The Supplicant

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The Supplicant Page 11

by Carolyn Faulkner

  "Wow. Yeah, it's been a while for me, too, but I thought it might be nice."

  Just as he said it, the lights were lowered, and invisible speakers began to play music from their youth, everything from Saturday Night Fever to Nirvana, and Arden was pleasantly surprised to see that he was a very good dancer.

  After a bit of a break to recover—which she needed much more than he did—the music changed again and became a waltz. To her surprise, he bowed low to her, holding out his arm. "May I have this dance, madam?"

  "I-I don't know how to waltz."

  But Loch just grinned. "Just follow my lead."

  He was a marvelous teacher, and she caught on very quickly because of it, adoring the way it felt to be in his arms like this—so differently from how she had been before this—being whirled around the floor to the very beautiful music.

  After several waltzes in a row, he guided her back to their table again, where candles had been placed on and around it, the lights lowered even further, creating a very intimate atmosphere.

  He pulled out her chair for her, then took his, moving it closer to her, so that their knees bumped under the table. She didn't know why that made her giggle nervously, considering that they'd done quite a bit more than that during their time together, but this—this was so different and unusual and lovely that it made her feel coquettish and girlish, as if they were on their first date.

  "I wanted to thank you, Arden, for coming out with me tonight."

  She grinned. "Well, you still do have me for the night."

  "No, I don't think I do."

  Her eyes widened.

  "I want to thank you, too, for forgiving me my faux pas—the times I handled you badly."

  She wasn't at all sure what to say to that, so she didn't say anything.

  "And for, well, for agreeing to this weird, unusual, awkward thing in the first place. You must've been so outraged at me that I was so eager to cast you in the role of a courtesan when you were—are—still so deeply in love with your husband. I'm amazed you didn't just slap me across the fact and tell me to go fuck myself."

  Arden chuckled. "I needed the money, and as the ever-helpful Sylvia kept pointing out, I'm no virgin and had the hots for you already, anyway."

  He looked stunned. "You did?"

  Loch watched her color rise, even after all this time and all of the things he'd done to her. "Yes, although I couldn't admit it at that point, of course. I, well, I had put myself on the shelf, you know? I thought that part of my life was over when he died, that I'd just shrivel up and wait to die, pruney and sexless."

  "It would have been a crime for you to have done so."

  "You apparently thought so."

  "And I was right, as usual."

  Arden swatted him playfully.

  "But I was also wrong about so many things."

  That admission surprised her, but before she could question him about it, he handed her a small envelope. "Open it."

  When she did, she found some sort of confetti in there, which she poured out onto the table in front of her.

  "What's this?"

  Loch wasn't looking at her, for once. Instead, he was looking at the plate—almost stricken, as if he just realized he'd done something unutterably stupid.

  Then he cleared his throat and answered her question. "It's our agreement. You said that I had you for one more night, but I don't. I tore it up. You are free to leave right this moment, if you would like, and you need never see me again. But if you stay, I want it to be because you want to be with me, not because of any leftover sense of obligation you might feel towards me."

  "I-I can go?" she asked, incredulous.

  "Yes. My driver is downstairs, and he'll take you anywhere you want to go. I won't call you or bother you ever again."

  "I-is that what y-you want me to do?"

  He caught her eye, and all of the air rushed out of her lungs as he reached into his suit coat again and produced a small blue box, which he placed in front of her, on top of the scraps of their past, but he didn't bother to answer her directly.

  With trembling fingers, Arden reached for the box and opened it.

  "Sylvia told me you liked simple, princess cut rings in yellow gold. I picked the heart shape myself."

  Arden looked down at the ring, feeling faint, then up at Loch, who looked as if he was carved in stone. "What—what does this mean, Loch?" Her words were soft and tremulous, her hand extended out to him tentatively.

  Loch reached out and captured it, bringing it to his lips then pressing her palm to his cheek and sighing, as if he was in Heaven from her touch, before lacing his fingers through hers and holding them on his knee.

  His eyes locked onto hers. "It means I don't want a stupid agreement with you anymore. I want you to be with me because you like me and want to be with me, because I like you and want to be with you. I want a real, actual relationship—I want the ultimate one, because I want you to marry me."

  Arden could barely believe what she was hearing.

  "I-I don't know if I'll ever be able to say—it—the actual words to you—out loud, like a normal person—but I promise I'll show you in every possible way I can, for the rest of my life, just how much you mean to me—oof!"

  "Oh, yes, Loch, I love you, too!" She launched herself at him like a rocket, landing in his lap and hugging him so tightly and for such a long time that her arms began to hurt.

