White Death | Book 1 | Escape

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White Death | Book 1 | Escape Page 8

by Cluke, D. L.

  “Come on, get up already,” she urged him, “we only have an hour left before dusk. We need be across that field and in the truck before then.”

  “Look, he’s moving!”

  Anna watched as Josh somehow found the strength to push the massive infected off. He stumbled to his feet, staggering to the rear of the tower and disappearing from view. A few long minutes later, the bells started ringing. Within seconds, vibrations from thousands of feet shook the rooftops as the infected searched for the source.

  “Look at the field!” Becca nudged her and Anna turned her back on the tower to gaze upon a fresh new hellscape.

  She gasped.

  Dozens of infected emerged from their dormant trances, rising to their feet in the tall grass. They sprinted to join their brethren in the city, looking for their next hot meal.

  “We would have walked right through them,” Anna’s hand rose to her neck, feeling sick at the thought.

  “We’d be dead. No doubt about it. Is nothing safe anymore?” Remi whined, his ears pinned back as they waited for the hordes to pass.

  “No, it’s not, but at least the plan worked. The area should be clear. We need to move now,” Josh slung his arm around Anna, making it back across in record time.

  Both girls jumped. He had managed to sneak right up to them. Anna scolded herself. She needed to be more aware of her surroundings. He could have shoved them both off the rooftop if he had wanted.

  “Josh, your hurt.”

  “It’s nothing, just a scratch when that big bastard fell on me,” he brushed off Anna’s arm. “Now, move while we can.”

  They ran down the stairs, trying to dull the pounding of their feet, but it didn’t matter. The infected were hypnotized by the ringing, which sounded much louder than normal without the chaotic everyday sounds of the city. As long as they didn’t run straight into a horde, they would be okay.

  The four of them sprinted towards the field, picking up speed as the buildings grew farther apart. Sidewalks disappeared, tarmac turned to dirt, and within minutes they were waist-deep in the tall brown grass.

  Anna had never seen anything so beautiful. After all the horrific sights and sounds of the city, of thousands of people dying… the quiet field was like walking into a dream.

  “It’s got my foot!”

  Dream? No, just a nightmare that refused to fucking end.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Becca’s scream shattered the quiet of the grassy field. Remi lunged at the infected, a small child, who had her mouth latched onto Becca’s pants. Anna noticed the jet black hair, once tied neatly into a beautiful french braid, was now matted and full of dirt, twigs, and bugs.

  “Get it off me!” Becca shrieked, trying to kick the infected child away.

  Remi grabbed onto her leg, yanking the child away from his owner. She must have been five years old. She had no legs and no arms. Bloody stumps were all that remained, strips of gristle dragging in the grass behind her. Anna watched Remi pull her farther away, scooting backward as the infected child reached her stumps towards Becca. They disappeared into the tall grass.

  “Remi! Come back, boy!”

  Anna helped Becca to her feet, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I think so. It only managed to get my pants. Where’s Remi? We need to find him!”

  They moved to follow the dog, but Josh placed his hand across Anna’s chest.

  “Don’t. The infected have no interest in the dog. Listen.”

  He nodded in the direction that Remi had gone. Growls and the sounds of tearing flesh floated back to her. After a few minutes, Remi came trotting back, sitting beside Becca, and starting to clean his paws. Blood dripped from his snout.

  “Remind me not to get on his bad side,” Josh eyed the dog, sizing him up.

  “Day light’s wasting,” Josh looked at the lengthening shadows, concern etched across his face. “We need to move. Stick together and step exactly where I step. No telling how many more of those crippled things could be lying in wait.”

  They made quick work crossing through the remainder of the field. Ahead of them lay the beginning of a rolling countryside. An outcropping of old maintenance buildings dotted the immediate landscape. Even here, Anna could see signs of a struggle. Blood splatters decorated the nearest building. The grass flattened like a herd of deer had bedded down for the evening. She knew better. Those bells had saved their asses. They would have walked into a massacre without them.

