Daddy's Sweet Ride (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 3)

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Daddy's Sweet Ride (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 3) Page 3

by Olivia Fox

  “Goodie!” her brilliant smile and little response made my loins ache.

  “It’s a Disney Princess sand pail and shovel. You can use it to collect things in the tide pools. The pink and purple shapes are sand molds in castle shapes.”

  “How did you know I would love them? Thank you.”

  I led Chloe to the pools in front of my favorite rock for harvesting shellfish. Hardly any people drove this far out, and those who did weren’t necessarily interested in gathering mussels and gooseneck barnacles. I’d never seen a single soul while harvesting here.

  I found it extremely relaxing to fill a bucket with shellfish and used a cat’s paw to pry them off the rocks. Chloe was game and climbed on the rocks below me, exploring the lower tide pools while I went out on the point where the waves were precarious.

  We both puttered happily at the edge of the waves for over an hour.

  Just about the time when I was ready to turn back to shore, I heard a shriek behind me

  My heart dropped. I turned around and saw Chloe standing with her eyes scrunched shut, her hair completely drenched, and my coat shiny with wave wash.

  I scrabbled across the rock as quickly as I could. The seaweed was extremely slick and dangerous now because it was wet, so I couldn’t move as quickly as I wanted.

  My priority was getting Chloe off the rock where she was at risk of getting splashed again since the tide was coming in.

  I returned and set down the bucket, walked over, grabbed her hand, and said, “Come on baby, let’s get you away from these waves.”

  Chloe hooked her elbow through mine, and my alpha roared at the gesture.

  “Easy does it,” I said when her foot slipped on the surface of the wet rock. We got to the edge of a large boulder we had scrambled up to get to the beach on the other side. “Stay here for a sec,” I climbed to the sand bar below and held my hand up toward her. “It’s OK, I got you.”

  She shook her head no and said, “No way! I will knock you as flat as a pancake. Just let me climb down.”

  “I won’t let you get hurt. I’ve caught things heavier than you. You’re featherlight by comparison.”

  She dangled her feet over the edge, motioning to shove off, “Don’t you dare,” I said

  “Why, what are you gonna do if I jump?”

  “Keep pushing, little girl, and you will definitely find out.” I got to a place where I could grab her around the waist and lift her off the rock to safety. My Daddy Dom instinct took a chill pill.

  “Stay right here, sweetie, I’ll be back in an instant.” I went back to fetch the bucket and handed it down to Chloe.

  I had to admit the gooseneck barnacles weren’t for everyone, only the culinary adventurous. They were weird-looking with their long black bodies that came out of their base shells like penises. But they were a delicacy and absolutely delish.

  “Let’s get you back into my warm car. You’re soaked through and shivering.”

  Chloe’s hands were shaking so badly from the cold she couldn’t manage to take her pants off. I insisted on helping her given that they were sopping wet. It was 40 minutes back to town and if we didn’t get them off, she risked hypothermia.

  “I’m not trying to be forward, Chloe, but you’re going to have to let me take your pants off.”

  “But you’re gonna see me in my undies.”

  “Little girl, I am only concerned about your safety right now. I’ve got a nice warm blanket in my trunk. We can wrap you in it and take you home to get you more clothes.”

  “OK. But this is so embarrassing. It’s our first date, and you’re already getting me undressed. I don’t want you to see me naked.”

  “Would it help if I promise not to look? I will avert my eyes and only help you with getting your pants off.”

  Chloe covered her eyes as I reached for the drawstring of her sweats.

  “Wait a minute, it’s me who’s supposed to be averting my eyes. If you cover yours, I’ll be tempted to look.”

  I loved teasing her, especially when her reactions were so cute.

  “No fair! You said you wouldn’t.” Whether she knew it or not, she definitely was a little.

  I gave a short laugh, “OK, OK I promise not to peek.” This time I did avert my eyes, but ignoring the sensation of her silky undies against my palm was not something I could do. It took all my strength not to rip them in half and shove my fingers into her drenched spot.

  Concentrate Jax, I told myself. Get this wrong, and you won’t ever get to visit her pleasure palace. It took more discipline than running 50 line drills on a hot field to keep my fingers and tongue away from her wet pussy. For though the waves had soaked her pants, her undies were dry but for a conspicuous wet spot where her sweet kitty lips came together.

  “Go ahead and put your hand on my shoulders, little girl.” I said as I kneeled before her. “You can balance yourself on me, and I’ll take your track pants off all the way.”

  “It’s so cold,” she said.

  “Just a minute and I’ll get you a blanket from the back. You’re pretty dry up top. With the heater on, we’ll get you heated right up.

  Being next to her near naked proximity had my already steel hard cock ready to burst. Finally, I got her bundled into the car and headed toward home.

  I settled Chloe on my couch, wrapping a fresh, warm throw around her, and gave her a new pair of my wools socks to warm her feet.

  Protectiveness and lust fought for control in different parts of my body.

  Distraction was necessary to avoid removing the blanket and exploring what was underneath.

  “How about a cup of tea or hot chocolate?” I asked.

  “Do you have mini marshmallows?” she asked.

