Claimed by Noatak: Galactic Pirate Brides Book Three

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Claimed by Noatak: Galactic Pirate Brides Book Three Page 10

by Tamsin Ley

  Noatak’s face was sterner than usual as he looked around at the gathered men. “If the lab’s on the Icarus like we think, our biggest difficulty will be finding the flagship. It’s equipped with the latest cloaking technology and appears to be operating under comm silence.”

  Marlis frowned. Why did the Icarus sound familiar? She lifted her wrist and spoke in a low voice to Twerp. “Twerp, do I know that name?”

  “Your sister is stationed on the SNV flagship Icarus,” Twerp supplied, loud enough for everyone to hear.

  The bottom dropped out of Marlis’s stomach.

  Chignik lowered the rum bottle to the table with a loud thunk. “Anaq! Did you just say your sister’s on the Icarus?”

  Everything came back to Marlis in a flood. She pressed her palm flat against her thigh to prevent herself from reaching for the comfort of her E-11. “Attie got promoted to corporal just before I left.” She swallowed. Stupid memory had failed her again. She should’ve recognized the name during that first debrief. “She’s the admiral’s administrative attaché.”

  Noatak’s face paled. “You never mentioned that.”

  “Can you find out where the ship’s at?” Tovik asked.

  “Better yet, can you get us on board?” Chignik added.

  Noatak rubbed his face. “Uminaq. It’s a corp’ flagship. The crew isn’t allowed to reveal their location, and they’re definitely not going to give us a tour just because Marlis is with us. Let’s stick to my plan.”

  “The one where you commit suicide?” Qaiyaan crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at his First Mate. “I’m up for alternate suggestions.”

  Marlis gasped and the entire galley erupted with stunned confusion. She turned to Noatak. “What’s he talking about?”

  Noatak sighed and raised his chin defiantly. “I’ll send a message out that I have information about Lisa. The corp’ wants her back, so they’ll bite. Once I’m on board the Icarus, I’ll plant a tracker, leaving you a trail to follow and hijack the ship.”

  “But he’ll have to kill himself to keep them from interrogating him,” Qaiyaan added.

  The galley grew louder as men pounded the table and shoved back chairs, arguing with each other. Tovik had risen and was standing toe-to-toe with Noatak, gesturing wildly.

  Noatak stood his ground. “I’m dying, anyway. Think of this as my final wish. You can thank me by naming your terpak kids after me.”

  More questions flew. “What do you mean you’re dying?”

  “What the fuck, Noatak?”

  Marlis’s pulse raced and Twerp buzzed her wrist until her hand felt numb. She’d been through enough military strategy simulations to know this was a bad plan, and not only because it meant Noatak’s death. “This plan is stupid.” She turned to Qaiyaan. “You’re the captain. Don’t let him do this.”

  Qaiyaan raised an eyebrow, probably thinking about punishing her for insubordination, but she didn’t care. Noatak couldn’t be allowed to die. Not like this. The captain’s gaze softened, and he turned away from her. “It is stupid. But it’s all we have.”

  Twerp’s usually soothing voice cut through the tension. “May I offer a suggestion?”

  The crew fell silent, staring at Marlis’s wrist. Twerp continued, “I have analyzed the feasibility of this plan, and determined there is a seventy-eight point eight percent chance the Icarus would detect a tracker and nullify it before it could broadcast a signal.”

  “See?” Tovik said, pointing at Twerp and glaring toward Noatak. At least he seemed to be on her side.

  “If the immediate goal is to find the flagship,” Twerp’s usually smooth voice stuttered. “I suggest we allow Marlis to send her sister a message with a return receipt. The receipt can be encoded with a universal pin that will not provide ongoing spatial data, but it will provide the ship’s location at that moment in time. There is a minimal six point five percent chance the Icarus would detect the true purpose of such a marker.”

  Chignik clapped his hands once. “Assirpaa! A marker within a marker! And if she keeps up a dialogue, we’ll get a stream of information that might provide a heading.”

  “C-correct,” Twerp said.

  Noatak’s face was dark. “A universal pin can’t provide the same information as a tracker. You won’t know when the ship enters and exits burn, so you won’t be able to sneak up on them.”

