Veteran's Salvation

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Veteran's Salvation Page 7

by Nicky Fox

  His mouth gives me pleasure I’ve never experienced. I never knew it could feel this good. My hands reach out to grip onto his head as my hips move against his lips. Soon I’m falling. I gasp for air and shout out my release. Jay’s tongue doesn’t waver. He continues with a punishing tongue lashing. It’s not long before I’m clenching down again and giving him my release.

  “Please, Jay,” I beg. He smiles up at me and wipes his mouth on the back of his hand as he moves up my body, pausing at my breasts. He kisses each one reverently. His tongue peeks out and he gives one breast a languid lick. He’s so gentle. Kisses trail between my breasts up to my neck and then over to my mouth. I can taste myself and it makes me even more aroused.

  “I love watching you come. You make the most beautiful face, as if you’re in heaven,” he says into my neck.

  “Well, you take me there,” I reply, stroking his muscular back. He feels so good against me, my supple breasts brush against his firm chest.

  “Baby, you haven’t even reached the stairway yet.” He references the Led Zeppelin song we both love, and I gasp as I feel his cock rub against my core.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Lea’s soft body is panting below me. Her small hands fondle my body. I’m teasing both of us at her entrance. Her soft moans urging me are nearly my undoing. I can still feel the wetness of her release on my chin. She tasted so sweet. I could have worshipped her there all night. One of these days, I’m going to bring her to her limit. I’ll take my time and eat her out nice and slow. For tonight, I need to be inside her.

  I rub my hardness against her soft lips. “Condom,” Lea says suddenly. Shit. I didn’t even think about that. Maybe the day will come when I can be bare inside in her, but that’s not tonight. We’re taking this one day at a time. I need to make sure she’s on the same page as I am before we do something like that.

  I reach into my nightstand and pull one out. It takes me two seconds before I’m back between her legs and slowly edging the head of my cock inside her.

  Lea wiggles against me and the head pops in. We both groan in unison.

  “Jay,” Lea pants against my chest. God. I love it when she says my name like that, like she can’t get enough of me. Then, I give her all of me in one hard thrust. Fuck. She’s tight. Lea’s warmth clenches around me, making me growl. I pull her hips closer to me and brace her hips on my forearms. Thrusting in and out of her is a sweet torture. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to go. She feels so good wrapped around me.

  Her moans fill the room as I grunt and pound into her sweet pussy. Her nails scratch down my abs, driving me insane. Sweat drips down my chest. Lea pulls me toward her. I drop her legs and brace myself against my arms as she licks the drop off my skin.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chant. I’m close but I want to wait until I feel her lips tighten around my cock. “Lea, come for me, baby.” I move my hand between us and rub her small nub. Lea spirals quickly. Her nails rake down my back so hard that I’m sure she draws blood. Her body arches into me as if her body can’t help it. She calls out loudly, screaming her release. I’m not far behind when her pussy grips my cock.

  I roar and still inside her as my release pumps out of me. We’re both out of breath. I roll to the side so I don’t crush her. I’m sweating but feel free. All the tension I’ve been carrying around for weeks is gone. My muscles are relaxed, and I’ve never felt more at peace. It’s all Lea. She’s like my bright star leading my way through the desert to water.

  “Wow. Why did we wait to do that?” I laugh at her comment.

  “We were taking it slow,” I reply. I feel her sigh next to me and then her eyes close. She’s asleep before I can cover us. I move her so her back is to me and I’m wrapped around her. Always protecting her. This feels so right, Lea in my bed. She belongs here. I fall asleep with her smell all around me. It’s the first peaceful night’s sleep since she came back into my life.

  Lea stayed with me every night after that. I sleep better with her in the bed with me. She consoles me when I have nightmares and when I wake up confused. She’s my calm during the storm. Lea’s come to mean a lot to me in this short time I’ve been back home, and we’ve already fallen into somewhat of a rhythm.

  I’ve been looking around for some work but it’s hard to find when people don’t like you. They’re not willing to give you a chance when they believe the stories and the gossip. I’m sure people will come around eventually. I just hope it’s before I rely too much on Lea. There’s no way I want someone else to pay my way or take care of me. I’m a traditionalist. I want to take care of my woman, provide for her, give her a nice home.

