Barriers: Anderson Special Ops - Book 3

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by Melody Anne


  Anderson Special Ops, Book Three

  Melody Anne


  John Henley

  Copyright © 2021 Melody Anne

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Printed and published in the United States of America

  Published by Falling Star Publications

  Editing by Karen Lawson, Janet Hitchcock

  Note from John Henley

  This book, focusing on the character Green, is inspired by a person I know who’s similar in nature, doing more than ever anticipated or expected at early stages in his life. My prayer is that many of us can take pieces of this story and learn to treat those young of life and respect their desire to learn, achieve and succeed — and for us to not hold back in treating them respectfully when they yearn to do more. People rise to the occasion, especially when given the tools to succeed as well as receive words of encouragement during times of doubt. Be a great ambassador for them and they are all but guaranteed to pass it on.

  I’m ever thankful for all of the reviews that The Anderson: Special Ops books have received. We continually learn from each other, and your words push me to think of the way my portion of these stories are being told.

  To my wife and children, thank you. The sacrifices each of you made while I was away for training, working overseas, and transitioning back into civilian life, are always appreciated and never taken for granted. None of this would have been remotely feasible, or possible, without your strength and endless encouragement. Your love of family, God, and country are wonderful pillars to build the foundation of life on. Go, be great!

  Last, and in no way least, thank you to the men and women serving and protecting the freedoms we enjoy. From the front-line warriors, to the supply chain gurus, to the cooks in the galley, to the decision makers, and everyone in between, all of you together make the mission work, and when it works well it’s a thing of beauty. From my family to you and yours, thank you for letting us stand on your shoulders. Continue to be the giants you are.

  If interested in learning more about the US Military, please select the branch and read their own amazing stories:

  Air Force


  Coast Guard


  National Guard


  Table of Contents

  Note from John Henley

  Books by Melody Anne


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Preview of Crew

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Books by Melody Anne



  *The Billionaire’s Dance

  *The Billionaire Falls

  *The Billionaire’s Marriage Proposal

  *Blackmailing the Billionaire

  *Runaway Heiress

  *The Billionaire’s Final Stand

  *Unexpected Treasure

  *Hidden Treasure

  *Holiday Treasure

  *Priceless Treasure

  *The Ultimate Treasure


  *The Tycoon’s Revenge

  *The Tycoon’s Vacation

  *The Tycoon’s Proposal

  *The Tycoon’s Secret

  *The Lost Tycoon

  *Rescue Me


  *Finn – Book One

  *Noah – Book Two

  *Brandon – Book Three

  *TBA – Book Four

  *TBA – Book Five


  *Stolen Innocence – Book One

  *Forever Lost – Book Two

  *New Desires – Book Three


  *Finding Forever


  #1 Xander – Ruth Cardello

  #2 Bryan – J.S. Scott

  #3 Chris – Melody Anne

  #4 Virgin for the Trillionaire – Ruth Cardello

  #5 Virgin for the Prince – J.S. Scott

  #6 Virgin to Conquer – Melody Anne


  *Surrender – Book One

  *Submit – Book Two

  *Seduced – Book Three

  *Scorched – Book Four


  *Kian – Book One

  *Arden – Book Two

  *Owen – Book Three

  *Declan – Book Four


  *Bound – Book One

  *Broken – Book Two

  *Betrayed – Book Three

  *Burned – Book Four


  *Safe in his arms – Novella

  *Baby it’s Cold Outside

  *Her Unexpected Hero – Book One

  *Who I am with you – Book Two – Novella

  *Her Hometown Hero – Book Three

  *Following Her – Book Four – Novella

  *Her Forever Hero – Book Five


  *Turbulent Intentions – Book One (Cooper)

  *Turbulent Desires – Book Two (Maverick)

  *Turbulent Waters – Book Three (Nick)

  *Turbulent Intrigue – Book Four (Ace)


  *Torn – Book One

  *Tattered – Book Two


  #1 Luke – Barbara Freethy

  #2 Gabe – Ruth Cardello

  #3 Hunter – Melody Anne

  #4 Knox – Christie Ridgway

  #5 Max – Lynn Raye Harris


  *Shadows – Book One

  *Rising – Book Two

  *Barriers – Book Three

  *Broken – Book Four

  *Reborn – Book Five

  Young Adult / Fantasy


  *Phoenix Falling – Book One

  *Phoenix Burning – Book Two

  *Phoenix Ashes – Book Three

  *Phoenix Rising – Book Four


  “Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening . . .”

