own need.”

  “Leave my house, Mason.”

  “Not without that jewelry.”

  “It isn’t yours…”

  I pull out my phone. “Have it your way.”

  I start dialing the police.

  Her hands clench, and for a moment, I don’t think she’s going to give in, but finally she cries, “Fine! Dammit! Fine.”

  I hang up the phone and stare at her. “Get me what is mine.”

  She turns and goes inside. She’s gone for a few minutes, and comes back with a box full of jewelry. I open it, and study every piece. I know what was there, and what wasn’t. It’s all here. I stare at it, then I look back up at her.

  “Don’t contact me again, Theresa. And if you ever, so much as fuckin’ lay your eyes on Saskia again, I will do more than call the police.”

  Her mouth opens in shock, but she closes it, and nods.

  “You hurt an innocent girl, I hope you can live with that. But I won’t allow it to happen again. Keep fighting me, if it makes you happy. You’ll never win. Stay away from me, and my girl.”

  I hold her eyes for the longest moment.

  Then I turn and leave.

  And I hope to fuck she listens.

  Because I never want to see her again.

  Not ever.



  Chantelle flops down onto the soda beside me, pouting.

  I glance at her, smirking. She obviously has something on her mind, that’s clear. She has spent a good deal of time over here with me, while I recover. And she has yet to come in looking like this.

  If I had to take a wild guess, I’d say it has something to do with Boston.

  “Are you going to tell me,” I laugh, “or are you going to sit there and pout until I guess?”

  She pushes her bottom lip out, and I laugh.

  “While your pouting is utterly adorable, it isn’t giving me answers. I’ve been stuck on this sofa for two weeks, Chan. I need gossip. And judging by your face, you have some. So spill.”

  She exhales slowly, dramatically. “One name. One gorgeous, painful, stubborn ass name. Boston.”

  I snort. “Didn’t take a genius to guess that one. What’s going on?”

  “Well,” she says, tucking her legs up and facing me. “It starts like this…”

  I roll my eyes at her dramatics, but keep listening.

  “You know what’s been going down, and I’ve been really trying to stay away, Sas. I
have. I swear it. But anyway, he shows up one night, in a cab, drunk.”

  Oh boy.

  Drunk bikers.

  Never a good combo.

  “Oh dear,” I laugh.

  “Yes, oh dear. I let him in, and we sit down and talk. He starts telling me about Maverick. Did you know the two of them practically hate each other?”

  I blink.

  This is news to me.

  “No, I had no idea. Why?”

  “Something to do with Boston getting the love of Maverick’s life killed. Or something along those lines. His story didn’t make a lot of sense. He was pretty drunk.”



  Maverick had someone before Scarlett? I didn’t know that.

  And what did Boston do, to get her killed?


  “Anyway,” Chantelle goes on. “He said Maverick tolerates him, for the sake of the club, but deep down, Maverick despises him.”


  You wouldn’t have picked it.

  “I was humbled, you know? He was telling me this story, that obviously has affected him for a long time. And, I kept telling myself the whole time, don’t let this go any further. Friendship only.”

  Yeah right.

  I already know how hard that is.

  “But the problem is, I think I’m getting feelings for him, Sas.”

  Uh oh.

  “And we just get along so well. So, I just outright asked him about Penny. I told him to give it to me straight, I deserved that much. And you are right…”

  Oh no.

  I hold my breath for a second.

  “He said he is conflicted. He likes me a - in his words - fuck of a lot. But, he and Penny, they have a really close bond, also. He said it has put him in a position that he’s never been in, and he doesn’t want to hurt either of us. So, he thinks it’s best if we don’t spend any more time together. Not right now, anyway.”


  That really sucks.

  And I know it has to hurt.

  “Chan, I’m sorry…”

  “You know the worst part?” she whispers, crossing her arms. “She still gets to see him. She’s still working for him. So, I’m the only one getting pushed aside.”

  “I’m sure he’s finding a way to keep his distance from her, too.”


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