Wild Nights

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Wild Nights Page 13

by Therese Szymanski

  “Genevieve, touch yourself and come for me now,” I said.

  I never saw a hand move so fast in my life. It shot down between her legs. I couldn’t help myself. I reached around and joined her fingers, rolling her clit between my fingers and hers, and that did it. She squealed and bucked back into my hips, calling out my name over and over. I was in heaven. I wanted her to come hard and she did just that. Finally, she collapsed onto the bed, completely sated and exhausted.

  Both of us were panting and sweating. I leaned over her smooth back and kissed her. She moaned in a low voice, her body jerking and quivering as I pulled out. She groaned and moved her hips back onto the dildo. I grinned evilly as I took it out very slowly.

  “Oh God, Dani, if you don’t quit that I’ll come again!” she screamed as I pushed it back in quickly. Her body shook and, all at once, she was on her knees again. I was amazed at her stamina.

  “Another go?” I whispered playfully into her damp hair. A helpless moan was my answer. I slowly eased back in all the way to the base and bucked several times, her body jumping each time. I could feel her orgasm building. I reached around once again to tweak her sensitive clit. With two or three strokes, Genevieve came again. This time it was slow and long. Genevieve was now lying flat on her stomach, motionless. I slipped the harness off and scooted next to her, lying on my side. Her face was turned toward me, but her eyes were closed.

  “Genevieve?” I whispered, pushing the wet hair off her face. Shit, I killed her! “Um, Miss Hastings?”

  Her eyelids fluttered opened. “I still have my hips, don’t I?” she whispered.

  I laughed quietly and reached down to caress said hips. “Yup, all seems to be in order,” I assured her. “Did you, um . . .”

  “Yes, damn you. I nearly fainted. I couldn’t take anymore and I couldn’t speak. You beast,” she said and tried to rise up, but her arms were too weak. She flopped back down. “You did this to me. I hope you’re proud of yourself,” she moaned helplessly.

  “Very. If I had feathers, I’d be struttin’ like a peacock,” I laughed and lifted her so I could scoot under her. Her head rested comfortably on my breast, her arm flopped across my waist.

  “I’ve never been so satisfied in my life,” she said in a dreamy voice as she cuddled close.

  After a few moments, she kissed my breast. “Seems you have all the toys . . .” she said and raised herself up on her elbows. “Hmm,” she said thoughtfully and hopped on top of me, straddling my abdomen as I let out a deep laughing groan. She leaned over and rummaged through the open drawer.

  As she moved, I felt her wetness coating my abdomen. I let out a deep sigh as I caressed her soft hips.

  “Ahha! This is what I need,” she said triumphantly and held out a long silk scarf. “My turn,” she whispered and kissed me deeply, her tongue snaking into my mouth. I felt my hands being tugged over my head and the silky material holding them to the headboard. Genevieve leaned back and grinned evilly. “Now . . . Let’s test your resolve. I do not want you to move.”

  I wriggled my wrists and laughed. “Well, this is a good start,” I said, trying to get some moisture back into my mouth.

  With her soft legs straddling my hips, Genevieve ran her fingernails over my breasts, scratching at my nipples. I groaned and bit my lip.

  “No moving,” she warned and I felt beads of sweat forming on my brow. She raked her nails underneath my breasts, then up and down my sides as she slid her hips across mine, coating me with her wetness. “God Dani,” she whispered as she leaned in for a kiss. “You make me so wet.”

  I love erotic talk, and Genevieve was doing it just the way I liked it right then. I groaned into the kiss as she darted her tongue in and out. Her nails were causing me to quiver uncontrollably each time they made contact with my overheated skin.

  “Shit,” I hissed and arched my back.

  “No talking either,” she whispered in my ear, sensually running that wicked tongue around my lobe.

  I shook like a dog as her tongue snaked down my neck to my breasts. Just with the tip, she flicked my hard nipples, first one then the other. A heart attack was imminent as I tried desperately to play her dastardly game and not move.

  “You’re being very good, Dani,” she said against my breasts.

