Trapping Sophia: Disciples 6

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Trapping Sophia: Disciples 6 Page 11

by Sweet, Izzy

  Ignoring my slaps and resistance, he tugs me over to the island near the oven and finally releases me. “So, for now, I’ll do all the caring for you.”

  Before I can get both feet under me, he pushes me down on a stool.

  Without taking his eyes off me, he reaches across the island, grabs a plate, and slides it in front of me. “Now eat.”

  I glance at the plate and my stomach immediately churns at the thought of putting anything in it. Especially eggs.

  Shaking my head, I try to stand up, but his hand comes down on my shoulder, pushing me back down.

  “You’re not leaving this chair until you eat,” he growls as his fingers squeeze firmly around my shoulder.

  Tipping my head back, I glare up at him.

  Who does he think he is? Coming into my house, unwelcome, trying to boss me around?

  “You eat it,” I growl back and shove the plate away. “I told you, I’m not hungry.”

  I try to shrug his hand off and stand up again, but he pushes me right back down.

  “Goddammit, Sophia. Eat, please,” he repeats, as if he suddenly expects to obey him.

  Frustrated and angry beyond belief now, tears sting my eyes as I shake my head and shout, “No! Fuck you! I don’t want to eat!”

  I try to stand up again only to be shoved back down. When my butt hits the stool again, I grab the plate and launch it at him out of spite.

  “Fuck!” he shouts and jumps away, bringing his arm up to protect his face.

  The plate smacks against his forearm before clattering to the floor.

  I stand up from the stool so fast it topples over, landing between us.

  Bare chest heaving, James looks down at the floor, at the eggs splattered across his pecs and abs, then he looks at me.

  There’s anger in his gaze. Oh yes, there’s anger, but there’s also something else. Something that makes me incredibly uneasy. “Sophia…”

  He swipes at his chest, wiping off most of the egg, his eyes never leaving me. Then he starts to step over the toppled stool.

  Quickly, I take a step back to keep some distance between us.

  “You need to leave, James,” I try to say firmly, but my voice wobbles.

  He needs to leave for the sake of my sanity.

  I cannot deal with all this shit today.

  I don’t want to do this today.

  James shakes his head and continues to advance on me, forcing me to stumble backwards. “I’m not leaving.”

  “Get out of my house, dammit! Go! I don’t want you here!” I cry out, my damn emotions all over the place.

  I’ve gone from being annoyed and angry to being regretful and afraid in the blink of an eye. I don’t know how it’s come to this. How he’s managed, yet again, to bring out the worst in me.

  “Leave before I call the police!”

  James shakes his head again, prowling forward. So sleek, muscled, and lethal, he reminds me of a panther ready to pounce his prey.

  Not knowing what else to do, having failed to intimidate him with my threat, I let out a shriek and decide to make a run for it.

  Spinning around, I run for the front door.

  My purse and phone are in the living room somewhere, too far away.

  But I know, thanks to James and his visitors, that there have been active patrols around my house.

  If I can make it outside, I can get help.

  The kitchen is right off the foyer. There’s only about ten feet between me and the front door. A short distance any other day but today.

  Running as fast as I can, I barely beat James. My fingers fumble as I struggle to quickly twist the lock, wasting precious seconds, but in the end, I manage it.

  A sense of triumph begins to fill me as I grab the handle and start to pull the door open.

  Only to completely shatter as James crashes into me, his body forcing my body to slam the door closed again.

  Defeated, but not ready to give up yet, I keep my grip on the handle and throw my weight back, trying to force him off.

  Only to have him push back into me again, flattening me against the door.

  We fight back and forth for a couple of minutes, with him overpowering me each time, until I finally release a screech of pure frustration.

  Releasing the handle, I pound my fist once against the door then I twist around.

  I shove at his hard chest and tell him to, “Go! Just go away, dammit!”

  He barely budges. Hands planted firmly on the door, his arms are tensed and locked. Keeping me trapped.

  Breathing heavily, his expression is somehow completely calm as he says, “No. I’m not leaving, Sophia.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. I’m so worked up, so distraught over this whole stupid situation, I nearly wail as I push at him, “Why? Why won’t you go? Why won’t you leave me in peace? Why are you doing this to me?!”

  If he had a heart or soul, he’d realize how very, very evil he’s being by pulling this shit on me right now.

  When my entire world has broken and crumbled.

  Dark eyes capturing my eyes, they bore into me as he says, “Because I can’t sit back and watch you waste away.”


  His answer is so unexpected, it throws me off.

  Panting, I stare at him in disbelief.

  Is he serious? Or does he think I’m stupid?

  I shove at him again. “I’m not wasting away.”

  Showing his own frustration, James leans in and growls, “You are. You’re not eating. You’re barely sleeping. You’re not taking care of yourself.”

  His criticism and fake concern hurts more than it should, and my first instinct is to brush it off.

  “Not eating for a couple of days isn’t going to kill me,” I scoff.

  But being stuck with him in this house just might.

  “Try more like four,” he counters.

  I blink at him. How does he even know it’s been four days?

  Then I remember Johnathan stopped by. They probably traded information about me. Keeping tabs on me.

