His Salvation: Cavalieri Della Morte

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His Salvation: Cavalieri Della Morte Page 5

by Marta, Claire

  The pad of his thumb glides over my clit. “I want you dripping wet.” Finger pulsing in and out of me, he begins to fuck me with it. “Let’s see how excited you can really get.”

  I know it’s nothing like how his cock would feel, but when he curls it in a certain way, it has my whole-body tensing with need. My thighs quiver.

  “Stop. I..I don’t like it.”

  “Sweetheart, the way your thrusting up into my hand, we both know that’s the opposite.”

  God help me, I am. Hips working upward of their own accord, it’s as if my body is possessed. The need for release driving me. A desire to feel pleasure instead of pain. Head falling back on the pillows in downfall, I give myself up to the animal want. If I’m going to die tonight, I want to feel at least one last orgasm. Another finger joins the first, then a third. Working them in and out of my tightness, he scissors them, stretching me wider. I know he’s preparing me to take his cock. That this is only the beginning of what he’s about to do to me. Somewhere in my brain, it sets alive a dark, depraved side of me I never knew existed.

  My jailer’s face is tight with lust. With a growl, he hooks the scrap of material covering my pussy to the side. Moving so fast it leaves me dizzy, he crawls down my body. His tongue finds my clit, his head between my spread legs. I don’t fight. Instead, my hips move up to greet him. He toys with my clit. The delicate lashes of his tongue make me squirm for more.

  Whimpering, straining, I ride the waves of building desperation. When finally I’m hurtled over the edge into bliss, it takes every cell of my being in ecstasy and warmth.


  Evelyn’s breathing steadies as her eyes dilate. She can’t disguise her arousal or her hate. The fact she derived some pleasure from her bondage is something I find intriguing and a turn on. Whatever is affecting me has her in its sway just as strongly. Were both caught up in this attraction. Slaves to this hungry need. Cock already hard, all I want to do it bury it in this woman. She’d had such fierce fury in her eyes when I’d returned. The meek little captive I thought I’d plucked off the streets isn’t as timid as I first believed.

  “Fragile little petal. I could crush you if I’m not careful, but right now, I enjoy seeing you flushed with color right after I’ve made you come.” I plant a kiss on the side of her thigh, the taste of her heady in my mouth. “I think I’ve also proven my point.”

  Her bare tits heave with emotion and the come down from her release. “So what? You made me have an orgasm.” It comes out in a shaky whisper. “It doesn’t mean anything. You’re not the only man capable of that.”

  Slithering up her, I fist her locks. Tipping her head back, my gaze devouring hers. Every emotion that plays across them. Evelyn doesn’t know how to hide what she feels. It's all there, open to read.

  “It’s only the first of many, and next time I give you one, it will be on my cock not my tongue.” Brushing my lips over hers, I taste her needy whimper. “And you’re going to have to earn it.” Her mouth trembles against mine. I smile in response. “You have five minutes to use the bathroom.” I don’t have time to fuck her even though it’s all I’ve thought about for the last few hours. “We need to move. This hotel isn’t secure.”

  Her countenance clouds in confusion. “What?”

  Rolling off her, I fish the key to the cuffs out of my pocket and carefully unlock them. “We’re moving.”

  “Where?” Rubbing her wrists, she remains on the bed, long shapely legs curled under her.

  I don’t answer. My word is law. She’ll learn that. Break my rules and the punishment will be steep.

  “Time is ticking. Four minutes left,” I warn her.

  Scrambling off the mattress, she bolts for the bathroom. I catch the glimmer of defiance. It dances in her beautiful blue eyes like wildfire ready to roar out of control.

  Before she can swing the door completely closed, I block it with my foot. “This stays open.”

  Disbelief touches her expression. “But I need to pee.”

  “I don’t care.”

