Exposed (The Broken Soul Series Book 3)

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Exposed (The Broken Soul Series Book 3) Page 13

by Jenny Phillips

  Tears of frustration welled up, and I slid down the door, my back pressed against it, until my butt landed on the floor. This close it was like the room itself shared a heartbeat. I could feel it on my back as it pounded in unison. The thick air finally drove me to my feet in defeat and I felt my way back through the winding hall until I could see the glow from Spencer’s room telling me I was no longer alone down here.

  Luckily, no one was in Spencer’s room to see which way I’d come from. The Council meeting room was filling up and I figured I’d find my friends in there. Nolan and Maggie sat in the back whispering and looking out of place.

  Maggie jumped up, relieved. “Where have you been?”

  “I was just checking something out …” I was purposefully vague, knowing she would catch my hint after our conversation last night.

  “And?” she prompted impatiently.


  “But there is something back there?”

  I nodded. “I could feel it.”

  “What am I missing?” Nolan asked.

  I motioned for him to keep quiet. “I’ll fill you in later.” Sitting down next to Maggie, my gaze bounced around the room nervously. “Where’s Chase?”

  “He was with his parents.”

  “Jackson and Kali?”

  “They stayed behind to wait for Kali’s parents.”

  Nodding, I asked Nolan, “Were they looking for me this morning?”

  “I was!” He gave me quite the glare. “They seemed to figure you’d be here.”

  I spotted Chase just then, deep in discussion with Spencer and Grace. “Yeah, he definitely doesn’t look worried.”

  “I think he’s just really frustrated, Morgan,” Nolan said.

  “I’m sure this can’t be easy for him,” Maggie said in a déjà vu moment.

  “I know. We need to sit down and have a serious talk.” I tugged at my braid nervously. “Just not here.”

  “So, Nolan, what do you think about all of this?”

  “Not cult-like at all.”

  I laughed. It made the same impression on me the first time I’d been here. “It’s a little intimidating, I know.”

  I watched Chase take a seat in the front with his family. He glanced back at us quickly before turning his eyes to the podium. Charles was standing and demanding everyone’s attention.

  “Everyone here is already aware of the current situation. Stephen Richardson has made his existence known. While we’ve suspected it for a while now, he’s never been so bold as he has most recently which we believe is only going to grow in his desperation to complete a ritual he started eighteen years ago.” Charles spoke animatedly. “At this point, the only thing we can do is strike him first before he succeeds and jeopardizes not only our anonymity but the safety of the world we live in. To ignore this would be a grave mistake.” He motioned at the empty chair Ben once sat in. “We recently lost two of our own to Stephen and his followers. They have Gifts unlike our own. Though they are Dark, unnatural Gifts they’re not necessarily stronger than our own. We do have inside information on these Gifts and what to expect for anyone that may face them.” Charles motioned for Uncle Spencer to join him. “Spencer Thomas and I have been working very closely on strategies. Most of you have already sought us out to offer assistance and may already know where we need you most. If not, we will call off different groups and where you should report following today’s meeting.”

  Already aware of where they were heading and what task they’d been assigned, most members began leaving. I was not. I waited and listened through some familiar names—some I’d never heard—until they finally got to my name.

  Uncle Spencer had called ours last, “Nolan Griffin, Morgan Cauldwell, Chase Thomas, you three will come with me.”

  “Where are you going?” I asked Maggie, realizing I must’ve tuned out and missed her name.

  “I’m in some session with my parents and Chase’s mom. Pretty sure I’ll see no action.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Where are we going, Morgan?” Nolan asked.

  Realizing Nolan had no reason to immediately know we’d be in Spencer’s room, I got up and said, “Follow me.” Although I saw Chase heading our way, I continued to usher Nolan out the back and led him to Spencer’s training room.

  The light was already on and I was surprised to walk into a full table that seemed just as surprised to see me. Jim Thomas, Mr. W., and Charles were all sitting with a few other familiar faces I recognized from the manor.

  Charles jumped up. “Morgan! Can we help you?”

  “Oh, I thought I was in here since Spencer …”

  He smiled. “No. You’re upstairs in the small meeting room across from my office.”

  I scanned over all of the faces staring at me one last time before backing out of the office with Nolan on my heels.

  He cleared his throat. “What was that about?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, whatever that was it was awkward.”

  “And extremely suspicious. Don’t you think?”

  Nolan shrugged as we stepped into the elevator.

  “I mean, I’m the only one other than Kali who has had inside experience with Stephen and knows most of the Dark Gifts. Honestly, I’m the strongest one here!” I glanced over at Nolan sheepishly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that to sound cocky.”

  “What do I know? This is all new to me, and if I’m being honest you are the strongest person I know.”

  “Thanks, Nolan. Even if you are just trying to make me feel better.”

  We were both laughing as we got off on the second floor.

  Spencer was already waiting for us though there was no sign of Chase.

  “Hey, was just wondering where you two might have gone off to.”

  “I assumed we’d be in your room,” I explained.

  “Ah. No, they needed the larger area.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Kicked out of my own room.”

