Exposed (The Broken Soul Series Book 3)

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Exposed (The Broken Soul Series Book 3) Page 4

by Jenny Phillips

  So pretty.

  Same number. Same words from my dream.

  Even when you’re angry.

  He was watching.

  Chapter Four

  “So have you talked to Chase since you’ve been back?” Iris asked on her way to our kitchen.

  Sitting down on the tan couch, I pulled my legs under me. “Nope.” It had been two days since we’d gotten home from the Council trip. The longest we’d gone without talking since … since Chase had left me.

  “Morgan,” Iris started, and then decided not to push the issue.

  “Can you honestly say he’s right?”

  “I’m not saying either of you are right. It seriously sounds to me like it’s a lack of communication.” I could hear things clanking in the kitchen. “Maybe you need to sit down and talk to him.”

  “I feel like I’ve done that.”

  “But, Morgan, he’s a guy.” She smiled knowingly from over the counter. “They don’t exactly think the same way we do. You might feel like you’ve said it but he may not be getting it.”

  “True,” I said, contemplating it for a second.

  “What does Maggie think about it all?”

  “She’ll be here soon, actually, but pretty much the same thing as you.” I picked at a fuzz ball on the couch cushion. “I guess I need to try harder to explain exactly how this all makes me feel.”

  “I think that’s a great idea.” She brought me a cup of coffee in her favorite red mug and sat on the loveseat.

  “Aww you gave me your mug.” Not a huge gesture but with Iris it was always about the little heartfelt things.

  She waved me off. “Now, tell me about this dress.”

  I couldn’t fight the smile that spread across my face. This dress would make an impression on Chase he wouldn’t be likely to forget.

  Feeling Maggie in the building, I jumped up. I opened the door before she had a chance to knock. “I don’t even know why Gifted bother knocking,” she said, her drawl thick in her voice.

  I stepped aside. “Because we were all raised to be polite and obedient little minions.” .

  Maggie blew out her cheeks. “Well I see the last couple of days haven’t cooled you down any.”

  “Try living with her.” Iris got up and went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee for Maggie.

  She sat on the floor across from me and took the mug Iris offered her. “Thanks, girl.” Blowing into the coffee, she asked, “Okay, so what did you decide? Or should I assume from all the snark you’re exuding?”

  “I’m not snarky.”

  Iris laughed coming back from the kitchen with her own mug. I shot her a look and she tried to bite back the smile. “Sorry.”

  “I think I’ve decided that I need to sit Chase down and just get it all out,” I answered

  “And you need to listen to what he has to say, too,” Maggie offered.

  I nodded. “Of course.”

  Iris placed her hand on my knee. “No, you actually need to listen because I can’t imagine any of this is easy on him either, Morgan.”

  “Geez. Am I that insensitive?”

  Iris sat her mug down on the coffee table. “No. It’s just that we know how you are when you’re angry.”

  “And you’re rightfully angry,” Maggie said this time. “That’s definitely not questioned. It’s just that there are two sides to every story.”

  I calmed myself with a deep breath and picked up my phone to text Chase. He responded right away and relief flooded through me. He agreed to come over that night to talk. I hadn’t received anymore texts from the mystery number since Sunday.

  The rest of the visit with Maggie was less heavy. We FaceTimed Kenzie. Her and Gray were doing well and she had even joined a sorority. With Kenzie’s enthusiasm and leadership she’d be their president in no time. After that we talked about school and showed Iris my dress. Maggie described her own dress to Iris and it was nice overdue girl time.

  “Hey,” Chase said when he came in.

  “Hey.” I tried to put on my best smile and stay cheerful. I wanted to make this right. Chase was my other half, and while he may not be my original soul-mate he was the absolute closest I would ever get to that.

  It was strange to see him so nervous. He wore his nicest black button up shirt which he knew I loved because it made his aqua eyes stand out even more. Seeing that nervous smile on his lips only made my stomach do flips and remind me how much he set my nerves on edge. Chase could do that to me like no other.

