Melody Embraced

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Melody Embraced Page 11

by Serena Simpson

  “So beautiful.”

  “You are,” I whispered. There was nothing I could say as awe at his form, as his majesty overwhelmed me. I had seen Lyrek through my human eyes, but now my eyes were combined and I saw him through new eyes. I was multilayered and my byema was showing me what my human eyes couldn’t see. I saw what his king and queen must have seen the day he was born. Lyrek was royalty, I saw the king of the jungle in both his humanoid shape and his sabretooth. I was awed to be given such a sight.

  “I’m still me and all I want is you.”

  It was the perfect thing to say followed by the perfect sentiment. I was all hands touching him allowing my lips and tongue to reach places my hands weren’t. I loved the way he jumped when I took a nipple in my mouth. I pinched the other one wanting him to know he was all mine. Thoughts of tomorrow tried to derail me, but I pushed them all aside. Right this minute was the most important time of my life.

  He pinched one of my nipples pulling on it hard. My hips bucked up looking for friction that wasn’t there.

  “Please Lyrek.” I needed more than he was giving me, more than he had given me in the past.

  “I got you katza, I promised.” His thick leg went between mine spreading them wide even as he crawled down my body kissing and sucking any bit of skin, he had access to.

  “I love the way you taste me.” She leaned up and ran her hands down his back. His ass was there. She always tried to play it off, but she loved a tight ass. If it was solid and well-shaped, she preferred them smaller than bigger. It was the way the globes fit in her hands and let’s not forget a pair of nice pants clinging to it. She used to be embarrassed by it. Her friends would tease as she watched a man walk away. A perfect ass is like God’s gift to women.

  She knew to keep her hands to herself. Before her brain caught up with her actions, she cupped his ass with a caressing hand. Her past boyfriends would panic when she touched theirs, not Lyrek, he moaned harder. How could there be a man more perfect for her?

  He slid down pulling her clit into his mouth for just a moment enough to make her arch and scream with need before he was resting between her legs. His gold eyes were lit with desire as he rubbed his thick cock against her aching pussy.

  “I want in.”

  His voice was guttural making her whole body tremble. She rubbed against him letting her actions answer for her. His hips raised high as he aligned his perfect looking cock with her wet and willing pussy. The first thrust was light, exploratory. She swallowed hard choking on the breath stuck in her throat as he thrust again. The third time he impaled her on his cock. The shock and the pleasure of it almost knocked her over. Her hands clutched at him as she picked up the rhythm. She moved meeting him thrust for thrust. Desperate kisses and caresses that roam each other’s bodies was all we were capable of.

  Inarticulate sounds came from her mouth as he pounded into her. Her heart was racing, while her pussy was pulsing and clenching around him. She didn’t want him to stop, but she needed to find that place of ecstasy he was leading her to.

  It was coming she could feel it as it climbed her spine and made her body beg for more. Still, it took her by surprised when utter joy and satisfaction rolled over her. The tears of joy, love done right, took her apart. She shattered even as she was remade better than before. Her body shook unwilling to give up her orgasm. Then he came, the feel of his seed blasting her into another world of pleasure.

  Finally, when all was done all she could do was lie there. Her final thought was she would kill to have this every day.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jade was in what she considered the sweet spot of life. Her male couldn’t keep his hands off her. They had been holed up in their suite for two weeks except for the occasional runs in their sabretooth forms. Life was good, and she didn’t want it to end, but she knew his people needed him. The government was making demands that Lyrek was ignoring. They also demanded that Jade be brought to them to make sure she wasn’t a prisoner.

  It was too bad that she didn’t trust them. There were too many American prisoners, high profile prisoners across the world and they were worried about someone whose name they didn’t even know. Sorry government, epic fail.

  Everything was left in limbo but tomorrow they would have to come out of seclusion and carry on. Neither of them knew what that meant. Things had changed but how would that affect their day-to-day lives?

  “Maybe I could help at the restaurant.”

  “Maybe.” That sounded too much like a parent telling an enthusiastic six-year-old that they would talk about it later.

  Working at the restaurant had to be better than staying here and doing nothing all day long. She always thought when she got to retire that she would want to sit at home and relax. She was rethinking that little gem now. Going into the office anybody’s office didn’t sit right with her, but she wanted to be active and contribute to society as a whole.

  “Lyrek, explain to me why you are at war with the Hydal.”

  He was in the kitchen making them tea. His skills in the kitchen were not existent, but he decided he needed to learn. So making tea was the first thing she taught him followed by how to make microwave popcorn and not burn it.

  They had advanced to loose leaf tea, and he was showing off his skill. She came in and took a seat at the table.

  “The historian might do a better job of it.” They had discovered that his ship carried one historian. The male was getting a workout with all he was charged to do. Good thing he liked history.

  “Tell me what you know and then we’ll compare notes with Norquay later.”

