Hard Drive Boxed Set

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Hard Drive Boxed Set Page 3

by Tricia Andersen


  Max and Quinn crawled through a blizzard to a bar an hour from Mankato for the weigh-ins the night before the fight. The raucous laughter from the patrons inside echoed through the closed windows to greet them. Max glanced through the falling snowflakes to the venue where the fights would be the following night. Nerves let loose in his stomach as he followed Quinn inside.

  They both weighed in on the dot. Not that Quinn had any words of thanks for Max’s continuous hounding. Max frowned as he thought a bit. Tonight was the first time he had seen Quinn other than in practice. He waited for an hour each morning in the cafeteria. They had eaten breakfast every morning together since they started freshman year. They had grown distant in the past few weeks. Hopefully that would be over after the fights.

  After the weigh in, Quinn showed off to the rest of the team and then led them away into the snow to get something to eat, leaving Max behind. Several of the team turned toward Max confused. Max huffed then cleared his throat. “Forget something, Quinn?”

  Quinn spun toward him. “No, I haven’t.”

  “I’m your ride back, dumbass. Maybe you should set your plans with your chauffeur?”

  “I’m sure one of the guys can give me a lift back.”

  Max glanced at the eyes trained to him. Were they waiting for a reaction? Did they think there would be a fight tonight? He shrugged. “That’s an awful big assumption. But whatever. Tori is waiting back in Mankato for me. See you all tomorrow.” Without a word he stormed past them out the door of the bar. He trudged through the snow to his car.

  Tori had spent the whole week making plans to pamper Max all night. Once he braved the elements back to Mankato, she made him burgers for supper and then snuggled with him as they watched his favorite comedy movies. He woke up at the crack of dawn for a jog to settle his already churning nerves, returning to Tori’s for a breakfast of eggs and bacon. Then, giving her a quick peck on the lips, Max hurried off to join the team at the fitness center to warm up before the fight.

  Even though Max had a record and Quinn didn’t, Max was first on the card. His stomach erupted with butterflies. Glancing over at Quinn, Max growled. Quinn was laughing and joking it up with the other guys like he didn’t have a care in the world. Max huffed as Chuck shooed him toward the curtain. It was show time.

  Like before, Chuck attempted to shout to Max over the thundering music. It was the same message. “Keep your hands up! Keep moving!” And once again, Max barely heard a thing the coach said. He glanced warily into the octagon. At least this guy was smaller than the last. He quickly hugged Chuck and jogged into the cage.

  The other fighter stared Max down as the referee barked out instructions. Max fought to roll his eyes. Not again. He hopped back to his corner as he waited for the word he was dying to hear.


  Max slowly circled his opponent, waiting for the moment to strike. Suddenly, the other fighter charged with a few blinding combos. One jab connected squarely with Max’s chin. He shook it off, ducking another cross. Sinking to his knee, he lunged for the man, wrapping his arms around the guy’s waist and dropping him to the mat.

  Max quickly hopped on top of his opponent. He punched at the guy, watching as the fighter covered up and rolled to his side to protect himself. Max wasted no time, catching the other fighter’s arm and hugging it tight to him. He threw his legs over the man’s side, and holding tight to the arm, lay back on the mat. Max had barely arched his back before the other fighter tapped out to the armbar.

  The referee separated the two men and sent them back to their corners. After a brief deliberation among the officials, Max’s arm was raised in victory.

  Max hurried to the back to free his hands from his gloves and the tape. Quinn’s fight was up next, and he didn’t want to miss it. After throwing his hooded sweatshirt over his head and tugging it into place, he raced to join the rest to walk Quinn in. As heavy metal music blared through the exhibition center, they followed Quinn to the octagon.

  Watching from the curtain, Max cringed through the fight. It didn’t go well. Quinn took heavy strikes to the face and body. He was nearly choked out at the end of the first round, only surviving by the mercy of the bell.

  In the second round, Quinn got his lucky break when he kicked out as his opponent escaped his guard, catching the guy under the chin. The blow somehow knocked the fighter out, his body dropping unconscious to the mat long enough for the referee to call it.

