Sweet Little Lies

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Sweet Little Lies Page 2

by Hollyfield, J. D.

  I can’t stop staring at his lips. I bet they taste like scotch. Smooth to the touch, oaky spice to the taste. God, when did my simple girl crush turn into a deep-rooted obsession? I’m being foolish. Asking a grown man to follow me out of my dad’s office and entertain the idea of touching me. But his wicked smile feeds the temptress inside me. I can’t stop. I’m leaving for college soon and won’t get to see him as often as I want.

  Gabriel glances over at my dad, still deep in conversation, then brings his gaze back to me. “You sure you can handle a man like me? I may not be the company you’re expecting.”

  My heart does a double flip. He’s flirting with me, I think… Whatever it is, I’ll take it. I know this is wrong, but there’s no hint of resistance inside me that will make me abort this mission. I return his tempting smile and reply in a flirtatious tone. “I guess I’ll have to endure your presence and find out.” I don’t stick around for his next move, but his deep chuckle at my back is intoxicating—and I love every bit of it. Excitement buzzes through my veins as I step outside and strut back to the pool. A few seconds pass before I hear the sliding glass door open and close.


  Holy shit.

  This is really happening. I think… Oh my god, if I mess this up, I may die of humiliation. If I’m reading the signs wrong…

  I peek over my shoulder and watch him disappear into the pool house where Dad keeps extra trunks. Too worked up, I dive into the pool, needing the rush of the cold water to soothe my overheated skin. When I pop back up, the sight before me threatens to further torch me to a pile of ashes. I bite the inside of my lip to keep calm.

  Gabriel in a luxurious suit is breathtaking, but Gabriel in nothing but swim trunks? Heart-stopping. I wish I had my sunglasses to hide how I devour his built body, the smooth, tanned skin and bulge giving away just how well-endowed he is. His gaze holds me captive as he walks to the edge of the pool and dives into the water. Body frozen in place, my arms barely sway back and forth to keep me afloat as I wait for him to break through the surface.

  Water splashes as he comes up mere inches from me. Built arms raise to run his hands through thick wet hair. Water droplets collect on his lips, and I crave to kiss away the wetness. Gabriel catches me staring, his eyes flashing to my own mouth. My heart starts to hammer in my chest, every image and fantasy I’ve ever conjured flashing through my mind. I turn to swim away before my erratic heartbeat creates ripples.

  Dad would kill me.

  Dad would kill me.

  I swim toward the shallow end, and away from the biggest mistake I shouldn’t even be considering. I know it’s crazy, but not all entirely impossible because I can sense the forbidden desire in him too. He’s as tempted as I am to test out the waters of this fatal attraction. And fatal is the perfect way to describe what it would be if we pursued it. Because Dad would kill him. Then me. Maybe not me since he loves me. But then he would remember what I did and realize killing me could be what’s best.

  When I make it to the stairs, I flip onto my back and stretch out, allowing my legs to float. “So, you going to miss me when I go off to college? I leave in three weeks, ya know.”

  Gabriel swims closer but keeps his distance. “What are you looking forward to most about college, little bird?”

  “The boys,” I reply, watching his face for any reaction.

  His brow raises in interest as he swims closer. “What do you imagine a college boy will do for you?” he challenges back.

  I shouldn’t admit this. It’s not a topic I should be discussing with him, but I can’t help myself. “Well…sex.” Fire burns behind his steely gaze as he takes in my reply. He feeds off my words, and I can’t help but wonder what he wants to do with that information. I lick my bottom lip and continue. “I hear college is where all daddy’s girls lose their innocence.”

  I’m playing with fire—and Gabriel isn’t a man to mess with, let alone tease. But there’s this burning need inside me to poke the masculine, forbidden bear and see if he’ll bite if I taunt him. The way he’s devouring me tells me he’s as hungry as I am.

  He swims up to me and stands on the bottom step, his frame towering over me and blocking the sun. I have to crane my neck to keep eye contact.

  “Can you handle a college boy, little bird? Your innocence is something you can’t take back. Once you’ve given it up, it’s gone forever. You may no longer be my little bird. You want a college boy to ruin you for me?”