  “What in the actual hell are you singing?” Green asked as he looked over at Smoke, who was gazing through a pair of Pulsar Accolade
2 LRF XP50 Thermal Binoculars, the best of the best with built-in laser rangefinders, recorders, and video sharing. Of course, Brackish had upped the technology inside them even more. Every tool they used was the best, and this was no exception.

  “A Christmas song. It felt appropriate,” Smoke answered, smiling as he continued his song. “A beautiful sight . . . we’re happy tonight . . .”

  “Stop, just stop!” Green said. “It’s the Fourth of July in case you were wondering. Were you dropped on your head a lot as a child?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with feeling the holiday spirit,” Smoke said before chuckling in his rich, deep timbre.

  “There’s a lot wrong when you’re singing Christmas carols on Independence Day,” Green told him with a roll of his eyes. But there was a smirk on his lips that said he was enjoying the Christmas carol even if he didn’t want to admit it.

  “I’m bored. I despise these babysitting missions,” Smoke said. “Why do Sleep and Eyes get to have all of the fun while we’re in the middle of the hills instead of in the action?”

  “Because they drew the long straws, so they get to have good food and fun. You drew the short straw. Besides that, you stand out too much in a crowd, and I like to keep a low profile,” Green told him.

  “And I have to listen to both of you whine,” Brackish said through the comms.

  “Quit inserting yourself into the conversation,” Smoke told their tech genius. “That’s a sign of narcissism.”

  “Oh, little boys, there’s no denying I’m a narcissist. It’s hard not to be when I’m the best of the best and everything I touch turns to gold,” Brackish said with a chuckle.

  “You might be good with the tech stuff, but we all know I’m the best at everything else,” Smoke said, cockiness radiating off of him in droves.

  “I’m the youngest and can run circles around all of you,” Green piped in.

  “Neither of you have survived walking close to one hundred miles while your body is loaded with bullets,” Sleep piped up.

  “Fake news,” Smoke said, making all of the men laugh.

  “Hey, I was there,” Eyes said. Sleep groaned, knowing what was coming next. “Of course, it was Sleep who shot me all to hell . . . not the enemy.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t have been sneaking around like a stalker beneath a MILF’s window,” Sleep countered.

  “Really, Eyes? Really?” Green asked, bursting into laughter.

  “Hey, don’t knock hot mamas,” Smoke said. “I’ve had a few of them in my days.”

  “There’s only one future mom I’m interested in,” Sleep said, his voice going mushy.

  The entire team went silent for about three seconds, which was unheard of. Chad was the one to break it.

  “Are you pregnant?” Chad asked.

  “Yep, it’s been killing me not to say anything, but Avery’s through the first trimester so I can officially announce I’m gonna be a dad,” Sleep said with pride.

  All of the men piped in with congratulations and enthusiasm. They weren’t only tough and the best, they were loyal, and they knew what family meant.

  “I guess since it’s not my kid, I get to spoil the hell out of it,” Smoke said. “And she’ll never complain about me singing Christmas songs in July.”

  “Are you saying you won’t spoil your own kid?” Green asked.

  Smoke laughed then held his hands up in surrender. “I’m never, ever, ever, ever having kids. No way. No how. I’d have to get married to do that, and this fine piece of machinery isn’t falling into the marriage trap.”

  “I have a feeling you’re very wrong about that,” Brackish said. “I thought the same thing, but when that woman comes along who takes the breath straight out of your lungs, and nearly sends you into cardiac arrest because she makes your heart pound so hard, there’s no turning back.”

  “Nope. I’m the love-’em-and-leave-’em type,” Smoke assured the team.

  “The biggest men fall the hardest,” Chad said. “Trust me, I know.”

  “Just cause you losers like falling for the marriage flu as Hudson Anderson is so famous for saying, doesn’t mean all of us are so prone to the illness.”

  “I like to think of it as Cupid shooting a nice fat arrow into your ass,” Eyes said. “Those arrows can even penetrate your thick skin.”

  “I think you’re far more likely to fall than I am,” Smoke told Eyes.

  “Nope. Not gonna happen. I’m just a broken old man who needs a lot of attention and care,” Eyes said.

  “Broken my ass,” Brackish countered.

  In reality both Eyes and Sleep had nearly lost their lives on their last mission with their SEAL team. It was a miracle they’d survived. But even saying that, none of them considered themselves weak or less than who they were before bullets had ripped into their bodies.

