Book Read Free

Wicked White

Page 15

by Michelle A. Valentine

  Shit. What am I going to do?

  I should turn Melody in and get her fired, but then that might make Mr. Stern call the police to question things, and I can’t have any more attention brought down on us.

  I take a deep breath as I fight the urge to rush out into the parking lot to take out my frustration on her for ruining my and Ace’s plans, but before I can do that, Birdie’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

  “What was that all about?” she asks. “Things looked tense as hell over here.”

  I shake my head. I hate keeping secrets from my best friend, but this isn’t my secret to tell. “Nothing. A misunderstanding. It was nothing.”

  Birdie nods slowly as she raises her eyebrows. “All right. Well, your order for table three is up.”

  “Thanks,” I say as I fight the dread of knowing that soon my happy little world with Ace may come crumbling down.


  Over the next month I quickly find myself in a comfortable routine with Iris. We spend every night wrapped in each other’s arms, professing our deepest love to one another after intense bouts of lovemaking while making plans for our future together.

  Most nights I read to her. She seems to really enjoy that, and it pleases me immensely just knowing we share a love of so many things.

  In the evenings, we practice singing. Sometimes I join in and we do duets so she can get comfortable singing with a partner. It’s in those moments that I have to combat jealous thoughts from running amok in my head. The idea of a man singing love songs to her drives me insane. Telling her I love her is my job, not some random dickwad’s who gets on stage with her.

  The daytime is the worst for me. Working out with basic push-ups and running can only last so long. I’ve fixed every broken window in the park, with the exception of that asshole Jeremy’s place. That asshole loves to stare me down every chance he gets, so I’ll be damned if I go out of my way to help him.

  I’ve gotten so used to having Iris around that I find myself lonely when she goes to work most of the day. I like having her here with me, but I would never discourage her from going. I completely understand her need to prove her independence and take care of the trailer park that’s been in her family for generations.

  I’ve offered to help her, and I’ve made it clear many times that when the time comes, if she’s short, I will give her the rest. I don’t want to see her lose this place. It would break her heart, and I’m finding myself quickly becoming attached to the residents here myself, especially Adele. She’s the one person around this park who I know will give it to me straight, and always threatens me with violence if I hurt Iris in any way, making me adore her even more for being so protective.

  I adjust myself on the couch as I go back to working on the song that’s been worming its way into my brain for most of the day. I stare at the words on the notebook paper and begin to sing them. “Love’s like a tragedy. Look what it’s done to you and me . . .”

  Soon after I begin jotting more ideas down, the slam of a car door out front causes my heart to race. I shove myself off the couch and make my way outside to greet Iris just as I’ve been doing daily.

  Her coat is pulled tightly around her as the January chill cuts through with a gust of wind. It’s nearly five thirty and already it’s dark. Thankfully the outdoor lights keep the lots lit up pretty well, but wintertime in Ohio is always the most depressing time of year.

  Iris scowls at me as I stand on the front porch of my trailer as she approaches. “Where’s your coat? It’s freezing out here.”

  I laugh and continue to shiver in my short-sleeve shirt as she folds herself into my waiting arms. “I was anxious, and besides, I knew your love would warm me up.”

  She laughs and rolls her eyes. “You’re crazy.”

  I open my mouth to answer when a shout from the trailer across the way catches my attention. “Hey, pretty boy! Don’t think I’ve forgot about you.”

  I glance over to find Jeremy standing with a couple other guys around a trash barrel with a burning fire in it. A smug smile fills his face as he sets his eyes on me and takes a long pull from his beer.

  I knew that asshole wouldn’t let things go after I laid my hands on him the first time. He’s the type of guy who looks for trouble and welcomes it. Honestly, I’m surprised it’s taken this long for him to taunt me openly instead of just giving me dirty looks like he has been. Having guys with him who he thinks will have his back probably has a lot to do with it. I shake my head, unwilling to entertain him any further.

  I throw my arm protectively around Iris’s shoulders and turn to lead her inside. “Come on.”