  “My truck is hidden inside that garage.”

  The only thing that stood between them and their ride out of here was a fence. A 12ft fence. A fence that Josh had failed to mention.

  Anna’s mind was numb. Memories from the past week swirled up from the depths she had shoved them to. She couldn’t believe that Josh had so callously sacrificed Brandon to save his own skin. How often he had threatened to do the same to Becca if they didn’t comply. How he kept looking at her, like she was an entree on the menu. Her skin crawled at the thought of his hands touching her. Never again.

  She watched him scale the fence, placing the tip of his boot into the diamond-shaped holes. His strong arms pulled his body up with ease. A sudden rage filled her. A red haze covered her vision, her heart thumping out of her chest. Blood pumped through her veins. It was now or never. Once they were inside that truck, there was no telling when she would get another opportunity.

  She ran, reaching her hands up to grab his backpack, yanking him down off the fence with all of her force. Not expecting her attack, still fully expecting them to comply with all his commands, he lost his grip and fell back on his butt. He hit the Earth with a satisfying thud, dazing him briefly before he quickly regained his senses and turned towards her. She launched, tossing herself on top of him and throwing punch after punch.

  He grabbed her wrists, “Anna, you need to listen to me. We need to get over this fence now. Stop being ridiculous!”

  “You killed him, Josh! You killed Brandon!” She sobbed, her anger slipping away, turning into sorrow and grief over the devastation the White Death had caused.

  “It was him or all of us, Anna,” Josh said, lacking any grief or guilt over what he had done. “I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe and he would have gotten us killed if I hadn’t done something.”

  “Done something… is that what you call it?” whispered Becca, “You mean if you hadn’t killed him!”

  “When will you two learn? This is how the world works now. Kill or be killed. If I had not done something,” he pushed Anna off him, “if I hadn’t done something, that horde would have gotten us all.”

  “I can’t believe you think it’s okay to just kill someone. You are such a selfish bastar…”

  A shriek cut through the air, shutting them up. Remi crouched low, a warning growl rumbling in his chest.

  “That came from inside the fence. Fuck, we need to find the opening I made earlier.” Josh ran towards the garage, running his hands along the fence in search of the small opening.

  Anna followed Josh, tugging Becca along as they found the opening about a hundred yards away. The sounds of the infected floated around them. Where had they all come from? Must be from north of the city. Maybe those church bells had worked a little too well.

  “Umm, guys,” Becca whispered, “we need to get inside. Now!”

  She groaned. Bumping into Anna, trying to push her forward. Anna could feel the anxiety rolling off Becca in waves. They needed a win. They needed to rest.

  They walked the remaining way to the garage, picking their way carefully through the tall grass. Anna realized it wouldn’t be long before mother nature took back the entire area. Even now, just a week after this whole thing had spiraled beyond control, infrastructure had already fallen apart. How long would the power last? How long will there be food? They would be stuck scavenging expired canned goods and stale chips in as little as a year. If they survived that long.

  That’s why we need to get to the farm. Dad will have a plan.

>   Staring at the back of Josh’s head, her mind searched for any possibility that would ensure his death. He confidently walked in front of her and she just knew he would survive. Bad people always seemed to survive. He led them through the fence, ducking to squeeze through the small slit.

  He stopped, so suddenly that Anna didn’t have time to react and bumped into him. Josh swore. She peeked around his broad back and her heart sank. The rusted metal door to the maintenance building was busted open, dangling from the top hinge. A single bloody handprint smeared on the tin outside. She was going out on a wild guess here, but something told her it wasn’t there when Josh had left.

  He held up his hand. He cocked his head and listened. Hearing nothing from inside the building, he motioned for them to stay put and walked towards the open door. He placed a hand on the doorknob, pulled his knife from the sheath at his side, and lightly tapped the metal frame. Moans drifted out from the dark interior. He quietly closed the door and turned to Anna and Becca.

