Jin In Time Boxed Set 1-3: A Young Adult Time Travel Romance (The Time is Forever Series)

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Jin In Time Boxed Set 1-3: A Young Adult Time Travel Romance (The Time is Forever Series) Page 13

by Karin De Havin

  He takes in my shimmering locks. “I have to admit you don’t look half bad.” He gives me a wink. “Bet your IQ has dropped a few notches though.”

  I laugh. Little does he know a certain genie is the one responsible for my slipping GPA. “Enough about my hair, I’m really proud of you. You’re walking on your own!”

  “I know. I can hobble down to the nurse’s station and back.”

  I give him a high five. “You’re definitely feeling better if you can scope out the nurses.”

  He gives me a sheepish smile. “Busted!”

  “So do the doctors think you’ll be released soon?”

  “They’re very happy with my progress. There’s talk I might be able to do rehab at home.”

  I want to jump up and down, but I stay put. “That’s terrific news. Then I can move back home soon.”

  “You still not getting along with Agnes?”

  “It’s not her so much as Courtney.”

  “Why? What did she do?”

  “She has really made things hard for Jin. He lost his green card and she turned him into the INS.”

  “What? Does Agnes know?”

  “No. She has no idea Courtney is stirring up so much trouble.”

  “Then let’s leave her out of this, okay.”

  “Sure, Dad.”

  “So why would Courtney care whether Jin has a green card or not?”

  “I have no idea. I feel bad even telling you but things have gotten totally out of control. The vice principal is involved and the INS even searched the house.”

  He pushes himself up. “That’s ridiculous. Why didn’t anyone call me?”

  “Because you’ve been so ill. We actually found the card last night but I’m worried they still won't believe us. To be on the safe side I have Jin staying somewhere else.”

  I feel bad lying to Dad. I’m putting his reputation at stake. But if he shows the authorities the card maybe they won’t look at it so closely. Dad stands and slowly walks over to his bed. I can’t believe how far he’s come in just a week.

  He rings for the nurse. A cute busty brunette comes through the door. “Yes, Mr. Warren, what can I get for you?”

  “Can you tell Dr. Emery I’m checking myself out of the hospital.”

  “Sir, you need the doctor’s permission.” She glances at the chart hanging at the foot of the bed. “It says right here you’re not due to be released until the end of the week.”

  Dad points to the closet. “Esme, get my clothes. I’m going to help straighten out this mess. ”

  A smile spreads across my face. I finally have the loving, concerned father I always wanted.

  The nurse storms out of the room.

  “Dad, I don't need you to rescue me. I need you to get better.”

  “Kitten, don’t be silly. You need my help. And so does my future son-in-law.” He motions toward the door. “Make sure no one comes in.”

  I stand outside just waiting for the hospital security to show up. I grab the wheelchair by the window and help Dad get in. We make it almost all the way down the hall before the doctor stops us. “Where do you think you’re going Mr. Warren?”


  “Not unless you sign this.” The doctor hands Dad a clipboard. “If you insist on leaving against my advice, you need to fill out this release.”

  The nurse hands me his belongings and a bag full of pills and dressings for his leg. OMG, the doctor is actually letting him go. I search my iPhone for a list of cab companies and punch in the number for the closest one. An orderly wheels Dad the rest of the way down the hall. After only a few minutes the Checkered Cab pulls up to the curb. The cabby opens the door and helps Dad in.

  I gently slide in next to him. Dad stretches his legs out diagonally. “Are you okay?”

  He settles against the seat back. “I’m good, Kitten.”

  “Dad, thank you so much for checking yourself out of the hospital.”

  He smiles but I can tell he’s in pain. “You should have told me about the problems with Jin. Poor guy. What must he think of American hospitality?”

  I bite my lip to keep from laughing. Jin’s problems lie solely in the lap of one cheerleading American. “We didn’t want to upset you. Your health is too important to us.”

  “I’m going to straighten out this whole misunderstanding. Where is Jin now?”