  His smile was crooked and sexy. “I didn’t know if I was supposed to bring anything,” he started.

  “I ordered Chinese.” His second favorite only behind Italian.

  He bit back a knowing smile and moved into the kitchen area. “I’m sorry, babe.” He directed his gaze down at the wood floor before he flashed those beautiful eyes back up at me. “I should’ve understood better where you were coming from.”

  “No! Chase, I’m sorry for not listening to you. I know you and your parents have been through hell and back with Jackson—”

  He grabbed me and cut me off with a deep kiss. It was fiery and breathless and everything I’d needed the past two days.

  Pushing him back, I said, “Wait. You … We can’t cure everything with a kiss.”

  “We can try.”

  Oh that smile. “I mean we actually need to talk and fix this.” I walked into our small living room and sat on the loveseat. “I love you.” Grasping his hand, I pulled it into my lap. “I want to fix this. I want to fix us.”

  His eyes met mine. “I love you, too.”

  I leaned in. “That’s why I know this is worth the extra effort to get on the same page.”

  “I know. I’m sorry for the way I acted … I shouldn’t have judged so harshly at the Council meeting.”

  “But I shouldn’t have been so dismissive either.” I exhaled. “I want you to understand how I feel.”

  He pulled my hand up to his mouth and it became really hard to concentrate. “I want to know how you feel.” There was an entirely different undertone and innuendo to this conversation.

  My cheeks burned. “Chase …”

  “Yes?” He traced his own lips with my thumb.

  “Um …” My brain was foggy. Way too foggy. I shook my head to clear it. “I wanted to explain to you the things that were bothering me lately and hoped you could tell me your side.” I swallowed hard as he kissed the palm of my hand.

  “I’m listening,” he whispered.

  “Are you?” I asked through my haze.

  His own eyes cleared and he looked at me sharply. “Yes, Morgan. I’m always listening to you. I know we don’t always see eye to eye but I listen.”

  I nodded. “Do you need to tell me anything?”

  “I don’t want to fight,” he said. “Like ever. I want you and only you.” He grabbed me by the hips and pulled me into him. “I don’t even care if I don’t agree with you. I never want to fight with you again and I never want to go days without talking to you.”

  I ran my hands up the sides of his face and he covered my hands with his.

  “I thought we established that last time.”

  “We did.”

  “Good. Then I need you to understand that I don’t care about any of it. If you don’t want to go to the Ball we won’t go. If you never want to go to another Council meeting, my parents will be sad but they’ll get over it. You’re my future, Morgan, and wherever you go I go, whatever you do I do.”

  I wrapped my fingers in his blond hair and pulled his face to mine. His lips tasted of mint and strawberries. The kiss deepened, and even though it had only been two days it was like it was two months’ worth of pent-up emotion. The kiss quickly escalated, and before I knew it Chase had me in his arms and was carrying me to the bedroom.

  The days leading up to the Ball passed faster and faster. It was like the more I dreaded it the quicker they passed. I was happy to be spending the evening with Chase but did not look forward to playing p
retend with the rest of the Council. Chase and I had not only worked through our disagreement over the situation but agreed our bond was the only thing getting us through all of it together. We may not have seen each other’s side completely but we had agreed to disagree which was an important part of not only being an adult but growing together. There would be many things in this life we wouldn’t agree on, and working through that ensured we’d get through this crazy life together. We were a team.

  Nolan swung by the apartment to see us off. In reality he had a question for Chase and obviously knew the best place to find him. Maggie met us there to load up and I couldn’t help but laugh at Nolan tripping over himself around her.

  “Do you guys need help with anything else?” he asked, way too eager to help out.

  “Dude, I can take care of anything—” Chase started, but Nolan slapped his hand across Chase’s back.

  “I can totally help out,” Nolan said. “It’s the least I can do.” He smirked at Chase. “Since you’ve got the Ball to go to and everything.”