  Sweat dripped down my neck. It felt as though my entire body was on fire. She dragged her nails down my sides to my hips and across my quivering stomach. She followed her nails with her tongue, kissing and licking her way down my overheated body. I was throbbing so badly I thought I’d explode. Instinctively, I bucked my hips, hoping for some contact.

  “Ah, ah, I said no moving,” she whispered. I groaned and shook my head. “Am I teasing? You may speak,” she said.

  “Yes!” I said in a raspy voice.

  She chuckled quietly and slid down my body, her tongue slicing and darting along the way. I parted my legs and she nestled between them. I tried to close my legs but with her kneeling there, I was helpless, but I liked it!

  She pushed my legs wide and I heard myself whimper. Totally exposed with my hands tied, I felt extremely vulnerable.

  “You’re so wet, Dani,” she murmured as she kissed the top of my quivering thighs. She inhaled and sighed. “Hmm, intoxicating. I can’t wait to taste you,” she said, and I groaned. “You do want me to taste you, don’t you, Dani?” she asked in an innocent voice. My eyes bugged out at the question.

  Was she nuts? I nodded furiously. I was so hot, wet and throbbing I thought I’d spontaneously combust.

  I never thought of myself as a very emotional person. Reason and logic ruled my day. However . . . when I felt her nail lightly raking over my unbelievably hard throbbing clit, I nearly cried like a baby. I would’ve sung Swanee River if she asked—I was that gone with a need for release. I could feel my arousal cascading from me, seeping down my thighs, which twitched in an attempt to close, trying to get some contact from somewhere.

  The sweat ran down my face as Genevieve turned me into a mass of quivering begging flesh.

  Muscles convulsed in places I had no idea I had muscles. My arms strained as I frantically tried to get out of my bonds to grab that head and hold it between my legs. Boy, she was good!

  “So, Dani,” she said.

  Panting like some wild dog, I looked down at her, the sweat running into my eyes.

  She reached down and slipped her fingers into her own wetness, crawled up my body and presented the saturated fingers to my mouth. “Suck,” she said in such a sexy voice I nearly came.

  I eagerly took each finger and sucked it clean as she toyed with my breasts with her other hand.

  Suddenly my mouth was watering as I bathed her wicked fingers with my tongue. She pulled them out with a resounding ‘pop’ and grinned as she lay completely on top of me. Our breasts compressed together as she sensually slid her body over my overheated torso. Her knee nudged between my legs.

  “Hmm, I can feel your heat, Dan,” she said and kissed me, sucking on my bottom lip. She pulled at it and let it go, once again sliding down my body. “Be right back,” she whispered against my breast.

  My legs were so far apart, I nearly dislocated my hips.

  “Ready for me, baby?” she said.

  Ready? Baby? Oh, shit . . .

  I nodded and whimpered. My body was not my own. It was this trembling mass of exposed nerves and it belonged to Genevieve.

  She nestled between my legs and pushed them open even wider.

  It happened. She took pity on my jelly-like state and slipped her cool tongue across my overheated flesh. The jolt of electricity that shot through my groin could have lit up the entire North Shore of Chicago.

  “Shit!” I screamed.

  I felt her warm breath, her cool, wet tongue and her teeth as they nibbled at my lips. I was squirming and writhing as she licked me like the proverbial starving cat. Lapping up and down the length of me, from my clit to my, well she was coming dangerously . . . when my ass twitched I knew I was gone.
  “I’m sorry, Dani,” she mumbled.

  I didn’t understand as I raised my soaked head and looked down between my legs.

  She reached under my thighs and raised both legs and pushed them lewdly apart. “I can’t let you come yet. You taste too good.”

  “OH GOD!” I screamed as she rammed her tongue deep and licked from the inside out. I bucked. I writhed. I twisted against her. I wasn’t at all sure I wouldn’t rip the headboard right off the bed.

  She reached over, rummaged through the drawer and took out a very large black dildo. I groaned and twitched with anticipation as she liberally coated it with lube. She held the tip of the large phallus by my entrance and my inner muscles contracted automatically.

  “Gonna fuck you now, Dani,” she growled and slammed the entire dildo home.

