Hard Drive Boxed Set

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Hard Drive Boxed Set Page 9

by Tricia Andersen

  “You’re a valuable asset to this company,” Roadie began, his booming voice silencing treadmills and weight machines. Max looked around at all the faces focused on the scene. “But I need you here to be that asset.”

  “I know, Roadie,” Chloe protested. “I’ve been sick. I’ve tried talking to you about this.”

  “It seems you’re always sick, Chloe. Which makes me question how someone so physically fit can always be so ill. I’ve tried to be accommodating but I can’t keep trying to work my schedule around this mystery illness of yours. It’s not fair to the others.”

  Chloe didn’t answer. Instead, she bit her lower lip as tears filled her eyes.

  Roadie continued, “I’m going to have to let you go, Chloe. Please, clean out your locker.”

  Chloe sobbed as she spun on her toe and dashed for the locker room. Slowly, the whirl of elliptical and stationary bikes filled the air again.

  Max stormed toward Roadie and grasped the older man by the shoulder. “That was uncalled for, Roadie,” he growled.

  “What, Max? You’ve covered enough of her classes to realize she has to go.”

  “You publicly humiliated her! And, for the record, she was sick. She was in the hospital.”

  “Yes, her mother informed me quite loudly. What would you have me do?”

  “She’s been sick every third Thursday, like clockwork. Even I figured that out. Maybe you could have picked up on her pattern and just given her that day off? Or was that too simple?”

  Roadie’s eyes drew to slits as he glared at Max. “If you’d like to join Chloe on the unemployment line, keep it up.”

  Max stared angrily at him in silence for several moments before he stalked off to the free weights area.


  Max drove down the interstate, barely paying attention to the road. For the last week and a half, he couldn’t get Chloe out of his mind. Her laughter from their date echoed in his ears. Seeing her so sick she didn’t recognize him twisted a knife in his heart. Seeing her running from Roadie’s Gym in tears made him feel helpless and pathetic. Not knowing how she was, what she was doing, was driving him insane.

  He glanced briefly at his smart phone for the time, but instead caught the date. Thursday. He paused for a moment. Should I see if my hunch is right? Can I handle what I’m going to find? He nudged his turn signal on as he caught the next exit out of the corner of his eye.

  Max turned the car off and stepped out. He stared at the old, large, white house for a moment before he jogged up the porch steps. He knocked on the door and waited. And waited. And waited. Hearing the television on inside, he knew someone was home. He knocked again.

  Finally, the front door was wrenched open violently. It’s the witch. Chloe’s mom glared at him. Her eyes seared through him.

  “Is Chloe home?” Max asked, his voice cracking weakly.

  “Now’s not a good time, Mike.”


  “Whatever. Get off my porch.”

  He glanced down at the stains covering her sweatshirt. “Is she sick?”

  “Yes. She’s in the bathroom. Thanks for stopping by.”

  As her mother pushed the door closed, he could hear the sound of retching coming from upstairs. He felt his heart twist at the sound.

  “Excuse me.” Max pushed the door open gently then slipped past her toward the staircase. He took the steps two at a time and came to a stop at the bathroom door, ignoring her mother’s shouts as he sprinted upstairs.

  Inside, Chloe lay on the cold, tile floor with a bucket near her. Her head rested on a rolled up towel. She didn’t turn to look at him, about as aware of him as she was in that alley. Her body started to writhe as she vomited again.

  He kneeled beside her and held her in his arms, helping her to the bucket to keep the mess off the floor. When the retching stopped, she slumped against him weakly. He pushed a sweat soaked lock of brown hair from her forehead as he gazed at her pale, sunken face.

  “So, want to stick around?” Chloe’s mom hissed from the doorway. “She’s not done yet. Are you all right with your precious, expensive athletic wear getting all messed up? You wouldn’t be the first person to walk out on her. Her own father couldn’t be bothered to stick around.”

  Max held her tighter to him as he scowled at the older woman. “They’re just clothes. They wash.”

