Wild Nights

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Wild Nights Page 15

by Therese Szymanski

  “There’s a lake a short walk from here,” she said. “Go on and get cleaned up; you’ll feel better. Annie and I will set the tent up and get everything off your bike.”

  “Thanks guys,” I said. I dug in my pannier to find some clean clothes, plus soap and a towel, then found the energy for another smile and headed around the cabin to the trail.

  The walk was peaceful but my thoughts were in turmoil. She had touched me again and hugged me. It seemed as though I could still smell her over the aromatic pines. The carpet of pine needles that muffled my steps just made my heartbeat seem all the louder. When I saw the lake for the first time, a light breeze rippled its surface, but the blues and greens of the sky and the surrounding trees were still reflected. A hill on the far side seemed to hold the lake, making the setting somehow more intimate. The water looked so inviting, I couldn’t wait to get in to cool my ardor.

  Putting my clean clothes and towel on a boulder beside the shore, I looked around to make sure I didn’t have an audience, then peeled off my odious garments. I hesitated for a moment at the water’s edge, but was surprised to find the water sun warmed to a pleasant, yet cool, temperature. As soon as I got waist deep, I slowly submerged my overheated, tired body. My nipples hardened when the water covered them; it felt like cool silk caressed my skin, enfolding me in its embrace.

  I loved to swim; I felt powerful in the water. Swimming was easy and relaxing, and I reveled in the sensuous feel of the water surging over my skin with each strong stroke. A swim would rinse me and ease the effect of Elise’s touch on my body.

  Clean and relaxed, I tried to master my thoughts, but Elise kept rising to the surface of my mind. I could easily imagine her hands caressing me as our weightless bodies circled, met and parted in the water. Then, as if summoned, I looked over to see Elise standing on the shore, waving to me, sending my thoughts back into turmoil. Treading with just my head and shoulders above the water, I waved back.

  Her expression softened; she smiled at me. I wasn’t sure if I imagined her words or not, but I could swear she said, “You’re beautiful, like a mermaid.”

  She raised her voice. “If you want solid food, you’d better come out now!” She laughed, waved again, and left me to get dressed.

  I returned to find our tent up and my dinner in Elise’s hands. “I had to get a plate together for you before the others ate everything in sight.” She was grinning at me, and I thought I saw a sparkle in her eyes as she handed me my plate and sat down to keep me company.

  Honestly, I was so tired, it was all I could do to chew and swallow the food. I felt bad that I wasn’t very good company, but Elise seemed comfortable with the silence. When I finished, she just smiled again, took my empty plate from me and said, “Go get into your sleeping bag. You look like you could drop off to sleep at any moment.”

  Taking her advice, I walked to the tent and snuggled into my bag. I must have fallen to sleep right away because I never heard Annie or Elise come in.

  Elise woke me the following morning. “Hey sleepyhead!” she said, nudging my foot with her toe. “I didn’t wake you earlier because I thought you needed the extra sleep. The lecture is going to start soon, so you have to get up.”

  I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

  She burst out laughing. “You should see your hair!”

  My hands shot up to my head. As I feared, my hair was standing on end. Even in the best circumstances, my hair was a challenge. It was fairly short and while there was a lot of it, it was very fine. I hated it. Somewhere between red and brown, it wasn’t even a real color. Grumbling, I dug in my pack and found the baseball cap I kept for just such emergencies, jammed it on my head, and followed her out of the tent.

  Shortly after lunch, I found out why the lecture focused on shelters, indigenous wildlife and first aid. We were going on solo hikes, allowed only a sleeping bag and what we could carry in a daypack. We were to hike a minimum of three miles, find shelter, and return to the cabin by noon tomorrow. I immediately thought of the hill on the far side of the lake.

  I skirted the edge of the lake until the hill loomed ahead of me. Chuckling to myself, I thought, At least I won’t get lost on the return trip. With my camp set up in a small clearing near the top where there was a good view of the lake, I settled in wondering what I should do next.

