Love Comes Prancing (Holliday Islands Resort Book 3)

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Love Comes Prancing (Holliday Islands Resort Book 3) Page 4

by Danni Roan

  Feeling the little mare slow, Ashley scowled, her blonde brows knitting together in concern. Surely one bad day in the ring wouldn’t have bothered ‘Meg that much.

  Collin watched spellbound as the young woman, eyes closed, lifted her arms in the air as her horse, completely void of all tack, cantered smoothly around the ring, guided by what seemed magic.

  Over the years Collin had heard of riders who trusted their horses enough to ride without any tack, but he was not one of them. He needed to know that if something went wrong, he was in control. Still gazing out across the dimly lit ring, he couldn’t stop looking at the amazing sight as the young woman’s golden blonde hair streamed out around her; a shimmering contrast to the mare’s red coat, and his heart seemed to fly toward the sight.

  Watching the little red mare make the second turn, Collin swallowed hard when the young woman, instead of reaching for a handful of mane stretched out across her horse’s back, her arms dropping to her sides.

  Collin felt his mouth go dry at the sheer wild freedom of the ride. The only thing keeping the young woman from utter catastrophe was her knowledge of the routine, and her horse’s willingness to adhere to the long-practiced training of the ride.

  As the horse made its way to the far end of the arena, Collin craned his neck to see the team make the next turn then gasped as the rider pulled herself upright again, taking in the sheer joy on the woman’s face, with awe.

  The next few seconds seemed to stretch-out in slow motion as the horse caught sight of Collin at the edge of the ring, tossed her head and came to a sliding stop, haunches digging into the arena floor her dark red tail dragged in the dirt behind her.

  In horror, Collin watched the blonde woman’s eyes go wide while she toppled heels over head off the horse’s wide rump and onto the dirt floor where she landed on her rather attractive, pert bottom.

  Chapter 9

  Ashley blinked up at the lights above as Nutmeg turned around sniffing at her where she sat spitting dirt and horsehair from her mouth and trying to grasp what had happened.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d come off a horse, and she blushed remembering her earlier thoughts on how foolish most people would think riding without tack could be.

  “Are you hurt?” a warm rich male voice, dripping with concern washed over Ashley like the first hot chocolate of the Christmas Season.

  “I’m fine,” Ashley said feeling her face flame red as she looked into the deep brown eyes of Collin Holliday himself. She knew it was the billionaire owner of the Island not only because she had ridden with him earlier, but from the pictures, she had seen on the plane ride.

  “I’m not hurt,” Ashley grumbled as the man reached out taking her hand to help her to her feet.

  Ashley wrapped her cool fingers around his large well-manicured hand and felt the heat from his palm race through her. She’d never felt anything like it, and judging by the odd expression on his face, he was equally surprised as their eyes met.

  Frozen in time the two riders stared at each other, not noticing the little old lady in a riding habit and granny glasses totter out into the ring, a school pony on a short lead behind her. As the newcomer stepped curiously into the ring, Nutmeg shied, a well muscled shoulder catching Collin squarely in the hip and knocking him forward.

  Collin flailed trying to gain his balance but lost his battle and sprawled over the beautiful cowgirl, pressing her into the soft footing of the arena as he narrowly avoided a face plant himself.

  “I’m terribly sorry,” he said struggling to get off of Miss Bowlings, but only managing to wriggle in a parade of a much more intimate dance. “I’m so sorry,” he said, as Ashley tried to get up, only to topple into him and knocking him on his back where she landed with a woof on his chest.

  “Why don’t you two get a room?” the old white- haired woman grumbled, turning on her heel and marching back toward the barn. “Young people today!” she grumbled on a quick exit.

  Collin pushed Ashley gently from his chest, rolling her to his side as they both set up. He was still holding her hand, as he blinked at her dumbly. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, drowning in the warm, cheery, light in the young woman’s eyes. “This is all my fault.”