  “The trouble began in the early days of space exploration. We were a relatively young world to be exploring space. Much like your people we were arrogant with our thought that we were the only sentient beings in the universe. Imagine if you can the first planet, we found that was not only inhabited but had a spaceport with other aliens coming and going.” He handed her tea over before sitting and closing his eyes. A smile took over his lips before he sipped on his tea.

  “I’ve read the report of the captain. I can almost feel his awe in meeting new beings as well as his arrogance that there was no way that they could measure up to us.”

  “I see why you think our races may have something in common.”

  He laughed. “Humans have such a long way to go. I plan to sit back and enjoy the ride. We may be arrogant but we knew enough to keep our heads down. Our planet was well off the beaten path a lot like the earth. In order to get there, you needed to go through a time slip. Which may have been easy if you know how to do it or where it was located. We weren’t giving that kind of information out. The safety of our planet always depended on not knowing where it was located. Then…”

  He stopped talking, the sadness coming back with a vengeance. Jade slipped her hand into his. There was no way to comfort someone after such a big loss but she could show him that she was with him.

  “Our war with the Hydal, it’s become something of an evil fairy tale that was told to children long before they understood they weren’t the only ones alone in the galaxy. Vids were made and people speculated but, in the end, there are very few things we know about it. It started out with a princess like all good fairytales. They say she was Hydal one of the most beautiful women to ever grace the galaxy.

  “One day a Porcoyan of royal blood saw her. Her melody reached out to him. He knew that she was his abraza. They began to see each other and made plans to join their lives together. Our two planets would become one through this union, a union the Hydal king did not want. He planned to marry the princess she was too beautiful to waste on someone who wasn’t Hydal.

  “No one knows what happened next. Both the princess and Porcoyan disappeared. Did they run off together? Did the king have them killed in a fit of jealousy? Were they enslaved? The king blamed us, but we had no reason to harm either of them. That started a war that lasts until today.”

  “I don’t want to be naïve but shouldn’
t there have been a peace treaty by now?”

  “Yes, but you have to want one. The Hydal rejected every treaty we ever tried to sign with them until we stopped trying. They declared it would be us or them but never would we share the galaxy again.”

  “Honestly, I can’t wrap my head around that kind of hatred. These people are heading for earth?”

  “They are, the only question is when will they get here.”

  “Maybe they’ll miss us.” She finished her tea before going to stand on the balcony. The sky above was lit with thousands of stars some of which she now knew held life.

  “Do you miss it? Being out among the stars in the center of it all.”

  “When they forced retirement on me, I fought it. What would I do and where would I do it? I wanted to plan the next battle, claim the next victory. Now I wish I had spent more time enjoying the life and the planet I had. I’ll never get back what I let slip through my fingers.”

  “Enjoy the memories you have. Eventually, that’s all any of us are left with. In the end, they have to be enough.”

  She had never thought about it before, but now with her friends so far away all she had was memories of their girls’ nights in doing ridiculous things and laughing like a hyena’s. In a world of testosterone some days they were what gave her comfort.

  “You’re good for me.” He leaned into her shoulders touching.

  “Of course, I am.”


  “Jade you don’t have to do this.”

  Lyrek told her that the last several days as they prepared for her to go to the informal dinner that was being held in her honor. She didn’t have to do this. He was right, she didn’t. But she knew her government a lot better than he did. If the Hydal weren’t coming, maybe she wouldn’t do it.

  When you want to learn about your potential enemy who did you ask? Not their victims. She ended up going back to where she started all her research in the fiction pile. Lyrek’s ship possessed a big store of it, someone liked to read. She found authors who weren’t Porcoyan and didn’t have trouble with the Hydal.

  Turns out the Hydal are physically beautiful. That was pretty much what Lyrek had told her. Also turned out they used that beauty to help get their way. Manipulation was a way of life for them. They didn’t seem to have a passing acquaintance with honesty. She had a sick feeling that they would promise the people of earth anything to eradicate the Porcoyan’s before they destroyed the earth. She was going to need friends and not the kind that liked to play virtual reality.

  “You looked beautiful.” Lyrek took her hand and kissed. He was practicing his charm.

  “The women are going to love you.” They were going to love him and she would keep an eye out for him. She looked at herself one last time before she nodded her head in approval. She was wearing Lyrek’s house colors which were not the colors of the former royalty. He went with a beautiful royal blue and silver.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I am.” She took his arm and left their suite.

  The ride was fast when your car didn’t need the ground it made getting places that much quicker. She had also found out if it was an emergency, they could use the transporter on the ship. She’d rather not thank you very much.

  “So we won’t be meeting the president?” She asked this more than once but the answer still disturbed her.

  “No. Your president changes too often to be brought in. Why does this bother you?”

  “We have a democratic system of doing things.” The blank look on his face said it all. “I want to think I can always trust the person in charge of my country. The fact that I don’t makes me uncomfortable.”

  “I understand, not everyone is trustworthy no matter how noble or pure their bloodline is.”