  She stared at him, looking dumbfounded for several moments. Max felt Chloe jerk against him. He supported her as she puked again. “So, this is what happens every three weeks.”


  “Do you have to take her to the hospital?”

  “Hopefully not.” Chloe’s mom watched him silently as he settled Chloe back into his arms. “My name’s Liz.”

  “Nice to meet you, Liz.”

  She smiled at him. “Can I get you a soda?”

  “Water would be fine.”

  “Sure. I’ll be right back.” Liz disappeared down the hall.

  Max listened to her footsteps pat down the stairs. Then he turned back to Chloe, gently stroking her cheek. She relaxed, the tension that had once ripped through her now dissolving. Max shifted, crossing his legs to get more comfortable on the hard floor.

  Liz reappeared, stepping over the two of them to sit on the edge of the bathtub. She handed the glass to him.

  “She seems to have calmed down,” Max murmured.

  “That’s good news. Hopefully, she’s done.”


  “She’ll be out for a little while.”

  He glanced around at the puddles on the floor and the fluid in the bucket. With what he just witnessed, he could only imagine how exhausted Chloe had to be. He hadn’t been that sick with the worst stomach flu. After doing something like that every three weeks, it was amazing she could even function.

  They sat in silence for nearly a half hour. Then, Liz smiled. “She’s done.”

  Max cradled Chloe in his arms and carefully stood. “Where’s her room?”

  Liz rose and motioned to him. “Follow me.”

  She led him to a white room. The furniture was also painted white, and the bed was covered with a rose-colored quilt. Max pulled the quilt back and gently laid Chloe on the sheets. He covered her then pressed a kiss to her forehead. Glancing at Liz, he strode from the room.

  “You’re leaving?” Liz asked incredulously, as she spun to follow him.

  She stopped short as he walked into the bathroom and kneeled on the floor. He looked at her from over his shoulder. “Do you have a towel, or scrub brush, or soap, or anything for this?” He gestured to the puddles.

  He met her stunned gaze evenly then smiled as she rushed down the hallway to get him a scrub brush and soap.

  Chapter Two

  Chloe stretched her arms and legs stiffly as her senses re-emerged from her deep sleep. Wow, that one really knocked me out. She forced her eyes open then quickly shut them again. She shivered as Max’s fingers brushed her hair from her forehead.

  What’s the hottest guy at Roadie’s doing in my bedroom? She was suddenly ashamed by her clothes. With as violent as this go round had been, there certainly had to be dried evidence on her T-shirt and pajama bottoms. She could feel the heat of embarrassment radiate from her cheeks. As pale as she probably was, her blush certainly had to be evident.

  “Wake up, sleepy head,” Max crooned.

  She opened her eyes and stared at him warily as she sat up. Wow, he’s so cute. Why does he want anything to do with me after that disastrous date? “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to see how you were doing. I did the math and realized this was the third Thursday. When I got here and saw what was going on, I thought I would stay and help.”

  “And what a huge help he’s been,” Liz agreed warmly as she leaned against the doorframe to Chloe’s bedroom. “Hey, muffin. How’re you feeling?”

  “Great, Mom.”

  “Do you want me to order the pizza?”

  “Sure. Canadian bacon an
d pineapple, please.”

  “Great. I’ll get a pepperoni, too, since there are three of us.” Liz disappeared down the hall toward the stairs. Her footsteps echoed as she descended the stairs. Chloe’s heart raced as she met Max’s blue eyes.

  “Chloe, are you sure?” he asked with concern. “You threw up a lot. I could go get you some crackers or toast or ginger ale.”

  “It’s okay, Max. It happens every time. My stomach sort of demands it. Pizza delivered is sort of my treat for surviving one more of these.”

  “How long has this been happening?”

  “Since I was five.”

  “You’re saying you’ve been throwing up like this every three weeks for over twenty years?”

  “More than that. I will start in if I’m put under a lot of stress too.” Like your incredible kiss.

  “Have you gone to a specialist about it?”

