Cedric: A Savage Kings MC Novel

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Cedric: A Savage Kings MC Novel Page 3

by Hart, Lane

  Even then I want to feel more of his body, so I climb up on his lap, straddling his hard cock that batters at me between my legs seeking entry. Both of us moan at the sensation before our mouths crash together again. My fingers are grabbing and pulling at his hair while his come around to grab handfuls of my bottom. Our lower bodies urgently grind together, and when Cedric spreads his legs wider, my thighs open even more, allowing the tip of his cock to nudge its way inside of me because I’m so wet and ready for him.

  Cedric groans into my mouth as his palm on my bottom starts trying to work me down on him a little more with each roll of my hips until I’m fully seated on his shaft. That’s when both of us freeze, breaking our kiss to open our eyes and look at each other.

  “Don’t move,” he chokes out. “Don’t. Ever. Move.”

  “Okay,” I agree, even though that’s not something I could actually promise. And as soon as our lips meet again, we’re both moving frantically.

  I know we need to use a condom, but I’m on birth control and have never not used one before. This is how I want Cedric’s first time to be. Just us, nothing in between.

  On every downward stroke, I get a little bit closer to falling over the edge which has never happened before. None of the guys I have dated have even come close to giving me an orgasm, but I’ve given myself a few. They feel so insignificant compared to the liquid heat that gathers in my belly until I can’t take another second of the pressure.

  “Cedric!” I scream as my entire body shudders from the waves of ecstasy rolling through every cell.

  The pleasure steals my breath so all I can do is gasp and moan. Just as I start to float back down to the here and now from heaven, Cedric stands up with me in his arms and spins around to lower me to the bed. That’s when he unloads inside of me with a growl that sounds like my name.

  His body then goes slack, pressing down on mine while he buries his face in my neck and pants heavily. I run my fingers through the back of his hair as we both lie there recovering. I try to take every second of the last few minutes and commit them to memory, so I won’t ever forget them.

  “Are you okay?” Cedric eventually asks when he lifts his head and pushes himself up to look down on me.

  “Yeah, I’m better than okay,” I reply with a smile.

  “I should’ve told you before,” he says.

  “You should have,” I agree, even though if he had I wouldn’t have gone to a biker bar with Beth and Megan a few weeks ago and met Lowell. Without him, my mother and I would soon be living on the streets and she would have been dead in a matter of days.

  Cedric leans down and gives me a soft kiss on my lips. A few gentle pecks later, and we’re right back to trying to devour each other. I need to stop and get dressed to go home. I know that. But I just can’t seem to find it in me to go through with leaving him yet. So, Cedric and I crawl under his covers and kiss for what feels like hours. And while we’re both still naked, our limbs intertwined so that our bodies are as close as humanly possible, we don’t have sex again. We just stare into each other’s eyes, reading each other’s souls. It’s perfect and magical, and I know without a doubt that Cedric could’ve been the love of my life, the big love that endures for decades, through sickness and health, for richer or poorer. We could’ve had a beautiful family together full of babies that would’ve been so deeply loved. I can even picture them, a boy and girl, both with our dark hair and Cedric’s silver eyes.

  Too bad that life isn’t meant to be.

  * * *


  Holding Evelyn, kissing her, it’s so much better than I imagined. I always knew there was something more between us, but I was too chicken shit to go for it. Now I just feel like an idiot for waiting so long, sitting on the sidelines while Ev dated other guys and fooled around with them when it could’ve been me.

  It should’ve been me the whole time. Fuck, I regret that I kept my mouth shut so goddamn much.

  She loves me too. And from now on, we can finally be together.

  “So, um, how was your first time?” Ev asks as we lie together in bed, arms and legs wound together, chest to chest.

  “Amazing,” I tell her with a smile before I place another quick kiss on her lips. God, I can’t get enough. I want to spend the rest of my life in bed kissing this woman.

  “It was amazing for me too,” she replies, which is a relief. “Better…better than it’s ever been before.”