  “Yeah, that.”

  The event was being held in some fancy hotel in Washington. On a normal day, in her normal life, they would have laughed her out of this place. Now they were holding doors for her and kissing the back of her hand like she was royalty. Indeed, one day she may be. Today all she wanted was a bottle of Purell to wash her hands in.

  The ballroom was spectacular. It was done in royal blue and silver. A token of respect to the visiting dignitaries. She still had to remember that they were talking about her and Lyrek when they said that. Half the ballroom was space so they could dance later. The other half held tables. She was seated up high on a platform. She wondered if this was how the dolphins at sea world felt. Set apart so everyone could get a good look at them. She was revisiting the urge to stand and give the room a royal wave.

  Lyrek tapped her thigh under that table. Now that they weren’t fighting to keep their urges under control, they had grown closer. He understood her better. That tap was a reminder for her to be good. She almost laughed, but he was right. She was fighting the urge to be normal or to change into an enormous sabretooth.

  “Ms. Steele, may I call you Ms. Steele?” The general who they were waiting for took a seat at the table.

  “General Murray?”


  “Please call me Jade.”

  “It is an honor, Jade.”

  “You’re so charming,” she gave him an airhead laugh as she slid her eyes slowly over him not missing anything. She was about to learn how to play politics.

  “Lyrek dear, allow me to introduce you to General Murray.” She spent the rest of the night listening while she laughed like she didn’t have a care in the world.

  When the dancing started, she danced with anyone who seemed important enough to make decisions where earth and its people were headed. She took a time out while Lyrek danced with a woman who was a little too handsy for her.

  Noticing she was alone she ducked outside for a breath of fresh air.

  “Jade, I’m surprised to find you alone. Your squad of admiring delegates nowhere around and of course your security detail not here.”

  “I assure you security is here.”

  “Yes, I believe you are right.”

  “Still as long as you are not distressed, I don’t think they will rush to your aid.” He walked over to her with slow smooth movements. “I have been wondering since your picture first came across my desk, how you landed a potential king.”

  “Luck, I suppose.” She knew he wasn’t asking her, but she didn’t want him thinking about her at all.

  “I would have said beauty and I would have been right. Now I know there was much more. You have a keen mind one you’ve learned to downplay even as you actively use it. You were president of Miller, Smith, and Co. Poised to take over as CEO when unexpectedly you stepped down. I wonder why?”

  She shrugged. “Sometimes the dream is more fulfilling than the prize.”

  “I too have a dream, Jade. Part of it is not to be invaded by or taken over by a hostile force. Whoever can help me achieve it will be considered a friend.” He bowed and walked away.

  General Murray was no one to be played with. She would remember that.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Jade’s byema wanted to hunt. She spent the night as well as the day explaining to her byema how they didn’t want to go hunting. Mmm didn’t a nice medium well steak sound good. Hell, she was willing to compromise and eat it medium. That sounded so much better than a helpless deer that wouldn’t be any challenge. I mean it’s not like it’s a bear.

  “I agree a helpless deer is no challenge at all.”

  Jade smiled they said her byema wouldn’t bow to her logic.

  “A bear sounds like a challenge. We will hunt one of those.”

  “What no! A bear will kill us.” She showed her pictures of it standing on two legs with huge fangs. It was a slobbering mess looking for a tasty Jade like treat.

  She might have exaggerated her mental picture of the bear.

  “I can’t wait until we access our third form. The fights we will have with the bears. Does this planet have anything larger to go against?”

  Her byema was crazy. Maybe it wasn’t full grown. D
id the Porcoyan’s suffer from mental illness? It was okay she would design a program for them to allow them to live life to the fullness. Maybe it was what happened to a human hybrid.

  Her byema sat back on her huge paws and laughed before saying they were going hunting.

  “Lyrek!” Jade walked through the castle calling his name until she found him. “Talk to her!”


  “My byema.”

  Lyrek was sitting in one of the many living rooms in the castle. He was surrounded by his crew of the ship. It had been a while since she had spoken to Shaytal, or Jaydel. She needed to make more time for the people that were important to him.

  “Hunting sounds terrific.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “That will give our byema’s time to bond in the wild.”

  “The whole world has gone crazy, all without my permission.”

  That’s how she ended up in the woods outside of the perimeter around their city. They owned the area fifty miles around the perimeter so that when they wanted to hunt, there wasn’t a problem. Lyrek told her the area had large as well as small prey. They did have children with them.

  She stretched her body, her claws flexed pushing out of their protective sheaths before retreating. Damn if only she could do that with her fingernails. Her byema gloated. Being long instead of tall took some getting used to. She shook her body feeling her fur fly free for a moment. This was the life, or it was a different life. One she liked more each day.

  Lyrek had ceded the hunt over to her. If he smelled prey before she did, he would wait until necessary to tell her. The fact that she was so silent when she walked still shocked her. How big was she? Four hundred pounds at least? She moved like she weighed nothing.


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