  Then she moved a bit away, although he wouldn't allow her to go far. "Don't worry about the words. They'll come, eventually." She bit her lip and looked back up at him a bit tentatively, as if she couldn't believe her good fortune. "You're sure, though?"

  Loch squeezed her tight. "Absolutely."

  "When did you know?"

  "Oh, much earlier on than I was willing to admit. You know me."

  Arden settled onto his lap. "You were not alone in that. I certainly didn't want to fall in love with someone who wasn't interested in returning that feeling. Hell, I didn't even think you liked me much, except…" she blushed "…you know, as a-a playmate."

  "Well, I certainly do like you as that."

  He kissed her, gently, tenderly, the touch of his hands more tempered than they ever had been, as if he was afraid of breaking her.

  "Oooh, put it on, put it on!" she squealed, handing him the ring.

  "And if you think I've ever forgotten about how I feel about you, you can just show me the inside of your ring. It's written right there."

  And so it was.

  It fit her perfectly, of course.

  "It's just beautiful, Loch. Thank you!"

  "You're welcome." He adored making her happy and enjoyed watching her admire the ring, until he suddenly thought of something and stood up, nearly dumping her onto the floor. "Oh, crap! We have somewhere to be!"

  "We do?"

  He saved her from hitting the floor, barely, and hurried her along, out of their suite to the next door down, where they stood outside and knocked.

  The door was flung open by none other than Sylvia herself, who was there with Vi, and Thomas and his wife. They had all been anxiously awaiting their arrival.

  Loch attempted to make introductions, but Sylvia was way ahead of him. She focused in on that ring within a matter of about ten seconds, screaming, "She said yes!" and grabbing her friend's hand to inspect it so closely that Arden expected her to pull out a jeweler's loop any minute.

  "Hey, it's mine!" she said, pulling it out of Syl's greedy grasp.

  "Hi, I'm Marie, Tom's wife. It's a gorgeous ring! Tell us all about how he proposed!"

  But Arden was amazed that they were all here. "Did you all know that he was going to do this?"

  They looked at each other. "I think so, yeah," they all agreed.

  "He asked me about what kind of ring you liked a couple of weekends ago. I didn't know your size, so I used my key and rifled through your jewelry box."

  "Sylvia!" Arden chided, but she could hardly be mad at her, since her friend was only trying to he

  "And he asked me to officiate, so I knew, and I told my wife, of course."

  "I didn't know!" Vi piped up, and Arden sank to her knees before her. "I'm sorry, pumpkin! You should have been the first to know, huh?"

  Vi nodded wisely in agreement.

  Loch brought her over a glass of champagne, and they were toasted by their friends, who were, largely, already toasted themselves.

  As if enough surprises hadn't happened already this evening, Loch looked purposefully at Thomas. "Hey, old man, you're a J.O.P., aren't you?"

  "I am."

  "And might you have all of the paperwork necessary to marry us at hand?"

  The revelry stopped, dead, at that question as Thomas grinned ear to ear.

  "I might. What about the license?" Thomas asked, producing one as if he was doing a magic trick.

  Loch wandered over to his fiancé. "So, Arden, my love, what do you say?"

  She bit her lip hesitantly, and he was instantly terrified that she was going to say no. "Loch," she whispered.

  "What?" he whispered, leaning down to her.

  "You just called me 'my love'!"

  He caught her up to him and kissed her deeply, while their so-called friends pelted him and smacked him.

  "There'll be enough time for that later—there are children present!"

  "But I don't have a dress or flowers or anything like that!"

  Loch tipped her chin up so that their eyes met. "You are more than enough for me, Arden, my love."

  Everyone aw'd loudly at that, Arden included.

  "Well, then, I guess we're getting married!" she agreed to very loud cheering.

  It was about six months later—six wonderful, funny, passionate, and in some cases, painful—for her—months. They were in the midst of their month-long honeymoon on an exclusive island in the Pacific, when her husband leaned over to her, in the hammock they shared that was being gently rocked by the soft ocean breeze, and whispered into her ear, "I will never, ever be able to show you how much better you've made my life just by your mere presence in it."

  Although he had quickly taken to saying things like that to her soon after they were married, she had a feeling that he was saying them because he felt a bit guilty that he couldn't quite get those three words out yet. Not that it bothered her in the least, and she always tried her best to reassure him that she knew how he felt about her. Everything he did—even the punishments, which were just that much more acute because of their newfound feelings for each other—showed her in some way that he loved her.

  She blushed—as she thought she probably always would. "You don't have to say that to me, Loch."