  Thank fuck. As far as I know, Evelyn’s slept with only two or three guys, so I’m glad being with me was better. Although, I honestly can’t imagine sex gets any better than that. It’s nice to hear it wasn’t one sided.

  “You look happier now,” I tell her since she was sad and upset when she first came over. “What had you so upset before?” I ask, brushing a strand of her hair from her cheek.

  “Nothing,” she says, lowering her gaze to a stop on my chest. “We can talk about it tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure?”


  I only half believe her, because I know Ev so well. She’s hiding something big from me. But I’ll let it go for now, giving her some time to bring it up whenever she’s ready.

  It’s nearly impossible to stay awake despite the fact that I don’t want to fall asleep yet. I just want to stay wrapped up with Ev and talk to her all night about nothing like we used to do when we had sleepovers as kids. Only now we can talk while we’re both naked and maybe even have sex again.

  I’m about to ask her if she’s hungry or thirsty when I hear what sounds like a swarm of bees far off in the distance.

  Ev shoots up in bed, clutching the sheets to her chest. “Did you hear that?”

  “Yeah, that buzzing or humming noise?”

  “It’s getting closer,” she says. “I think…I think that’s the sound of a motorcycle. Several of them.”

  “Motorcycles? Huh,” I mutter since I guess it could be.

  “Oh shit! Shit, shit, shit! He knows I came to see you!” Ev whispers as she scurries out of my bed and gets her bra on in record time.

  “What? Who knows?” I ask her in confusion. Her dad hasn’t been around since her parents got divorced. That’s the only he I figure I should be worried about at the moment. Ev’s been seeing a string of losers since graduation, but none of them lasted more than a week. I don’t think…

  “Hurry up and get dressed!” she tells me as she grabs one of my t-shirts from the floor and swipes it between her legs. That, of course, has my cock twitching again as I watch her stand half naked in my bedroom, something I only thought would ever happen in my dreams. “Cedric, get up and get dressed! Please,” Ev begs desperately, so I finally cave even though I have no idea why she’s in such a big rush.

  I roll out of bed and stand on my legs that are still weak from the best experience of my entire life. I manage to pull my boxer briefs and shorts on, but do so at the speed of a sloth compared to Evelyn’s Tasmanian devil impression. She’s a whirlwind in the room after she gets her dress back on, making up my messy bed in like five seconds flat.

  “Shirt…where’s your shirt?” Ev asks when she spins around in a circle.

  “You shoved it between your legs a few seconds ago,” I remind her.

  “Oh crap!” she mutters, finding the dirty tee and tossing it into my closet where she yanks another shirt from a hanger and tosses it to me. “Put that on.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “Just do it!” she shrieks.

  I’ve barely pulled the fabric over my head when I hear a loud banging that sounds like it’s coming from the front of the house, followed by an unrelenting ringing of the doorbell.

  “Shit! He’s here!” she exclaims as she buries her face in her palms.

  “Who the hell is here, Ev?” I whisper.

  “I’m sorry,” she says when she drops her hands and looks at me, her dark eyes wide with panic. “We can’t…we can’t be friends anymore.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about
?” I demand. We’ve been best friends for eight fucking years, and that’s not going to ever change. Not to mention the latest breaking news that just occurred taking us from friends to so much more.

  “I made a promise,” she says in a rush as she starts toward the still open window like she’s about to bolt.

  “A promise to who?” I ask, grabbing her arm to stop her and even spin her around so that I’m blocking her from leaving out the window.

  “To Lowell,” Ev responds, like I have any idea who the fuck that is.

  “Lowell? Who is Lowell?” I ask as more pounding and ringing comes from the front door. By now, my parents must be awake, my dad on his way to see who the hell is trying to bust in the house in the middle of the night.

  “He’s…he’s the guy I’ve been seeing.”

  “Since when?” I snap.

  “A few weeks,” she answers with a wince.