  “There’s probably a dozen in there. The door’s busted, which works in our favor as it can be pulled outwards. Here’s the plan. Becca, you stand over there, directly in front of the door. Anna, you stand next to the door and try and let them out one by one.”

  “You want me to be bait? After what you did to Brandon, are you fucking crazy?”

  “Yes, Becca. Bait. I will be off to the side, ready to take them out as they come outside. Oh and don’t get any cute ideas about revenge,” he winked at Becca, “if I get overrun, we’re all dead.”

  Anna’s mind raced, heart thumping in her ear. She realized this could be her last real chance to get rid of Josh, once and for all. Her skin turned clammy, sweat pooling between her shoulder blades. Could she really go through with this? Could she really kill somebody on purpose?

  He had killed Brandon. He was planning on killing Becca and Remi. He would probably kill her family once they reached the farm. There was no telling what he planned to do to her once everyone else was dead. She ground her teeth. She knew she might not get another chance. She looked at her best friend. How much longer until Josh deemed her unnecessary and fed her to the infected?

  No. She had to do it. She thought about being alone with him, with no chance of rescue in this desolate world. She felt something inside shatter, the remains of that timid and frightened girl she had become with him. She was stronger now, more determined, and she wouldn’t let this chance slip by.

  Our survival depends on it.

  Josh looked at her, misinterpreting the emotions flooding across her face. He moved close, taking her face in his hands.

  “It’s okay. I promise you, we’re going to be okay.”

  Typical conceited Josh. Mistaking her indecision for concern over his wellbeing would prove to be a fatal mistake. She would have to time it carefully, to make sure enough of the infected escaped that he couldn’t fight them all off.

  “Okay,” she mumbled, playing the part of his weak girlfriend one last time. Never again would she bow down to anyone.

  Anna moved into position, grasping the door handle and waiting for Josh’s signal. Once satisfied with her position, he turned to walk away. Her eyes moved to Becca and Remi, standing off in the distance.

  Be ready, she mouthed, hoping Becca would figure out her plan. She nodded at Anna. It was do or die time. She just prayed that it wouldn’t be her or Becca that died today.

  Anna turned back to Josh as he spun around and got into position. She watched his hands, the same hands that had once made her feel safe, that had once given her such pleasure and happiness. Now, those hands left bruises and the mere thought of him touching her made her skin crawl. He tightened and loosened his fingers around his knife.

  Josh readied himself, his strong legs staggered as he braced himself. He nodded.

  “Let the first one out.”

  Anna opened the door and the first infected stumbled out, making a beeline for Becca. The man, a mechanic still in his overalls, didn’t even look at Josh off to the side, allowing him to sneak up behind it. While Josh busied himself placing the creature in a headlock and bringing his blade around and through her eye, Anna let the door shut just a little too hard. Busy with the first creature, Josh didn’t notice the slight bang as the door hit home.

  Anna let out another infected. This one was a petite blonde woman. She was missing her lower jaw. Teeth, the ones that were left, dangled from strings of meat and swayed with each step. Anna’s stomach turned. No matter how many of these things she saw, they were just as gruesome. Would she ever get used to this new world?

  Josh’s cockiness grew as he easily took down the first two infected. His plan would work, he was sure of it. No plan of his could ever fail. She closed the door, letting it smack off the metal casing once more. Several thuds against the door and she was tossed forward a few inches. She needed to hold them back. Josh couldn’t see her struggling or they would lose their chance. She placed herself in front of the door, hoping her weight would be enough to hold them back. She just needed a few more minutes.

  She watched Josh kick the knees out on the infected woman, sending her tumbling to the ground. He placed his boot on her neck, demented happiness filling his face. He pressed slowly down on her windpipe. Anna could hear bones crunching from her position behind the door. It had no impact on the infected, except for stopping the moaning coming from its mouth.