  "Yes, I do. I spent my lifetime avoiding feeling things like that and saying things like that to people who deserved to hear it, and you are chief among them, so shut up and enjoy it." He smacked a kiss onto the tip of her nose to emphasize his point. "And you know what else?"

  "What?" she asked, rolling towards him.

  Loch pressed his forehead to hers and looked into her eyes. "I love you, Mrs. Frazier."

  * * *

  The End

  Carolyn Faulkner

  The words “spanking” and “discipline” have always sent a shiver up Carolyn Faulkner's spine. She knows she's not alone.

  Writing started as a way to explore her feelings. Soon short stories flowed from her pen featuring reluctant heroes taking the leading lady in hand, but always for her own good.

  Today Carolyn is the author of dozens of books. She writes from her home in Maine, where she lives with her husband and leading man.

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  You can read an interview with Carolyn here:

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  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Carolyn Faulkner and Blushing Books!

  * * *

  Series books

  The Alpha’s Woman Series

  The Alpha’s Woman

  Kosh’s Omega

  * * *

  Adored series

  Adored, Book 1

  Tessa’s Wedding, Book2

  * * *

  The Red Petticoat Saloon Series

  Grading Garnet

  * * *

  Thornton Brothers Trilogy

  AJ’s Hope

  Beau’s Desire

  Cade’s Wish

  Thornton Brothers, Three-Book Set

  * * *

  Taken as His Trilogy



  * * *

  Priceless Love Series

  Priceless, Book 1

  Love’s Possession, Book 2

  Dangerous Love, Book 3

  * * *

  Mistress Mommy Series

  Alicia, Book One

  * * *

  Little Miss Series

  His Little Miss

  Little Francesca

  * * *

  Vlad, the Vampire Series

  Tears of a Vampire

  Vlad’s Story

  Two-Book Set

  * * *

  Single Titles

  Ready for Love

  Make Me Yours

  A Most Unsuitable Mate


  On the Razor’s Edge of Paradise

  Only Her

  The Power of Love

  Forever in Love

  Under the Cover of Love

  Never Say Never

  Man and Wife

  The Sister and the Sinner

  Amanda and the Stable Master


  The Banished King

  Northern Belle

  The Cherished One

  Forever Wife

  Grace’s Demon

  Beauty’s Beast

  Captured by the Count

  Male Order Bride


  Packed: The Enforcer

  Submissive Love

  A Heart Full of Heaven

  Daddy’s Girl

  To Love a Man

  Etta’s Surrender

  Her Secret Submission

  Make Me

  Let Me In

  'Til Death Do Us Part

  Promises Kept

  The Obedient Wife

  Old enough to Know Better

  To Trust Her Heart

  Naughty Girls: Brynn and Kim

  After Hours: A Medical BDSM fantasy

  Droit de Seigneur

  Dutch and the Cowboy

  Under the Lash

  The Rogue and the Rose

  Submissive Bride

  The Unrequited Dom

  Three’s Company

  The Reluctant Bride



  Attentions Throbbing

  Submissive Desires


  A Hard Man is Good to Find

  The Spoils of War

  Gilded Cage

  Second Chances

  Patriot Bride

  The Boss of Her

  Forever and Always



  Jake Ryan’s Woman

  Soulmates: Backside of Love

  A Good Man

  Depths of Desire

  The Substitute Wife

  Princess Slave

  Against Her Will

  Body and Soul

  Two True Loves

  Captured by Time (w/ Alta Hensley)

  A New Forever (w/ Alta Hensley)

  Under the Cover of Love

  Her Guardian Don

  Her Knight in Faded Denim

  The Rod of Correction: Taken and Tamed

  Taken by Force

  Skye’s Submission

  Sheik’s Desire

  Reject Ranch


  Generation Stables

  The MacNaughton Bride

  More Than a Man

  Man of Her Dreams

  Love Will Find a Way

  Fools Rush In

  Everything Gained

  Blood From
a Stone

  Angel of Sudden Hill

  All of Her

  A Piece of Heaven

  Grace’s Demon


  The Centurion


  The Little Miss

  The Gentleman Dom

  The Supplicant

  * * *

  Holiday Stories

  A Holiday to Remember

  Griff’s Christmas Angel

  All Hallow’s Eve

  * * *


  Blushing Cheeks Vol. 1

  Love of a Cowboy, Vol. 1

  The Dark Forest

  Thornton Brothers: 3-Book Collection

  Bound by Love: A Carolyn Faulkner Trilogy

  * * *


  Rod of Correction: Taken and Tamed

  Sky’s Submission

  Generation Stables

  Spoils of War

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