  A giggle bubbled from the young woman’s lips, growing into a fully fledged laugh that pulled Collin with it, breaking the awkward tension that had buzzed around them since the moment they had met.

  Collin let go of the tight annoyance in his chest as a deep rumble rolled from his belly, and he started to laugh, finally finding his feet and hoisting the petite beauty to her feet.

  “I didn’t mean to spook your horse when you were working,” he said his brown eyes raking over the woman’s blue jean covered curves.

  “I wasn’t exactly working,” Ashley admitted, still grinning “More giving Nutmeg a chance to adjust after the performance tonight,” she added her hand warming in his steady touch, as she looked into Collin’s brown eyes. “Besides, I should have been paying attention,” she finished looking around to see if the little old lady had returned.

  “It’s been a long day,” Collin admitted. I told, dad that the whole thing wasn’t a good idea,” Collin said shaking his head as Ashley released his hand and began dusting herself off.

  “I don’t know, it was rather a special exercise and for a good cause. I think it was worth the effort based on the way the crowd responded.” she finished, still gazing at him and wondering what his beard would feel like against her lips, then blushing at the thought

  Collin eyed the young woman, taking in the dimple on one cheek when she smiled, that stole the breath from his lungs. “Yes, but it should have been practiced, rehearsed,” he stammered as he lost his train of thought in the depths of her blue eyes. “Of course based on the results,” he said his brain feeling fuzzy. “Dad sent some of the numbers and the donations have been pouring in,” he offered lamely. What was it about this girl that seemed to leave him lost for words? He couldn’t tell, but he wanted her to speak again.

  Ashley rubbed her backside realizing nothing was damaged other than her pride then wrapped an arm around Nutmeg’s neck as the mare pushed close. “I’d better get her put away,” she said with an awkward smile, being pulled back to reality after the spill.

  “How do you get her to do what you want without tack?” Collin asked, forcing his eyes from the blonde’s lips. “It seems a big risk to ride that way.”

  “I don’t do it often,” Ashley admitted walking her mare toward the assigned stall, her whole body still a-tingle. “Just when my horses need a chance to unwind,” she added. “Today was a little stressful for both of us.”

  Opening the stall door Ashley let Nutmeg inside then latched the door behind her. The day’s events were starting to catch up and she was feeling weary, that must be why she wanted to snuggle into the handsome man’s chest and forgive his earlier words.

  “I’m sorry,” Collin said, “I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name earlier today. I was too busy getting ready for the event to pay attention,” he finished feeling like an idiot. He was the host of the place; he should be able to remember a beautiful woman’s name, especially one he would like to get to know better. Between her stunning beauty, her wild abandon in her ride, and the delicious tumble a moment ago, he felt all irritation about his ride evaporate.

  “I’m Ashley Bowlings,” the pretty blonde replied. “This is Nutmeg,” she indicated the mare, “the palomino in the next stall is Goldie’s Garland, and the Buckskin, with his nose sticking out of his stall, is Soot.” She finished wrestling her thoughts back into order. “I was asked to come here and provide some training or workshops for guests, so I brought my best.”

  Collin reached out a hand again to shake hers. “I’m Collin Holliday,” he added with a chuckle before continuing. “My dad is trying some new things across the islands” he spoke absently. “Can I buy you a drink,” he continued. “A hot chocolate or coffee?” his dark brow quirked upward inquisitively
making Ashley smile, as he reluctantly retrieved his hand. As annoyed as Collin had been by the ride, he was equally intrigued by the beautiful rider still holding his hand.

  Ashley hesitated a moment. She was covered in horsehair from riding bareback and wasn’t sure it would be a good idea in the swanky hotel, besides it was late, and she wasn’t at all settled yet.

  “Don’t worry,” Collin laughed, “no one cares if you smell of horse. It’s part of the bargain,” he smiled watching a plethora of emotions race across her face.

  Ashley bit her bottom lip, still not convinced. “A hot cocoa would be nice,” she admitted, a new shiver running down her back at the look in the man’s eyes.

