Touched by Moonlight

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Touched by Moonlight Page 25

by Bonnie Vanak

  Tensing, I obeyed. Someone kissed my bottom, positioned something rounded and hard. I gasped as he eased it in, stretching me. It hurt a little, but the pressure was more intense. Another thrust, deeper now. Arousal bit, sharp as wolf fangs.

  “Stay with me,” Stephan crooned. “That’s it, take it all.”

  It was Stephan doing this. Someone else was stroking my body as he thrust the plug inside my body. I turned my head and someone kissed me. I tasted Grayson and kissed him back.

  Someone else, Nicolas perhaps, was gently rubbing my thighs as Stephan pushed the plug deeper into my body.

  My vagina ached and squeezed with each insistent thrust of the plug deeper into my bottom. I needed more, wanted more and wailed in frustration. Stephan picked up the rhythm, thrusting it in, deeper and deeper. I felt stretched full, vulnerable. Just as I thought I couldn’t take any more, someone touched my clit.

  Almost. Almost there. “More,” I screamed.

  “Not yet.” Grayson’s deep voice.

  Tormented by the fullness, I hung my head. The plug slid out from my bottom as someone pulled the blindfold off. Grayson kissed me. “Now you are ready.”

  I was more than ready. I laid on my back and held open my arms.

  I watched Stephan spread my cleft open with gentle fingers. Warm lips settled on my clit as he kissed me and then suckled my clit. Nicolas went to my breasts, flicking his tongue across one nipple. Grayson kissed my mouth, his lips drifting down to my neck. I reached out and stroked Grayson and Nicolas’ erect cocks, eliciting groans from them as poignant as the ones they coaxed from me.

  I felt us move together as one, flowing like water. My life was an ocean and they were the tide, carrying me on waves that crested and roared. I felt my spirit bond with them. This wasn’t mere lovemaking. It was something deeper, more lasting and symbolic.

  As I submitted to their domineering demands, they submitted to delivering pleasure to me, to take our erotic dance to heights I have never known. We were all water, pouring forth in moans and sighs and groans of pleasure.

  No matter where I go, how ancient my bones and body become, I will always be with them. Nicolas, Stephan and Grayson.

  Somewhere in my mind I hear the sweet music of my people, the melody of Fae in harmony and peace with life.

  Slowly, I released my powers, let go of the magick like sand spilling through my fingers. It will flow back to me. I have no fear of this gift I have been given, the gift that healed my Grayson.

  As I shattered in a climax so powerful I see stars burst behind my closed eyelids, I screamed all three of their names and then laughed in pure delight and freedom.

  For now I am truly free, to live and to love.

  Grayson lifted my chin. He growled. His shaft stood thickly out from his body. I climbed across the bed and on my hands and knees, reached for him.

  I took his erect penis in hand and sank my mouth around him. Sucking him, I licked my tongue along the long shaft, feeling the veins and the ridge of the head. My tongue danced across the head. He groaned and fisted his hands in my hair.

  Stephan prepared my ass, applying a generous amount of lube.

  Then Grayson stretched out on the bed’s edge on his back, gesturing for me to mount him. I climbed atop his muscled body and he lifted me onto his straining penis.

  He was huge, stretching me, the friction of his cock sliding against my slick channel making the pleasure nearly unbearable. Grayson pulled me down to his chest.

  “Raise your bottom up,” he ordered, his deep voice rasping.

  I did so, trembling with anticipation. I turned my head to see Stephan, his cock bobbing before him. My sweet Stephan. A look of concentration and lust tightened his face.

  Grayson’s jaw clenched. Breathing heavily, he remained perfectly still. Such patience and control.

  Stephan grabbed my ass. I knew what he prepared to do and it thrilled me to have both of them at once. The rounded knob of his cock poked my opening. Closing my eyes, I braced myself.

  He pushed his penis into me and I moaned with the sensations as he gripped my hips and began gently thrusting.

  Twin pressure from Grayson’s cock in my vagina and Stephan fucking my ass built the sweet tension higher and higher. I was desperate for release.

