Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper - Case Closed

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Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper - Case Closed Page 42

by Patricia Cornwell

  Gide, André

  Gill, John

  murder of

  Giuseppina (Venetian prostitute)

  Gladstone, William Ewart

  Gladstone bag, owned by Sickert

  Godwin, Beatrice

  See also Whistler, Beatrice

  Godwin, Edward W.

  Goldstein, Esther

  Gosling, Howard (detective inspector)

  Graphology, books on

  Gray’s Anatomy


  Grieve, John

  Grover’s Island from Richmond Hill (painting), Sickert

  Guest book, The Lizard Hotel

  Guilt, psychopaths and

  Gull, William

  Gun found at Maison Mouton

  Gurney Ivory Laid watermark

  Gustafsdotter, Elizabeth

  See also Stride, Elizabeth

  Hagmaier, Bill

  Hailstone, A. (police inspector)

  Hairs, analysis of

  Halévy, Daniel

  Hall, Fred

  Hall, Marshall

  Hamlet, Shakespeare

  Hamnett, Nina

  Hampstead Heath

  Handcart, Rue St. Jean, Dieppe, The (painting), Sickert


  in Ripper letters

  of Sickert

  Hangings, public

  Hansom cabs

  Harcourt, William

  Hardiman, Harriet

  Harris, Harry

  Harris, Phoebe

  Harvey, Kate

  Harvey, Maria

  Hatfield, James

  Havant, England, murder

  Hayes, Florence

  Height, estimates of

  Heinz Gallery, London

  He Killed His Father in a Fight (sketch), Sickert

  Henry, Eleanor Louisa Moravia “Nelly”

  See also Sickert, Nelly

  Henry V, Shakespeare


  Hey, Ciceley

  Heywoode, Thomas

  Hide and Seekyll (play)


  Hill, Joan

  Hill’s Hotel (“The Lizard”), Cornwall

  guest book

  Hinckley, John, Jr.

  Hinfray, Marie Françoise

  Hoaxes, Ripper letters as

  Hogarth, William

  Holland, Mitch

  Holland, Nelly


  evidence in

  medieval era

  mistaken for suicides

  Homosexuality, Victorian views

  Hooke, Robert

  Hope, James, Principles and Illustrations of Morbid Anatomy, with Its Complete Series of Coloured Lithographic Drawings

  Hops, gathering of

  Horse racing, Sickert and

  Houndsditch, London

  Hudson, Nan

  letters from Sickert

  Human body

  changes after death

  Human organs, stealing of

  Humor, Victorian era

  Husband, Robert

  Hutt, George (police constable)


  surgery for

  Identification of victims

  anthropometry and

  Identity of Ripper


  Illegitimacy, Victorian views

  Illustrated Police News, The

  Illustrations of Dissections, Ellis

  Impotent fury


  Chapman murder

  Eddows murder

  Gill murder

  Kelly murder

  murdered boy

  Nichols murder

  Stride murder

  Tabran murder

  Instant death

  International Working Men’s Educational Club (IWMC)

  Interviews, Sickert and

  Intimacy, Sickert and

  Iron bedsteads

  Irving, Henry

  Islington Public Libraries, Sickert papers

  It All Comes from Sticking to a Soldier (painting), Sickert

  “Jack,” definitions of

  Jack Ashore (painting), Sickert

  Jack the Ripper

  alleged surgical skills

  appearances of

  Cornwall guest book entries

  DNA testing

  games of

  identity theories

  “Elephant Man” Merrick as

  unidentified soldier


  clues in

  from distant locations


  first signed

  as hoaxes

  motive for

  papers written on

  Sickert and


  mistakes made by

  modus operandi (MO)

  newspaper stories

  poem by

  and police

  possible murders

  press and

  Sickert and

  source of name

  victims of

  Chapman, Annie

  Dimmock, Emily

  Eddows, Catherine

  Kelly, Mary

  McKenzie, Alice

  Nichols, Mary Ann

  Stride, Elizabeth

  Tabran, Martha

  wall message

  weapons available to

  witness descriptions

  Jack the Ripper: Letters from Hell, Evans and Skinner

  Jack the Ripper’s Bedroom (painting), Sickert

  James, Henry


  Ripper letters and

  wall writing reference

  Johnson, Emma

  Joke, severed arm as

  Jones, Inigo

  Journalism, of Ripper case

  Joynson Superfine watermark


  Chapman inquest

  Justice for Ripper’s victims

  Kelly, John

  Kelly, Mary

  murder of

  Kennett, Anne

  Keys, stolen, Camden Town murder

  Kidney, human, sent by Ripper

  Kidney, Michael

  Killeen, T. R. (police surgeon)

  errors of deduction

  Killion, Thomas (police constable)