  “No,” I chuckled. “But I do have whipped cream in a can? Sound good?”

  “Yummy!” She clapped her hands and bounced on the cushions. My heart blossomed.

  The sweet smell of Ghirardelli cocoa wafted up from the stove and I asked myself how on earth I would manage to keep my hands off her. This was a first date, after all. My horniness was not her responsibility.

  But it was more than that. I had plenty of opportunity to be with women sexually. Chloe was the first to truly interest me in a long time, and the lust was stronger than I had ever felt before. What was it about this little girl that had me craving her touch?

  “Here you go,” I handed Chloe a steaming mug of hot chocolate topped by a cloud of whipped cream. She took an innocent lick to taste it and the gesture went straight to my cock.

  I cleared my throat and sat as far away from her as I could on the other and of the couch, praying for willpower.

  “How are you feeling? Warmed up a little?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her lips as they blew and sipped at the warm liquid in the cup. So much for willpower.

  “I should start cleaning the mussels and barnacles we collected. But I’m really enjoying sitting here with you.”

  At the mention of the shellfish Chloe wrinkled her nose. “What’s the matter? You weren’t looking forward to eating the catch of the day?”

  “It’s really nice of you to get them for me. It’s just they look a little icky.”

  “They’re not for everyone. I can definitely put them in the refrigerator and cook them up tomorrow if they’re not your cup of tea.” Bossy me had apparently retreated to the back woods. This new side of myself was wrapped around her little finger.

  “I have an idea. Why don’t you be my catch of the day, and I can make you fish sticks for dinner.” I moved toward her and slid my hand under the blanket to caress her ankle. Her lustrous skin clobbered my willpower over the head, and he beat a hasty retreat.

  Scootching closer to her, I slid my arm behind her neck and with my index finger wiped away the small dollop of whipped cream from the top of her lip. Hoping for a taste of her I slid the finger into my mouth, and tasted sugar and vanilla. Her.

  Chloe’s eyes widened
slowly, and I noticed the blankets began to rise and fall more quickly with the tempo of her breath.

  “You’ve got me captivated, Bunny. I am having a hard time understanding what’s happening here, and I don’t want to go too fast and scare you away.”

  “For some reason I feel really safe around you,” she said.

  “Only because you can’t read my mind,” I growled.

  She sipped her chocolate and asked, “How do you know your thoughts would scare me?”

  “Honestly? Do you really want me to tell you?”

  “Good question. How am I supposed to know?”

  “My thoughts are consumed with all the things I want to do to you, little girl.”

  She paused. “Oh,” she said in a soft exclamation.

  “Is it too soon for me to talk about these things, Chloe?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t been in this situation before. Like, ever. It’s not like I have a how-to manual memorized for talking to a boy. I’m 27 and I’ve never really been kissed.” She twisted the blanket in her fists, “Does that freak you out?”

  “To the contrary, I can’t tell you how happy it makes me.” My chaste resolve had been slide tackled off the field. I leaned down to capture her soft lips gently between my teeth.

  She made a little whimper of appreciation, which made me want to devour her.

  I licked at her lips, which she parted for me. I slid my tongue into her mouth and the sweetness I found there was not solely from the hot chocolate. Her essence was something I wanted to dive into. I grabbed a fist of her hair in my hand and tilted her head backwards so I could ravish her mouth for real.

  My hand slid under her T-shirt, cupping her sweet titty in my palm, sliding back and forth across her nipples. I rolled one of her sweet raspberries back and forth between my fingers, making her mutter, “oh, oh, ohhhhhh.”

  Both of us were panting when I pulled away.

  Too soon. Too soon, I told myself. She’s an innocent and this is your first date.

  Was it too soon for me as well? It would be the first time since Jennifer.

  Our relationship had ended in disaster when she overdosed on the pills she was hooked on. I had not seen it coming and had no idea she was taking prescription pain pills to self-medicate. One night she combined them with too much alcohol, and I came home to find her asleep, on the floor.

  Only, I couldn’t wake her up.

  In hindsight the symptoms of her addiction were driving us apart. She had quit multiple jobs for no reason. Some days she didn’t get out of bed at all, depressed, and then she would be unexpectedly euphoric. All I knew at the time was our relationship wasn’t working out.

  It didn’t make my guilt for not keeping her safe any less. I couldn’t protect her.

  I was determined to make communication a top priority if I ever got into another relationship. The possibility of ever having another woman in my life was farfetched until I met Chloe. I needed her to know about me.

  She was snuggled under my arm, pressed against my side, “I’m possessive, Chloe. And more.”

  She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped the blanket more tightly around her.

  “What do you mean more than possessive?”

  “I mean I’m definitely a Daddy Dom. Do you know what it means?”

  “Not really,” she said.

  “It means it’s in my nature to be your boss. To take care of you. And to dominate you.”

  She became extremely interested in the contents at the bottom of her cocoa mug.

  “I don’t want to frighten you, Chloe. But at the same time, I feel myself falling for you hard, and I want you to understand what this means.”

  “I told you I’ve never had a relationship before so all of it is new to me. How can I know whether or not I would want a Daddy Dom or not?

  “In this case I think showing is better than telling.”