  Thankfully, I inherited my mom’s house. I’d love for Lea to move in with me, she’s practically staying with me anyway. I haven’t broached the subject yet, not wanting to scare her off. She seems happy where we are in the relationship. I can be patient. And when she’s ready, then it’ll happen. If I could today, I’d ask this woman to marry me. Knowing her, she needs the time to get used to things. She’s not used to a lot of change.

  I’m used to change but I don’t like it. Speaking of which, I’ve spoken to a doctor about my PTSD. He prescribed me some medication and referred me to a counselor who has dealt with vets struggling. I haven’t had a chance to go to the counselor yet but I’m thinking about it. I don’t like talking much about that time. It brings things to the surface and wakes up the nightmares, but I’m open to it if it’ll help. Lea is all for me getting help. She even offered to go with me. She’s amazing. I’m completely in love with this woman.

  “What are you thinking about over there? You seem far away.” We’ve jogged through the main square and are walking the scenic route back through the historic neighborhoods.

  “I’m thinking about you. How good you are to me.” Lea pushes at my shoulder in embarrassment. She’s so cute.

  “Stop. I’m completely normal,” she says, and blushes. I stop and hold her shoulders, making her face me.

  “You’re anything but normal to me, Lea. You’re exceptional and I’m in love with you.” Her eyes widen, and she takes a quick intake of breath. Is she that shocked that I’m in love with her? Then, the most beautiful smile spreads across her face.

  “I’m in love with you too. I wasn’t sure you . . .” She doesn’t continue her sentence. Her arms wrap around me and I grab her as she jumps up. Our lips crash and her tongue thrusts into my mouth. I tilt my head to accommodate her and slip her my tongue. We make out on the sidewalk. When Lea realizes we’re outside in plain view of anyone to pass by, her cheeks redden. “Wow. Sorry, I got carried away.” She slides down me and I help steady her.

  “Feel free to do that anytime, anywhere.” She pushes on my shoulder again and we continue our path down the street.

  “Someone must be grilling something.” I smell it too. Except it doesn’t smell like burgers on the grill or any savory scent. It smells like something charred. “Oh, my gosh. Look!” She points to a house a block down on fire.

  “Do you have your phone?” I begin to run toward the house. She pulls her cell out of her jogging shorts and waves it at me. “Call the fire department. I’m going to make sure there’s no one in there. Stay far away from the flames, Lea.”

  She dials on her phone and calls out, “Stay safe, Jay.”

  I glance back to see her frantically talking to someone on the phone. Then I go to assess the situation.

  It’s Mrs. Grimm’s house. Everyone knows where she lives. Even though she’s the town gossip, she’s also very prominent in the community. She volunteers and plays the organ at the local church. I’m just hoping she’s at church right now and not in her house. Anyone in there will be in some serious trouble. I see her old Cadillac in the driveway. That’s not a good sign. One of the neighbors comes out and yells.

  “Mrs. Grimm is in there. Oh my God.” Her hand comes up to cover her mouth.

  “Are you sure?” I’m looking for a way in. Flames engulf the roof an
d there’s not much time before the whole thing is going to collapse.

  “Yes, I dropped off some brownies to her earlier. She was in for the night. She must be in there.” I see the neighbor reaching for her cell phone as well.

  There’s no way the firefighters will be here in time. I decide to go in. I charge and kick the front door in. The sudden hit of air causes a blaze to come forth. I back off and wait a second until I see an opening and jump through. Putting my shirt over my nose and mouth, I head toward the back of the house where I assume the master bedroom would be. The heat from the flames immediately puts me into a full body sweat. It’s like a sauna. My eyes water as the smoke irritates them. The flames seem to be more centered toward the front of the house so I’m able to see a little better as I venture to the back.

  Thankfully, I’m right. I find a large bedroom. I don’t have a lot of time and I search for her on the bed. She’s not there. What I’m assuming is the bathroom door is closed. I hear moaning.

