Kilted Sin: Brethren of Stone

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Kilted Sin: Brethren of Stone Page 6

by Andresen, Tammy

  Another detail he hadn’t shared was that while the lease might revert to Gemma through the fall, because she was Sean’s wife, he was under no obligation to renew it after that. He was free to rent the property to the person of his choosing.

  But his plan had just become so much more complicated. First, because he and Gemma had crossed a line. Not that he regretted it. In fact, he had every intention of doing it again in the very near future.

  But he didn’t think Gemma could live with Mary underfoot all the time. A fact he could sympathize with because Mary would be a constant reminder of Sean and neither of them wanted that.

  He got out of bed. He’d been feeling inadequate compared to his older brothers but it was time to ask them for help. He didn’t know that he could care for Mary and Gemma and he wouldn’t allow either of them to be lost.

  After he finished dressing, he headed down for breakfast.

  He was at the McLaren croft as the sun was coming up. He’d brought a basket Mrs. Hammond had prepared and he set it on the porch of the house on his way by. He’d make sure that Mary received it later.

  It was an easier day since he was seeding that day. The crofter on the plot next to Mary’s came up from the south. “Need some help, my lord?”

  “That’s kind of ye, Greg,” he replied. “I’d appreciate the help.”

  “I’m not being kind. I want ye to be a success. The last laird was fat and lazy, and we’re barely scraping by.” Greg thumped his open hand on his large chest. “I’ll work hard fer ye if yer gonna do the same.

  Will straightened. It was a sentiment he appreciated and it honestly made him feel successful for the first time since he’d arrived.

  It was then that Mary came out onto her porch. She pulled a shawl about her thin shoulders. “Hello,” she called.

  Greg waved and so did he. “I’ll be right back,” he said to Greg as he headed toward Mary.

  After grabbing the basket, he handed it to the other woman. The dark circles under her eyes were accentuated by her long, dark hair. Her shoulders hunched as she wiped her hands on her apron.

  “Thank you,” she murmured as a little one toddled out onto the porch. Mary reached down and swept the lad into her arms.

  Will smiled. “Ye’re welcome.” Then he turned to go back.

  “My lord,” she called out to him.

  He turned back. “Aye?”

  “I ken ye’ve already been sowing the fields for us, but what do you intend to do with us this winter?” she asked. “The lease is up in a month.”

  He stepped closer, crossing his arms about his chest. He had a memory of his brother Stone giving money to widows. Their husbands had been lost in the same mining accident as his parents. “Mary, you’ll have a home and food, I swear it. I’ll not turn you or your little ones out.”

  She gave a quick nod and her eyes shined with what will assumed were unshed tears.

  He ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t think the croft is the best place fer ye, honestly. But we’ll find ye a cottage and work.”

  “Thank ye,” she said as she sat down on the porch in front of him. Her hands trembled as she clasped them together. “I’ve been so worried I’d have to give the boys away. Sean was a lousy husband and it turns out he was no husband at all.”

  Will didn’t need an explanation for any of those statements. He understood them better than Mary could possibly know. “I swear to ye, ye’ll keep yer boys with ye.”

  She flashed him a smile of appreciation. “Nothing else matters.”

  Will headed back to the field. He meant his promise and he’d keep it, but he wondered how Gemma was going to feel about it. Letting out a slow breath, he thought of his fiery lass. She wasn’t going to react well, and despite his feelings for her, he couldn’t back down now.

  * * *

  Gemma woke with a brick of worry weighing heavy in her stomach. She hadn’t handled last night very well. Once again she faced the knowledge that her actions were ruining the best thing that had ever happened to her.

  Will hadn’t judged her harshly for her relationship with Sean. But her actions toward Mary? Well, she hadn’t actually done anything. But she’d indicated that she would. She’d said that her own compensation was more important than Mary’s wellbeing or the wellbeing of Mary’s children. What would Will say or do in the same situation?