  Anna watched his face, seeing the joy there as he played with the woman. These things were once people. They deserved a quick death. She knew she couldn’t risk taking him back to her family, that was a given. There was also the chance of Becca ending up like Brandon the next time a horde surrounded them. She reminded herself why she had to do this. Her mind worked fast, fingers tightening on the doorknob. As soon as she opened the door, several of those creatures would be set free. She would need to hide behind the door and hope Becca and Remi could escape.

  He finally dispatched the woman. Someone’s mother. Someone’s sister.

  He pulled the body out of the way, piling it to the side like it was nothing more than a sack of flour. Anna knew she couldn’t think of them as people anymore. That the White Death virus consumed the host, leaving nothing even remotely human behind. But to get joy out of killing them, was just morally wrong.

  Stretching his shoulders, Josh braced himself once more. So lost in his moment of triumph, that he didn’t notice the increased noise from behind the door. Becca did. She moved Remi to the left, ready to sprint. He nodded.

  Anna yanked the door open at the same time that Becca and Remi bolted to the left, placing Josh directly between them and the open door. She ducked behind it and the creatures raced past her. She waited only long enough to hear Josh’s agonized screams to ensure her plan had worked. Once the last of the infected were out, she leaped from behind the door towards the end of the building. Becca and Remi were on their own for the time being.

  She raced around the building, not daring to look back until she reached the corner. Not hearing anything in pursuit, she peeked around the corner. Josh was staring right at her, pain and betrayal in his eyes as several infected took bites out of his arms, legs, and stomach. Pulling his entrails to their mouth, she watched as he screamed in agony, trying to reach for her. A smaller creature, unable to break through the larger ones feasting on his warm flesh, saw his outstretched fingers. He grabbed Josh’s arm and bit down. Shaking its head side to side, he pulled away, chewing on his prize. She watched as blood spurted from the spot where Josh’s fingers had been. Swallowing hard, she turned her back on him, racing to the back of the building. His screams followed her.

  He deserves every second of the pain.

  Somebody was smiling down on her. Becca and Remi were running towards her from the opposite side of the building. She ran up to them, hugging Becca with all her might. Pulling apart, her hand reached for the back door, turning the handle and thankfully, finding it unlocked.

  They quietly made their way into the dark inte
rior, running towards the open front door. She quickly closed it, not bothering to look at the feeding frenzy. Turning, she saw Josh’s big Ford sitting in front of the third bay. Trying to ignore his screams, she raced over to it. She opened the door and jumped in, Becca handing her the keys.

  She let out a sigh of relief. Part of her had been expecting Josh to have lied about the key’s whereabouts. She put the keys in the ignition but didn’t start it.

  “Okay, next problem. We need to open the garage door.”

  “I’ll do it.” Becca offered.

  “We need to be quick. Toss that door open and race back to the truck. I won’t start it until you have it open, but then you need to get your butt back in here before any of the infected realize it.”

  Becca held a finger to her lips, quieting her. Anna realized that Josh had gone silent. He had finally succumbed, but there was no time to celebrate. They had to move now, before the creatures made their way over to the garage door and blocked their path.

  As quietly as she could, Becca opened the door of the Ford and jumped down. Her feet hit the concrete, making almost no sound. She walked to the garage door, Remi growling from the back seat as they both watched her. Anna looked out the little windows dotting the door, seeing the infected already milling about. They were sniffing the air as if they could smell them inside. There was no sign of Josh. She could only hope his injuries were so severe that he wouldn’t come back as one of those things. Either way, he deserved his fate.

  Anna brought her eyes back to Becca. She was mentally bracing herself. Taking a deep breath, she squatted down and wrapped her fingers around the cool metal of the handle. She would only get one chance to get this right. Their lives depended on it.

  It’s simple. Turn the handle, throw up the door, and run back to the truck.

  Becca took a final deep breath. She slowly turned the handle, cringing as it made a grinding noise. The infected turned in their direction. The time for discretion was over. It was now or never.


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