  Stephan thrust deeper, harder and then he stiffened, and groaned. I felt his warm seed shoot inside me.

  Nicolas was next. Grayson wrapped his arms around me, holding me still. Nicolas rode me hard and fast, thrusting in and out like a piston then releasing his seed with a series of loud grunts.

  Grayson began moving inside of me. I writhed and whimpered as he stroked deep inside.

  “That’s it, lass. You like my touch. When I mount you, you will scream. And no one but us will ever make you feel the pleasure that only we can give you.”

  He lifted me off his body. “All fours,” he commanded.

  I went on my hands and knees, the submissive position for a female wolf, my ass quivering with anticipation.

  He spread my legs wide. The musky scent of sex and female arousal lingered in the air. I knew the scent would drive him wild, make him determined to mark me with his own scent. His fingers delved between my legs, stroking my wet cleft. Back and forth his fingers rasped, stroking, slipping deep inside.

  I felt the knob of his cock prodding my vagina.

  “Will you acknowledge we are your mates, the only males who will ever give you pleasure?”

  “Yes,” I cried out. “Oh for the love of the goddess, please fuck me!”

  Grayson mounted me and thrust deep. I arched and cried out in shock as his thick cock sank into the soft, yielding flesh of my aching vagina. Grayson clasped my hips as he fucked me hard, his flesh slapping against mine.

  Then he stopped, lay on the bed and pulled me atop him once more. I sank onto his erect penis, wet with my arousal, my oiled flesh easily accepting him deep inside me.

  “Arch your back,” Nicolas commanded.

  As I did, Nicolas clasped my bottom and then penetrated my ass.

  “Open your mouth,” Stephan ordered, kneeling before me.

  I did so and he slid his erect cock past my lips.

  The three of them began to move in earnest. Thrust and withdraw. With his fingers, Grayson cupped and kneaded my oiled breasts, thumbing the nipples.

  Grayson’s protrusion found my G-spot and pressed, stimulating me further as the alpha rubbed against my clit, heightening my pleasure. Sensations surrounded me as I sucked Stephan, and Grayson and Nicolas fucked me. My three wolves. My boys.

  Nicolas plunged into me, growling with satisfaction as his cock slid in and out of my ass and Grayson kept thrusting into my vagina as Stephan claimed my mouth.

  “Come for us. Now!” Grayson ordered.

  Warmth spurted into my mouth as Stephan climaxed. I moaned as the orgasm exploded inside me, making me shake. I felt twin warmth inside my vagina and in my ass as Nicolas and Grayson came, howling in unison.

  Grayson collapsed against the mattress, as Nicolas fell onto the bed. Stephan withdrew his penis from my mouth.

  For several moments, no one said anything. Stephan stroked my hair, his gaze filled with tenderness. “I love you, Sienna.”

  Grayson and Nicolas murmured the same.

  I lay there, spent, drugged with sexual lassitude, and filled with warmth at the declarations of affection.

  “I love you too, my boys.”

  Chapter 33

  Hours later, freshly showered and dressed in a long, flowing lavender and white gown, I took my seat at the main table at a banquet attended by the entire pack. Held in the building that housed the meeting hall, we feasted on roast duck, lamb, steak, and several delicacies, as well as vegetarian dishes. I ate all of it, but loved the salad and veggies the most.

  I am Fae, after all.

  I sat at Grayson’s side, Nicolas and Stephan beside me. We talked of the grounds, and Grayson told us about Calmarth and how it was expanding.

“I’m jobless now, unless Williams wants to hire me back,” I told Grayson.

  He growled low. “I can give you a job much more suited to your intelligence. You do realize that day I stopped by, I was only checking on you to ensure your safety?”

  Sighing, I nodded. “But listen, big guy, if this mating is going to work, and I want to make it work, you have to stop being so damn overprotective.”

  Nicolas snorted. “Right. That’s like wanting to control the weather and make it rain to end this drought.”

  A smile curled my mouth. I went to the double doors and opened them to the cool night air. Not a cloud in sight. Not right this minute, anyway.

  Raising my hands skyward, I called forth my powers. Storm clouds gathered. Soon the rain began to fall.