  She shook her head. Will would never have married a no-good, rotten, selfish person. He was too smart for that. And he certainly wouldn’t put innocent children out for his own needs.

  That made Gemma sit up. If she wanted to be with a man like Will, she had to try to be as good as him too. That’s the kind of woman he deserved.

  She let out a sigh as she rose from bed, the first rays of light coming through her window. The mornings had gotten darker and darker. Winter would arrive soon. Looking out her window, she saw Will riding toward the fields. She straightened. Her chest swelled with emotion. The people here were lucky to have him. She was lucky to be here with him.

  With that in mind, she headed down to prepare breakfast for the children.

  The day passed quickly, though Gemma spent much of it thinking on Will. She was surprised to realize that she barely thought about Sean. Or Mary, for that matter. Something inside her was shifting.

  “Fiona,” she’d called as the afternoon light began to fade. “Let’s make a special dinner in the nursery for Will.”

  The girl had clapped. “Oh, lets.”

  Ewan clapped too. “Wuh, Wuh.” He pointed to the door.

  “Do you think he’s trying to say Will?” Gemma asked, picking him up.

  “I think so,” Fiona answered. “The nuns got very upset when you made any kind of noise. I’m glad to hear him talk again.”

  Gemma’s teeth snapped together as she held the boy tighter. Then, after making their way down to the kitchen, they put water on for a bath and then began bringing dishes upstairs to set a table in the nursery.

  When Will arrived home just before dinner, her insides fluttered with joy at the sight of him. He came in and gave them a tired smile. “What’s all this?”

  “It’s a special dinner for you.” Fiona had bounced on the balls of her feet. “And we heated water for a bath if you want one.” She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know why you would.”

  Will’s eyes met hers over the top of Fiona’s head, his crinkling with silent laughter. “I’ve gotten extra dirty today,” he explained. “I can’t come to a special dinner covered in dirt.”

  Fiona nodded thoughtfully. “Gemma says we have to use our utensils at special dinners too.”

  Will chuckled. “Indeed you do. Did I tell you that I have a little sister named Delia?” He crossed the room and pulled on one of Fiona’s braids. “She loves to cook special dinners.”

  Fiona clapped. “Now that does sound fun. I’d like to meet Delia. Do you think we’d be friends?”

  “I’m sure ye would and I know ye will.” He patted the top of Ewan’s head as Gemma held him. She wanted to kiss his hand as it brushed her shoulder. “Let me take a quick bath. Then I’ll be back in no time at all.”

  Gemma watched him walk back out, wishing she could follow him. She’d like to climb in that bath with him, she didn’t mind baths at all. Especially when they were accompanied by a tall, dark, and handsome man.

  Chapter Ten

  Will had to admit this was one of the most pleasant evenings he’d had in some time.

  Mrs. Hammond’s roast was excellent. Not that the meal mattered. He’d missed family dinners since coming up to the Highlands and tonight he was having one again—with his new family. Not that anything was settled between him and Gemma. But it would be, he hoped.

  She needed time, and he understood that.

  They put the children to bed and then walked out into the hall. Softly closing the door, he knew he should go to his room and send her the opposite way down the hall. “Gemma, I know the last few days have been tough,” he said softly.

  Gemma stepped closer to him. “I’m better today. Thank ye for being so patient last night.”

  She touched his chest, his insides tightening with desire. “It’s no trouble at all,” his answered, his voice rough with the sensations already ricocheting through him at the feel of her skin against his.

  “That’s not true and I ken it. Yer a patient man, which is hard to find.” She drifted closer, her chest brushing his.

  He wrapped his hands about her tiny waist. “We need to put some more weight on ye, lass.” He dipped down his head to kiss the spot just behind her ear. “And patient is honestly not the trait I most want ye to admire.”

  “Yer strong,” she whispered, her breath blowing across his ear.

  He gave a small grin. “That’s a little more like it.”