  “So? What are you going to do? Tie me down and force feed me?” I ask sarcastically, still not believing he’s truly the least bit concerned about me.

  He’s only concerned about whatever he needs from me.

  Jaw tensing, his eyes continue to bore into my eyes, trying to glare me into submission. “If it comes to that…”

  And it’s just too much. Too damn much.

  Making a sound of disgust, I roll my eyes. But before I can do much more, his hand is on my jaw. His grip forcing me to look at him.

  “There are ways, Sophia… Many unpleasant ways to keep you safe and healthy…”

  I suck in a shrill breath at the threat. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask him to elaborate.

  But the way his gaze glitters at me, I get the impression he wants just that. He wants to describe what he would do to me, against my will.

  No doubt, bullying grieving, defenseless women is what gives him his jollies in life.

  “You’re a bastard,” I hiss at him.

  “Oh, you have no idea,” he says in full agreement, his lips curving with a hint of a smirk.

  Does he think I’m stupid? That I wouldn’t immediately investigate him after that night? Does he still not understand I know exactly who he is and what he’s capable of?

  “Oh, I think I do,” I sneer back.

  “Do you?” James asks, his left brow cocking with interest as his smirk grows. He presses closer and alarm bells start to go off in my head as his voice grows softer, huskier. “Do you really know how much of a bastard I am, Sophia?”

  I can’t back down as his eyes search my face, waiting for my response. My sheer stubbornness refuses to give him that satisfaction, even though on some level I’m aware that this is another one of his traps.

  “Yes, James. I know exactly how big of a bastard you are,” I confirm with a scowl.

  “Then…” he drawls out, his eyes lighting up with heat as they drop
to scorch my lips. “You won’t be surprised by this.”

  Without any other warning, he pushes his body against mine and grabs the back of my head. I’m so shocked by the turn of events, by the utter audacity of it, I don’t do anything to stop him.

  Fingers twisting in my hair, he jerks my head up and crushes his mouth against my mouth.

  And suddenly it’s the night we met all over again.

  Echoes of it come back to me as his soft lips press against mine.

  The warmth after being so cold…

  The relief of finally feeling safe…

  Then the abandonment.

  I thought I was over him. I thought I hated him enough to never be affected by him again.

  But I was wrong.

  So very wrong.

  Even now, I can feel he has this unexplainable power over me. A power that instantly makes me weak and open to being hurt again.

  My hands push at his chest, finally reacting.

  Undeterred, James growls and presses closer. His kiss becoming deeper, harder.

  It’s slow at first, the ability to feel anything other than anger and surprise.

  But it’s there.

  I can sense it.

  Buried deep inside under a layer of ice.

  As if he knows, James works to draw it out of me with each hot, searing pull of his mouth.

  Unable to shove him away, pure panic washes over me as I start to feel.

  Oh god, I don’t want to feel anything right now.

  Especially not for him. The man who pushed me away when I needed him the most.

  Lashing out in pure desperation, I start to pound on his chest and try to twist away.

  Snarling, James fists his hand in my hair, tugs, and nips at my bottom lip.

  A hot jolt of intense sensation courses through me, shattering the last of the ice as his teeth awaken the little nerves there.

  Gasping, I inadvertently leave myself open.

  Seizing the opportunity, he thrusts his tongue into my mouth, hungrily stroking it against my tongue.

  And I start to melt.

  For the past four days, I’ve been dead inside. A hollow, empty, aching shell.

  But his touch, his taste, is somehow making me feel something other than pain. Something other than despair.

  My hands grab at him with a mind of their own, trying to pull him closer instead of pushing him away.

  Knowing damn well he could walk away again, and not caring…

  I don’t need him forever, I decide, finally giving up on fighting him.

  I just need him for now.

  Growling into my mouth as my nails scratch at his warm skin, he deepens the kiss even more. Thrusting his tongue so deep, he forces my neck to arch back for him.

  Time seems to stand still as I give in and let him devour me.

  Let his kiss light me on fire and burn everything away.

  Only the loss of his lips and the sudden sound of his voice pulls me back to reality.

  “Sophia…” he groans like a man in pain, and then I’m being lifted off my feet.

  His hips fit between my thighs and something hard presses against me.

  I arch instinctively and wrap my arms around his neck as another spike of unexpected pleasure slices through my body.

  The kiss broken, his voice sounds rough, breathless, as he tries to say, “Sophia, I—"

  Tugging his head back down, I cut him off. Using my lips to smother whatever it is he wanted to say.

  I don’t want to talk right now.

  I don’t want to risk him ruining everything I’m experiencing.

  Because I’m close now… So close to that elusive thing I didn’t know I need, but now know I can’t live without.

  And I’ll have it, one way or the other.

  Even if I have to take it from him.

  He tries to pull away again, pushing against the arms I’ve wrapped around his neck.

  Nails scraping up to his head, I yank hard and pull him right back.

  He owes me this, goddammit.

  Owes me for all the shit he’s put me through.

  And I’ll be damned if I let him push me away and walk away again.

  He may have started this, but I’m going to finish it.

