The Hero Without A Cool Name

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The Hero Without A Cool Name Page 14

by Stan Hendriks

  Roy takes a deep breath and Lexi asks, “So, how do you know this Mr. Golden Poison?”

  “He and I met quite a while ago and although I would love to tell the story, I’m afraid I’m running out of time. I have to go back to do some research to find out how this happened and if I’m lucky, I might even be able to catch him since he, most of the time, sticks around until he is assured that his victim is indeed dead.”

  “I will come with you,” Roy says.

  “No, Roy. I understand your reasoning for what wanting to join me, but you have to stay here with your friend. He needs you more than I do, Roy, trust me.”

  “But I… just please make sure that when you catch him that you will hurt—”

  “Do not worry, Roy, if I will capture him, he will never see the light of day again.” Julian then looks at Lexi and continues, “Keep an eye out, okay?” Lexi nods and then Julian walks out of the room.

  Earlier, Henry has his feet up on the coffee table and as he’s sipping from a bottle of cold beer and while he’s watching a comedy show, the doorbell goes. Confused, Henry puts his beer down and goes towards the front door and opens it. A man, who looks like he’s in his late forties, who is wearing an outfit from a pizza company, and who is covered with tattoos of the golden poison frog, has a pizza box in his hand and with a bright smile, he says, “Here you go, sir. Enjoy it!”

  “Uhm… I… I didn’t order any pizza?” Henry replies, as he grabs the box. “Are you sure you’re at the right address?”

  “Yes, look,” the man says, as he shows Henry the receipt. “But if you want, I can give you a refund and take the pizza with me.”

  “Nah, I’m good. Maybe I forgot all about it. Anyway, thank you so much, I was getting quite hungry already.”

  “No problem, it’s my pleasure, sir!”

  With a smile, Henry then closes the door, walks back into the living room again where he drops down on the couch, and starts downing the pizza like he hasn’t eaten in years!

  Back in the present, Julian arrives at Roy’s apartment and immediately walks into the living room, where he carefully inspects the pizza box and searches for clues. But after about half an hour has passed, Julian is left disappointed as there is no trace that could lead to where Mr. Poison is, not even a trace of the poison. As he lets out a deep sigh, he stares out of the window and as the people get in their cars to get to work, Julian says, “I know that you’re still out there somewhere. Hell, you might even be watching me right now you sick individual.”

  “Worry not, Mr. Golden Poison is long gone but sadly for you, I am not.”

  Julian immediately turns around but before he can even say or do anything, he is hit with a wooden club right on top of his head, which immediately knocks him out! Toogaan, with a smirk on his face, continues, “Please, Julian Herrick, I thought you were intelligent enough to know that you wouldn’t be able to escape me. Toogaan always finds his prey and slaughters it. But although I would take magnificent pleasure out of scooping your eyes out with a spoon, it will have to wait since I got another prey out there who has proven to be quite difficult to catch. But worry not, you will be the perfect bait! It is time for Toogaan to fulfill his destiny! A beautiful paradise awaits me!”

  Chapter Nine It’s Over

  In the hospital, Roy and Lexi are still seated next to Henry, who is still unconscious, and Roy says, “It’s been three hours already since Mr. Herrick left and we still haven’t heard anything from him.”

  “Well, maybe he is chasing Mr. Golden Poison, who knows. But one thing I know for sure is that Mr. Herrick can perfectly manage himself, even in a tough situation.”

  “I know but still, something in me tells me that something went wrong. I don’t know why but… I don’t know.”

  “Then let’s check if anything happened,” Lexi replies, as he grabs her phone out of her pocket.

  “What do you mean? Ah, you’re going to call him, yes?”

  “No, you see, after what happened to Henry and right before we went to the hospital, I placed a tiny little camera on top of your fridge.”

  “What? Really?”

  “Yes, but before you freak out, I did it only just in case something like this would happen again. At least we will then have some recordings of the person that did it. It’s not like I secretly wanted to spy on you or something, trust me.”

  “Wow, I didn’t even notice you did that. Hell, I didn’t even know that you carried tiny cameras around. Why do you carry those around anyway?”