  “Capable.” She slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. “Yer built like a statue of a man, so muscular and—”

  He squeezed around her middle, pressing them together. Then he lifted her and started carrying her toward his room. “And I keep my promises. Tonight, I’ll make good on the one where I kiss every inch of yer body.”

  She giggled, tickling the skin of his neck. It sent little shivers racing down his back and arms. “Ye are a man of yer word. Kind and patient.”

  He let out a rumble of protest. “Now yer making me sound like a woman.”

  She skimmed her hands over the muscles of his back. “Not a woman at all. But now that I’ve met you, Will Sinclair, I could never be with any other type of man again.”

  She hadn’t come right out and said that she wanted only him. He was acutely aware of that fact but they were moving closer and it was enough for him for tonight. He kissed her slowly, like he’d promised, allowing his lips to explore hers, his tongue to taste her.

  By the time he’d pulled away again, they were both panting. He set her feet on the floor and reached for the buttons of her gown. One by one he slid them open until the gown fell to her waist. He undid the cuffs and then watched the material fall about her feet. “Soon, we’ll get ye new gowns.”

  “I don’t need new gowns,” she murmured as she pulled him into her arms. “I just want ye to hold me.”

  He did just that, his heart hammering in his chest. This was one place that he didn’t feel inadequate. Will could hold her in his arms until all her old hurts healed themselves shut. “Fer as long as you wish.” Then he captured her lips with his.

  He tugged at the strings of her corset until it loosened enough that he could step back and pull it off. She worked the buttons on his shirt as she nibbled at her swollen lip, her gaze fixed on his. “I can’t be the only one losing my clothing.”

  Will had all the patience in the world for her, but his own clothing was a different matter and he tugged the garment over his head, popping several buttons.

  “Your shirt,” she cried as buttons skidded across the floor making a tap-tap sound as they landed on the floor.

  “I’ll fix it later,” he groaned, pulling her against his bare chest. Then he lifted her and set her gently on the bed. “Let’s get these boots off, shall we?”

  * * *

  Gemma looked down at him as he tugged off her second boot and then kissed the inside of her knee through her pantaloons. There was a tension to his movements, like a spring locked into place. He was being achingly gently but she could feel his shivers of anticipation and they heightened her own longing.

  When she was in nothing but her shift, she pointed at him. “Now you,” she waved her finger toward his pants. She hadn’t seen him last night, not really. But she’d felt him. The way he’d filled her… she licked her lips, waiting to see the one part of him that she’d yet to view.

  He kicked off his boots, then stripped down his breeches.

  As he straightened, Gemma licked her lips again. He was glorious. Thick, full, and long. She wanted… well, she wanted all of him. Everything he was willing to give her.

  She closed her eyes for just a moment. She wouldn’t ask for more, wouldn’t pressure him. If she couldn’t keep a man like Sean, she’d never be able to hold onto one like Will. It didn’t matter. She’d worry about her broken heart later. In this moment, she just wanted to enjoy being with Will and melting in his arms.

  When she stood, she stripped off the last of her clothing. He looked into her eyes and then his gaze drifted down her body like a touch. She shivered with anticipation but, in a moment, he had his arms around her. “Are you cold?”

  “Not a bit,” she said, sliding her hands up his chest and wrapping them about his neck. As their bodies pressed together, her breath caught. He was so warm and strong.

  He lifted her and placed her on the bed, kissing her lips then beginning a trail with his lips across her jaw and over her neck.

  Bumps raised along her skin as he moved down her chest and ran his tongue along each nipple. She threaded her fingers through his hair as heat pooled between her legs. “You meant what you said about kissing every inch.”

  He let out a guttural noise from within his throat. “I’ll keep my promises to ye, Gemma.”

  He slid lower until he was between her legs. She didn’t answer but as he kissed her thighs, she swore to herself that she’d do the same. Then his lips touched her most sensitive area and she stopped thinking at all.