  “I know just the place,” Collin said offering her his arm and heading for the elevators. “There’s a little out of the way coffee place in one corner of the Rider’s Refuge, where the youth riders usually stay. They make a wicked hot chocolate, with whipped cream and sprinkles, it’s an old family recipe, and you won’t be disappointed.”

  “Sprinkles,” Ashley laughed. “Who can say no to that?”

  Collin shivered as her laughter washed over him, like the first feathery snowflakes of an Alaskan winter, the first taste of a promise of more to come.

  Ashley watched her host as he guided her to the elevator. The man was handsome, wealthy, and used to having things his way, but his offer of hot chocolate seemed innocent enough. Perhaps it was like they said in all those romance books. First impressions could be deceiving. Watching his performance earlier she had seen a stiff, uptight man and nothing more, but this more relaxed man was not only attractive, but intriguing as well.

  It seemed that she and Mr. Holliday had gotten off on the wrong foot, but that given a chance the man was human after all. If he could refrain from insulting her horse’s training, and they could agree to be polite, maybe they could even be friends.

  Ashley had never had a billionaire friend before; this could prove to be a very interesting working vacation in the long run. And after all, wasn’t she supposed to have a little fun along the way?

  As the elevator dinged and they stepped out into a long elegant hall, the smell of rich creamy chocolate and peppermint hit Ashley in the nose and she sighed with delight.

  “Yes, this could turn out to be a very good night after all,” she thought as her taste buds began to anticipate the smooth hot beverage, hopefully, complete with a peppermint stick, whipped cream, and sprinkles, her favorite holiday drink on a cold night.

  Chapter 10

  Ashley slid onto the smooth wooden stool by the soda fountain style counter in the coffee shop and smiled. “It looks like there’s a lot more than coffee or hot cocoa here,” she said. Looking at herself in the mirror behind the bar and cringing at the sprig of hay in her hair.

  “It’s a big hit with the kids and the coffee crowd,” Collin said. “We do youth events here and have lessons for children on vacation with their parents. Often after a sleigh ride, this place is packed full of people looking for something hot to warm them from the inside out,” he added his bright smile lighting up his entire face.

  When Collin smiled, Ashley thought he had to be the best-looking man on earth, his dark hair was glossy, and the closely trimmed beard looked soft enough that she wanted to run her fingers through it. “What should we have,” she said pulling her eyes away from him. “I like hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream and a big ol’ peppermint stick to stir it with,” she said.

  Collin smiled again. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had so much fun with a pretty woman. Most of the ones he knew were cloying, jealous, and money-hungry like his father’s ex-wife. He shivered just thinking about the woman who had tried to pit him and his siblings against their father on more than one occasion.

  “Where did you say you’re from?” Collin asked waving the server to where they sat and ordering.

  “Texas,” Ashley said, knowing her accent had prompted him to ask the question. “Born and raised,” she added with a grin.

  “I haven’t been there,” Collin admitted. “I’d think this is just about as far from the Lone Star State as you can get,” he added.

  “I don’t know,” Ashley said as an enormous mug of hot chocolate, piled high with fresh whipped cream and covered with chocolate shavings was placed before her. The mug was so bedecked with cream she could only see the last quarter of a peppermint stick, as big around as her finger sticking out of one side. “Wow!” she said, her blue eyes shining. “Now that’s what I call hot chocolate.”

  Collin laughed feeling himself relax around Ashley Bowlings as he reveled in her delight at the special treat. “What were you saying about not knowing how different this was from Texas?” he asked picking up his mug of steaming coffee.

  “Oh,” Ashley blushed, wiping whipped cream from her chin with a napkin. “What I meant is that other than the night I arrived, I haven’t seen anything of the island but the barns and arena.”

  “We’ll have to do something about that,” Collin said pulling out his phone and zipping off a text. “I’ll take you on a private tour tomorrow,” he said shoving the phone back into a pocket. “Trust me; you’ll love it.”