  “I don’t know, it’s a bad habit I guess.”

  “And a strange one.”

  “I know, but anyway, let’s see if Mr. Herrick had any success.”


  Lexi then opens a strange app on her phone and selects the camera that is named, Roy Tabby Cam. The camera is still recording, and they can see the kitchen, a small part of the hallway, and a bit of the living room, but nothing indicates that something has happened. “Roy Tabby Cam, really?”

  “What? It’s cute, I like your last name.”

  Roy chuckles and says, “No way, it’s a stupid last name. I’m actually embarrassed by it.”

  “Don’t be, it’s really cute,” Lexi replies with a smile.

  “Stop it, really,” Roy says as he slightly blushes. “Anyway, everything looks normal. I don’t think Mr. Herrick has even been at my apartment.”

  “Well, let’s rewind it a couple of hours and we shall see,” Lexi replies, as she then stops the recording and rewinds at a rapid pace until they see Julian walking past the kitchen and into the living room. “Oh, look, he has been at your place.” They see Julian inspecting the pizza box and carefully looking around for clues.

  “Is there no sound?” Roy asks.

  “No, the camera doesn’t record sounds.” They keep on watching and eventually they see that Julian walks over to the window and right at that moment, they see Toogaan walking past the kitchen and into the living room with a wooden club in his hand and for a moment, he turns his head back and stares directly into the camera! “Oh my God!” Lexi says.

  “Wait… how did he know that there was a camera?!”

  “I… I have no clue!”

  They then see Toogaan hitting Julian on top of his head and not long after, dragging him out of Roy’s apartment! Roy immediately gets up and says, “I knew it! I knew something was wrong! That lunatic bastard has taken Mr. Herrick!”

  With a shocked and concerned expression on her face, Lexi replies, “I… I don’t know what to say. Why… why didn’t Toogaan kill him? I mean, that’s what he wants, yes?”

  “I’m sure he didn’t because he is going to use Mr. Herrick as bait. That sick bastard! This was his plan ever since he got defeated at the hospital! First, he takes out Henry, then he takes out Mr. Herrick, and now we’re only left with two. He must have known that when we’re together he probably doesn’t stand a chance of beating us and fulfilling his sick and deluded destiny.”

  “I think you’re right, he tried everything he could to make sure that you would have to face him alone and let’s be honest, he may be too strong for you alone. In fact, I’m fairly sure of that, no offense. But the thing is, you’re not alone and he may not know that I have joined the team. As Mr. Herrick said, we got a better chance of defeating him if we have the element of surprise on our side and now, we have. Whatever he’s planning to do or wherever he wants to lure you to, he is planning to face you alone, but little does he know that you won’t be.”

  Roy nods and says, “You’re right, but let’s hope that he really doesn’t know about you then. Because if he does, we’re going to be in a world of trouble. Anyway, we have to find them right now.”

  Lexi then gets up and as she looks over Roy’s shoulder with a concerned expression on her face, she replies, “I don’t think we have to.”

  Roy immediately turns around and two women, fully dressed up in suits and with blank expressions on their faces, are standing by the doorway! “Who�
� who are you?” Roy asks.

  “We are messengers and we have come with an important message for you, Mr. Tabby.”

  “So, what is it?” Lexi asks.

  “Our apologies, Mrs. Tabby, but this is between your brother and us. Please be so kind and leave the room.” Roy and Lexi look at each other with confused expressions on their faces, but without saying a word, they nod at each other and Lexi walks out of the room. “Very well,” one of the women continues. “First of all, we would like to inform you that the greatest and most fascinating warrior that goes by the name of Toogaan, cannot be found. He will either find you or let you know where he is located, please remember that.”

  “Are you two just going to tell me how great Toogaan is or?”

  “No, but that had to be said. We came here to tell you that Julian Herrick, your mentor who possesses the same powers as you, has been captured by Toogaan. In thirteen hours from now, you are going to meet Toogaan at the very top floor of a skyscraper that is located in the center of Detroit. And worry not, you will be granted access. If you are late, even if you’re late by a second, Julian Herrick will be killed, is that understood?”