  My throat tightens. My mouth becomes dry. I fight to look down and see if my nipples have turned into pebbles through my white bikini. “What makes you think I’m yours?” I poke further.

  “I’ve looked over you your entire life. It’s my duty to watch over you wherever you are. I haven’t spent years fending off fuckwit boys for you to spread your legs for a drunk frat boy.”

  My legs begin to widen at his words. I’m going to hell. My dad is going to go on a murdering spree. “What do you say I do about it then?” Shame, guilt, and desire swim in my gut, but I can’t make myself stop. For years, I’ve fantasized from afar. Allowed him to look at me in ways I memorized and replayed in my head when I touched myself at night. Dreamt of attaining the unattainable. I’m riding a thin line. My tongue licks my bottom lip as I suck it back between my teeth. Yep. I’m definitely going to hell.

  He stands over me, his cock coming alive in an opportunity to test our boundaries. I continue to push. “Are you trying to tell me you want to be my mentor? Be the one to take my innocence?” I can hardly breathe, and my nerves are suffocating me. How am I being so brazen, so blatant? How is he so collected? He’s slow and methodical as he bends down, a single finger gliding along my neck. His words are low yet almost threatening. “I would break you in two, little bird. I would ruin you, and for every other man, because you would forever feel me inside you.”

  I stop breathing. My lips part as he abruptly stands, gets out of the pool, and walks inside the house. I don’t move for what feels like hours. Possibly a lifetime. His words replay in my mind. I blink to make sure I’m not dreaming. “Holy shit,” I breathe, still feeling the heat of his finger across my neckline. “Holy fucking shit,” I repeat, still in shock. I’ve yet to take my eyes off the door where he disappeared. My fingers follow the trail of where his once were, and I can’t help but bask in his warning.

  This is wrong. I should stop whatever insane idea I have swarming in my head right now. But I know I won’t. The need to get a taste of him is too strong, and I can’t and won’t leave until I get what I want.


  One week later…

  Walking out of the pizza place, I wave goodbye to my friends—a last meet up before we all head off in a couple weeks. Everyone is going in different directions, and it sucks not knowing at least one person in college. I’ve chatted a bit here and there with my roommate, and she seems friendly enough, but who’s to say we’ll get along living in such close quarters?

  I head toward my car just as the neon sign turns off. Wow, how long were we in there for? I check the time. It’s almost midnight. Shit, I should text my dad so he doesn’t worry. My fingers dig into my purse for my phone when a familiar car drives past. Only one person I know drives a luxury SUV, suped-up to the nines. Gabriel. I wonder where he’s going. Or where he’s coming from. Jealousy pings in my chest at the thought of him with a woman. My thoughts go back to the pool last week and how I confessed my intentions about college boys. I’m not a virgin by any means. My tactic was simply to lure him in with my innocence. The last thing I expected was the response he gave.

  In the days that passed, I prayed he would follow through with his offer: sneak into my bedroom, find me in the dark, and ravish every single part of me. But he never did.

  My eyes never leave Gabriel’s car as the light turns green, and he heads north toward the city.

  I shouldn’t…

  It’s late. I’m sure my dad is wondering where I’m at. What would I even do if I found him with another wom
an? Hi, I’m his best friend’s daughter. I’m stalking him because I’m obsessed with older men. And yeah, can you not have sex with him? ’Cause I’m trying to pursue him.

  Sounds real rational, Hazel.

  Too bad my curiosity outweighs my common sense. Getting in my car, I turn the ignition over and follow him. He drives well into the city, passing block after block of the busy nightlife until we come to a patch of abandoned, brick industrial structures. He finally parks in front of an unmarked building. No business signs or vibrant lighting indicate where we are. I glance around, wondering why we stopped. A man appears out of the alleyway, and Gabriel gets out, handing him his keys. I watch as he disappears down the dark alley and inside an unmarked door.