  Ashley grinned, liking this more relaxed man. He seemed happy to sit and sip coffee and chat. Perhaps he had been so short with her on the day of the event because of high nerves. She was sure that a former winner in the World Equestrian Games must feel the pressure of competition keenly.

  “So what will we do?” Ashley asked thinking of a long walk in the deep snow, or possibly a ski excursion on the other island.

  “We have the whole island at our disposal,” Collin admitted. “We’ve made this resort a winter wonderland for horse lovers. That is the point of the Holliday Islands Resort. Dad wanted to make a special place that was always Christmas,” he said with a shake of his head. “He and mom were crazy about Christmas, that’s why they gave each one of us boys a reindeer name,” he added his ears flushing red.

  “You’re kidding me?” Ashley gasped. “You’re all named after reindeer?”

  Collin nodded. “As kids, it was kind of fun, you know pretending, but when we got a little older, some of the kids at school could be mean. The fact that there were nine of us though seemed to keep anything major from happening.”

  “And now?” Ashley asked, her blue eyes searching his face for any sign of deceit.

  Collin shrugged, his brown eyes twinkling. “To be honest, we all like it,” he said leaning in close enough to smell the chocolate and peppermint on her lips. “It made it easy to name our islands when dad gave each of us one to manage,” he continued. “This is Prancer Island because,” he paused leaning closer to brush a speck of whipped cream off Ashley’s lips with his thumb, liking the way her eyes lit at his touch, “because that’s my middle name.”

  Ashley didn’t even giggle. She was too mesmerized by the man’s dark eyes, and the nearness of his face. If she leaned forward an inch, she could brush her peppermint tinged lips against his. “Prancer,” she whispered, trying to wrestle her brain back into working order. It was late, she was tired, and that had to be the reason for this sudden, strong attraction, nothing more.

  Collin leaned back before he gave in to the urge to kiss the shine of whipped cream from Ashley’s sweet lips. He had only met this girl that afternoon, and he needed to clear his head before he did something stupid.

  After the ride he had been annoyed at her, irritated by the performance he felt was less than what was expected. She had taken his horse, his most difficult horse and performed flawlessly while he had struggled to communicate his wishes to her little mount.

  “Meet me here tomorrow morning?” he asked draining his mug. “Say nine if that’s not too early. We’ll start with a sleigh ride.”

  Ashley threw back her head and laughed. “I’ll have been up hours by then,” she said. “Back home I’m in the barn by six and in the saddle no later than seven-thirty, add the time difference and I’m an early bird.”

  “Alright,” Collin grinned, “Nine it is.” Nodding to the clerk who nodded back, he took Ashley’s hand, kissing it gently before turning and walking away.

  Chapter 11

  Ashley woke early hurrying to the shower and getting ready for her tour of the island with Collin Holliday. She was excited about the whole event, first because she liked the billionaire’s son, but also because she had never been on a sleigh ride before.

  Drying her hair she paused realizing that today was Thanksgiving Day. She wasn’t sure where the time had gone, and it wasn’t her first holiday away from home, but the fact that she didn’t have to spend this special day alone was a wonderful boon.

  Taking her time Ashley applied her makeup running through what she had to wear. She didn’t know why it mattered so much to her, but today, she wanted to look her best. What could it hurt to get to know the fancy pants rider a little better? She would be returning to Texas in two weeks and her time with Collin Holliday would be a sweet memory of her time in the frozen north.

  Looking at the clock, Ashley debated between breakfast in the posh dining room of the warm, western-themed hotel, with its shiny brass fixtures, and polished wood floors, or heading to the stable to check on her horses.

  Not for the first time, the horses won out, and she headed for the elevator to the barns.

  “I thought I’d find you here,” a rich warm voice drifted through the open stall door and Ashley looked over her shoulder to smile at Collin.

  He looked dapper in a pair of tan chinos and a blue, gold, and green, flannel shirt covered in a warm sweater.

  “I brought a basket of goodies for the drive,” he smiled and the warmth in his eyes seemed to tingle to Ashley’s toes.


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