  “Loud and clear, but while you’re at it, why don’t you tell your deluded God that he’s not going to win. In fact, tell him that he already lost when he took Mr. Herrick.”

  “Will do. We wish you luck and we hope that you have a pleasant meeting with Toogaan. Goodbye, Mr. Tabby.” The women then walk out of the room and Lexi comes back in.

  “What did they say? And see, they actually think that I’m your sister.”

  “Yeah, I know. But they told me to meet Toogaan at some skyscraper that is located in the center of Detroit over thirteen hours exactly.”

  “Einar Tech, the skyscraper is owned by Einar Tech. He really asked you to meet him there?”

  “Yes, why? Are you familiar with that place?”

  “Not really, but this Einar guy owns so many companies and has more money than anyone in the world. So, I can only imagine that the place will be very well secured.”

  “Maybe, but apparently I didn’t have to worry since they will make sure that I will get access.”

  “I see, but surely you are going to walk into a trap.”

  “No, I don’t think it will be a trap. I’m sure that he will be waiting and ready to take my life. He wants to face me alone and he knows that I will come because I care about Mr. Herrick. But anyway, whether I’m walking into a trap or not, I don’t have a choice. I’m not going to let Toogaan kill Mr. Herrick.”

  “Me neither, but as Mr. Herrick said, we have to come prepared. We have to create a plan to defeat Toogaan and preferably defeat him quick.”

  Roy takes a deep breath and replies, “Yes, but before we figure out a plan, I should see my sister and her husband.”

  “I understand you want to see them, Roy, but not only do we have little time, but your sister might call the police and if that happens then Mr. Herrick is dead. And maybe for her mental state, and those of her husband’s, I think it’s better that you don’t tell them anything yet. They are only going to be worried sick and in their current state, that is not something you want to do.”

  “Yeah, maybe you’re right,” Roy nods. He then looks over at Henry and continues, “This truly sucks, this whole situation. But I guess that sometimes this is the life of a hero, right? As Mr. Herrick said, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.”

  “He is definitely right about that, but I believe in you, Roy. Together we are going to take down Toogaan and make sure that he never harms someone again. We can do this, alright?”

  “Yes, you’re right. I just need to get myself together and focus only on saving Mr. Herrick from Toogaan.”

  “That’s right, and I already think that I can get something that will make things a lot easier for us.”

  “What is it?”

  “Well, Mr. Herrick got stopped in his tracks while he was looking for Mr. Golden Poison, but if it is right what he said that Mr. Golden Poison always sticks around, then I’m sure I will be able to find him and steal some of the poison he uses. Which we can then use on Toogaan.”

  “No, I mean, it’s a good idea, but that poison could kill Toogaan and that is a risk I’m not willing to take. I refuse to kill. That may sound stupid after everything he has done already, but I just don’t want to become like him by murdering him, if you understand.”

  “I do but at the same time, I don’t. But anyway, what if I can get my hands on the poison and we will carry it with us just in case things go South?” Roy slightly nods and Lexi continues, “Alright, well, we have no time to lose, I have to leave immediately and hope that he’s still around. See you after at your apartment or here?”

  “I think it’s best that we meet at my apartment again and speaking about my apartment, I should leave the hospital as well. I need to train some more because the last thing I want to happen is me passing out.”

  Lexi smiles and says, “That would suck big time. Alright, see you soon.”

  “See you soon, and good luck.” Lexi then leaves the room and as Roy grabs a penny out of his wallet, he holds it up and changes it into a coin that has, “The most awesome sidekick in the world, Melodramatic Soul!”, written on it. He lays on the palm of Henry’s hand and as he slightly closes his hand, he says, “I need you, man, I really need my sidekick right now. But I promise you that by the time you will wake up again, healthy, and well, of course, Toogaan will be gone and that we will be able to continue our journey and catch criminals. I promise. But before I go, I just want you to know that you’re not only my sidekick but also my best friend.” With another deep breath, Roy then walks out of the room and as he gets into the elevator, a determined and ready to go to war expression appears on his face!