  Everyone rushed outside and gasped at the sight. Grayson held up his palm as droplets splashed onto it. He raised a brow at me.

  “Show off,” he murmured.

  The twinkle in his eye assured me he jested.

  “I am pure Fionn Fae and I will always be able to control the weather. Would you rather have a snowstorm?” I smirked at them, and Stephan laughed.

  He stomped on the quickly forming puddles like a schoolboy.

  We returned into the main hall to finish our meal.

  When we finished the meal, before dessert was served, Grayson stood.

  “My people, I gathered you here to celebrate the defeat of the evil Fionn Fae who wished to destroy myself and this pack. Such a victory could not have been achieved without teamwork, but mostly, we have Sienna here to thank, for by sharing her powers with me, she gave me the ability to kill Kallan.”

  Cheers rose up.

  Grayson continued. “In the weeks since myself, Nicolas and Stephan have come to know Sienna, we have fallen in love with her, and she loves us in turn. We have asked Sienna to be our mate and she has accepted.”

  People looked surprised, but not hostile. A good sign. I sipped my water, trying not to get my hopes up.

  “We want her to join our pack and live here with us. She is Fae and we have never had a full-blooded Fionn Fae live here. I know some of you may be uncomfortable with this because of your past history with the Fae.”

  Murmurs from the crowd. The delicious roasted tomatoes began to turn in my stomach. Oh damn. Talk about feeling put in the spotlight…

  “I am your leader, but I will not force you to accept her. The decision is yours. What say you? Do you wish Sienna to remain with us? I will give you fifteen minutes to discuss this amongst yourselves.”

  Grayson sat, and drank from his water glass.

  The crowd murmured. Some went off in groups, and others remained at their seats talking. Anxiety rose in my chest. My hands tightened on the chair’s armrests. What if the pack rejected me as my own people had?

  Where would I go then?

  Stephan saw the tension making my shoulders rigid. He leaned across and said to me. “Sienna, if they vote no, we’ve agreed to find a new alpha leader for the people. The three of us will go with you, wherever you wish to go.”

  Shock filled me. I could only stare. Nicolas nodded. “We decided earlier.”


  “When you were in the shower.”

  Someone I found my voice. “Guess a lot can happen in the shower.’

  Stephan grinned. “You’d better believe it. I’ll show you later, if you’re not too tired.”

  Then his grin dropped and he got that serious look again. “We’re a team, Sienna. We love you, and want you to stay with us, if you wish.”

  I glanced up at Grayson, who nodded and winked at me. Then he slid his hand over mine, and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

  “We love you, Sienna. Where you go, we will go. It’s decided,” he said softly, his gaze tender. “I’m not tied to Colorado. I can run Calmarth from the road, hell, I only have to report for board meetings every quarter. Between conference calls and email, I can handle everything and we can settle anyplace else you wish. Maybe buy a ranch in California…”

  “Or a winery in Oregon,” Nicolas chimed in.

  “Build a new house, complete with a huge home theater,” added Stephan, the movie buff.

  No one had ever done as much for me before – had been willing to sacrifice everything for me. My entire life seemed to resolve around pleasing others. For once, I had someone who loved me and wanted to make me happy.

  No, I had three special someones. Joy exploded in my heart. I hoped the people would want me here to live with them, but no matter what, I would never be lonely again.

  Because my boys were willing to stay with me, no matter what else happened. They were willing to give up everything they had worked for, fought for, dreamed about, all for me.

  Grayson looked at the clock hanging on the wall above the doorway. “Time’s up. What have you decided?”

  Carlos, Carmen’s father, stood. “Grayson, our alpha, the people have appointed me as their spokesperson. Our decision is unanimous. We don’t want Sienna to stay in the pack.”

  My heart dropped to my chest. But Grayson leaned forward, listening intently.

  Carmen’s father swept a hand through the air. “We don’t want her here as a mere member of the pack. We wish her to remain here, only if she can also be our alpha female. She’s Fae, but with the heart of a wolf.”

  Nods around the room. Tears clogged my throat. Grayson sported a huge smile.