  Tovik raised a hand. “I still have that cloaking device from the rakwiji ship the cartel sent after us. It’s not the latest technology, but it could work well enough to hide a shuttle.”

  “A shuttle? As in, two or three people?” Noatak crossed his arms and shook his head. “A team that small can’t take down a flagship.”

  “But we might be able to get on and then off again before they notice,” Marlis said, her mind racing. “And maybe I could convince Attie to leave with us. I know the layout of the Icarus. The carrier I grew up on is one of its sister ships.”

  “Are there alternate ways to get on board other than the standard hatchways?” Qaiyaan asked.

  “Um,” Marlis blanched trying to remember details about the carrier. “Maybe Twerp knows?”

  “Accessing.” Twerp hiccuped a couple of times. “The Icarus is equipped with eight torpedo tubes which lead into the artillery bay. Assuming the weapons are not armed, one might be able to enter the hull plating at any of those points.”

  “Assirpaa! I’m so glad we hired you!” Tovik’s face glowed.

  Qaiyaan scratched his beard. “At least this plan doesn’t include anyone killing themselves.”

  “It’s still suicide!” Noatak’s face had a blue-green tinge and his chest rose and fell rapidly. “You can’t send Marlis.”

  Marlis stood slowly, glowering at Noatak. “Are you saying I’m incapable? Because you hired me for just this kind of job.”

  His mouth dropped open. “That’s not what I mean at all.”

  “So it’s settled.” She lifted her chin and faced the rest of the crew. “Noatak and I will track down the Icarus.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Hardship dropped the shuttle near Zyrinic Eight, the last known location of the Icarus. Noatak checked that Marlis was secure in her harness. He was still fuming about having her along. She wouldn’t be safe just because she was someone’s sister. And if she was in danger, he couldn’t take the easy way out with a suicide pill. He needed to stay alive to protect her. Uminaq, this wasn’t how this mission was supposed to happen.

  “Stop scowling,” she said. “I’d prefer not to be pissed at each other for the entire mission.”

  This might be a fool’s errand, but at least he got some alone-time with Marlis. Small consolation, considering nothing could come of it even if they did survive, but right now he’d accept any pleasure he could get.

  Letting out a slow breath, he hit the thrusters. The shuttle didn’t have the range of a burn drive, but Tovik’s modifications had given the propulsion unit a boost, and Noatak’s stomach lurched with the acceleration. He wasn’t used to traveling without using his ionic power, but he couldn’t risk giving himself an ionic system failure when he needed to stay alive for Marlis. The shuttle slowed as it reached its coordinates, and the stars outside the view screen realigned, revealing the pale blue disk of Zyrinic Eight’s nearby moon.

  He turned to Marlis. “All right. As Joy’s so fond of saying; showtime.”

  Marlis grinned at him—why did he love that so much? Her excitement for this mission was almost infectious. Almost. He forced his face back into his usual stoic lines.

  After entering her sister’s messaging address, Marlis leaned toward the comm. “Hey, Attie, it’s me! Just wanted to let you know I’m okay. It feels like we’re jumping all over the galaxy with deliveries. No real action yet. Being a guard is kinda boring so far. I know, I know, you and Dad will both hope I never see combat. But damn, I’m itching for something more interesting than flying from colony to colony. I did meet a hot guy, though.” She wiggled her eyebrows, then looked ov
er her shoulder as if she’d heard something. “Shit, gotta go. I’ll call again later.”

  Ending the call, she looked triumphantly at Noatak.

  “What the hell was that?” he asked. The less the corp’ knew about his presence, the better.

  “Calm down.” She crinkled her nose. “Now she’s sure to open the next message I send right away.”

  He settled back in his seat, trying not to smile. “You’re more conniving than you give yourself credit for.”

  She grinned. “Thank you.” The grin faded. “Although I’m feeling a little guilty using my sister like this.”

  “I understand.” He nodded, appreciating how important family was to her. “If things go as planned, you won’t have to worry about her anymore.”

  “That would be a relief.” She stretched both arms over her head, drawing his gaze to her breasts, then rose and stood in the low doorway to the cockpit, the curve of her hip right at his eye level as she looked into the small passenger area. “What shall we do while we wait for her to open the message?”