  “That’s it. Run inside like the little bitch you are.” His taunts continue and the two men with him laugh. “Save some of that sweet pussy for me. I’ve been waiting for months now to tap that!”

  I clench my fists and grit my teeth, and I can’t stop myself from turning in Jeremy’s direction. This fucker needs to be taught a lesson in manners. You don’t speak to a woman like that. Ever.

  I lunge forward but Iris shoves her hand into my chest, halting me. “Let it go. He’s an asshole.”

  “I can’t,” I growl. “I can’t just let him talk about you like that and get away with it.”

  “Yes, you can,” she whispers harshly. “Forget him. We don’t need to draw any attention to you right now.”

  My chest heaves as anger still pulses through me. I flick my gaze from Iris to Jeremy and to Iris’s face and then shove my fingers into my hair and sigh. This is taking every inch of willpower I have to not hop off this porch and shove my fist in his smug face.

  “Please,” she says. “He’s not worth it.”

  Her eyes plead with me to think about things rationally—to let it go. She’s right. I don’t need my plans to get fucked now that we’ve got our lives together mapped out. As soon as the taxes are taken care of in a few weeks, I’ll head to California and she’ll head for New York, getting shit done so we can be together permanently.

  I nod, knowing she’s right. I throw my arm back around her, leading her inside.

  “See you later, Iris!” Jeremy shouts before all the men laugh together, causing me to clench my jaw as I slam the door shut.

  I lean back against the door and shut my eyes, attempting to calm myself down to keep from rushing back out there and tearing Jeremy limb from limb.

  Iris leans into me and then wraps her arms around my waist. “You did the right thing. Those guys are bad news.”

  “Fuck those guys. They don’t scare me,” I blurt out, not wanting Iris to think I’m weak. “I already beat Jeremy’s ass once, and I’d do it again with ease.”

  “I don’t doubt that you’d beat him in a fair fight, but three on one . . . they won’t fight fair.”

  She’s right, but the tension in the air is so thick that I can practically feel it on my skin. Jeremy’s messing with me, and it’s only a matter of time before this all comes to a head, because I won’t let him do that again and get away with it. It’s not in my nature to remain calm for long in situations like I was just in.

  Iris leans back and grabs my hand, pulling me toward the couch. When I flop down on it, she crawls behind me and massages my shoulders. I close my eyes as her magical fingers dig into the tense muscles around my neck, trying to get me to relax.

  I sigh. “Shouldn’t I be the one massaging you? You’re the one who worked all day.”

  She continues to work on me. “I think you need it more than I do right now. I’m hoping this will take your mind off the jerks across the street.”

  “You’re right. The distraction is nice.” I lean back into her. “Tell me something good about your day.”

  “Well . . .” she trails off. “I made nearly two hundred dollars in tips today.”

  “That’s great news!” I tell her, excited. “How close are you now to reaching your goal of twenty thousand?”

  “If everyone pays their rent on time next week, I’ll have nearly twelve thousand

  I turn around and kiss her lips. “I’m so proud of you. We’ll figure out the rest when the time comes.”

  She shakes her head, causing her brown hair to fall over her shoulders into her face as she stares down at me. “I want to earn this on my own. I don’t want to be your charity case.”

  I stare into her green eyes. “You know it wouldn’t be like that. I would give you anything I have if you need it.”

  She runs her fingers across my jawline. “And I love you for that, but if I take money from you, it’ll be a loan. I’ll pay you back every dime.”

  “Iris—” I begin to argue but she cuts me off with a pointed look. “Fine. A loan it is, but there will be no interest and there are no time limits on paying it back.”

  Iris smiles and kisses my lips. “Now that I’ll agree to.”

  We spend the rest of the night negotiating the terms of our looming arrangement and planning more of our future, and I do my best to pretend that I’ve forgotten Jeremy, even though what he said about Iris still causes my blood to boil every time I allow my mind to think about it.