  Max breathed a sigh of relief. His best friend had won, but Quinn looked like he had been through hell.

  Once they returned to the back, Max packed his bag and slipped out into the exhibition center. It didn’t take long to find Tori. She nearly jumped into his arms the second he stepped past the security guard. He melted into her embrace. “You won!” she gushed.

  “I shouldn’t have pushed Quinn’s fight,” Max muttered.

  “What? Why do you care? You’re the superstar, not Quinn.”

  “Because Quinn is my best friend.” Max pulled from Tori’s arms and crossed his over his chest.

  “Max, what is it?”

  “For once, Tori, I wish you would see me. Not the fighter. Me.”

  She stared at him for a long, hard moment. Then she wrapped her arms around him again. For the first time since they had started dating, he could see a soft gaze of love in her eyes. “I’m sorry. He’s going to be all right. You were just trying to help. You know he appreciates you sticking up for him.”

  Max hugged her right this time. Smiling, he kissed her on the forehead. Maybe she finally understood. Maybe he misread her intentions. He sighed to himself. Somehow, though, I doubt it.

  Chapter Two

  Life for Max slowed down as finals approached. He spent nearly every moment outside of class and training with Tori. They became more of a couple. She nagged less about MMA. She was even more open to tender moments of affection in public. However, as finals ended, Tori headed home to Duluth, and Quinn left to stay with his brother in La Crosse, leaving Max alone on campus. Max offered multiple times to visit Quinn or for Quinn to come to New Ulm. Each time Quinn told him that he was busy. Max knew that tone in Quinn’s voice. His friend was up to something and it probably wasn’t good.

  He made as many trips to Duluth to see Tori as he could afford. She came back to Mankato at least one weekend a month. Since Max spent most of his weekends in New Ulm with his family, Tori went along with him and stayed at the house. He could see the changes in Tori. His family certainly didn’t. The few days they were all together were always tense.

  And not once did Max take her to his bridge in the park.

  Max was distracted from being alone by the offer of another fight. Only having to share Chuck with a couple of guys versus an entire team was a huge benefit. Chuck analyzed every strike, every hold. He helped Max iron out each misstep.

  When Max faced off against his next opponent, a former three-time champion, he was more than ready. A minute and a half into the first round, Max defeated the fighter with a rear naked choke. Everyone congratulated his win, even people he had never met before. Days after, rumors flew around the gym that his next would be a pro fight.


  He took a swig of water from his water bottle as he waved goodbye to his client. The bubbly brunette giggled as she waved back. His final year of college started in three weeks. All he could think about was graduation and how much he missed Tori. He startled as he felt a vibration against his leg. Reaching into his pocket, he dug out his cell and answered it. “This is Max.”

  “Hey, man,” Quinn responded.

  “Hey, what’s up? I’ve hardly heard from you.”

  “I wanted to let you know that I have a fight this weekend.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I told you about mine. I would have talked to Chuck and come help you train.”

  “My brother and his friends worked with me. It’s all good. I have tickets for you and Tori.”

  “I’ll call her and see if she wants to meet up.”

  “No need. I called her yesterday.”

  Max frowned. Why are you calling my girlfriend? She’s free to talk to anyone she wants but still… “All right. We’ll see you this weekend.”

  “See you then.”

  Max ended the call and slipped the phone into his pocket. Shrugging, he moved on to his next appointment, even though Quinn’s confession that he talked to Tori still ate at him. He’d call Tori after practice. If anything, it’s another excuse to see her.


  Max’s heart leapt in his throat when he found Tori leaning against her car in the mall parking lot. The summer sun glistened off her long, blonde locks. Her jean shorts cut off at the edge of her thigh, and her tank top revealed quite a bit of sun-kissed skin. So beautiful…

  He grinned at her. “Hey gorgeous.”

  She smiled back as she pushed off her vehicle and sashayed to him. “Hey baby.”

  “Ready to go?”

  “Of course.” She turned to lock her car with the key fob before climbing into his. He followed her, firing it back on and pulling onto the highway.