  “Mrs. Grimm, are you in there? Are you okay? I’m here to help.” I try the knob and it’s unlocked. I have to push hard on the door to get it open. I try to do it carefully in case she’s against the door. I look down to find wet towels. Smart woman.

  “Jay?” She’s holding a towel over her mouth and coughing. I’m surprised she’s not passed out from the smoke. I look for a way to get out. There’s a high window that looks like she was trying to stack things on top of each other to get to. She would never be able to reach up there. I can get her up there though. She probably barely weighs a hundred pounds.

  “I got you. Here, let’s get you out of here. Step on my leg and I’ll push you up. Be careful dropping on the other side.” It’s not the best solution but it’ll get us both out of here alive. There’s no way we could go back the way I came. I’m not sure when this roof is going to go.

  Mrs. Grimm is pretty spry. I squat and let her use my legs like a bench as I recline on the wall. She’s able to pull herself up to the window and out. I hear a soft thud on the other side. Then, it’s my turn. I heft myself up and pull my large body through the small window. I barely make it. I have to suck in a bit to wiggle through.

  I’m relieved to see Mrs. Grimm standing and trying to help me. She’s in my way a bit and she should be far away from this house, it’s not safe but it’s a nice gesture. I fall down and tuck and roll. As soon as I’m able to get on my feet, I’m pulling her with me away from the house. We run to her neighbor’s yard and then come to more of a slowed brisk pace.

  Mrs. Grimm voices she’s afraid for her house. I don’t have the heart to tell her that there’s not going to be much of a house left. We make our way to the front of the street where a small crowd has gathered. Fire trucks arrive at that moment. The sirens announce their approach. Lea sees me first, pointing toward me from across the street.

  “Jay!” She jumps up and down waving her arms. She’s a sight for sore eyes. I help Mrs. Grimm across the street. She’s a bit shaken up when she sees her house engulfed in flames. Some firefighters reach us first and help Mrs. Grimm to some oxygen.

  “He saved me,” she says. “Jay Hughes came in and saved me.” About that time, there’s a loud crash and we all look back to the house and see that the roof has caved in. The firefighters go to work to control the fire.

  One stays next to me and asks if I need any oxygen. I wave him off and head to my girl. She embraces me. “I was so worried for you.” Lea rains kisses all over my face. I laugh at her.

  “Baby, I’m all sweaty and dirty.” I try to pull her off, but her grip tightens.

  “Do you think I care?” She continues to pepper me with kisses as the neighbors look from the fire to us.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Word spreads quickly that Jay saved Mrs. Grimm in the fire. It helps that the head gossiper herself sings his praises every chance she gets. She even invites us for lunch one afternoon at her temporary apartment. We accept and are able to set the record straight about why Jay missed his mother’s funeral. I could tell from her expression that she felt bad for thinking the worst about him. I only see the best in him.

  When he busted in through the door and through those flames I held my breath. It felt like an eternity. More people trickled out of their homes to view the spectacle. I could only think of Jay. Minutes passed by slowly and then I saw two figures come around another house on the block. I knew it was Jay immediately. My excitement couldn’t be contained at the sight of him safe and walking toward me.

  I thought about how much he meant to me at that moment. We already exchanged I love yous but my feeling was deeper than I anticipated. This man means everything to me. It’s a once in a lifetime type of love. That one person in the world who makes me feel whole. I found my person.

  After news spread of his heroic rescue, it wasn’t long before Benny from the fire department called for him to come on in and start training. He’s now a firefighter in training. He’s doing well, breaking all kinds of records in time and endurance held by previous local firefighters. Honor is even the fire dog at the station. He makes me so proud. I’m one lucky woman.

  It’s been a long day at my office. I had the whole senior class come in for their pictures. My neck aches and my feet are killing me. I drive barefoot to Jay’s house. I’m practically living with him at this point. We both can’t sleep well without the other. I set my car in park and grab my purse. Honor greets me at the door, her tail wagging enthusiastically.