  He has absolutely nothing in this kitchen to eat. If I didn’t know better, I’d say the guy lived on leftover pizza and beer, because that’s all I see in his entire place that’s edible.

  “Mornin’,” Ace says as he comes from the back hallway, stretching and wearing nothing but a pair of black boxer-briefs.

  I smile as I appreciate the view of his toned body and bite my lower lip. Everything about the guy is absolutely delicious—his hair, his breathtaking eyes, heart-stopping smile, and that sexy V that cuts in his hips just below his ripped abs. God absolutely smashed the mold when he made him.

  “Hey. I hope you don’t mind. I was looking for something to fix us for breakfast, but all you seem to have in here are old leftovers.”

  He shakes his head and a lock of his bronze hair falls into his eye. I brush it away as he wraps his arms around me. “Your hair is getting longer. Do you think it’s time to cut it again so you stay incognito?”

  He sighs. “It does need a trim. Maybe I’ll do that today while you’re at work. Do you happen to have any scissors I can borrow?”

  “Of course. Come on, get dressed. Let’s go to my place so I can feed you, and I’ll get you those scissors.”

  It takes forever for us to get dressed because we can’t stop touching, kissing, and fondling each other, but I guess that’s what two people in love do when they can’t get enough of each other.

  A weird calm fills the air as we finally make it outside—a feeling like everything is about to change.

  The moment we round the corner, I spot the door of my trailer wide open. A chill runs down my spine. Without waiting for Ace, I break into full speed, running toward the doorway. I place my foot on the first step of my porch, and before I can climb up, Ace grabs the back of my coat, effectively yanking me back and not allowing me inside.

  “I’ll go first. Whoever did this could still be in there,” Ace orders firmly and then steps between me and the door. “Stay put.”

  I open my mouth to protest, but the warning flashing in Ace’s eyes tells me that this isn’t up for negotiation. “Fine, but please hurry. I have to know what’s missing.”

  After a quick peck on my forehead, Ace leaves me and then heads inside. “Jesus,” he mutters as he steps inside.

  “What? How bad is it?” I question while lingering outside the door as my heart leaps into my throat.

  The sound of things toppling over pushes my patience to the brink and I can no longer contain myself from going inside to assess the damage.

  I fly up the two wooden steps onto my tiny porch and then make my way inside. My heart drops to my feet as soon as my eyes roam over the scene before me, and I suck in a quick breath. It looks like a tornado went through the place. There’s stuff everywhere. The couch has been flipped forward, resting on its front, along with Gran’s favorite recliner, which has been pushed over and ripped down the back like someone took a knife and sliced through the fabric.

  I shove my hands into my hair, pushing it off my forehead. I spin around, surveying the damage, and then turn to stone. “No. No. No.”

  “What?” Ace asks as he notices my stare fixed on the open freezer door in the kitchen. “Iris?”

  I run over, stepping on the half-thawed food boxes that’ve been thrown down on the kitchen floor. The freezer is completely empty. My hands shake as I immediately drop to my knees, searching frantically for a sandwich baggie that was filled with all the money I had earned from tips since I started at Angel’s a month ago.

  This isn’t happening to me!

  Clear plastic pokes out from under one of the boxes, and I grab it and find myself staring at an empty bag. My heart immediately drops to my stomach, and tears burn before they begin falling down my cheeks. A scream tears from my throat. I push all of my anger into it, making it so loud that I’m sure the entire trailer park is wide-awake now.

  “Iris?” Ace bends down next to me, concern filling his voice. “What is it?”

  “It’s gone,” I’m barely able to whisper through my sobs. “All of it—the money I’ve been saving for the taxes. It’s all gone.”

  Ace rubs his forehead and closes his eyes. “You kept it all here?”

  I cry harder at my own stupidity, for trusting that the money would be safe here if I hid it. “I switched banks when I moved to New York, and the closest Wells Fargo bank is in Columbus, so I didn’t make the drive to deposit it. My check from Angel’s is direct deposit, so I never had to worry about that.”

  “Did you tell anyone that you had that money in there?” he asks.