  Chloe sighed. I so don’t want to go over this again, especially with someone as hot and perfect as Max Thomas. He is going to think I’m a loser. “I’ve gone to over a dozen different doctors. None of them can figure it out.”

  “And your mom’s been taking care of you all this time? What about your dad?”

  “He left when I was eight. He couldn’t handle a constantly barfing kid.”

  She braced herself for his condescending remarks or unwarranted advice. It always came. Instead, he reached out and caressed her cheek as she smiled. “I’m sorry, Chloe. What a lousy way to grow up. How’s your new boss taking this?”

  She felt tears burn her eyes. “What new boss? I’ve applied. I’ve even gone on a couple of interviews. But when they call my past employers for a referral, my attendance comes up. The last place I interviewed with told me Roadie was really harsh.

  “I can’t be covered under my mom’s insurance. I have huge medical bills, car payments, and no job. Mom is calling a realtor to sell the house to get some money. She loves this house. She can’t sell it. I just don’t know what to do.” She choked on a sob as she buried her face in her hands.

  Suddenly, she was smothered in comforting warmth as Max hugged her tight. “I’ll help you figure something out, Chloe. I promise.”

  She really hoped he was telling her the truth. She was out of ideas.

  Chloe hid herself in Max’s arms for several moments, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat. Then, she pulled away and smiled at him. “Max, if you don’t mind, I want to get a quick shower. I’m a mess.”

  “Absolutely. I’ll wait downstairs for you with your mom,” he volunteered.

  “Thank you.”

  He slowly let her go as he stood. Glancing at her one last time, he drifted down the hall. Chloe sighed sadly. She wanted to hope that Max Thomas would be willing to help her. But Max was incredibly sexy. His smile made every girl’s knees melt. His beautiful blue eyes made their hearts race. Her Zumba classes would come to a screeching halt when Max walked by. The students would stop dancing and race to the window just for a peek of his perfect body. Why would someone who could have any girl he wanted stay to take care of someone who was as sick as her?

  She shook her head. He might be a good friend. But would he be a good enough friend to really stick it out when her own father wouldn’t?

  Chloe slowly lifted herself off the bed, crossing her room on wobbly legs. She opened a drawer of her dresser to dig out a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants then made her way to the shower.


  Max stepped inside Hard Drive. It was deserted. He glanced around. He had heard quite a bit about this place. The owner had been hounding him non-stop for years to train there. Until now, Max had turned him down. Training there would bring to life a past he would rather forget.

  The place was no Roadie’s. There was no perfect, stainless steel trim. There was no state of the art equipment. He scrutinized the cardio machines that were lined three deep along a wall of frosted windows then scanned the weight equipment alongside it. Everything looked like it was in working order.

  The rest of the room was lined with vinyl wrestling mats. There were signs indicating locker rooms back in the hallway. A staircase leading to a walkway on the second floor led to a couple offices and a conference room.

  One of the office doors opened. Max steeled himself as a young, well-built, suit-clad man stepped out and leaned against the metal rail. His slicked–back, black hair made him look like a used car salesman. He smiled down at Max.

  “Hey, Jack,” Max greeted coolly.

  “What brings you to Hard Drive, Max?”

  “I came to talk to you about the job offer you gave me.”

  Jack laughed. “How many times did I offer a job to you?”

  “At least a dozen times.”

  “And how many times have you turned me down?”

  “Just as many.”

  “Why would I offer it to you again?”

  “Because, to quote your own words, ‘I’m the best you could possibly dream of getting’.”

  “So, you suddenly got over your hang ups about working here?”

  Max took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “No. I am still vehemently against training your guys to the best of my ability so that you can toss them into an octagon and let them beat the crap out of each other. Seems to make the job pointless, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t toss them in there. They fight of their own free will.”

  “Is the job available or not?”

  “Of course, it is.” Jack was smug.

  “I have stipulations before I agree to it.”

  Jack snickered. “Of course, you do. More money? Do you want me to buy you a better car?”