  “He’s at St. John’s parsonage.”

  “Why would you take him there? Why not put him in the Sleepy Town Motel?”

  “Because it’s the first place the cops would look.”

  “I hope you know that from watching CSI.”

  Guess I sound like I’ve done this kind of thing before. Might as well tell him about taking his money. “Watching cops shows does come in handy.” I suck in a breath. “I need to tell you something you’re not going to like.”

  Dad leans back in the seat. “Esme, what have you done?”

  “I took some money out of your tin. I had to pay for someplace for Jin to stay.”

  A flash of red spreads across his cheeks. “See, that’s why I wanted him to get a job. Promise you will never do it again.”

  I wonder if he’ll still help Jin. “I’m sorry Dad. You were in the hospital and I didn’t know what else to do.”

  Dad turns his face away from me. “Stealing is not the answer, Esme.”

  I’ve never seen him this disappointed in me. “I’m sorry.” I give his hand a squeeze. “Please don’t let this change your feelings about Jin. It’s not his fault.”

  Dad lets out a sigh. He taps on the drivers shoulder. “Take us to St. John’s right now.”

  The cabby speeds down the street and I worry if Dad can handle the bumpy ride. I’m grateful that St. John’s is only a few blocks away. The cabby pulls in front of the church. I fly out the door and race up the pathway to the parsonage. I can’t believe we are going to be under the same roof again. I knock on the door and Jin greets me with a smile. “Esme, what a pleasant surprise. I was not expecting your arrival until this evening.”

  “I have great news. Dad is waiting in the cab. We’re all going home together!”

  “Stupendous.” Jin unzips the backpack I gave him and tucks a few things inside. “The accommodations here are quite meager. I shall look forward to your father’s sofa bed contraption.”

  I skip back to the car. I’m so happy my skin tingles. Jin sits in the front and I slide back in next to Dad. The two men I care about most in the world are back by my side. We pull out from the curb and the only thing I want to do is celebrate and I know the perfect place. I tap on the driver’s shoulder. “Take us to Sardi’s.”

  Dad gives me a high five. “You must be a mind reader. I was going to ask if we could stop by and pick up a pep and cheese.”

  Jin laughs. “I must say that does sound appealing.”

  I can’t believe how well Jin is settling into our routine. He really does feel like part of the family. The cabby stops in front of the restaurant and I fly out the door. I race into the restaurant and give the cashier the last twenty in my wallet. The best money I ever spent. The girl hands me the pizza and I do everything in my power not to sneak a slice. The five minute drive to the house seems to take forever. Jin helps balance Dad while he pays the driver. I race ahead of them and make a beeline straight for the kitchen. I set the table with a smile on my face. Only a month ago I sat at the same table wondering if I would ever feel close to my father. Now it seems like we were never apart.

  Jin guides Dad to the table. He gently sets him down in the chair and gets a pillow to prop up his bad leg. Dad probably thinks he’s so attentive because of his proper English background. I know it is his genie nature. He wants to please his Mistress. But I don't care. Watching him, I see what it would be like if we were married. How he would be the perfect husband. I wonder if I could make a wish that he could stay with me forever. Probably against the rules. In my heart I know we can never be together. He must move on to his next Master.

  Jin sits down and takes a slice. He catches my eye. “Esme, you look sad. Is it not astonishing your father is finally back in his residence?”

  I force a smile. “I counted the slices, and someone is only going to get three.”

  Dad laughs. “Don’t worry, Esme, I’ll make the sacrifice.”

  Jin looks confused. “You are distressed over an unequal distribution of pizza?”

  “Yeah. We take our pizza very seriously in this house. And everyone should get their fair share.”

  Jin shrugs his shoulders. “I do not think I will ever understand Americans.”

  Dad lets out a deep belly laugh. It’s wonderful to see him so happy and alive.

  I grab a slice and hold it up in the air. “To a future filled with happiness.”

  Dad taps my pizza slice. “I’ll toast to that!”