  I’m literally going to take my pound of flesh as payment.

  Making a sound of frustration, he grinds his erection against me and kisses me back roughly. His lips mashing against me with a hint of teeth.

  He may be trying to punish me, but it only excites me, causing little tingles to spread across my skin.

  Thighs tightening around him, I roll my hips, grinding back. Rubbing my clit against the hard cock stabbing through his sweatpants.

  “Fuck,” he manages to rasp before I cut him off again.

  Shoving my tongue as far as I can down his throat, I chase this growing hunger for something more.

  Something just out of reach that will magically make everything bearable again.

  We spar back and forth, fighting each other with our tongues, lips, hips, and teeth. Until his hold on me suddenly tightens.

  Hefting me up, he spins away from the door and starts to carry me.

  My ankles lock and I stiffen with a little trepidation.

  But his strength doesn’t waver.

  One hand tangled in my hair, holding my head in place, his other grips my ass. Still kissing me, he walks with confidence, as if he knows even without looking exactly where he’s going.

  After two dozen or so steps, he shoves me up against a wall.

  His hand leaves the back of my head long enough for me to come up for a breath of air.

  Then his hand returns, pulling my mouth back to his.

  Vaguely, I’m aware of a door slamming against a wall, but then he’s hefting me back up and spinning. Kissing me with greedy desperation.

  Trusting he knows where he’s going now, I give myself fully to all the sensations.

  With his arms tight around me, I’m free to let go of everything. Free to shed this skin I’ve been suffocating in.

  He takes a few more uncounted steps and then he sets me on something soft. Breaking the kiss only long enough to rip my shirt over my head.

  Then, with his mouth, he pushes me down, his hands grabbing at the waistband of my leggings.

  He kisses me long and deep before his lips trail down to my neck. I grab at his head, trying to pull him back, but he growls and roughly shakes me off.

  I hesitate for only a second before trying again.

  Finding the most tender, sensitive spot on my throat, his teeth sink into me as he yanks my leggings down.

  I arch with a surprised moan as that spot vibrates all the way to my clit.

  He licks at the spot he nipped and then his mouth moves on. Traveling further down. Finding my breast.

  Hovering above me, his breath hits me first, the warmth filling me with an anticipation that causes my nipples to tingle and tighten.

  Then he makes a strangled sound and his mouth covers me, hot and wet.

  His hand grabs my other breast, squeezing, as he hungrily licks and sucks on me. Liquifying my insides until I’m a moaning, squirming, mess.

  It’s torture. Pure torture. All I want is for him to be inside me. To fill me up. To make me whole for a little bit.

  But it feels so damn good, I can’t stop him.

  By the time he’s finally done paying each breast equal worship and rising above me, I’m half-mad with need.

  My entire body pulsing in time with the throbbing and clenching of my core.

  Reaching down, his movements are almost frantic as he shoves his sweatpants down.

  Then he’s covering me.

  There’s something so sinfully decadent and intimate about all of his naked skin against my skin that my mind blanks out for a second.

  Then I feel him there, where I need him most.

  Nudging my knees apart, he takes himself in his hand and slides the crown of his cock through my lips.

nbsp; His hot, possessive gaze locked on my pussy as he slicks himself up with my wetness.

  I experience one moment of doubt, feeling him down there.

  That maybe I shouldn’t do this…

  That maybe this is a bad idea.

  Having no such doubts, he grabs my leg, hitches my knee up, and thrusts forward. His cock pushing inside me and stretching me open.

  I suck in a hiss as I feel a pinch followed by a slight burning sensation.

  He immediately stiffens and his head jerks up.

  Eyes finding my eyes, his are surprised before they fill with dawning realization.

  “Goddammit,” he says, his voice thick and strained as he starts to slide out of me. “I really am a fucking bastard.”

  As if he can’t help himself, James groans and thrusts forward again, slamming back in.

  So deep, he smashes against my clit.

  Without the pinch of pain, I find myself jolting and gasping beneath him.

  My hands grab at him as I groan, “I’m glad you’re finally accepting that, James.”

  He stills and looks at me in surprise.

  Out of nowhere I feel a pang of guilt.


  I have nothing to feel guilty about. He really is a bastard for everything he’s done to me…

  Covering up the guilt with anger, I sink my nails into his skin, finding the sensation entirely too pleasurable.

  Then I glare at him. “Are you going to fuck me or just stare at me?”

  Growling, his arms tense, the veins bulging from wrist to shoulder. He drops his chin and the look on his face cuts right through me as he slams forward, hard and deep.

  “Is that what you want? Is that what you need?” he rasps as he pumps in and out of me. “You want me to fuck you? Fuck away all your pain?”

  His question hitting a little too close to home, I break the little stare-off we’re having by glancing away.

  Unfortunately, not looking at him doesn’t stop all the pleasure flowing through me.

  Despite my anger and irritation, pressure builds inside my core and moans threaten to spill from my lips.

  Reaching up, he grabs my chin and pulls my gaze back to him. “Answer me. Do you want me to fuck away your pain or not, baby?”

  When I refuse to answer him and try to jerk my face away, his fingers dig into my skin.


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