  “Have you fucked him?” I ask with my jaw clenched tight. I take her continued silence as my answer. “You have! Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you sleep with me tonight if you’re seeing someone else?”

  “I didn’t mean for that to happen tonight!” she says, which makes me feel so much better. “I came to say goodbye, to tell you I’m leaving, but then you told me you loved me, and you kissed me. I-I liked it, and I didn’t want to stop you.”

  “Okay,” I say, relieved that it wasn’t completely one-sided. “So, why can’t you just tell Lowell to fuck off?” I ask her.

  Her head is shaking stubbornly in disagreement before I even finish the damn sentence. “He promised to help me and he’s good to me, but you don’t know what he’s like, Cedric. He’s…he can be…violent.”

  “Ah, no shit,” I say as the banging continues. My dad must be scared shitless if he still hasn’t answered. “Should we call the cops?”

  “No!” Ev exclaims. “That will make everything worse. Just let me leave before he finds me in here.”

  Grabbing her shoulders, I realize she’s trembling. “Are you scared of him?” I ask.

  “Yes. He’s in this biker gang with some seriously rough-looking guys, but he has the money to help my mom.” Fuck. I hate hearing that because I wish there was more I could do, that my parents or I had enough money to pay Rita’s medical bills. But we don’t and I can’t.

  “What do you have to do for that money of his?” I grumble. “Sell him your soul?”

  Swallowing deeply, she nods and says, “Something like that. And he told me he doesn’t want us to talk anymore.”

  “Us? You and me?” I say to clarify, and she nods. “Well, fuck him!” I shout, turning around to shut and lock the window before the dickhead decides to try and come in another way.

  “No, Cedric. You don’t understand. Without her prescriptions and dialysis, she’ll die waiting for a new kidney!”

  “There has to be something else we can do…”

  “There’s not!” she yells as tears stream down her cheeks. “I wish there was, but there’s no other way to save her. I can’t just sit back and watch her die.”

  Since I don’t have any magical cures for kidney failure or piles of money lying around, I do the only thing I can think of, I wrap my arms around her and hold her as she cries.

  That’s when I notice that the pounding and doorbell ringing has finally stopped. Instead, I can hear masculine voices shouting, ones that sound like they’re getting closer until the doorknob to my room jiggles followed by a loud thump against the wooden structure.

  Evelyn pulls away from me just as a huge bear of a man bursts into my room, a giant gun in one of his outstretched hands. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” the asshole shouts. I’ve never seen the man before in my life, but he looks like most of the mugshots on television – dirty blond, stringy hair that comes down almost to his shoulders, wide crazy eyes and tons of tattoos up and down both of his bare arms. His jeans are ripped, and he’s wearing some sort of denim vest with patches all over it.

  “I’m sorry, Lowell. I just came to tell Cedric goodbye, that’s all,” Evelyn assures the maniac as she moves closer to him. She’s walking towards this monster, the dickhead who is still waving a gun around!

  I start to grab her shoulder to pull her back to me when the dick lowers his gun and wraps his free hand around her neck. Getting in her face, he growls, “If he touched you, I’ll fucking kill him and then I’m tossing your ass to the curb.”

  From down the hall, I hear other doors being bashed open and then my mom screaming.

  Jesus Christ. Guess he brought friends along.

  Who are these fucking assholes?

  “He didn’t…touch me! I swear! We just…talked,” Ev lies to him through gasping breaths.

  “There’s one way to know for sure,” he says before he spins her around, pulling Ev’s back against the front of his body. Still gripping the gun, he lets go of her throat and then his hand disappears up under the front of her white dress. While I can’t see where exactly he’s touching her, based on Evelyn’s eyes squeezing shut and her harsh gasp, I’m guessing his hand is inside of her panties.

  How fucking dare he touch her right where I just claimed her as mine! If I had a sharp blade on me, I would remove that appendage and a few others from his goddamn body!

  “Well, well. Your tight, little cunt is dry. At least for now,” he murmurs while looking right at me, daring me to try something.