  I’m about as dead as that cat because my curiosity tonight clearly has no bounds. Parking on the other side of the street, I get out and jog toward the door Gabriel disappeared through. Not even attempting to knock, I open the door and step inside. My eyes widen as I take in my surroundings. Dance music and flashing neon lights grab my attention first. This place is some sort of club—a secretive one considering the seclusion and zero signs outside. I walk in further, my eyes adjusting to the low-lit room. An extensive bar lines the back wall while occupied tables surround a full dancefloor. When I spy a half-naked woman dancing on a table, my mouth falls open.

  “Excuse me, can I help you?”

  A woman dressed in a black lace lingerie attire approaches me with a sneer.

  “I’m just here meeting a friend,” I lie, trying to keep my cool. Pushing my chest out, I stand straighter, hoping I appear older and she doesn’t kick me out.

  “I’m sure you are, sweetheart. Can you tell me the name of the guest?”


  “Do you harass all your patrons like this? I’m perfectly fine. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find my friend.” My weak attempt at acting rich and worthy of this club fails when she grabs my bicep as I walk past.

  “I need to see your card or guest pass, or I’m going to have to ask you to—”

  “She’s with me.”

  Gabriel’s deep voice seeps into my veins. I don’t know whether to be scared or relieved.

  “My apologies, Mr. Walker. Enjoy your evening.”

  The woman walks away without another word, and my eyes stay trained on her back, refusing to make eye contact with the fierce man behind me.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you in such a place, little bird?”

  My skin buzzes with nervous tension and anticipation for when I finally face him. Will his usual controlled manner still be there, or will I witness the beast of a man my dad talks about? I inhale a deep breath and turn to face him. There’s no stronger power than the will of a man with his kind of strength and stature. Gabriel screams dominance. Power. He takes control.

  “I wanted to get a drink.”

  His lips curve into a knowing smile. “Does your father know you’re here?”

  “No. I don’t need to tell him everything. I’m a big girl.”

  He lifts a crystal glass to his mouth and takes a long sip, his eyes never leaving mine. My bravado slips, and suddenly I’m not feeling so tough. His intensity is chipping away at my calm.

  “No…okay…I saw you and…followed you. What is this place? A strip club?” I peer around, noticing more undressed women sitting on laps, dancing, doing—

  “What do you think it is?”

  I think I just walked into some sort of private sex club. “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me? You’re the one who came here,” I reply, acting confident, far from how I feel.

  Gabriel takes a step toward me, his free hand caressing my cheek. His touch burns in a way I crave, and I want nothing more than for him to set my entire body on fire. “I can show you, little bird, but once you’ve seen it, I can’t have you flying away on me.”

  “I won’t. I promise. Show me. I want to know,” I breathlessly reply.

  He laughs at my eagerness and finishes off the rest of his drink. “All right. I’ll bite. But just know, you’re teasing a man who’s always hungry…I might bite off more than you’re willing to offer.”

  Another warning I’m not sure how to process. Is this his way of giving me an out? A scare tactic to get me to turn around and run back home? What he doesn’t know is how bad I want this—him. He’s no stranger to sex or provocative women. I’ve heard him and my dad talk late at night after a few too many pours. The real question is: can I handle what he’s offering?

  “Don’t think so hard, you may convince yourself—”

  “Show me. This stuff doesn’t intimidate me. I’ve heard you and my dad talk. I know what I’m in for.”

  His brow perks up, his curious smile now deadly. “Have you now?” I’m in deep shit. There’s no way my face matches the words spewing from my mouth. My palms become sweaty, and I’ve since stopped breathing. My stomach knots, and I’m suddenly in fear of passing out.

  “Hey now,” he reaches for me, “can’t have my student losing consciousness on me. Let’s get you a drink. I have a feeling you’ll need it.” Taking my hand, he tucks me close to his side as we walk through the club. I move closer to him, and his hand squeezes mine for comfort as he walks down an empty hallway.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To a more secluded part of the club. One where discretion is needed.”

  I say no more as we enter a small elevator that takes us to the bottom floor. When we exit, we’re met by a man just as attractive as Gabriel.

  “Gabe, how are you?” He shakes his hand, then eyes me.