  “Where’s Chase?” Nolan asked.

  Spencer rubbed his nose. “I’m going to fill him in later. He’s in two different groups, as am I.”

  “Why aren’t we?”

  “How do you suppose that would work?” he asked me. When I didn’t answer, he went on, “You’re going to be on the inside again, Morgan. Your one job is kind of the most important.”

  I eyed him suspiciously. I didn’t like being kept out of the loop but I understood his point.

  We covered pretty much all of the same things I’d filled Charles in on this morning. I told them everything I knew. We agreed the best bet I had was to go to Rylan this time. I had to make it believable, though, and there was no secret how I felt about Stephen so I’d have to target Rylan. Stephen would be suspicious but he needed me too much to argue. I’d contact Rylan in my dreams and let him know I wanted to be with him. He’d bring me to their location and Nolan would be able to locate me so that he could lead the other groups who had been trained in to attack. It seemed pretty basic but I knew with Stephen nothing was ever as easy as it sounded.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Council decided in order to give all of the others time to finalize plans I would contact Rylan in a week. In the meantime, Nolan, Chase, and I decided to head home to pack. No one had brought much with as we didn’t expect such an extended stay. I’d only texted Iris at this point from my new phone and was looking forward to seeing her in person and assuring her I was fine.

  The drive home was just as awkward as the last twenty-four hours had been with Chase. We barely spoke to each other; only polite and formal greetings. We were both angry with the other but he was breaking my heart. That only angered me further.

  We said quick good-byes and agreed we’d meet back at my apartment in six hours. The Council would be expecting us back and no one felt comfortable leaving me vulnerable for long periods of time. We didn’t want the plan kicking off before anyone was ready, so I’d have to be protected until then. It meant I’d be giving up all personal freed
om again. It reminded me of having Joanna as my bodyguard and never really being alone.

  Iris was waiting in front of the TV when I walked in.

  “Morgan!” She ran to me with her arms wide and I gave my best friend the biggest hug we’d ever shared. “I’m so happy you’re okay!”

  “I missed you!”

  “How long are you here? Is there anything I can do to help? What was Rylan like?” The questions kept flowing and I laughed it off.

  “I hope I have time to answer all of these. First, I have to pack and get done what I need to. I honestly wish you could come with me and help, Iris. I would love to have you there.”

  She shoved her hands in her pockets. “I would just be in the way though.”

  “No it’s not that, it’s just … people have already died. I don’t want anything happening to you.”

  “Oh God, be careful!”

  “I will. Rylan seems pretty sure my grandfather needs me too much to hurt me, so I think I’m about as safe as it gets.”

  “Do you need any help packing?”

  “Yeah, then I can fill you in while I’m still getting things done.”

  I tried to start from the beginning, yet again explaining everything that happened from the Ball until now. Iris listened intently. Unlike Maggie, she never offered advice or asked questions—only nodding along and acting surprised at details while I tossed garments into my suitcase. The weather had started giving way to fall so I packed more jeans and long sleeved shirts.

  “And you’re going to do it again?” she finally asked after I’d brought her up to speed.

  “I guess.”

  “You trust him then?”

  “Rylan? Yeah, I think I do. I honestly don’t know.” I sat on my bed next to her. “I’m so confused and I don’t even know what to do anymore.”

  “What do you genuinely feel in your heart?”

  “I love Chase. I care for Rylan, I do. I feel like he’s this part of me that’s always been missing but not in the same way as I feel about Chase. With Rylan, it’s different.”

  “I get that.”

  “I know I need to explain it to Chase, but he makes it so difficult to talk to him. He has me so angry with him right now I don’t even feel like I owe him an explanation!”

  “Could that be the same way he feels?”

  I hated it when she made sense. “Okay, enough of the heavy.” I had to keep my mind off of Rylan since the last image was not a good one and there was nothing I could do about it. If something had happened to him, all of this was for naught anyway.

  I gossiped with her for a bit about Nolan and Maggie, Jackson and Kali, even Spencer and Grace. After I’d finally finished packing and filled her in on everything she’d missed in the past week, I told Iris I wanted to get in one last run before I had to surrender my freedom. The truth was it was more than just a run. I wanted to do some serious thinking and that came easiest to me surrounded by the dense forest.

  After promising Iris I’d be back in an hour, I changed into joggers and a T-shirt. I took my car to MAC so that I could save most of my energy for the seclusion of the trees. Walking around campus brought back so many emotions and memories. This place had seen me change more than ever in my life. I’d learned the truth about my Gifts and my family within the walls of my dorm. I’d met Chase and made close friendships here. I had never felt more at home.

  A few curious looks reminded me that I was no longer a student here and people would ask questions if I lingered too long. Once I hit the line of trees behind my old dorm, I gave the window I’d jumped through so many times a glance. A plant in the window and something taped to the glass reminded me that life had continued on here without any idea of who had been there before. Somewhere in the dorm Nolan’s sister, Amanda, had begun her time at MAC and I hoped it held as many good things for her as it had for me.