  Like a good genie, Jin plays along. We dig in like it’s the last time we’ll ever eat.

  Dad slides back his chair. “I better get to bed. The doctor said I should stay off my leg to keep the swelling down.”

  His eyes are only half open. “Sure, Dad. Let’s get you to bed.”

  Jin stands on one side and we manage to get Dad safely into bed and tucked under the covers. I make sure he has a glass of water on the nightstand, and his pain pills. Resting the cane by his bed, I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. “So glad you’re back where you belong. Bet you missed your wood paneling.”

  He smiles. “You know me well, Kitten.”

  Jin closes the door and follows me to my room. I throw myself onto the bed exhausted. “What a day.”

  “Yes, it has been quite eventful, Mistress. I am feeling a bit out of sorts myself.”

  “Really? I thought genies could handle anything.”

  “Tis true but …” Jin grabs a hold of his throat and starts coughing.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He tries to catch his breath. “I am… at a loss. I have never had the slightest issue with my wellbeing. Never once felt under the weather when I was with your Grandmother.”

  Great, being with me is making him sick. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “I do not possess the faintest idea. Genies are not supposed to experience illness.”

  I give him a sip of my water. “How long have you been feeling strange?”

  “I have not wanted to cause you consternation, but for several days I have not felt like myself.”

  A shiver runs down my back. “What do you think is the problem?”

  “I have given the issue a great deal of thought, and have come to the conclusion that it must be the length of time I have been with you.”

  “You’re sick because of me?”

  “Certainly not, Mistress. It is just that all of my previous Masters consumed their wishes in a matter of days. Your Grandmother, for instance. She expended all her wishes in a week.”

  “Can you tell me what she wished for?”

  “No, it is privileged information. I can say that we made several valiant attempts to cure her cancer. But it was a fate we could not overcome.”

  My eyes well up. “I know you did everything in your power.”

  He nods.

  “I’m so sorry you’re sick.” I can’t admit that I’ve been hording wishes to keep him with me. “Do you want me to use up the rest of my wishes?”

  “No. It is not my place to tell you what to do.” He gives me a weak smile. “You are my Mistress after all.”

  The responsibility of his fate hits me in the gut. “Yes, I am. I wish that Jin…”

  I’m interrupted by a loud scraping noise. Where is it coming from?


  Like synchronized swimmers, we both turn in unison. What the heck? The vase has fallen off the windowsill. For once I’m happy the room has thick shag carpeting to cushion its fall. I’d hate to lose such a precious gift from Grandma. A small rolled up piece of paper sits nestled in the carpet next to the vase. I hold it up to Jin. “Have you ever seen this before?”

  Jin takes the paper from my hand. He pulls the monocle out of his pocket and examines the note. “There is something written inside.”

  “No way, read it!”

  “All is forgiven. I am coming to get you forthwith.”

  “What kind of message is that?”

  Jin’s hand trembles as the paper falls to the floor. In seconds a large puff of smoke consumes the paper. Jin turns pale. “There is only one person who has the power to do such a thing.”

  I suck in a breath. “O.M.G, it’s from your former master—-the magician.”

  Chapter 7

  Carrot Trouble

  I’ve never seen fear flood Jin’s face before. He’s always been so calm and collected. Seeing him so upset makes me nervous. “Jin, your former master can't be that powerful. There’s no way he can yank you out of the future back into Victorian England.”

  Goosebumps form on my arms as I watch Jin fight for control. He tucks the scroll into his jeans pocket. “Mistress, you underestimate the power of time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My former Master, Roderick, wished for his powers to grow stronger after every magic trick. He has had years to perfect them.”

  “I never asked you. Why did he banish you to the vase?”

  “Because he did not like it when I informed him I could not grant his last wish. So in retribution he wished for me to be banished to the vase for eternity.”

  “And you had to grant it? You imprisoned yourself?”

  “Yes, Mistress. I must obey my Master. That is why I was ever so grateful that your grandmother found a way to release me.”