  I heard noises coming up the hill toward me and somehow managed to cover my elation when I saw Elise walk into the clearing. “Hi. What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I followed you.” She dropped her sleeping bag and took off her daypack. “The summer’s almost over, and I wanted to talk with you, spend some time with you . . . alone.” She blushed and looked at the ground between us.

  “Really?” My heart soared, but my stomach clenched with nervousness.

  Her gaze traveled from my feet, up my legs, pausing at my crotch, then to my breasts and finally to my eyes. “Yes.” Her smile was uncertain, as if she didn’t know what I would do, but the look in her eyes was smoldering, begging me to respond to her.

  Her gaze burned my flesh, heating my skin as it passed over my body. My skin felt tight, as if sunburnt, but so sensitive. My stomach muscles tightened more, my breasts felt heavy, and sweat started to bead between them. I’d never felt so much from just a glance. I had to have more.

  I closed the distance between us, stopping inches from her. Warmth radiated from her body; her skin was flushed. I raised my hand to touch her cheek. Her skin was satin smooth and just as hot as my own.

  Her eyelids fluttered shut as she turned her face into my hand and brushed those perfect pink lips gently against my palm. How could so much sensation be focused on such a small area? My whole body responded to that simple caress. When our bodies touched, her warm hands slid around my waist and up my back, holding me. Our thighs met, and I could feel the jut of her hips and the rise of her small breasts pressing into me. I was thrilled that she was here. Although I was excited that she seemed to want me the way I wanted her, I was uncertain about what to do next when she tucked her forehead in the curve of my neck with a small sigh and rested against me.

  Her action made me feel protective. I wanted her to feel safe. I pulled her quivering body closer, holding her tight and secure against me. Maybe she was as unsure as I? She always came across as being so confident, so sure of what she wanted and ready to go after it. It was that Elise I craved. I desperately hoped what she wanted was me.

  Lifting her head, she looked first at my lips, then into my eyes. The smoldering desire was back in her eyes. Mesmerized by her, I barely heard her whisper, “Please. Please kiss me.”

  I lowered my head and touched her lips with mine. I’d had a lot of fantasies about kissing her, but the reality was much better. Hot, moist, and pressing back, our kiss fanned the embers in my belly. I grazed her lips with my tongue, begging for entry.

  Cupping my face, she tilted it slightly, and finding that perfect angle, opened her mouth to me. I plunged inside of her. Our tongues danced, one sliding over the other at first, tentatively exploring, and then pressed against each other as if dueling for control of the kiss. We broke the kiss to breathe. We had to. Our chests heaving, we stared into one another’s eyes.

  “I’ve never shared a kiss like that, Lou.” Taking the lead, she once again claimed my mouth with hers, gently biting my lower lip before sucking it into her mouth, stroking and soothing with her tongue. I took her tongue deep into my mouth, held and released it and then sucked it deep again. It was delicious, a mutual giveand-take between us that made the fire within me flare through my body.

  I crushed her to me, and when her legs parted slightly, my thigh pressed between them. I stifled her moan with my mouth, and when I felt the damp crotch of her shorts molding to me, my hands moved to cup her ass cheeks, squeezing and pressing her harder against my thigh. The quality of her kisses changed, as if she couldn’t get enough of me, as if she wanted to devour me.

  When she broke our kiss, she leaned back i
n my embrace and opened her eyes. I’d always loved how her eyes changed color with her moods, but I’d never seen this color before . . . darker, more gray than blue, like a storm about to be unleashed. Her lips were fuller, swollen from our kisses, and raspberry in color.

  “Can I stay here with you tonight?” she asked.

  Mind racing, heart thundering, and stomach suddenly churning, I thought, Can she possibly mean what I was thinking she meant? “Elise, are you sure?”

  She didn’t hesitate for a moment, “Yes, I’m sure. I want to . . . stay here with you.”

  Everything was happening so fast. I needed a moment to collect my wits, to think about what to do next. She whimpered when I moved away from her. Taking a step back and a deep breath, I looked at her. “It’s going to be dark soon. Let me set up our camp.” I reached for her sleeping bag to unroll it.

  While I was doing that, Elise unzipped my bag and spread it out over the ground cover. “I have an idea,” she said. “Our bags are about the same size, do you think we could zip them together?” Her intention was unmistakable.