  Kitten, and Kelly Murder



  purchase of

  in Ripper letters

  Kosminski, Aaron

  Kukri (knife)

  Lacassagne, Alexandre

  L’Affaire de Camden Town (painting), Sickert

  Lambeth Workhouse

  Landlord, Ripper story by

  Landseer, Thomas

  Lane, Catherine

  Lane, Harriet

  Langham, Samuel Frederick (coroner)

  Languages, Sickert and

  Law and Liberty League

  Lawende, Joseph

  Lawrence, Katie

  Lawrence, Queenie

  Lazarus Breaks His Fast: Self Portrait (painting), Sickert

  Leather apron

  Ledger, Ripper scrapbook

  Leeson, Benjamin (police constable)

  Lost London: The Memoirs of an East End Detective

  Leg, severed, discovery of

  Le Journal (painting), Sickert

  Lessore, John

  Lessore, Thérèse


  forensic evidence in

  handwriting evaluation

  to newspapers

  “Whitechapel Murder” file

  See also Jack the Ripper, letters ; Sickert, Walter Richard, letters

  Levin, Jennifer

  Levy, Joseph

  Lewis, George

  Ligature marks

  Lilly, Marjorie

  Linguistic combination in Ripper letters


  Lister, Joseph

  Liverpool, Ripper references

  Livor mortis

  Lizard, The. See Hill’s Hotel

  Lizard Point, Cornwall
/>   Llewellyn, Rees Ralph (physician)

  incorrect conclusions

  Nichols autopsy


  distant, Ripper letters mailed from


  Lodging house, rooms rented by Ripper

  London, Jack

  London, England:

  air pollution

  eighteenth century

  Victorian era

  police force

  See also City of London; East End, London

  London Hospital

  London’s Unfortunates (prostitutes)

  See also Prostitutes

  Long, Alfred (police constable)

  Long, Elisabeth

  Lost London: The Memoirs of an East End Detective, Leeson

  Love, psychopaths and

  Lundberg, Ada

  Lusk, George

  Lust murderers

  MacColl, D. S.

  MacDonald, Arthur

  Macnaghten, Melville (chief constable)

  Days of My Years

  McCarthy, John

  McDonald, Roderick (coroner)

  McGowan, Robert

  McKenzie, Alice

  Mahoney, Mr. and Mrs.

  Mailing of letters

  Maison Mouton (Sickert home, France)

  Male figures in Sickert’s artworks

  Malthus, Thomas

  Manchester, England

  Manipulative behavior

  Mann, Robert

  Mansfield, Richard

  Manual of Pathological Anatomy, A, Rokitansky

  Marshall, F. E.

  Marshall, William

  Marsh, Edward

  Maybrick, Florence

  Maybrick, James

  Measurements of paper

  Medical examiners

  Medical matters, Sickert and

  Medical schools, anatomical specimens

  Memoirs of police, opposition to

  Memory, retentive, of Sickert

  Merchant of Venice, The, Shakespeare

  Merrick, Joseph Carey (“Elephant Man”)

  Metropolitan Police


  divisional surgeons

  and reward for Ripper’s capture

  Ripper letters

  Warren as commissioner

  Migrant farm workers

  Military, Sickert’s interest in

  Milton, John

  Mishandled evidence, Nichols case

  Misspellings in Ripper letters

  Mitochondrial DNA

  Mitre Square, City of London

  Mizen, G. (police constable)

  Models, female

  prostitutes as

  Modus operandi (MO) of psychopaths

  Jack the Ripper

  attack from the rear

  change of

  Monckton’s Superfine watermarks

  Money, Sickert and

  Moore, Frederick

  Moore, George

  “Moral insanity”

  Morley, John

  Morning Leader

  Mornington Crescent, London

  Morris, James


  Mortuary photographs

  Catherine Eddows

  Elizabeth Stride

  Motivation for Ripper murders

  “Mr. Nemo” (Sickert’s stage name)

  letters from




  investigations of


  postmortem details

  psychopaths and

  unacknowledged, by Ripper


  Muscle contractions, after death

  Music halls, Victorian London

  Sickert and

  Mylett, Rose

  murder of

  Name changes

  Nationality, Sickert and



  Neil, John (police constable)


  Neville, Dr. (police surgeon)

  errors of deduction

  New Age, The, Sickert article “A Stone Ginger” in

  Newberg, Esther

  New Bond Street, London

  New Scotland Yard


  anonymous letters to

  and Kelly murder

  Ripper and

  Sickert and

  letters to

  See also Jack the Ripper, letters

  New York Herald, London edition

  and female torso

  Sickert articles for

  Nichols, Mary Ann

  murder of

  Nichols, William

  Normandy, alleged visit by Sickert

  Norwich, John Julius

  Nude bodies, paintings of:



  Nuit d’Été (Summer Night) (painting), Sickert

  Nurses, nineteenth century

  Obese females, Sickert and

  Openshaw, Thomas

  Ripper letter to

  Ordeal, trial by

  Organ-stealing, as motive for Ripper

  Orgasm, female, Victorian views

  Ostend, Belgium

  Ostrog, Michael

  Overkill, frenzied

  Overpopulation, problems of

  Painted letters

  See also Jack the Ripper, letters


  destruction of

  by Sickert:

  bought by Ellen

  crime scenes

  exhibition of

  Jack the Ripper’s Bedroom

  murder scenes

  music-hall performers




  religious themes


  World War I era


  measurement differences of

  of Ripper/Sickert letters

  See also Watermarks

  Paper Chase, The (play)


  Pash, Florence

  Passing Funeral, A (painting), Sickert

  Pasteur, Louis

  Patrol (painting), Sickert

  Paul, Robert

  Payne, George (police supervisor)

  “Pearly Poll” (Mary Ann Connolly)

  and Tabran murder

  Peel, Robert

  Pemberton, T. E., letter from Sickert

  Penis, fistula of

  surgery for

  Pennell, Joseph

  Penny Black stamp, first

  Personas of Sickert

  Personnel files, destruction of

  Pesh kabz (Indian dagger)

  PET (positron emission tomography) scans

  Peto, Dorothy

  Phail, John (police constable)

  Phillips, Annie

  Phillips, George (police surgeon)

  and Beetmoor murder

  and Coles murder

  errors of deduction

  Stride murder

  and Kelly murder


  of crime scene


  Eddows, Catherine

  Kelly murder

  Stride, Elizabeth

  Photography, Sickert’s interest in

  Physicians, Victorian era


  Pickle Herring Stairs

  Pimlico, London

  Pizer, John “Leather Apron”


  by Oswald Sickert

  by Ripper


  Police, London

  and body parts

  Jack the Ripper and


  personnel files

  public views of

  Police Review and Parade Gossip

  Police surgeons


  London, Victorian era

  psychopathy incidence

  Pornography, psychopaths and

  Portsmouth, England, murder n

  Postcards, clues to Dimmock murder

  Postmarks of Ripper letters


  Postmortem examinations

  Kelly murder

  Potter, Emma

  Poverty, Victorian London

  of women

  Prater, Elizabeth

  Precipitin tests

  Premeditated crimes

  Press. See Newspapers

  Preston, Charles

  Prevaricator, The (painting), Sickert

  Princess Alice, shipwreck

  Principles and Illustrations of Morbid Anatomy, with Its Complete Series of Coloured Lithographic Drawings, Hope

  Prisoners, nineteenth-century London

  Procedural errors

  Chapman murder

  Eddows murder

  Nichols murder

  Props for psychopaths


  as models, Sickert and

  murders of

  at racecourses

  Sickert’s paintings of

  Victorian views of

  watching of

  Pruitt, Chuck

  Psychology of murderer


  character traits

  Jekyll/Hyde story and


  modus operandi

  Sickert as

  victims of

  violent, and delusional thinking

  as voyeurs

  See also Jack the Ripper

  Public Record Office, Ripper files

  Publication of murder details

  Punch and Judy shows

  script by Oswald Sickert

  Purity League

  Putana a Casa (painting), Sickert


  Raffael, Michael

  Raising of Lazarus, The (painting), Sickert

  Rape, Victorian views


  Records, incomplete

  missing photographs

  missing postmarks

  missing reports

  Red handkerchief, Sickert and

  Reeves, John S.

  Regent Street, London

  “Resurrectionists” (body snatchers)

  Retirement dinner for Abberline

  Revolver found at Maison Mouton

  Reward offered for Ripper’s capture

  Richard I (king of England)

  Richardson, Amelia

  Richardson, John

  Richardson, Miss (friend of Duke of Clarence)

  Rigor mortis


  Ripper Diary

  Rising Sun public house

  Rituals, psychopathic

  Robins, Anna Gruetzner

  Rockland Bed & Breakfast, Lizard Point, Cornwall

  Rokitansky, Carl, A Manual of Pathological Anatomy

  Rothenstein, William

  Royal London Hospital

  Royster, John

  Russell, Sir Charles (Chief Justice of England)

  St. Mark’s Hospital, London

  Saint-Valery-en-Caux, Sickert letter from

  Salmon, Frederick

  Salvation Army

  Sands, Ethel

  Saturday Review

  “Saucy Jack”

  “Saucy Jacky”


  Schiermeier, Lisa

  Schlesinger, Louis B.

  Schooling of Sickert


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