  Lips pressing together in a cute sullen pout, she slinks backward, letting me widen the space. I don’t care about her privacy. My main concern is her getting the door shut and me spending more time dragging her out. This way, at least, I can keep an eye on her. With the toilet off to the side, the wall hides her using it. Distracting myself with the items of her bag, I stuff them into the worn leather purse. I can’t chance leaving a trace. We both have to disappear. Somewhere in the city we won’t be so easily found. Unzipping Eve’s small suitcase, I riffle through the clothes within. The smell of something flowery wafts up. Unable to help myself, I bring one to my nose. A subtle scent permeating every garment.


  An Aroma my mother favored when she was alive.

  Memories float up like unwanted ghosts. Her smile. The warmth of her body snuggled into mine as she’d read me bedtime stories. Swallowing down the lump in my throat, I mentally shake them free. It’s just a goddamn flower. The past is dead, and so will we be if we don’t get moving.

  “Two minutes,” I call, reminding my prisoner she’s on a timer.

  “You’re bossy,” she mutters when she reappears. Towel wrapped around her middle, it covers her lush breasts and hides the rest of her I’ve already seen from sight. There’s nothing she can keep from me. If she thinks that’s going to save her, then she’s more than naive.

  “Here put this on.” I hand her the blue dress still gripped in my hand.

  Taking it cautiously, she shakes out the garment. It’s amusing watching her trying to struggle into it over her head with the towel still in place. Her determination is admirable. Arms crossed over my chest, I grin when she finally manages to succeed. Red-faced, long hair a mess around her head, she blows at the strands that have fallen into her eyes, which sparkle with triumph. Next, she wiggles her rounded hips, sliding her panties down the length of her long pale legs. When they puddle on the floor, she bends to retrieve them.

  As she reaches for a new pair from her bag, I shake my head. “No underwear.”

  Her shocked gaze snaps to mine. “What?”

  “Leave the panties off.”

  “But I’m wearing a skirt…”

  “I know.” Taking the underwear from her hand, I drop it into the case before rezipping it. She’ll be self-conscious of the fact she’s bare beneath her dress. Off balance while we move. That should keep her distracted enough to get us where were going.

  Slipping into her trainers and coat, she grumbles under her breath.

  Shrugging into my leather jacket, I hook my bag onto my shoulder as Evelyn stands observing me. I travel light. Apart from a backpack, I don’t have anything else. Easier for extraction if things go south. Not that I can leave. I refuse to bring this to the Cavalieri della morte door. Every member would have my back if I called for aid, but I won’t. I’ll deal with it.

  Elegant fingers knotting together at her waist, her teeth are worrying her bottom lip with nervousness.

  “Here.” Lifting her suitcase, I offer it to her. “You can carry this, but your bag stays with me.”

  Taking it, she tugs up the handle to pull it behind her. My petal’s gaze shifts longingly to the leather purse I sling over her shoulder. I have her phone, passport, credit cards, and money. She won’t get far without them, and we both know that.

  “If you call out for help, I will shoot you and anyone who tries to play hero. You understand?” I warn her. If she’s stupid enough to try and escape again, I won’t show any mercy.

  Eve nods.

  I don’t move but continue to stare at her, my expression hard and unaltered.

  Licking her lips, she moistens them slowly. “Yes, I understand.”

  Her voice is faint, but I hear the thread of dread.

  Linking my arm with hers, I guide her to the door. The room has been paid for. All we need to do is exit the building without a fuss. Checking the shabby hallway, I find it empty. Everything inside me is vigi
lant. The Russians might not have found me, so far, but that doesn’t mean that won’t change. Faint noises from the other rooms greet us as we move to the stairwell. A tv on full blast, the moans of a couple having sex.

  Evelyn trembles beside me, her slim frame moving in unison with mine. She doesn’t make a sound. Descending the stairs, I help her with the case. Leaving the key on the reception desk, the clerk doesn’t even look up as we exit. Chilly night air encompasses us as we step onto the street. From the depths of my consciousness, a tide of warning rises as quickly as a summer storm. I never question this sixth sense. It has served me in the past. Gotten me out of near fatal situations.