  “So Quinn called you?” Max questioned, fighting the jealousy from his voice.

  “He wanted to see how my summer was going,” she answered.

  “Oh. So just that one time?”

  “Actually once a week maybe.”

  Max gripped the steering wheel tighter. “Huh.”

  She reached across the console and squeezed him. “You don’t need to worry. You’re my only man. You’re the only one I’m cuddling with tonight. I plan to fall asleep in your arms.”

  Max chuckled. “Good to hear.”

  They chattered to each other as they drove to the arena. Max couldn’t believe how much he missed this beauty. I might have to make us permanent.

  Quinn was waiting outside with a big grin on his face. “You guys made it.”

  Max wrapped his hand around Tori’s. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  He handed the tickets to Tori and then led them inside. “You’re in for a show.”

  They each gave Quinn a hug before he rushed to the back to get ready. They found their seats. Tori wasn’t kidding about the cuddling. She was nearly in his lap before the fights started. Max laughed to himself. Of course. There’s the octagon right there.

  Max and Tori watched the first four fights quietly snuggled together, sharing kisses every few moments. He hooted and hollered when Quinn stormed to the octagon with his brother and his brother’s friends on his heels. When the ref yelled “fight” it was easy to see that his best friend had trained himself. Quinn’s combos were sloppy. Luckily, he made it through round one.

  He didn’t make it through round two. A right hook to the temple landed Quinn on the floor. Max leapt to his feet, nearly knocking Tori on the floor. An urge deep in his soul demanded he jump the barriers to get to Quinn. Common sense reminded him that it would only make things worse. He helplessly watched medics tend to the injured fighter. Quinn staggered to his feet in time for his opponent to be declared the winner.

  Max kept his eyes on the curtain that blocked the arena from the locker rooms, waiting for Quinn. His belly churned in worry. He snarled when he noticed Quinn’s brother and his friends slip into the crowd without Quinn. Was he all right? Max paced the floor as the arena lights came up after the last fight.

  Finally, once the arena was nearly empty, Quinn shuffled out, his bag slung over his shoulder. His steps wobbled as he made his way to the door.

  Max led Tori across the room until they stood in Quinn’s path. “Hey, man. Are you all right?”

  Quinn half mumbled as he weakly shoved at Max. His bag slipped from his hand, hitting the floor with a thud. Without warning he lurched forward and vomited on Max’s shoes.

  “Is he okay?” Tori cried in alarm as she hopped out of the potential line of fire.

  “Nope. He has a concussion I’m guessing. We need to get him to the hospital.” Max looped his arm under Quinn’s to steady him. He helped his best friend out of the arena and to the car, with Tori on his heels carrying Quinn’s bag.

  He hurried as fast as he could to the hospital, casting a wary look at Quinn every few moments. At the first sign of him getting sick he was going to pull over. He certainly didn’t need to clean puke out of his car. Tori sat amazingly quiet in the backseat. Glancing at the rearview mirror, he could see the worry on her face.

  Max pulled Quinn out of the passenger side when they arrived before putting down the seat for Tori. Helping Quinn inside, they stopped at the check-in desk. “We need a doctor. I think my friend has a concussion.”

  The nurse glanced up at them. “It looks like he has more than a concussion.” She handed Max a clipboard then stood. “Fill those out. I’ll take him to triage to get his vitals.” She rounded the desk and supported Quinn on her shoulder. Carefully she guided the injured to another room. Max took Tori’s hand in his and led her to the empty chairs.

  He glanced at the forms once he settled in his seat. “I have no idea how to answer most of these questions,” he muttered.

  “I thought you said he was your best friend,” Tori pried.

  “He is. But I don’t have his insurance card or Social Security number. Those are things we don’t share. I’ll fill out what I do know and call his folks later when we know more from the doctor.”

  They sat in silence until the triage nurse returned with Quinn and helped him into a chair. He clung to the basin they gave him for dear life. Only a few moments later his name was called. The nurse led them to a room and took Quinn’s vitals again. She left them with a small smile as she closed the door.