  He swallowed, wrenching his gaze from her perfectly round ass. All he could think about was how she would feel cupped in both hands.

  Her glance over her shoulder revealed a sly smile that told him she knew exactly what he was thinking. The woman was a tunrak for sure, sent to tempt him by Ellam Cua himself. On impulse, he reached over and smacked her butt cheek.

  She startled, banging her head on the overhead beam between the cockpit and the back end.

  He was out of his seat in an instant. He’d smacked his head on that beam too many times to count. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. Didn’t expect you to be so playful.” She turned to face him, one hand against her forehead while a tiny trickle of blood streamed toward her eye. “You’re taller than I am. How do you keep from knocking yourself out in here all the time?”

  He laughed, despite himself. “Suffer enough bumps, you learn to be careful.” He herded her to the shuttle’s rear and pulled out one of the bunks stowed against the wall. “Sit. I’ll get a med kit.”

  While he patched her up, he shook his head. “Ellam Cua has an evil sense of humor.”

  “Why would you say such a thing?” She winced as he secured adhesive to her forehead. “Isn’t Ellam Cua your god?”

  “He’s a trickster.” Balling up the used swabs and adhesive backing, he aimed for the refuse bin and tossed. The jumbled mess stuck to the lid, not heavy enough to activate the expulsion unit. He turned back to Marlis. “After I volunteered for this mission—which is still probably suicide, by the way, I hope you realize that—all I could think about was spending my last moments with you. Ellam Cua granted me my wish. The irony must have him in stitches.”

  She tilted her head. “Well, what can we do to make him laugh even more?” The seductive smile on her face even made the bandage across her forehead look sexy. “It could be awhile before we hear back from Attie.”

  Her innuendo made his cock surge to life. He’d never imagined wanting a woman this badly. She had a hold on him he couldn’t explain. He’d do anything for her, and if she wanted to mess around, he was game. There would be no climax for him, but he would give her a hell of a good time.

  Rising from his seat on the edge of the bunk, he looked down at her, savoring every luscious curve. “I have a few ideas.”

  She licked her lips, one hand moving over her collarbone. Everything she did was seductive. Surely she knew the effect she had on him.

  “Lean back.” He moved to the bed and straddled her, both knees on the hard mattress.

  She fell back onto her elbows, her gaze never leaving his.

  He put one palm between her breasts and pushed gently, forcing her all the way down. Now he towered over her, cock thrumming against his pants. He couldn’t take things all the way, but he was going to take as much as he could. Leaning forward with his weight on his hands, he captured her mouth, flicking his tongue greedily between her parted lips. She tasted amazing, sweet and fresh and warm. He dropped to his elbows, burying his hands into her hair and driving his tongue into her.

  Her hands fisted the hem of his shirt, stretching the fabric to expose his skin. He contracted his abs, letting her pull the shirt up and over his shoulders, breaking the kiss only long enough to be free of the shirt. Once his lips claimed hers again, he slid one hand along her ribs to her hip, pausing there to slide a thumb beneath her waistband into the hollow beside her hipbone. She flexed against him, and he continued stroking along the outside of her thigh, aligning his body against hers. They would be such a perfect match. He could only imagine the exquisite warmth of her pussy around him, her legs hooked over his hips as he drove inside her with pure abandon.

  But that couldn’t be. He had to satiate himself on everything but that.

  Using the hand still in her hair, he pulled her head gently to one side, giving him access to her throat. Nipping and suckling his way down its gentle curve, he filled himself with her fresh linen scent. He moved the hand at her hip upward, sliding beneath her shirt, palm skimming her flesh until it came to rest under the swell of her breast. Assirpaa, her breast. He wanted to see it, touch it, taste it.

  Pulling back, he shoved her shirt upward, exposing a swath of creamy skin. A simple bra confined her ample breasts, the kind issued in the service, but he found it sexier than lace. It was pure Marlis.

  While she wriggled off her shirt, he slid one hand beneath her back and unfastened the bra’s clasp. Her breasts popped free, perfect globes large enough that his palm could barely cover one. Each rosy pink nipple begged to be tasted. Leaning forward, he captured one aroused tip, drawing as much of her breast into his mouth as he could and circling his tongue around the puckered areola.