  Chase clearly wasn’t amused.

  “Thanks for helping, Nolan.” I handed him my garment bag with my gown. “This is it for me. I think Chase got everything else.”

  “That’s right.” Chase beamed and I swear to God he even puffed out his chest. Oh lord, I had only enabled him.

  “Okay, if you can think of anything else just let me know.” Nolan flashed a smile at Maggie and her cheeks turned pink.

  “Why can’t he come with us?” Maggie asked.

  She knew the answer. I gave her a knowing look and glanced back at Iris. “Just a normal weekend away. I’ll be back on Sunday, but give me a call if you need me for anything.”

  “Have fun.” She hugged me and Maggie. “I want all of the details when you get back!”

  “You know it,” I promised.

  Chase was waiting for us in the doorway with Nolan. Maggie and I followed the boys down to my car.

  Nolan fidgeted. “Okay … well, I’ll see you guys when you get back.”

  “Okay.” Chase was annoyed and clearly oblivious to the fact that Nolan was trying to impress Maggie.

  “Well, have fun,” he said to us. “Maggie, it was nice to see you again. I hope you have fun … but not too much.”

  She giggled next to me at his ridiculous joke. What is happening?

  “Bye, Nolan,” I prompted.

  He finally left with one last look over his shoulder at Maggie.

  “What was all of that about?” Chase asked as we started out to the Council.

  “We’ll talk later.” I gave him a pointed look.

  His eyebrows pulled together in a scowl. “Whatever.”

  Glancing back at Maggie in the rearview mirror, I saw she was still smiling.

  I may be rolling my eyes on the outside but inside I was secretly happy that they’d each found interest in the other. They were both overdue for some happiness.

  The drive to the Council passed much easier than the last time we’d made the trip. The atmosphere was lighter. We teased Maggie about Nolan and she asked plenty of questions about him. We talked about the last trip and what I missed (or in this case didn’t miss) at the last meeting. We talked about previous Balls and what I could expect.

  Chase’s parents were waiting for us at their house after we’d dropped off Maggie.

  “Morgan,” Laura gushed, “I’m so happy you came!” She pulled me in for a hug and it was so much tighter than normal.

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” I directed my words to Chase. He pulled the majority of our luggage out by himself. His father took care of the rest even though I was more than capable of taking care of my share.

  “You’re going to have so much fun, you’ll see!” she continued to practically squeal.

  “That’s subjective,” I muttered so low I doubt she could hear though the look I caught from Chase clearly said he could.

  Maggie showed up the next day while I was still in a panic trying to get ready. I’d already dismissed Chase and his family.

  “Go ahead,” I’d told him and his parents. “I have no idea how long it’s going to take me to get into this dress.”

  Chase smirked which told me his mind was somewhere else completely.

  “Seriously, go on ahead. Maggie is coming to help me get ready.”

  “How am I going to know it’s you?” he asked.

  “By my mask.” I waved to the silver piece lying on the bed. “You’re the only person that’s seen it. You’ll know me.”

  “I’d like to think I’d know you anywhere.” He swept me into his arms.

  “That too.” I cocked my eyebrow and smiled at him as he swung me up and around. I kissed him, running my hands through his hair and pulling him impossibly close until we both came up breathless.

  He left and Maggie arrived shortly later armed with makeup bags and hair products. She was losing her patience with me.

  “Morgan, you have to calm down a bit,” she instructed.

  I blew out a breath. “I’m trying, I swear.”

  She worked on my makeup while sticking me in front of an open window. The breeze was blowing my sweaty face into a cold palette.

  “Where’s the mask?” Maggie asked.

  “On the bed in the spare room.”

  “I’ll be right back.” She left the room, and I continued to sit in front of the open bathroom window, inhaling the scents of fall while the wind cooled my face down.

  Maggie returned holding the mask. “This is really pretty,” she admired.

  “Thanks. I bet yours is, too.”

  “It’s … pretty. I guess.” She laughed. “Honestly, I couldn’t find too many so mine is kind of plain.”