  About two hours later, Lexi comes walking out of a liquor store and with a disappointed look on her face, she opens a can of soda and takes a sip of it but almost immediately spits it out again when she sees Mr. Golden Poison entering a bar across the street! As she throws away the can of soda and puts on a pair of thick leather gloves, she crosses the street and enters the bar as well. Inside, she puts on a naughty smile and with a couple of winks at single men, she makes her way over to the U-shaped bar at which Mr. Golden Poison is seated. He is talking to a woman and making her laugh with his corny jokes, but right as he passes her his drink and asks her to try it, Lexi leans in, grabs the drink, and tell the woman, “Sweetheart, you don’t want to drink this, believe me. And in case you’re wondering, I’m his ex-girlfriend and I have some unfinished business with him.”

  The woman rolls her eyes, quickly grabs her purse, and goes back onto the dancefloor while Mr. Golden Poison starts to chuckle. “I didn’t expect I would be so popular among beautiful women like yourself.”

  As Lexi takes a seat on the bar stool next to him, she replies, “You’re quite handsome actually, if only you didn’t have all those tattoos of a golden frog. Ah, and if only you weren’t a psychopath who poisons people with the poison of a golden poison frog. Anyway, how has your day been, Mr. Golden Poison?”

  With a surprised and concerned expression on his face, he asks, “How… how—”

  “You poisoned someone that I care about, but sadly for you, he’s going to make it out alive. Now, I would have loved to torture you mentally, and definitely physically, but I have little time. So, here’s the thing, I’m going to need some of that poison you also put into this drink. Don’t ask why just give it to me.”

  “I’m willing to give you something, but what happens to me after I give it?”

  “You walk free.”

  “Yeah, sure. You’re not fooling me, lady.”

  “I’m not fooling you; I swear. But I probably think it will be for the better, at least for you, if you take a plane and go as far away as possible.”

  Mr. Golden Poison hesitates for a moment, but then grabs a small plastic tube, filled with batrachotoxin, and lays it down on the bar. “There you go, happy now?

  Lexi grabs the tube, carefully puts it in her jacket, and with a wink and a naughty smirk, she replies, “I sure am, just don’t poison more people, okay?”

  “I don’t know if I can promise that, but what I can promise is that I will be a lot more careful from now on.”

  “I should kill you right now, I really should, but I guess a deal is a deal,” Lexi replies, as she gets up. She then firmly pads him on time on his shoulder and walks out of the bar while Mr. Golden Poison puts his hand on his hurting shoulder and as he licks one of his tattoos on his hand, he quietly says, “This isn’t over yet, bitch! You messed with the wrong guy!”

  Half an hour before Roy has to come face to face with Toogaan, he is seated on a bench in the park where Julian took him the first time they met. With a blank expression on his face and with ducks quacking in the background, he stares at the starry sky. “Jeez, there you are,” Lexi says, as she comes walking up to him and sits down next to him. “I’ve been looking for you all over Detroit.”

  “Yeah, sorry, after I trained at the factory, I thought I would come here to… make my mind somewhat at ease I guess.”

  “I understand. So, is it working?”

  “Not really, no matter what I do or try I keep being afraid. I don’t know… I just keep thinking about everything and that I could die in about half an hour. And that thought is just… I don’t know.”

  “Hey, being afraid is only normal, especially in a situation like this. I’m afraid as well and just like you, I’m well aware that I might die. But then again, I’m willing to sacrifice my life in order to save this world from Toogaan and save the others he might harm in the future and I know you are too. That is what heroes do, they often risk sacrificing their own life in order to save that of others. And that is a scary thing, but if I know one thing it is that you are destined to become a great hero, Roy, and if one person is strong enough to take Toogaan down, both mentally and physically, then it is you. I believe in you, Roy, and so does everyone around you. And I can assure you that I’m going to do everything I possibly can to not let you die, I promise. You are going to defeat Toogaan, Roy, in fact, we are going to bring him down and we are going to save this world from him, no matter what we have to do. Right now, Mr. Herrick, Henry, your sister, and even I, need you, Roy, we need the new hero of Detroit. So, be that hero, be the hero you are destined to be.”


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