  So did Nicolas and Stephan.

  “It is agreed then, if Sienna agrees, that Sienna will be our alpha female, ruling equally with me. I need a show of hands,” Grayson boomed.

  Everyone raised their hand. Even Carmen and the younger ones.

  “Thank you,” I said, tears finally streaming down my face. “Thank you. I know I will be happy here.”

  “As long as you keep the garden growing,” someone yelled out and everyone laughed.

  And then the pack lined up to hug and congratulate me and my boys. Someone put dance music on their iPod to play over the public address system. Several took to the floor and began gyrating to the pounding beat. A few shifted and raced away through the open doors, probably to hunt in the woods. Some of the werewolves were drunk, and happy, having a good time.

  As for me, I no longer wished to keep to myself and hide from everyone. I took Grayson’s hand as he led me onto the dance floor. And then Nicolas and Stephan joined us, and we danced together.

  Stephan threw back his head and howled. Everyone laughed.

  I threw my head back and I howled as well.

  All my dearest wishes had come true. I had a new home, where people loved and appreciated me. Outcast no longer. I had a new family, and I had my boys as my mates to love, cherish and protect, who loved, cherished and protected me.

  What more could a girl want?

  Thank you for reading Touched by Moonlight. I hope you enjoyed the story. The first book in this series is Taken by Moonlight, Peyton’s story.

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  Reviews help other readers find books. I appreciate all reviews, whether positive or negative. Please take time to leave a review. If you liked this book, read on for a preview of Kara the dragon’s story in Book 3 in my Shifters Wild & Free Reverse Harem series – TEMPTED BY MOONLIGHT.


  The 12 lords lined up and shifted into their dragon forms. First were the two crimson fire dragons, rising into the air like ballet dancers leaping from the stage.

  Next, the three lords who were gold dragons, larger than tractor trailers, their wings of beaten gold shimmering in the spring sunshine.

  The two iridescent dragons, scales as colorful as wet rainbows, took off in a show of power, beating their enormous wings and stirring the grasses below. I watched the display without emotion.

  Next came the two gorgeous and state
ly forest dragons, green as pine trees. Wings lined with brilliant blue and red, they took off and flew around the castle spires, parading and showing off their amazing colors, shining in the sun.

  The two gray dragons, their scales dull in color, but a brilliant sky blue beneath to match the sky, danced in the air with slow grace. They breathed fire upon the castle roof.

  Good thing it was fireproof.

  Finally, Alec. The lone black dragon. There should have been another dragon to dance with the black – the silver. My father. My father had claimed allegiance to Alex because his family was small, had modest income and like his father before him, my father was a scholar and a keeper of dragon history. But my sire was a rare and beautiful silver, and when he flew, all our people stopped to gaze upon his prowess. He made Alec look graceful instead of bulky.

  Tears clogged my throat as I remember those flights, the pride nearly bursting in my chest as I watched my Alec and my father twirl in the air as my father touched his wings to his lord’s with affection and loyalty.

  Alec glanced at me, his expression inscrutable. He stretched out his arms, and then, at the last minute, closed his eyes.

  “This is for you, Kara. Only for you,” he rumbled, his deep voice already turning into a growl.

  Alec shifted as quickly as an eyeblink same as the others. No beauty or grace here, he was pure muscle and scary – with teeth sharp as knives, shiny black scales, and claws meant to pierce and destroy. His eyes gleamed red, glowing like coals. If I had not known him all my life, even I would fear him. He was spooky, even for a dragon. Scary, which is what the black dragons were intended to do, for they were expert in defeating their enemies in battle.

  When another paranormal creature needed a dragon to fight battles and defeat fearsome demon magic, they hired a black dragon, not a pretty iridescent dragon known for winning flight competitions.

  As the other dragons danced in the air, swooping down with majestic beauty, Alec rose higher and higher until he became a black dot in the sky.

  Suddenly he dove with the speed of an express train, straight down. Suicide mission. The clans gathered to watch gasped. Some ladies, especially the younger ones who were members of the Alec McKenzie fan club, screamed.


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