  The new rental car is just down the street. One of the first things I did was hire it under an alias. If I was seen leaving the other hotel in Evelyn’s vehicle, then my hunters will be on a wild goose chase by now. Leaving the keys in the ignition, it didn’t take long for someone to steal it.

  “I’m cold,” my captive complains.

  “Of course, you are, it’s winter.”

  “No, I mean up my skirt…” she hisses, gesturing helplessly toward her legs. “The draft to areas you wouldn’t allow me to cover.”

  Hand on her elbow, I lead her away from the cheap hotel. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll let you put your panties on in a few minutes.”

  “My reward you mean for following orders.”

  Amusement twinkling in my eyes, I smile. “You’re catching on, good.”

  She’s feisty. I shouldn’t enjoy this spark of fire in Eve, but I do. There’s no doubt she wants to fight me tooth and nail. My petal is so far out of her depth, though. She doesn’t have a clue.

  A shadow detaches itself from a doorway to my left. The way it moves with purpose, on the opposite side of the street, has me tensing. My instincts sharpen, but I already know we’ve been made. I’ve just been waiting for them to make their move.

  Arm curving around Evelyn’s waist, I draw her into the protection of my side. “We’re being followed.”

  Blonde brows shooting up, she looks up at me with a hint of misguided hope. “By who?”

  “Some men you really don’t want to get to know.”

  “Someone worse than you?”

  “No one’s worse than me,” I assure her. They’re not here to rescue a tourist that will end up as nothing more than a statistic on a police report. One more soul lost in this ancient city.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I track the movement of two men. They’ll be armed, ready for a fight. I’m going to have to take care of them before we reach the car. I prefer to kill at a distance, but in this circumstance, I’ll do what I have to.

  Something solid slams into my side, knocking me off balance. It takes me a second to realize its Evelyn’s suitcase. Cursing under my breath, I watch her flee. She has no idea of what kind of trouble she’s running into.

  Swerving off down an alley to my left, I break into a jog and slip into the shadows. They won’t get much out of her. I’ve been careful not to give anything about myself away. Whatever torture they put her through, it won’t be for much. The thought of Eve sliced up, bleeding, broken, and beaten leaves an odd unpleasant taste in my mouth.

  An image of Evelyn’s extraordinary blue eyes fringed by thick black lashes flashes through my head. On impulse, I keep level with the street she’s on. There’s no doubt I’m going to regret this, but for some reason, this innocent has gotten herself under my skin.


  I’m going to survive this. The knowledge rises fiercely.

  I won’t let him catch me again.

  Running fast, I don’t look back, not wanting to glimpse my kidnapper pursuing me. I brace myself for the sensation of a bullet. He’d threatened me so many times. Told me how he’d shoot me. I’m confused when nothing happens. Moving so quickly, I can’t stop myself from barrelling into a form as it steps from the shadows.

  A hand grabs my wrist, preventing me from falling as I bounce off a solid mass of muscles.

  “Let me go.” I panic, trying to wrench myself free.

  “Where is he? The man you’re with. Kay Lockwood?” The man demands, his accent thick. As we struggle, his coat swings open, my attention latching onto the leather holster and the butt of a gun. Fresh fear surges through me. Hair on the back of my neck rising in warning, I’m suddenly aware of the second man as he moves up behind me. They loom menacingly over me while sweeping the empty street with a quick look.

  “I...I don’t know. He was holding me hostage.” Agitatedly, I glance to find no trace of my captor. He’s vanished like smoke. A ghost.

  Fast, harsh words are exchanged between the two men in a language that’s not Italian. Russian? I can’t be sure.

  Holding up a smart phone to my face, one of them snaps my photo, the brightness of the flash making me blink rapidly. “You’re coming with us.”

  I feel the color drain from my cheeks. For some reason, a tiny voice inside my head shouts out that’s not a good thing. Are these the people who wounded Kay? What is he mixed up in?

  “No…I just want to go home.”

  “You answer our questions, then maybe we let you go,” he tells me, pressing send with a tap of his finger passing my image on to god knows who.

  A lie.