  “Splendid. Damien, this is Hazel, my guest for the evening.” Damien’s smile is telling. As if he already knows me. “I expect your impeccable discretion this evening.”

  Damien gives me a once over, his eyes glimmering with humor. “As always. Enjoy your evening. Pleasure making your acquaintance, Hazel.” Then he’s gone, disappearing into the elevator.

  “Who was that guy?” I ask.

  “Damien. He owns the club.”

  “Why did he look at me like he knew me?”

  Gabriel takes my hand and walks us down another hall. “Because he knows your father.”

  That causes me to stumble. “Wait—my dad comes here?” My dad is into sex clubs? What the…?

  “Ah, you already know too much.” He stops to face me. “I’ll warn you now, Hazel, there’s no turning back from this. Whatever you see, wherever this takes you—your father cannot know. You want this? After tonight, your loyalty is to me. Can you handle that?”

  “I want this. I won’t say a word.”

  He waits to see if I’ll change my mind. When I remain resolute, he nods and reaches for the knob on the door in front of us. My nerves spike as we walk into the room, even though I try to hide them. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it’s not this. A dark room, with nothing but a large sofa chair in the center facing what looks like a large stage. “What is this?”

  “Wait and see.” He walks us to the chair and sits, bringing me onto his lap. I squeal at the unexpected move, and his large hands wrap around my waist. His breath is warm as it skates along my neck. “Relax, little bird. Tonight is just for your viewing pleasure.” I squirm in his lap, trying to get comfortable, but it’s almost impossible. Being this close to him is both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

  Dim lights begin to flicker, illuminating the room. I stiffen, and his fingers graze along my thighs as a faint glow glimmers from the stage. My eyes lock on the shimmery light, where two silhouettes are now forming. A man and a woman come into focus.

  “What are they going to do?” I ask in a hushed voice.

  Gabriel squeezes my thigh. “Patience,” he murmurs in my ear. My curiosity overrides my nervousness, and I find myself relaxing in Gabriel’s lap, waiting for what’s to come.

  The couple glides to the center of the stage and comes into perfect view. An aura about them instantly captivates me. The woman is breathtakingly beautiful. Her hair
is the color of gold and falls in beautiful silk waves down her back. She’s barely covered in provocative, white-laced lingerie that hugs each part of her body perfectly. A wave of insecurity swirls inside me at her beauty. Is this the type of woman Gabriel prefers?

  Gabriel presses me closer to him, sensing my lack of confidence. “Relax, little bird.”

  My chest exhales a deep breath, and I realign my focus on the man as he appears. He is dressed like Gabriel in an expensive and tailored suit, looking just as devastatingly handsome. His dark hair and strong jaw compliment his full lips and chiseled cheeks. He finally speaks, his voice low yet seductively demanding. He commands her to kneel, and my breath hitches as she obeys. Her head bows to the floor, and I’m mesmerized by her compliant form, my own body melting into Gabriel’s. My eyes are transfixed on the gentleman as he walks around her, dragging a feather along her flesh. A tingle begins to vibrate in my chest as he slowly trails the feather up the center of her chest, stopping to tease the edge of her clavicle. A shiver runs up my spine when he glides it along her slender shoulder blade. He brushes her perfectly positioned hair to the side, exposing her virtually bareback, and I can’t help but bite the inside of my cheek.

  When he’s behind her, he drops the feather and pulls a handkerchief from his pocket. The color of the red material matches the deep-rooted fire stirring inside my belly. He reaches in front and wraps it around her eyes, taking away her sight. My heart starts to beat at an erratic pace. My eyes are transfixed on her hands, folded in her lap. That’s when he steps away and I catch sight of the next item he retrieves from a stool close by—a whip.

  “What is he…?” my voice trails off as I follow his every move. Thin leather strips drag along her porcelain thighs, up her stomach, and over her small breasts. He moves behind her once again, and my throat constricts as he raises his hand. Slashes of leather lash along her pale flesh. I jolt in Gabriel’s lap with each sharp slap.

  One, two, three…

  “Why is he doing that? He’s hurting her.”


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