  My breath caught at the thought of our bodies entwined inside of the sleeping bags. “If we can’t zip them, we could just leave them open I guess.”

  Oh my God! Could I do this? Do I know what to do? Have I read enough to pull this off? As if she sensed my hesitation, she flashed a sexy grin at me and helped me to zip her bag together with mine to create a soft, warm nest.

  The sun was about to set, and the sky looked as though it was on fire. The lake reflected the vibrant pinks, reds, oranges and yellows cast from above as we settled on our joined bags. I sat down behind her, wrapping her in a warm embrace. She settled against my chest and took my hands in hers. “This is nice,” she said huskily. “You picked a great spot.”

  The dusk settled around us, the last light of the day waning. Elise took my hands and placed them over her breasts. They fit perfectly in my hands, molding to my palms. My heart rate doubled when I felt hard nipples pushing against my hands. I stroked her small, well-formed breasts through her shirt, and began kissing her neck.

  As if my hands and mouth weakened her, she rested her head against my shoulder, giving me better access to her arched throat. Her pulse quickened as I covered that throbbing spot with my lips and suckled. Her hands clutching my thighs, she gasped when I pinched her nipples between my fingers. Breathing hard, she faced me and leaned in for a kiss. Hot and urgent, our kisses were frequently interrupted with our need to breathe. I wanted her hands on my breasts, but she slowly explored from my waist and over my rib cage until she at last cupped my breasts in her palms. Her fingers played over my hardened nipples, sending a bolt of lightning through me, robbing me of breath and thought.

  She took the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head and off her body. Thunderstruck, I watched as she unhooked her bra and bared herself to me. My mouth watered at the sight of her full bosom and swollen nipples. She rose up on her knees as I pulled her closer, bringing her naked breasts to my eager lips.

  The feel of her flesh changed as my tongue licked over her aureole to the hardened tip. Elise laced her fingers in my hair, pulling me tighter and holding me there. Gaining confidence, I sucked on her nipple, tonguing and nipping at it with my teeth, making it swell even more in my mouth. Arching her back, she pressed even harder against my mouth.

  Groaning, Elise said, “Oh, that feels good. Oh God, so good!”

  Her cries of pleasure urged me on, but when her body trembled in my arms, I left her breast to kiss and lick my way up to her neck. Feeling her racing pulse beneath my lips and hearing her say my name over and over, I thought my head would explode. I’d never felt this way before—amazed and aroused, just wanting to give her pleasure.

  Letting my tongue run the length of her throat to her ear, I took her small lobe into my mouth and sucked it. A light sheen of sweat covered Elise’s face and torso, her eyes were closed and her breath came in shallow gasps. Kissing her as passionately as I knew how, I lowered us onto our soft bed.

  “Take your shirt off, Lou. I want to feel your skin on mine,” Elise commanded.

  Straddling her, I tore my shirt and sports bra off. Elise bit her lip as she smoothed her hands up my body to cup my breasts. The embers of my passion burst into flames as her thumbs toyed with my nipples. She pulled me down to take me into her mouth.

  It was wonderful—her hot wet lips closing over my erect nipple stoked the fire to an inferno, consuming me. My arms shook from the wave of excitement I felt as her hot tongue circled and licked my erect nipples before she sucked them hard. I felt the wetness flow between my legs, felt the electricity course through my body from her explorations as she rolled us over to top me.

  “Elise,” I cried out. “I want you naked. I want us naked together.”

  Scrambling to our feet, we anxiously stripped off our shorts and underwear. As I pulled her panties down her shapely legs, I could smell her arousal; it made me dizzy with want. Shoes and socks dispensed with, I looked up at her. Illuminated by the nearly full moon, she was bathed in a silvery light that enhanced her contours with shadows. My hunger increased tenfold. I had to make her mine.

  Standing, I embraced her, feeling her nakedness press into me, her heat warming my body. I covered her ass with my hands, pulling her closer, and up off her feet. She wrapped her legs around my waist, holding on as I lowered us to the ground. I kissed her, my tongue thrusting deep while my hips pressed her pussy rhythmically, unleashing at last the storm of passion she raised in me.