  Fuck the sharp blade. If he didn’t have a gun, I would use my teeth to gnaw off his fucking wrist, anything to make him stop touching her!

  While I plot his dismemberment, his hand begins to move rapidly under Ev’s dress right the fuck in front of me while his eyes stare me down for what feels like forever. The unmistakable sounds of her wetness eventually fills the room and I think my chest may explode.

  She doesn’t want him! How could she when she was just with me, screaming my name, telling me she loves me too? So why the fuck is she letting him do this to her?

  “Get your fucking hands off of her!” I yell at him, unable to watch for another second.

  “Why don’t we ask her?” the dick says coolly. “Evelyn, do you want my fingers to stop fucking you?”

  “N-no. D-don’t stop,” she stammers

  “That’s what I thought,” he mutters. “This pussy is mine. And tomorrow, we’re going to make it official, ain’t that right, baby?”

  “Y-yes,” Evelyn answers even though more tears are running down her cheeks.

  Official? What the fuck is he…oh hell no!

  “You can’t be serious,” I say in disbelief. “Are you really going to marry this asshole?”

  She said she’s only known him for a few weeks, and already he’s brainwashed her. Tricking her into marrying him so he’ll help her mother is fucking ridiculous!

  My comment at least makes him let go of Evelyn, shoving her aside so he can stomp up to me. Then, something hard slams into the side of my face. Either his fist or the pistol, I’m not sure which, but it hurts like a motherfucker and makes my jaw go numb. I’m then thrown to the floor where I catch myself on my hands and knees. His boot lands on my ribs once, twice, three times as I shout in pain.

  “Stop!” Evelyn yells. “Leave him alone, Lowell. Just take me home. Please!”

  “You hear that?” the asshole says as he leans down to put his face in mine, reeking of cigarettes and stale beer. “She’s begging me to take her home. Stay the fuck away from her. Don’t even think of coming near her ever again or I’ll kill you,” he warns before the toe of his boot connects with my chin like he’s kicking off a football, rattling all of my teeth and maybe even my brains in my skull.

  I end up laid out on the ground in agony wishing I was unconscious. Sleep would’ve been better than having to watch the son of a bitch stroll up to Evelyn, my best friend and the girl I love more than anything in the world, and pick her up. He throws her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carries her out of my house while there’s not a goddamn thing I can do
to stop him.

  Chapter Three


  I feel terrible, like a traitor as I ride on the back of Lowell’s bike with my arms around his waist.

  He’s the opposite of Cedric in every way that matters, with few redeeming features. But he cares about me. More than that, he’s so infatuated by me that he’s already dropped fifty thousand dollars into my mother’s bank account so that she’ll be able to afford her medical bills for months to come.

  So, if I have to give up Cedric to save her and marry a man I don’t love, and probably never will, just to keep her alive, then it seems like a small price to pay. I just wish Lowell hadn’t gone after Cedric.

  In a few years, Mama will get her kidney transplant, and then we’ll be done with Lowell for good. Hopefully. I’ve already looked into the cost of anti-rejection meds, and they’re not cheap. There’s no way I could ever get a job with my high school diploma making enough to support us both.

  I just hope Cedric won’t do anything crazy, like try and come after me. That’s the sort of thing he would do, unfortunately. He loves me so much and doesn’t know how to be anything but completely loyal to everyone he cares about. I don’t want him to get hurt again, because I’m pretty sure Lowell went easy on him this time. If he had found out Cedric and I had been together, Cedric would probably be dead by now.

  Lowell isn’t the type of man I want to be with, but when the choice is life or death for my mother, what other option do I have?

  Luckily, Lowell lives near Carolina Beach, about two hours away. That will make it more difficult for Cedric to find me and my mother once she moves down there into the apartment that Lowell bought for her. He knew I would want her to be close, especially with her illness. While he refused to let me live with her, he says I’ll be able to see her every day.


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