  “I’m broken,” Eyes insisted. “That means I need a lot of medical care and sponge baths . . . from multiple nurses.”

  “You need help,” Chad said with a chuckle. “All of you. The kind where they put you in straitjackets.”

  That made them all laugh again. “Don’t forget that you’re the one who hired us,” Green said. “So, who needs more help? Us? Or You?”

  Chad’s sigh came through the comms loud and clear. “Checkmate,” he said after a few seconds.

  “Sleigh bells ring, are you listening . . .” Smoke began singing yet another Christmas song. Then the air shifted.

  “Hold up,” Green said, all humor dropping from his voice. The team was instantly on alert. No one asked questions, no one said a word. They waited. They knew that tone, and they knew things had gotten serious . . .

  Chapter One

  Two weeks ago, Senator Miller had called Green, aka Hendrick Meeks, since he was only known to her by his real name. She’d requested a meeting with him . . . again.

  Hendrick had been at the wedding reception for one of his best friends, Brackish, known to the world as Steve Bregon. The senator had made her first call to him then. He’d been putting her off for weeks, and he had her exactly where he wanted her — panting at his feet.

  The Anderson Special Ops team, founded by Joseph Anderson, and run by Chad Remington, had been busy since they’d been organized the year before. From the beginning of their operation they’d been going a thousand miles per hour, things speeding up even more since Brackish and Erin had eloped.

  Though this connection with the senator was essential to their ultimate goal of eliminating the huge drug ring that plagued Seattle and the surrounding cities, the consensus among the team was to make the senator wait to meet with Green.

  She was eager, which put the power in their hands. It was quite fun for Green as he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Senator Miller was used to getting what she wanted — and she wanted Green. The fact that she wasn’t getting exactly what she wanted when she wanted it was humorous to them all. She might talk a big game, but she was about as useful as a cotton ball in a rock fight.

  Green waited . . . and then waited a bit more as call after call went unanswered.

  After the fourth day of waiting, the senator had one of her lackies call Green to check on the status of their meeting. He ignored that call too.

  After a solid week passed, a new lackey called, this one leaving a stern message stating that a meeting needed to be solidified. He ignored this call too, all the while grinning.

  When ten days had passed since her first call, Green got a call from the president of the political action committee, saying there were issues needing to be addressed immediately. He didn’t answer that call either.

  “Well, guys, I just got a call from the chief operations officer for the shipyard. He’s the father of the idiot kid who thinks he’s my boss there.” He paused and grinned. “You know the senator has called, then had two lackies call, then the president of the political action committee was unleashed on me. They’re all eating out of the palms of my hands, and no
ne of them can stand the fact I’m not responding — especially the senator.”

  “What did the COO have to say?” Chad asked.

  They were all sitting around their table in their operations center, food getting consumed, Brackish typing away on his computer, and Eyes and Sleep cracking jokes. Smoke seemed bored, and Chad was rolling his eyes as he tried to rein in the unruly group. Although they might be unruly, they knew exactly when it was time to get serious.

  Green looked smug. “The chief said there’s nothing on my schedule to prevent me from meeting with the senator. He didn’t threaten, but he made it clear I would meet with her.”

  “Interesting,” Brackish said, looking up from his computer.

  “Yep, he said I could take the time off work whenever, day or night, since she is a VIP,” Green said.

  “Day or night?” Eyes said with a laugh.

  “Yep, looks like someone’s gonna take one for the team,” Sleep injected as he leaned back and smiled.

  “Whatever, Sleep,” Green said. “I’m not taking anything anywhere for the team.” They all busted up.

  “Is it putting out, or putting up?” Smoke asked between breaths of air as he held his stomach.

  “How am I the mature one here?” Green asked, refusing to crack a smile, though it was difficult to hold back.

  “None of us are the gigolo in this situation,” Sleep said.

  “I do have to say the pressure for us to meet is insane,” Green said.

  “That’s because she wants your hot bod,” Eyes told him.

  “It is an incredible body,” Green said as he flexed.

  “It’s nothing like this one,” Smoke said, standing up and doing a full spin for them before he flexed and kissed his massive bicep.

  “Oh, Smoke, how I want you,” Sleep said in a girlie voice as he fluttered his lashes.

  Eyes stopped laughing long enough to get serious. “Okay, okay, enough of Green’s bedroom tangles. We’ve made Senator Miller wait long enough. Go ahead and schedule the meeting.”


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