  They have no intention of letting me go. Struggling, I fight as they drag me toward a car. I can’t let them take me. Only death awaits, of that I’m certain.

  The crack of a gunshot rings in my ears as the male to my left falls forward. Crimson blood on the back of his coat spreading quickly as it stains the material.

  Fingers digging cruelly into my bicep, the other man swings me around as he produces a gun from beneath his jacket. Gasping in pain, I claw at his grip, intent on breaking free.

  Another bang comes quickly.

  Before I even realise what’s happening, he’s tumbling onto the concrete with a hole between his wide unseeing eyes. Frozen, I stare down at the bodies in horror, my mind trying to comprehend that they’re dead. My mind darts back and forth in panic.

  Looking at me dispassionately with a slight disdainful curl of his lips, my captor stalks out of his hiding place behind a parked car. His gun is in his hand. I should run, but my knees feel weak. Unable to move and trapped by the coldness of his stare, I watch in dread as he moves toward me.

  I now know his name.


  “You killed them.”

  Tucking his weapon away in its holster, Kay’s attention drops to the corpse by my feet. “I did.” Bending he retrieves the phone that’s still clutched in one of the men’s hands.

  “They’re dead.”

  Glancing quickly around the street, his free arm coils around my waist, keeping me safely anchored to his side. The heat and strength of his body surrounding me chases away the sudden chill.

  “Yes, they are. I should spank you red for running,” he growls a warm caress in my ear as he grips my arm. “Fuck you raw or just put a bullet in you now to save me further trouble.”

  I don’t resist as he urges me to walk his pace swift. “They were going to hurt me.”

  “They’re hitmen, sweetheart. They’d make you bleed and rip every secret out of you while you beg for your life. Then they would have put a hole right here.” The pad of his finger brushes a spot gently between my eyes.

  He’s so calm and controlled. There’s no emotion that he’s just murdered two people in cold blood.

  “They wanted to know where you were,” I mutter, still numb and hoping the shock doesn’t wear off soon. The hard muscles of his side and the solid shape of his shoulder holster are pressed against me.

  “Guess they weren’t so pleased to find me, hmmm.” Kay’s evil chuckle is deep, sending tingles over my skin. “I’ll do the same to you if you don’t start behaving.”

  A scream erupts from behind us. When I try to look over my shoulder, his fingers curl around my bicep, tightening like a vice until I whimper. We keep moving. I’m shaking so badly the length of hi
s frame is the only thing stopping me from sagging to the floor. I don’t even think to call out for help. Know he’ll shoot anyone who comes.

  I stare at his hard profile. “Can I have my panties back now…please?”

  “No.” That one word is unfriendly and uncompromising.

  Three streets over and we stop beside a blue Audi that’s parked at the curb. Slipping a key from his pocket, Kay unlocks the door.

  “Get in the car,” he tells me, shoving me roughly toward the opening. I don’t argue. Frightened, exhausted, I sink down onto the seat without any fight left in me. Slapping the door shut, he moves around to take the driver’s side.

  “Is this yours?” I ask when he joins me.

  Kay has the smart phone he took from the dead man in his hand. Scrolling over the screen, he stops on my photo. Lips tight in a thin white line, his eyes narrow on the number the text message was sent to. “If you’re asking if I’m stealing it, then the answer is no, I’m not.”

  “Why did they want a picture of me?” Unease sweeps through me. Finding my seatbelt, it takes me two tries to click it in place.

  “After what you pulled, I suggest you keep quiet until we get to our destination.”

  The warning is thick with fury, making my stomach lurch in dread. I’ve made things worse. My attempt at escape lays in ruins, and somehow, I know he’s going to punish me for it.

  Lowering the window, Kay tosses the phone out onto the pavement. Instead of looking at me, he keeps his eyes on the road as he starts the vehicle.


  One quick text and Alessando knows to expect us. I know he’ll have everything ready for when we get there. Staying in a hotel is pointless and dangerous. We’re being hunted, and it’s only a matter of time before they find us again if we stay somewhere obvious. The place I have in mind is a safe house. One I haven’t used in years.


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