  I ditched the blanket burrito and pulled her over my thighs before she could protest.

  My forearm rested firmly across her lower back to hold her in place. “What are you doing?” she gasped.

  “Showing. Not telling.” Slowly, I trailed my fingertips over her silky panties. I began to rub my palm over her sweet, generous buttocks. Then I began to sensually pinch the bottom of each cheek, teasing her.

  “Daddy Doms have rules, baby girl. One of my rules is you need to tell me if you want me to stop. Can you agree?”

  She nodded her head in affirmation. I stroked my fingertips up the dimples of her spine. “Most Daddy Doms and their littles have a safe word. Something you really wouldn’t say every day, so I understand if you truly want me to stop. I slid my hand underneath her panties delighting in the feel of her naked skin. “Can you think of a safe word, little girl?”

  “Mussels,” she blurted out, “like the ones you caught today.”

  “What if you’re complementing my muscles?”

  “OK, then, barnacle! My safe word is barnacle.”

  I rubbed large circles around her ass cheeks loving the way she pushed back into my palm. I could feel the pace of her breathing accelerate like a Lamborghini on the autobahn.

  Taking it as a sign of encouragement I pulled her panties down and gazed my fill at her beautiful body.

  There was no whisper of the word barnacle.

  “Baby girl, Daddy wasn’t happy with the way you put yourself down in the car today.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Smack! “Rule one, do not talk back to Daddy.”

  She wriggled from side to side, attempting to get free.

  Smack! Smack! “Rule two, accept your punishments without fuss. Rule three, no bad mouthing yourself.”

  I could feel her soft stomach move faster against my thighs, along with her breathing.

  “There’s something you should know about me, baby girl. If I am going to be your daddy, I will punish you whenever you misbehave.”

  “Punish…?” I spanked her hard enough to take seriously. “Four, precious. Now you’re going to count the rest for me.”

  “The rest…?” Smack!

  “Count,” I commanded.

  “Five!” Smack.

  “Six!” Smack.

  I carried on in this fashion to ten and stopped with her whimpering beneath my palm. It was her first spanking from me.

  I pulled her panties back, which tested my limits. My fingers were trembling with desire. I wanted to spread her open and plunge my cock in from behind, but this had gone far enough for a first date.

  I didn’t want to scare her off completely. I gathered her to my chest and stroked her hair.

  “Now, all is forgiven. You’ll remember next time never to put yourself down, won’t you?”


  “Yes what, little girl? You call me Daddy.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I will remember.”

  “Good girl. All mine.”


  I still couldn’t believe in one day we had gone out on a date ended up with me sprawled over his lap receiving, “punishments.”

  Not only was it mind-blowing, just the thought heated my pussy and drenched my panties. Judging by the huge bulge grew under my tummy while he was spanking me, Jax liked it too.

  Even though Jax was a big tough guy, he tenderly cared for me and fed me fish sticks with ketchup before bringing me home.

  Literally, he held me on his lap and fed me fish sticks and put black olives on my fingers to eat off.

  It would have been great to sit there dreaming all about it on my couch, but Roxy knocked on the door..

  “Where have you been all day? I swung by earlier,” she accused, “you never go out on a Saturday.”

  The oddly familiar sensation of guilt in my belly made me worried about how she would respond. Roxy was predictable because she always disapproved of others, more so when they were truly content. She figured they were faking it.

  “I went out on a date with Jax. It was fun.”

  Her laugh was sco
rnful, “You might want to think twice about seeing someone who is such a womanizer.”

  There we go. Why did I always open myself up as a target for her?

  I couldn’t help myself and asked, “What do you mean?”

  She raised her voice, “Oh, please. Everyone in town knows he’s a player. Before you got to the bar last night, he was totally checking out my boobs.”

  “Why do you have to make everything ugly all the time? Why can’t you just be happy for me for once instead of trying to ruin anything that promises to be something I might want? You did it to me with Steve, and now here you go again.”

  “Oh, please. You’ve whined enough about your crush preferring me over you. Not my fault.”

  Standing up to Roxy was not something I normally did. My conviction that she was indeed lying surprised me. I had little evidence to go on, but what little I knew of Jax so far I liked and trusted. My therapist would be proud of me for telling Roxy what I really thought.

  “Did you ever think I had your best interest at heart?” Roxy lowered her voice and assumed a sweet tone polar opposite compared with her everyday persona. “Look, Chloe. I wasn’t going to tell you this, but now I think I have to.”

  My spine tingled with foresight. I would not want to hear the nastiness that was going to come out of her mouth.

  “Jax has not been involved with the woman for three years now in spite of his hotness. His last girlfriend killed herself. She took a bottle of painkillers and died. Her suicide note named Jax as the reason.”

  “You’re lying!” I said.

  “Fine, don’t believe me. You don’t have to take my word for it. Ask him yourself.” Roxy turned toward the front door and walked out.

  I swung it back open and shouted after her, “Don’t forget you owe me for those charges on my card! Otherwise I will report you!”

  Roxy continued down the path in my front yard, hummed innocently to herself as she walked away, not at all phased by the blow she had delivered to my stomach, and maybe even my heart.


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