  “Hey, baby,” Jay calls from the kitchen. It’s going to be a bit of a change once Jay is hired on full-time. He’ll be gone overnight. We’ll make it work though. I see many visits to my local fire station bearing baked goods coming up. I set my purse down and head to the kitchen. The sight in front of me causes my jaw to drop.

  Jay is completely naked in the kitchen. Now, this is a welcome home. He turns from the stove and smiles. “Is it safe to be cooking like that?” I motion to his lower half.

  “Sweetie, I’m a firefighter. Safety is my number one priority. Honor’s tail hit my beer on the table and sprayed it all over me. I threw my clothes in the wash. I was gonna take this mac and cheese off the stove and take a quick shower.” I saunter to him and take him all in, his wide muscular chest, six-pack that leads to a very impressive package, his shaggy hair. It’s grown out since he came back from the army. He’s so handsome and I can’t believe this hero is all mine.

  Jay kisses me and says he’ll be quick. I’m disappointed. I want to join him in that shower but I’m sure I’ll get a taste of him later. He’s out of his shower before I finish setting the table and spooning out our dinner. We sit down and go over the events of the day as we eat. He makes the most delicious mac and cheese. It just melts in my mouth.

  It isn’t long before we’re cozy on the couch watching Forged in Fire. It’s become our favorite show. Jay would like to get into forging. Many of the other firefighters at the station have it as a hobby, including Benny. He even invited Jay over to his forge. This community loves their new firefighter.

  Of course, when we’re this close together it isn’t long before caresses turn into sighs. We make out on his couch pretty much every night. Then, Jay carries me up to the bedroom. He sets me down on the edge of his bed tonight. Usually, we’re ripping each other’s clothes off and it’s fast and passionate, but he’s taking it slow tonight.

  “I want to taste you first.” My legs quiver as he pulls down my pants and panties in one swift move. I remove my shirt and bra for him. He trails kisses down my legs until he reaches the apex of my thighs. Then, he spreads me wide for him. My core is already wet and the air hits it, making me cold. I shiver.

  Jay’s soft, warm lips envelop my pussy. I suck in a breath and whimper when he rolls my clit with his tongue. My hips grind against his mouth. He’s so good at this and he likes to do it. Jay’s told me multiple times he craves my taste. I crave him period. Soon, I’m gripping on to his hair and calling out his name. I ride out my orga
sm as his licks slow and become languid.

  “Mmm. You like that, baby?” He crawls up to me. I sigh out a yes and he smiles. “Are you ready?” I nod. We’ve both been tested, and I got birth control from my doctor. It’s safe to go bare. We’ve both wanted this so badly, to feel each other without any barrier. Jay rubs his hard shaft against my pussy. I whimper. Before he enters me, he says, “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I reply. And then he’s pushing inside me, skin on skin. It’s ecstasy. He groans and lays his forehead against mine.

  “Damn, baby. You feel so good. Shit. I’ve never . . .” I cup his cheek. I know exactly what he’s saying. He’s never not used a condom. This is his first time without. I love that I get to be his first. He thrusts inside me again as we gaze into each other’s eyes. This is so intimate. Jay begins a punishing pace. I raise my hips to meet his and we’re both panting, aiming for that release. I hit my orgasm first, calling out his name. This spurs him on. I clench around him as he roars his climax. I feel jets of come fill me to the brim.

  Jay rolls over and takes me with him. “We are going bare from now on. That was incredible.” I couldn’t agree more. My hands wrap around his front as I squeeze him. Damn. I love this man. He taps me on one hand to release him. I lift my head from his chest to see what he’s doing.

  Jay digs around in his nightstand and pulls out a velvet box. I sit straight up in our bed. “Jay?” I gasp. He sits next to me with us draped in only a sheet.

  “I wanted to do this more smooth, bigger, better. But this was just a perfect moment, and honestly, I can’t wait to ask you to be my wife.” Tears fill my eyes as he moves buck naked from the bed and kneels beside it. My hands fly to my mouth when he opens the black velvet box. “Lea Jane Sing, will you do me the honor of being my wife?” My head bobs as my voice is lost. “I need to hear that one word, baby.” I hold my hand out and laugh.


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