  I lifted off the bed and cried out as I felt her mouth once again sucking at my clit. Pumping the dildo in and out, suckling my clit, I came with such an explosion I honestly thought I would pass out. I felt it building and building and I came. Repeatedly. I couldn’t move to stop her. The pleasure was unbearable.

  “Stop,” I begged as she continued.

  “No . . . Not done,” she mumbled.

  Okay, she’s the devil. My body convulsed again.

  “C’mon, Dani. One more time.” She leaned in and licked the sweat off my breasts, purring as she did so.

  “So full,” I grunted and trembled. God it felt good as she slowly pulled it back and slid it home again. I felt my orgasm building again as she pushed the phallus deeper.

  “So good,” I said.

  “So good,” Genevieve whispered.

  “Genevieve!” I cried out my warning. I started panting uncontrollable.

  “I know, love,” she whispered and slid down my body once again. She pulled the dildo out so slowly I thought I was going to die right there.

  “Ahhh . . .” When I felt her tongue on my oversensitive clit, I erupted again. “Easy, easy,” I whispered.

  Genevieve lay with her head atop my thigh, gently kissing my curls. I jumped, but when I was certain that was all she was going to do, I relaxed.

  “Genevieve, could you do me a favor, please?” I asked, exhausted.

  “Mmm, anything you want, Dani,” she whispered as her fingers caressed my thighs.

  “Could you untie me, please? I’m losing circulation.”

  “Oh, God I’m so sorry!” She scooted up and untied the scarf.

  The pins-and-needles sensation lasted for a few moments as she massaged my arms. Chuckling, she kissed my sweaty forehead and lay between my legs. It felt so good to feel her body on top of me.

  As the feeling crept back into my hands and arms, I put my arms around her waist and held her there. She rested her head on my breast and I wrapped my legs around her.

  “That was incredible,” I said.

  Genevieve nuzzled close. “It certainly was,” she mumbled, then both of us took a well-deserved nap.

  I woke with the oddest sensation. I was completely aroused, for something different. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was seven thirty. I looked down and laughed; Genevieve, sound asleep, was still on top of me. However, my right nipple was in her mouth.

  As I moved, her eyelids fluttered opened and I chuckled quietly. She realized her position and looked up. She looked like a kid with her hand caught in the cookie jar.

  “Hungry?” I asked. Laughing she released my breast and I slapped her rump. “C’mon.”

  After showering together, which amazingly did not evolve into sex, I handed Genevieve my robe as I slipped into a pair of shorts and a tank top.

  “Okay, I’m starving!” I announced and headed for the kitchen.

  Sitting at the tall barstool by the counter, Genevieve nibbled on cheese as I prepared steaks for the grill.

  Over dinner, we talked about our lives and our loves and past relationships. We found we had a great deal in common.

  “I like you, Dani. I really do. How is it that you’re single?” she asked as she ate dessert. “This is good!” she exclaimed, delving into the root beer float. “Answer my question please.”

  I sighed and shrugged. “Just lucky I guess.”

  She gave me a curious look. “I don’t believe you. I think you’d love to be in a relationship, Dani Monroe.”

  “How about you?” I asked. “You’re extremely attractive and very intelligent. Why aren’t you with someone?”

  Genevieve sipped through the straw. “I guess I never found someone who really just liked me for me. I’ve been in love but they never seemed to want more from me. Maybe it’s me.”

  I shook my head. “It’s not you. I’ve only known you for a short while but I think I’m right on this. You haven’t met the right one. Maybe neither of us has,” I said. I looked up to see tears in her hazel eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked. I reached across and took her small hand in mine. “Tell me.”

  She sniffed. “Shit! I don’t know why I’m crying. I’m happy. I have a great job. A family that loves me. I just had the best sex I’ve ever had . . .” She stopped and blushed horribly and laughed at my dumbfounded expression. “Yes, Ms. Monroe, I have never had better sex.”

  I thought for a moment, as I watched her. Smiling like a jackass, I noticed so many things about her that I’d overlooked in the heat of passion.

  There was a tiny scar on her left eyebrow. She hummed quietly while she ate. Her eyes lit up when she talked about her job. She had an annoying habit of sucking her teeth when something, like a bit of steak, was stuck there. I chuckled inwardly and shook my head. Figures, Monroe, you started to fall for someone who lives in another state, who’s only here on vacation.