  It felt like an eternity before the doctor arrived. Max and Tori stared at each other. The quiet was only broken by Quinn’s painful moans.

  They both jumped in their seats as the doctor opened the door and stepped inside. “What brings you in today?”

  “Our friend has a concussion I think,” Max reported.

  “Let me see.” The doctor crossed the room to the gurney to examine Quinn. The fighter nearly crawled into a ball when the physician flashed the light in his eyes. He heaved when told to follow the path of the doctor’s finger. Shaking his head, the physician shook his head. “I’m going to order at CT scan. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  Tori scuttled across the exam room to Max as they waited for Quinn to return from his test. She cuddled against him. “I can’t wait to get back to the hotel.”

  “Me too.”

  He softly kissed her, cradling her face in his hand. He didn’t know how long they were kissing. He was lost in the sensation of her soft lips against his. They didn’t part until the technician returned with Quinn in a wheelchair. “Get a room.” It was the only coherent thing Quinn had muttered since the fight.

  The doctor returned a short while later. “You are right. He has a concussion. He will have to have someone stay with him to wake him up periodically through the night.”

  Max and Tori looked at each other. He sighed. Quinn’s brother and his friends had gone out for the night. Lord knows when they’d be back. “He can stay with us.”

  He heard Tori’s exasperated sigh. The doctor nodded. “I’ll get the discharge instructions. It’ll be just a moment.”

  It was only a couple of minutes before the doctor returned with discharge instructions. Carefully Max pulled Quinn to his feet and helped him through the corridors to the car. He couldn’t miss the disappointed look on Tori’s face. Before she slipped inside he caught her. “I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”

  She forced a smile on her face. “It’s not your fault. I know you will.”

  Max wove his way through the streets of La Crosse until they reached their hotel. Quinn was out the moment he hit the mattress. Max glanced at him and then at the other double bed. Tori wrapped her arms around his waist. “We can still share the same bed.”

  “I’ll be up every two hours to wake up Quinn,
” Max warned. “I don’t want to wake you up when I climb out of bed. It’s not like we can do anything.”

  Tori huffed. “True.” She climbed into the other bed, tugging the sheets free and climbing underneath. Max shook his head sadly and then pulled his shirt off and toed his shoes free. He disappeared into the bathroom for a quick shower. I’m not wearing Quinn’s puke to bed.

  Every two hours Max’s alarm chirped to wake him. The first couple of times he dutifully sat up and shook his best friend, not stopping until Quinn’s icy glare burned him. But as the night wore on Max resigned himself to nudging his bedmate with his foot until he was kicked back hard.

  They spent Saturday locked in the hotel room. Quinn was buried under the covers, still sleeping soundly. Max crawled onto Tori’s bed and held her close.

  “This isn’t much fun,” she complained.

  “I’m sorry but I can’t ditch him,” Max defended.

  “Isn’t his brother back?” She motioned around the room. “We were supposed to enjoy this alone. Naked. We can’t even try because Quinn might wake up.”

  “I don’t know where his brother lives. And the guy took off and left his brother injured at the arena. I doubt he’d stick around to take care of him.” He brushed a golden lock off her shoulder. “Are you hungry?”


  Max dug into the pocket of his snug fitting jeans to get his car keys then pressed them into her hand. “Just be careful. All right?”

  She squealed as she kissed him on the cheek and bounced off the bed. He saw her hand wave goodbye as she raced out the door with her purse. Max chuckled as he grabbed the television remote and flipped it to the first sports channel.

  His stomach growled for over an hour and there was still no sign of Tori. There was a groan from under the covers just before Quinn popped his head up. “I’m starving.”

  “Me too. I gave Tori my keys to the car. Does pizza sound good?”

  Quinn rubbed his bruised face. One eye was half swollen shut. “Sure.”

  Max pulled open the bedside drawer to get the phone book. After finding a place, he called in the order. Quinn pushed himself up to sit so he could watch the television. As soon as the pizza guy arrived with their order, complete with paper plates and napkins, they dug into boxes. Tori shuffled into the room, her arms laden with bags. “Did you get any for me?”


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