  Pivoting on my heel, I tore off into the now changing fall leaves. It was always so beautiful in here this time of year. Inhaling the familiar smells deeply, I focused on running as fast as I possibly could while keeping my reflexes on the ready. Dodging trees, bare roots, broken branches, and large rocks had been a favorite way to challenge myself while still running faster than any human could see with their naked eye.

  I enjoyed myself more in that time than I had in so long. For once I didn’t have any major decisions to make, guys pressing me for answers, people depending on me to make important calls … It was freeing and exactly what I needed heading into this next week. I was so in the moment I didn’t even realize how far I’d gone until I stumbled upon the old, dilapidated warehouse. It wasn’t a place I was in the mood to see. Raven had brought me here to apparently hand me over to my grandfather once. Instead, I’d killed her boyfriend, Max, and started our intense rivalry.

  They were both long gone now. But I was still here. I walked into the building, cautiously avoiding the crumbling interior. It was in even worse shape than the last time I’d been in here. Of course, the first time I’d been in here I hadn’t been in the best shape either. Chase had to carry me out of here.

  Speaking of, I felt a familiar pull and figured he came to lecture me on taking off alone. I was surprised to see auburn hair and amber eyes instead.

  “Rylan!” I said in disbelief.


  I felt such relief at seeing him here and unharmed that I ran into his arms unabashed.

  “Wow. That was worth the wait.”

  “How are you here?” I spoke into his chest.

  “I’ve been staying close to you since you left.”

  It wasn’t until I pulled myself back to look at his face that I realized I’d been wrong about the unharmed part. Scrapes and bruises covered most of his visible skin.

  My eyes widened. “What happened?”

  “Eh. Nothing to worry about.” He limped over to where I’d been sitting and sucked in a breath, clutching at his ribs.

  “You lied about Stephen, didn’t you?”

  “No. Not at first.” He sounded tight and in pain for a moment, but he gained his composure and went on, “He dragged me out of my bed the other night.”

  I winced. “That’s what happened to you?”

  “Yeah, I got quite the wakeup call.”

  “It’s all my fault. I’m so sorry.” I pursed my lips.

  “No, I chose to let you go. I had it coming.” He sucked in a sharp breath and clutched at his rib again.

  “Is it broken?” I asked.

  “Probably,” he admitted. “Are you home for good?” He tried changing the subject.

  “Let me Heal you.” I sat next to him.

  “You don’t have to. I earned this and have no problem letting it take its course.”

  “There’s no sense in that.” Reaching for his chest, I slid my hand down his rib cage until he flinched. I felt the heat travel down my arm and into my fingertips. Rylan let out a cry of shock and then sighed into my hair.

  I tilted my face up, checking the scrapes and bruises, but was not expecting Rylan’s lips on mine. I gasped and froze. Rylan reached for me and pulled me into him. The kiss was familiar. When I closed my eyes I saw every dream I’d had of my soul-mate. A burning in my stomach started. Hot and comforting at the same time, yet it scared the hell out of me. I pushed Rylan back and closed my eyes.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  “I have no idea.”

  Opening my eyes, I found him staring at me, wearing a shocked expression.

  “I have to go.” My hand flew to my mouth.


  “No, I need a little time to myself. That’s why I came out here. To think! Instead, I’m even more confused than when I came here!” I cried. “Why does everyone need something from me?”

  Rylan looked hurt and I almost felt bad. Almost.

  “I just, I don’t even know. Can you give me tonight please? Then tomorrow night come to me in my dream?”

  “Of course.”

  I nodded. “I
just need to sort through some things and I can’t do that if I’m being,” I couldn’t even say what just happened out loud, “distracted.”

  “Okay.” He got up and I was at least happy to see how easily he moved. “I want to say one thing before I leave though.” He took a couple of steps toward me but stopped. “I know I don’t deserve a second chance. However, I also know how much of a mistake I made, and you can’t blame me for at least trying. I just don’t want you to write me off, Morgan. I’ll never be able to make it all up to you but I would love nothing more than to at least try.”

  I felt the tears stinging my eyes. The emotion in his voice cut to my soul. The very soul he ripped in half. Turning my back to him before he could see the tears fall, I wiped my cheeks and took a breath to steady myself. Finally ready to face him I turned back only to discover I was all alone standing in the middle of the wreckage.

  I allowed myself a moment to cry; just a moment to deal with all of the emotions warring inside of me. I wiped my face with the back of my hand and tightened my pony tail.

  I had to get back to the girl I was that night I took on Raven and Max. Something had let loose that night and I’d felt it coursing through my veins. I knew I was capable of more. Stephen knew it, too. I couldn’t rely on anyone else to deal with him, it had to be me. He had created these abnormal powers and I was the only one strong enough to take him on.

  I stood there for a few more minutes, grasping the enormity of the task ahead of me. First, I had to own up to the things I needed to fix. I tore out of the warehouse with the first bit of clarity I’d had in a long time.

  By the time I’d reached MAC, gotten in my car, and driven back to my apartment, Chase was waiting inside with Iris.

  “How long have you been waiting?”

  He rolled his shoulders. “Not long actually.”


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