  Max glared at him. “I want an assistant. Full time with benefits, especially medical. I write her schedule. She answers to me. Your fighters don’t touch her. If they do, we’re both out of here. Don’t raise the salary you offered me. Lower it, if you must. But I get my assistant.”

  “You really think you need an assistant?”

  “How many MMA fighters do you have here?”

  Max could see Jack’s brow crunch as he computed the numbers in his head. “Thirty.”

  “Then, yes, I need an assistant.”

  “And you realize that you aren’t going to teach Tae Bo here, right? You’re training my MMA fighters. And your assistant will be too.”

  Max paused. “Yes. I know what I’ll be doing.”

  Jack pushed himself away from the rail and stood straight. “You’re hired. And so is your assistant. There’ll be no change in your salary. I’ll negotiate your assistant’s with you at a later time. I promise it’ll be fair. Be here Monday to sign your contracts. And give Roadie your two weeks’ notice. You belong to Hard Drive now.”

  Jack strode back into the conference room, closing the door behind him. Max shot one last glare at the door before he walked out the front door.


  The beautiful afternoon was perfect to do some gardening. Chloe dug the trowel deep into the moist soil. She scraped out the black dirt then turned to the potted, pale pink hyacinths at her side. Gently tapping the bottom of the pot to free the plant, she set it in the hole in the ground. She patted the extra dirt around the flower to secure it.

  She turned as she heard the purr of a motor alongside the curb. She brushed the dirt off her hands and stood as Max threw open the door and jumped out. He raced across the yard to her.

  “Max, what are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I have the best news, Chloe,” he gushed.

  “What is it?”

  “I found you a job. You’re already hired. You’re going to be my assistant.”

  “You got me re-hired at Roadie’s?”

  “No. I’m taking a job at Hard Drive as a trainer there. You’ll be an assistant trainer. Jack, the owner, is going to pay you a generous salary. It’s a full time job, with benefits like medical insurance. I get to write your schedule, so I can work around all the third Thursdays. And if you’re sick on other days
, I’ll smooth it over with Jack.”

  “Isn’t Hard Drive that MMA gym?” she asked warily.

  “Yes. Jack has been trying to get me to work there for years.”

  “But you love Roadie’s. Why would you quit?”

  “Because you need a job.”

  “Max, you shouldn’t have given up a job you love so much.”

  Max touched her chin with his fingers and tilted her face to his. “You need the job, Chloe. You need the insurance. Come on. Come and work with me again.”

  The feel of his fingers on her face made her shiver. Being anywhere near him did that to her. A smile slowly crept across her lips. “Sure, Max. Thank you. Really, you shouldn’t have. But thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome. We need to meet with Jack to sign our contracts. Then, we start in two weeks.”

  Chloe bit her lip uneasily. “Max, there is one thing. All those guys. I mean, being around men makes me nervous. That’s why I usually taught classes geared for women.”

  He grinned at her. “I remembered you telling me that shortly after you started at Roadies. It’s part of the deal. They bother you at all, we’ll walk. Jack won’t let that happen. All right?”

  She smiled again. “All right. Thank you again.”

  “Sure. See you Monday?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Awesome.” Max leaned over to press a kiss to her cheek. Chloe’s heart nearly burst out of her chest as she watched him jog to his car and climb in. She waved as he drove away.


  Max stood tall as he scrutinized the crowd surrounding him, Jack, and Chloe. He plotted his method of attack. To get these men to listen to him, to trust him, he would have to exert himself as the Alpha male. He had been to many of this type of gyms and watched trainers get walked on too many times. It wouldn’t happen to him or Chloe. He glanced down at the Hard Drive team jacket he wore. Dressed like Jack’s stooge wasn’t helping his cause.

  He fought a small smile from his lips. Scattered amongst the hard, muscular men were a few women. He saw the relief in Chloe’s eyes. He worried, for her sake, that the team was all male. He had no idea what caused her distrust of men. He was the only guy she would talk to at Roadie’s, and that was only because he was so persistent. And so darn adorable.


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