  Her body moved beneath me, pressing up to meet my hips, inciting me to move faster, with greater urgency. Lifting myself for a better angle, I looked into her eyes. Her desire was blazingly obvious. She wanted me.

  Voice tight and quaking with need, she said, “I want . . . I need more, Lou.” Taking my hand, she guided me to between her legs. She was wet, really wet.

  “Easy, baby. Let’s take this slow,” I said, sliding easily through her wetness before pulling my hand away. I straddled her again, running my wet fingers over my lips and licking them with my tongue, tasting her nectar. Covering her again, I kissed her, sliding my tongue into her mouth. “Can you taste yourself?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “I want to taste you again.”

  “Yes. Please?”

  Yes had become the most beautiful word in the universe to me. The salty tang of her skin was exquisite as I descended. Suckling on her tender earlobe made her body tense beneath me. I kissed and licked my way down her neck to the pulse point at its base and lapped up the small pool of sweat that gathered in the small vee at the base of her throat.

  Holding my head between her hands, she pushed me, guiding my journey to her breast. I wrapped my tongue around her swollen nipple, licking and then trapping it between the roof of my mouth and my tongue while sucking hard.

  “Oh my God!” she said. “I can feel you everywhere when you do that!”

  I chuckled deep in my throat. I guess I did learn something from those books! I took her nipple between my teeth and gently pulled it. Elise’s hips started bucking in time with my pulls and her body quivered. Her reaction made my passion rise to a fevered pitch. I needed to taste her again . . . soon.

  I followed the nicely defined contour of her abs with my lips and tongue. Pulling back momentarily, I could see she was wet, curls glistening. She reached down and opened her cunt for me. I inhaled her scent deeply, then blew gently onto her hardening clit. Her body shuddered again. She cried out, “Lou, please . . . Please, I need you!”

  Lowering my head, I licked her like she was an ice cream cone, using long, slow strokes from the base of her cunt to either side of her swollen clit. Her hips lifted at my every stroke, trying to push her clit into my mouth. Instead, I pushed my tongue in as far as I could inside her.

  “More, Lou! I . . . please, I need more!”

  I thrust two fingers inside of her, and when her hips drove upward, I pressed inside as far as I could.
Hot juices covered my fingers as I fucked her. The walls of her vagina gripped my fingers, urging me deeper yet.

  Feeling her walls start to clench, I stopped pumping her as I took her clit in my mouth once again. Gently taking her distended clit between my teeth, I suckled her as I thrust my fingers upward.

  “Don’t stop! Don’t stop, Lou, Please don’t stop!” she cried out. Her body fluttered, her muscles contracted around my fingers, and then her orgasm radiated through her body. Her back arched, her body convulsed. She cried my name into the night along with her pleasure.

  When Elise stopped trembling and relaxed back onto the ground, I rested my head on her stomach. It took me a moment to realize she was crying. I covered her body with my own and looked into her eyes. “Elise? Are you all right? Did I hurt you?”

  She smiled that sexy grin at me again and said, “No. You were perfect. I knew you would be. I’ve wanted you all summer long. I knew you would be different, so very good. I wanted you to be the one, my first lover.”

  I licked the salty residue of her tears from her face, and then softly kissed her eyelids. Taking my face between her hands, she kissed me so hard my head started to spin. Rolling us over, she straddled my body. She looked confident and sexy. “You said you wanted to go slow,” she said, her voice low and seductive.

  I was already so excited, I knew it wouldn’t take much to make me come. She touched me with featherlight strokes, leaving my skin sensitized and aflame. I could hardly breathe as her mouth ascended the swell of my breast, taking my already painfully erect nipple inside.

  The feel of her wet tongue wrapping around my nipple sent an electric current directly between my legs. Parting my thighs, she settled between my legs, never once stopping her relentless assault on my breasts. I thought my heart would burst from my chest it was beating so hard and fast, and that beat echoed in the throbbing between my legs.

  My hips surged as she pressed her stomach against my center. My wetness coated her belly, perfuming the air around us with my unique essence.


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