His eyes emanate such a strong message of hope that I know: my world is going to change. And this time, the unadjusteds won’t be powerless anymore.
I’d like to thank the following people:
TWP, my most supportive writing friends—and not just writing friends. We’ve been through it all together and I couldn’t have done it without you: Stuart White, Ellie Lock, Caroline Murphy, Anne Boyere, Anna Orridge, Lydia Massiah, SallyDoherty, Jeanna Skinner, Emma Finlayson-Palmer, Emma Dykes and Lorna Riley.
The people in my Curtis Brown Creative Group, who have been a bottomless well of support, especially Lydia Massiah, Mellissa Welliver, Julie Marney Leigh, Sharon Hopwood, Lindsay Sharman, Tasha Harrison and Ralph Browning, and obviously, tutor Catherine Johnson.
Haley Sulich, my fabulous editor at Write Plan, for believing in me and my book and for helping it fly out into the world, and Stephi Cham, for the line edits.
My agent, Yasmin Kane, for helping my book land on the right desk.
My husband, Neil Blagden, for actually reading this one!
My parents, Larry & Rita Woelk, who read everything I write and have encouraged me every step of the way.
A massive thank you to Hannah Kates for being such a rock star and making the lyrics to the freedom song shine.
All my early supporters and friends who read early drafts and encouraged me along the way: Sasha Newell, Michelle Oliver, Nikki & Adrian Kane, Rhia Mitchell, Sarada McDermott, Renate Vapnar. Kathryn Richards, and Mary Bryant.
Diane Hale, who helped put this book on the path it is now.
My cover artist, Fay Lane, who came up with such an amazing concept. I couldn’t be happier!
The amazing writing community on Twitter. There is so much support and help, and I couldn’t have done it without your encouragement. Special thanks to: Anna Britton, Lorretta Chefchaouni, Charles Femia, David Neuner, Clare Harlow, Amy Avery, Hannah Kates, Jackie Anders, Tammy Oja, Jake Waller, Debbie Roxburgh, Amanda McLachlan, and Sarah Dresser.
My debut 2019/20 group, you are too numerous to name, but navigating the waters with you has been a fabulous experience.
Everyone at #WritersWise, especially Noelle Kelly, Sharon Writes, Viv Conrad and Liam Farrell.
My brother, Christopher Woelk, for giving me a sanity check on all the hard science bits.
My career coach, Kate Brauning, for so much good advice and for helping me to stay focused.
Sarah Lewis and Jo Gatford at Writers’ HQ–without them I would never have learned to plot properly, let alone edit!
My A-level English teacher, Michael Fox, who taught me to first think for myself, then to defend my ideas.
Last but not least, all of my readers. Without you this wouldn’t be possible, and I hope you stick around to find out the rest of Silver’s journey.
Marisa Noelle writes MG & YA SFF & mental health novels, including The Shadow Keepers to be released in July 2019 & The Unadjusteds in October 2019. When she’s not writing, reading or watching movies, she enjoys swimming. In the pool she likes to imagine she could be a mermaid and enter some of her make-believe worlds. There, she can also ignore the real world and focus on new novel plots and scenes. Marisa lives in Woking, UK with her husband and three children.
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