  “Good thing your dress is amazing then.” I winked.

  “True.” Maggie’s dress was unbelievable. The black lace overlay had a nude slip behind it, creating the illusion she wasn’t wearing much at all. The high slit above her thigh may seem a bit sexy but the truth was the dress was as classy as it was beautiful. Her mask was a solid generic black but with her dress the understated mask worked. Her short blonde hair was slicked back and her lips a shocking red.

  “Do you have that same color red?” I asked.

  One side of her smile turned up wickedly. “Yes I do.”

  An hour later she was admiring her work while we stood in the grand entrance to an unbelievable venue. The courtyard was illuminated by glowing paper lanterns. I headed for the heavy iron gated doors. An older gentleman dressed in a black suit and matching bow tie greeted me from behind a solid black mask.

  “Good evening, Miss Cauldwell.”

  “Um, hi … thanks?”

  “Miss Bishop.” The gray-haired gentleman nodded at Maggie. She swept in elegant and mysterious. I tried to follow suit but had to admit I felt like an imposter in an elegant dress. Maggie and I exchanged a nervous glance before sliding our masks over our faces. Mine was a delicate silver mask adorned with swirling patterns of glitter. Maggie had done an amazing job with my hair and makeup, better than anything I could’ve Glamoured myself.

  The ballroom was already swirling with dancing and buzzing with excitement. I tried to search for Chase but there were just too many Gifted in one spot it had my nerves on edge. I dodged into the coat check for a breather.

  “Morgan!” Maggie scolded. “We just got here!”

  “I know,” I said, pulling myself into an upright position. “It’s just a lot to take in at once.”

  “It is. Why don’t we go look for Chase?” she asked, leading me by the elbow.

  I followed along even though the pull was overwhelming at times. I felt every emotion. I had an extreme urge to dive back into that closet.


  I heard his voice and it stopped me in my tracks.

  “Chase.” I smiled, unable to disguise my relief.

  He pulled me in close and I shivered as his face buried deep in the delicate curve of my neck.

  “May I please hav
e this dance?” he asked.


  He led me out on to the already full ballroom floor. I inhaled him deeply and admired how distinguished and sexy he looked. Even more than normal. His blond tresses were unruly as always, but his impossibly bright aqua eyes peered from behind a gold mask. It complemented his black suit and gold bow tie.

  He rested one hand in the small of my back while the other gripped my hand. He expertly guided me around the dance floor and I couldn’t believe I was only now realizing what a skilled dancer he was. We laughed and danced for quite a while before my stomach growled and Chase’s face fell.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were hungry?”

  “I honestly didn’t even realize until now. I was having so much fun!”

  His face gave away how much he enjoyed that detail, even behind the mask.

  “There’s a whole buffet set up in the dining hall.” He started in that direction, and we quite literally bumped into his parents on the way.

  “Morgan!” Laura pulled me in for her usual hug. “You look stunning!” She held me back at arm’s length to fully take in my gown. The black sequined gown clung to every curve and the neckline plunged just enough to be sexy without giving away too much. She stood staring at Chase and I for a moment. I reached down for his hand and he pulled my hand to his mouth to kiss the back of it.

  She made a sound in the back of her throat that I would’ve thought a sob had she not been beaming so proudly. She reached out to take the same hand Chase had just kissed and patted the back of it.

  “You kids go have fun. You deserve it.”

  “Thank you,” I said, giving her another tight squeeze before letting Chase push me through the doorway and toward the mouthwatering aromas that had my stomach screaming.

  The tables were barely visible beneath trays of hors d’oeuvres, entrees, and desserts. It really was a feast they had laid out. Chase and I found a spot in a corner to eat and people watch. With all of the masks it became a game to guess who was who. Once I’d had my fill to the point felt like my dress may pop open, I tossed my trash in a can. I was about to ask for another dance when Chase excused himself to go talk to his Uncle Spencer.


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