  I shake my head as I wipe my face with the back of my hand. “No. No one. I can’t think of anyone—”

  I cut myself off before I can finish that statement, because someone instantly pops into the forefront of my mind. The same guy who gave us problems last night and saw us go into Ace’s trailer. Jeremy knew I wasn’t here last night and used that knowledge to rob me blind.

  Ace’s nostrils flare and his jaw muscle flexes beneath his skin. “I’m going to kill that motherfucker.”

  He begins to stand, but I grab his wrist, keeping him kneeling on the floor next to me. “No. Ace. Don’t risk it. It’s not worth it.”

  Anger burns in Ace’s eyes as he cradles my face in his hands and locks his gaze with mine. “No one is going to hurt you, Iris. No one. I’m getting your money back.”

  He crushes his lips to mine before standing so quick that I don’t have a chance to grab him again to make him stay.

  “Ace!” I yell as he whips out the door.

  I scramble to my feet to chase after him, but he’s already in a full sprint and nearly at Jeremy’s door already. I call his name again, but he doesn’t turn around. He’s too pissed and is focused on righting the wrong that’s been done to me.

  A thunderous crack sounds across the graveled lot of the trailer park and I watch in complete horror as Ace kicks open Jeremy’s door and rushes inside.

  “What the fuck—” Jeremy shouts, but he doesn’t get to finish his sentence before there’s a booming crash inside.

  My legs pump faster, burning with each step, as the need to stop Ace from doing something crazy overwhelms me.

  I make it to the door of Jeremy’s trailer in time to see Ace on top of Jeremy and landing a hard right to his face. I cringe as Jeremy’s head snaps left.

  “Where is it? Where’s the money?” Ace screams in his face.

  Ace yanks Jeremy up, expecting an answer, but a sharklike smile stained with blood fills Jeremy’s face. “You’ll never get it. That money’s long gone.”

  Ace opens his mouth to say something else, but Jeremy spits and it lands under Ace’s right eye, causing Ace to go into a frenzy. He lands blow after blow onto Jeremy’s face as I stand there completely frozen with fear.

  Jeremy’s body goes limp under Ace, but he doesn’t stop. No longer am I wor
ried about the media finding him, but what will happen to him once the police get involved with this.

  Blind rage overtakes Ace, and he doesn’t show any signs of regaining control of himself without someone intervening. It’s like he can’t see that Jeremy’s had enough, so I scream. “Ace! Stop! You’ll kill him!”

  I’m scared out of my mind because of the sheer intensity of the situation. I’ve never seen anyone lose it like that before, and it makes me think twice about taking off with Ace somewhere. This is the second time I’ve seen him go after Jeremy. It’s clear that Ace isn’t afraid to unleash his wrath on someone who angers him. This really drives it home that we haven’t known each other that long. Love is blinding, so I’ve allowed myself to overlook that fact.

  Suddenly, I find myself at a crossroad. The time has come to leave everything behind and run away with him, but I’m not sure I can do it like I promised. I wish I had more time to get to know him before I am forced into making a choice.

  At the sound of my words, Ace stops his drawn-back fist from coming down yet again, his breathing erratic as he stares down at the unconscious man below him.

  I rush to Ace’s side and grab his arm, doing my best to hold him back. “He’s not worth it.”

  Ace’s viselike grip loosens and he allows Jeremy’s limp body to fall to the dirty trailer floor. Ace turns to me with wide eyes and a panicked expression after he realizes the reality of what he’s just done. He stares up at me. “What have I done?”

  I’m not sure if he’s looking for me to actually answer as he processes the situation for himself. Ace stands and stares up at the ceiling like he’s trying to wrap his head around what’s happened while he keeps repeating the word no over and over.

  I reach down and press two fingers to Jeremy’s throat. “He’s still breathing, but he’s in bad shape. He’s going to need—”

  Sirens scream in the far-off distance, causing the blood in my veins to run ice-cold. If Ace gets caught . . . I shake my head, not even wanting to think about it if that happens.


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