  As tension built within her, her head twisted back and forth and senseless words tumbled form her lips that she was only half aware of. The heat pooling between her legs became so intense, she was certain she couldn’t stand another second. As she fell over the edge, she cried out his name, “Will.” Her body spasming as intense pleasure ricocheted through her.

  She’d only begun to float back down when he sprung back up her body, his manhood pressed at her entrance, their eyes, noses, and lips aligned. “Gemma,” he groaned. “Did ye mean what ye said?” he asked, pushing into her, making them both cry out in satisfaction.

  She tried to remember the words but they were jumbled with all the thoughts she hadn’t let fall from her lips. Still she didn’t hesitate. “Every word.”

  Sliding out, he pushed back in. Gemma dug her fingers into his back as their lips came together. “Let me take care of ye. Ye don’t need the past, love. Let me be your future.”

  She kissed him as her answer. In that moment she wanted a future with him more than anything, to let go of what had happened, the past hurts and the mistakes. “I’ll give you everything I can.” She wondered if that would ever be enough.

  He quickened the pace until they were both panting with desire, their bodies moving together.

  Their lovemaking had lost its slow pace, speeding up to needy urgency, but still Gemma thought it might have been the most beautiful thing she’d ever experienced. As Will growled out his climax, she fell over the edge again, crying out as she dug her nails into his back.

  He collapsed on top of her, their bodies pressed together as they kissed over and over. When he slid to the side, he pulled her with him, fitting her against his body. Her eyes drifted closed.

  “Don’t fall asleep yet,” he whispered. “I need to discuss a few things with ye.”

  Her eyes popped back open, some tension filling her limp muscles. “What?”

  “I’m going to see that couple tomorrow,” he said. “I could just write them but, if they seem genuine, I thought I could write them a reference for the orphanage. Give other children a good home. They don’t live far from here and I think their croft is on my brother’s land. I could visit Blair.”

  Gemma relaxed her muscles again, sinking into the mattress. She wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting but somehow she’d worried that he might insist she give up the croft to Mary or that he might say he was going to send the children away after all. Why couldn’t she just trust him? But she knew. Trust hadn’t worked for her in the past. “That’s a fine idea.”

  “Do ye want to stay here with the children or would you like to meet Blair and Elle?”

  “Come with ye?” She lifted her
head, then rested it on her hand. “Meet yer family?” she touched his cheek with her other one. “I’d love to.”

  At every turn, she braced herself for rejection and every time, Will surprised her with his kindness and consideration. It was time to learn to put her faith in someone other than herself.

  Chapter Eleven

  Will stared down at Gemma as she slept. He’d asked Gemma to put her future in his hands. Should she? Was he a man she could really trust?

  He brushed a silky tendril of air from her face. He wanted to be. He was trying. The question was, would he succeed or fail? What if the crofts made no money, the crop died and he couldn’t support them? What would he do then? He’d taken on these children and Gemma when he wasn’t even certain he could support himself.

  He’d have to work harder to make a success of it. There was no other way.

  He finally drifted off to sleep but it was restless and he woke often. Gemma looked so peaceful in sleep next to him that it helped him to fall back to sleep, but it also increased his worry. She had put her faith in him.

  When the morning sun finally came up, Will rose and began preparing for the day. Gemma stirred. “Up already?” she asked.

  “Aye.” He crossed the room to kiss her forehead. “I’m eager to start the day.”

  She gave him a sleepy smile. “All right then.” She pulled back the covers to swing her legs over the side of the bed.

  He tightened at the sight of her bare body. “Or we could go back to bed for a bit.”

  She let out a little breathless giggle as she lay back down but left the covers off her body. “Come here.” She pulled him closer even as she said the words.

  Their lovemaking was needy and quick. By the time they were done, Will wasn’t certain he ever wanted to leave the bed but stirring from the nursery pulled them both from the cocoon where they nestled together.


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