  “Wow, what are you thinking?” she asked, leaning her elbow on the counter and resting her chin on her hand.

  I looked into the hazel eyes and grinned. “I’m thinking I really like you and I wish you didn’t have to leave, but I’m glad we have the rest of the night,” I said. Genevieve blinked and swallowed hard.

  “I feel the same,” she whispered.

  I took the dishes and placed them in the sink. As I turned back to her, I looked into her eyes. Sadness flashed through them. I flipped off the light in the kitchen, took her by the hand and led her back to the bedroom.

  She watched as I lit several candles by the bedside, then smiled as I walked up to her.

  Standing by the bed, I reached over and cupped her face. “I don’t want sex tonight, Genevieve. I want love. I want to make love to you slowly and completely.” I kissed her.

  I was shocked when I felt her lips trembling. I slipped the robe off, and it fell in a muffled heap at her feet. I threw back the quilt and settled her into the middle of the bed.

  I stood before her and slowly took off my top and my shorts. She smiled, and I could see her body trembling as I slid next to her. Looming over her, I gently kissed her. I reached down and cupped her small breast, running my palm over it before tenderly capturing the hard nipple between my finger and thumb. Genevieve sighed into the kiss and arched her back into my touch.

  My hand wandered down her torso. I memorized every line, every curve, and every adorable dimple.

  “God, you’re soft,” I whispered against her lips as my hand found its way to the dark curls. She sighed and parted her legs, welcoming me once again.

  This time, it would be slow and tender. My fingers pushed back the defensive folds and she gasped.

  “A little sore, Dan,” she warned. I nodded.

  “I know. I’ll be very gentle, Genevieve,” I assured her.

  We held a gaze as my fingers softly wandered through her moisture. She was still swollen, but I easily and slowly slid my fingers up and down the length of her; her arousal instantly saturating my fingers.

  “My God, Genevieve,” I whispered still looking deep into her eyes. The candlelight flickered and danced in them. “Beautiful.”

  I slipped one finger into her and my heart skipped a beat as I reveled in
the warmth. “Heaven,” I sighed. Genevieve bit at her bottom lip as she arched her back slightly. Gently working in another finger, I rolled them around inside her, slowly stretching her walls. I curled my fingers, finding that one spot and gently massaged. Her breathing became labored as she closed her eyes and whimpered slightly.

  “Dani,” she said and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me close.

  I softly kissed her cheek and her mouth before I gently nibbled her earlobe.

  Her fingers dug into my shoulders and when her body tensed, I pulled back. I wanted to watch her succumb and slip over the edge.

  She went rigid. I felt her inner walls tighten and swell around my fingers. As I tenderly pressed my thumb against her swollen clitoris, I leaned in.

  “Look at me, Genevieve.”

  Her eyes opened. She looked lost as she tried to focus.

  “Please, Genevieve,” I whispered almost as a prayer. “Come for me.”

  She came in slow sensual waves. “Oh God,” she whimpered as she smiled and held onto my forearm. “Wonderful,” she sighed and flinched as I moved again. I eased my hand away and kissed her deeply.

  “Thank you,” I whispered against her dry lips.

  She rolled me onto my back, smiling as she returned my tender kiss. Without a word, she moved down my body and turned around, offering herself as she parted my legs. It’d been quite awhile since I enjoyed this mutual gratification. I tucked the pillow under my head as she rocked back to my awaiting tongue.

  I groaned deeply as her cool tongue slipped over my clitoris. We mirrored our lovemaking, stroke for stroke. Each swipe of our tongues was in unison, as if it were a choreographed, sensual dance.

  We came together holding on tight, whimpering and exhausted.

  Gently, I eased Genevieve up and into my arms. We kissed tenderly, and said goodnight to each other as if we said it every evening.

  As I spooned behind her and held her close, Genevieve let out a long contented sigh. Kissing my arm, she pulled me incredibly close. She reached back and caressed my hip. I kissed the back of her shoulder as she fell sound asleep.


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