  “I’m glad she did too!” Without my grandmother I would have never found the love of my life. “I’m curious, what was Roderick’s last wish? To rule the world?”

  Jin gives me a weary smile. “Close. He wanted to become the greatest man in all of history. But it was not his fate so I could not grant it.”

  “If he thinks he can alter history, who could be more powerful than that?”

  “Genghis Kahn.”

  “No way!”

  “You think he conquered the world without help?”

  “You mean….”

  Jin nods his head. “He had a genie by his side.”

  One more myth shattered. I wondered how many other historic figures reached their power through wishes. “Do you think his threat is real? Should we be worried?”

  “For both our sakes, I hope not.”

  I shouldn’t have listened to Jin. After he made it through the night alive, he thought it best we go back to our normal lives. Now he’s in the administration office answering phones and I’m stuck in my boring calculus class, where once again everyone is staring at me. The two guys next to me give my hair a thumbs down. I have bigger problems than whether my fellow students like my platinum blonde hair. I’m worried that the magician might do something horrible to him. I wriggle uncomfortably on the hard plastic seat. After almost losing my Dad, I can’t stand the thought of never seeing Jin again. Someone calls my name: “Miss Warren. I don’t know where your mind is, but you certainly aren’t working on the calculations I gave you.”

  Great. Busted daydreaming. “Sorry, Mr. Rieghter, I’ll get right on it.”

  He nods and walks away. I force myself to concentrate on my class work. Things are bad enough I don’t need to add flunking out of calculus to the list. I buckle down and work my way through the equations. The bell rings and I actually look forward to botany class. Documenting seedlings growing is a cinch compared to the math I just plowed through. I wave when I see Trinity bounding toward the door. “Ready to measure some plants?”

  “Tops my last class. History of WWII is boring as hell.”

  My grandmother would have a thing or two to say about the way Trinity is trivializing the war that changed her life. Grandma lost her father in the war. Instead of giving Trinity a lecture, I just ignore her comment and say, “Look, my carrots are taking off.”
  “You actually like veggies?”

  I laugh. “I didn’t say that. My neighbor has a bunny and I want to feed him through the fence.”

  “Ah…how cute.”

  Once again my lying skills amaze me. Where do I come up with this stuff? It’s a big stretch from a Great Dane to a bunny. “Yeah, he has big floppy ears and spots.”

  The teacher walks up to our table. “So how are your seedlings doing? Did you apply the growth hormone properly?”

  Trinity runs her hand over the four-inch high seedlings like she’s selling a car. “I’m quite pleased with how well my radishes are growing. Should be ready for a salad in no time.”

  “I like your optimism, Trinity.” I try not to roll my eyes as Mr. Swenson moves next to me. “And how are your carrots doing, Esme?”

  I pull out a ruler and measure the height of the shoots. “Two and a half inches. I think they are doing exceedingly well.” Crap, I’m starting to sound like Jin. I clear my throat hoping no one noticed and point to an obvious underachiever in the right corner of the tray. “Well, except for this guy.”

  Trinity laughs. “Reminds me of my first boyfriend’s…”

  My hand instinctively covers Trinity’s mouth. “What she means is, the carrot is like her boyfriend’s Mini Cooper. Cute and green.”

  Mr. Swenson sucks in a breath. “I don’t think that’s what she meant, but you’re a good friend to cover for her.”

  He moves on to the next table. I kick Trinity in the shin. “What are you trying to do? Get us detention?”

  She gives me a smile. “Loosen up.” Trinity runs her hand over the tiny carrot leaves. “They’re growing just like our friendship.”

  That nagging feeling that she wants something from me grows stronger. I decide to change the subject. “Hey, how’s things with Shia?”

  She pushes the seedling tray aside. “Fan-fr-ing tastic. Only one problem.”


  “My grades in Poli Sci and Human Geography suck. My dad expects straight A’s.”

  I totally know how she feels. Jin isn’t my boyfriend but he might as well be for the hit my GPA is taking. “I hear you.”


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