  She moaned and arched upward to meet him, encouraging him to take more. The nipple hardened beneath his tongue, and her hands roamed his naked sides and back. She widened her legs, allowing his cock to press against her core of heat through their clothing.

  Ellam Cua. He wanted to bury himself in her. To fill her and claim her and make her his. Clenching his ass muscles, he pushed against her cloth-covered entrance, groaning at the exquisite pressure. Sliding down her body, he lapped at her skin, tasting the softness of her flesh, while his hands undid the clasp to her pants. She complied by lifting her hips as he pushed the waistband down, taking her panties with them. Now she was fully exposed to him, the downy mound of hair glistening with her arousal. “Beautiful.”

  She moaned as his breath brushed over her skin, breasts heaving as she panted. One of her hands slid down her abdomen and delved into her cleft, pleasuring herself in a way that nearly sent him over the edge just watching her.

  Placing one hand over hers, he slid his fingers into her tight folds. She cried out, bucking upward, and his cock surged with need. She was so wet. So perfect.

  Her free hand grabbed his, urging him deeper. He added a second finger and buried both digits to the top knuckles. The heated ridges of her pussy quivered against him and she gasped, her slickness intensifying. She bucked and pulsed, her own fingers still working the nub of her clit. “God, yes. Be inside me.”

  The scent of her arousal engulfed him. He had to be careful, or he’d become an animal. Tear off his clothes and take her without regard for the consequences.

  Pulling back, he stared at her glorious sex while he plunged two, then three fingers in and out of her. Her middle finger furiously worked her clit while she watched him with hooded eyes.

  “You are so sexy.” His voice came out rough and breathy. His ionic instincts were pushing his boundaries, but he kept himself under control, focusing only on her pleasure. Curling his fingers to hit that spot deep inside her that would bring her to the edge.

  Her pussy convulsed. The hand on her clit jerked free, clutching the mattress beside her. She threw her head back, eyes closed as a moan rose from her lips.

  Lowering his head, he let his mouth take over for her fingers, laving his tongue over her swoll
en nub while his fingers continued driving inside her. Ellam Cua, she tasted even better than she smelled, her pheromones permeating his senses. He clamped his lips around her clit and sucked.

  Her moan rose to a scream that was pure music to his ears as she exploded around him, drenching his hand and beard with wetness.

  He slowed his pace but refused to stop until he was sure he’d wrung every shudder from her body.

  She lay there panting, her alabaster skin flushed a glorious pink. Reaching weakly for him, she whispered, “Come here. You should get yours, too.”

  Oh, Ellam Cua, you are cruel. The one thing he could never have with her was full satisfaction; nanites or not, it was a death sentence for one of them. He wrapped one hand around hers. “I can’t, remember?”

  She sagged against the mattress, her gaze suddenly pained.

  Grabbing a thick square of gauze from the med kit, he dried his beard then lowered himself beside her, wrapping her in his arms. His cock throbbed in a painful protest, but he’d grown accustomed to ignoring its demands. He brushed his lips against her ear. “It’s enough I got to experience you. No matter what happens, I’ll cherish that forever.”

  They lay together, content until the comm beeped with an incoming message.

  Marlis sat bolt upright. “Attie.”

  She looked down at him, and he could tell she wasn’t ready for their moment to an end, either. But the mission had to take precedence. He pressed a kiss to her palm and rose. “You have to answer.”

  Marlis scrambled back into her clothing and they returned to the cockpit. Attie had indeed responded to the message. This was his first glimpse of her sister, and he was startled by how alike they looked as her image filled the screen. “Hey, Marlis, I got your messages. I’m thrilled you found a job, but it would be good to know what ship you’re on so I can calm Dad down. He’s on the warpath, insisting you’ve been kidnapped into slave labor or something.”

  He unthreaded the location code from the return receipt while Marlis watched the rest of the message. She’d been right about hooking her sister with a love interest, and he tried to shut out the details of Attie’s latest fling while he worked. His heartbeat sped up when he realized the flagship was close; it’d never left Zyrinic Eight’s solar system.


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